A connection between Similarity Logic Programming and Gödel Modal Logic Luciano Blandi Dept. Matematica & Informatica University of Salerno 84084 Fisciano (Salerno) ITALY lblandi@unisa.it Lluis Godo Institut d’Investigació en intel·ligència Artificial Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ccientificas Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain godo@iiia.csic.es Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez Dpto. de Computación Fac. Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina ricardo@dc.uba.ar Overview Two approaches to Similarity-based Approximate Reasoning: I. Extended Logic Programming II. Extended Modal Logic Correspondences between the two approaches Similarity relation (*) Definition A Similarity on a domain U is a fuzzy subset R: U×U[0,1] of U×U such that the following properties hold: i) R(x, x) = 1 for any x є U (reflexivity) ii) R(x, y) = R(y, x) for any x, y є U (symmetry) iii) R(x, z) R(x, y) * R(y, z) for any x, y, z є U (transitivity) where * : [0,1] × [0,1] [0,1] is a t-norm We say that R is strict if the following implication is also verified iv) R(x, z) = 1 x = z (*) L. Valverde, “On the structure of F-indistinguishability operators”. Fuzzy Sets Syst 1985;17:313–328. I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm Similarity-based SLD Resolution ● SLD Resolution inferential engine as model of logic deduction ● Similarity relation embedded in the SLD Resolution model as approach to the approximate reasoning (*) M.I. Sessa, “Approximate Reasoning by Similarity-based SLD Resolution.”, Theoretical Computer Science, 275 (2002) 389-426. I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm SLD Resolution: an example Goal: meeting(‘Data Mining’, date(D, M,Y)) MATCH Program: meeting(X, date(D, M,Y)) X = ‘Data Mining’ conference(X, date(D, M, Y)). conference(Information Retrieval’, date(22, 6, 2000)). conference('Neural Network', date(17, 9, 2000)). conference('Artificial Intelligence', date(10, 1, 2002)). conference('Data Mining', date(12, 5, 2001)). conference('Data Discovery', date(22, 9, 2001)). Solutions: meeting(‘Data Mining’, date(12, 5, 2001)) I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm Similarity-based SLD Resolution: an example Goal: conference(‘Data Mining’, date(D, M,Y)) Program: conference(‘Information Retrieval’, date(22, 6, 2000)). R(‘Data Mining’,‘Information Retrieval’) = 0.6 > 0 conference('Neural Network', date(17, 9, 2000)). conference('Artificial Intelligence', date(10, 1, 2002)). conference('Data Mining', date(12, 5, 2001)). R(‘Data Mining’,‘Data Mining’) = 1 > 0 conference('Data Discovery', date(22, 9, 2001)). R(‘Data Mining’, ‘Data Discovery’) = 0.4 > 0 Solutions: Approximation degree: conference(‘Data Mining’, date(22, 6, 2000)) = 0.6 conference(‘Data Mining’, date(12, 5, 2001)) =1 conference(‘Data Mining’, date(22, 9, 2001)) = 0.4 exact solution I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm Similarity-based SLD Resolution To determine the computed answer substitutions by means similarity-based SLD derivation G0 C1,1,U1 G1 … Cm,m,Um Gm … Approximation degree associated to the computed answer = min{U1, U2, …, Uk} I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm Weak Unification Algorithm (*) Given two atoms A = p(s1,... , sn) and B = q(t1,... , tn) of the same arity with no common variables to be unified, construct the associated set of equation W = {p = q, s1 = t1, ... , sn = tn}. If R(p,q) = 0, halts with failure, otherwise, set U = R(p, q) and W = W-{p=q}. Until the current set of equation W does not change, non deterministically choose from W an equation of a form below and perform the associated action. (1) f(s1, ..., sn) = g(t1, ...,tn) where R(f, g) > 0: replace by the equations s1=t1, ..., sn=tn, and set U = min{U, R(f, g)}; (2) f(s1,... , sn) = g(t1,... , tm) where R(f, g) = 0: halts with failure; (3) x = x: delete the equation; (4) t = x where t is not a variable; replace by the equation x = t; (5) x = t where x t and x has another occurrence in the set of equations: if x appears in t then halt with failure, otherwise perform the substitution {x/t} in every other equations. R.K. Apt, “Logic Programming”, in: J. van Leeuwen (Ed.), Haridbook of Theoretical Computer Science, vol. B, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990) 492-574. (*) M.I. Sessa, “Approximate Reasoning by Similarity-based SLD Resolution.”, Theoretical Computer Science, 275 (2002) 389-426. I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm An extended Prolog system (*) meeting(‘Data Mining’, date(D, M,Y)) meeting(X, date(D, M,Y)) :conference(X, date(D, M, Y)), check(D,M,Y,Agenda). … conference(‘Information Retrieval', date(12, 5, 01)). conference('Neural Network', date(17, 9, 00)). conference('Artificial Intelligence', date(10, 1, 02)). conference('Data Mining', date(12, 5, 01)). conference('Data Discovery', date(22, 9, 01)). Weak Solutions: meeting('Data Mining',date(12, 5,01)) (=0.4) meeting('Data Mining', date(22, 9, 01)) (=0.8) check(D,M,Y,Agenda) :- ….. … Exact Solutions: Weak Solutions: meeting('Data Mining',date(12, 5, 01)) ( =0.4) meeting('Data Mining',date(12,5,01)) meeting('Data Mining', date(22, 9, 01)) (=0.8) Exact Solution: meeting('Data Mining',date(12,5,2001)) (*) V. Loia, S. Senatore, M.I. Sessa, Similarity-based SLD Resolution and its implementation in an Extended Prolog System, Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2001, Melbourne, Australia. I. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Logic Programming paradigm Similarity interface of Silog II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic RGS5◊: The rational Gödel similarity-based S5 modal logic Language : Set of the symbols of propositional constant: Const = {p1, p2, …} Logic connectives: (conjunction), (implication) Modal operator: (approximation) Truth-constants: r for each r [0, 1] Axioms: Axioms(BL) + {G} + {Bookkeeping axioms} + {Approximation axioms} Inference rules: From and infer From infer II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic BL: The basic many-valued propositional logic Language: Set of the symbols of propositional constant: Const = {p1, p2, …} Logic connectives: (strong conjunction), (implication) 0 Truth-constant: Axioms: (A1) () (()()) (A2) () (A3) () () (A4) (()) (()) (A5a) (()) (()) (A5b) (()) (()) (A6) (()) ((())) (A7) 0 Inference rule Modus ponens: From and infer II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic Extended BL with rationals Language: Language(BL) + { r for each r Axioms: [0, 1] } Axioms(BL) + {Book-keeping axioms} Book-keeping axioms: r & s r *s r s r * s Inference rule: Modus ponens: From and infer Notation: (, r) is ( r ) Derived inference rule: From (, r) and ( , s) infer (, r * s) II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic RGL: Rational Gödel Logic Language: Language(BL) + { r for each r [0, 1] } Axioms: Axioms(BL) + {Book-keeping axioms} + {G} Axiom G: ( & ) Inference rule: Modus ponens: From and infer Remark: Axioms(G) = Axioms (BL) + {G} II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic RGS5◊: The rational Gödel similarity-based S5 modal logic Language: Language(RGL) + { (approximation modal operator) } Axioms: Axioms(RGL) + {Approximation axioms} Approximation axioms: D◊: ◊( ) (◊ ◊) T◊: ◊ 4◊: ◊◊ ◊ R1: r ◊r Inference rules: From and infer From infer F◊: ¬◊0 Z◊+ : ◊¬¬ ¬¬◊ B◊: ¬◊¬◊ R2: r ◊ ◊( r ) II. Approximate reasoning by extension of the Modal Logic Many-valued similarity-based Kripke models M=W, S, e W is a set of possible worlds S: W × W [0, 1 ] is a similarity relation on W e: Const × W [0, 1 ] represents an evaluation assigning to each atomic formula pi Const and each interpretation w W a truth value e(pi, w) [0, 1] of pi in w. e is extended to formulas by defining e( , w) = min{e(, w), e(, w)} e( , w) = e(, w) G e(, w) e( r , w) = r for all r [0, 1] e(◊, w) = supw’W min{S(w, w’), e(, w’)} Correspondences between the two approaches (1) Let R : Const × Const [0, 1] be a similarity relation on Const. Let P = Facts Rules L be a logic program Define a mapping * : L LG by (q p1, . . . , pn)* = p1 pn q (p1, . . . , pn)* = p1 pn Then, we can define Rules* = {* | Rules} Crisp = {p ¬p | p Const} Sim = { R(p, q) ((p q) (q p)) | p, q Const} and the following theory in the language LG P = Facts Rules* Crisp Sim Correspondences between the two approaches (2) Sim = { R(p, q) ((p q) (q p)) | p, q Const} IS (p | q) sup w W: e(q, w)1 sup S(w, w' ) (*) w' W: e(p, w') 1 In RGS5◊, IS (p | q) q p We note that IS(p | p) = 1 (reflexivity) IS(r | q) min{IS(r | p), IS(p | q)} (min-transitivity) RS(p, q) = min{IS(p |q), IS(q | p)} is a min-similarity (*) E.H. Ruspini, “On the semantics of fuzzy logic”, in: Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 5, 1991, pp. 45-88. Correspondences between the two approaches (3) Proposition Let R : Const × Const [0, 1] be a similarity relation, P = Rules Facts a definite program on a propositional language L and q’ a goal.. If there exists a similarity-based SLD refutation with approximation degree for P { q’} D = G0 C1,1 G1 · · · Ck−1,k−1 Gk−1 Ck,k ⊥ where G0 = q’ and = min{1, . . . , k}, then P◊ ⊢S α ◊q’ Conclusions and related works We have shown and put into relation two approaches to Similarity-based Approximate Reasoning: I. Framework: Extended Logic Programming Tool: Similarity-based SLD Resolution (Similarity relation defined on symbols of the language) II. Framework: Many-valued Rational Gödel Modal Logic Tool: Similarity relation as accessibility relation (Similarity relation defined on possible worlds) Future tasks: To prove the full relationship among the two approaches To prove the relative counterpart for predicate languages. To study possible links with respect to other approaches to similarity-based reasoning