....................................................... 2015-2016 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI 6. SINIFLAR ÜNİTELENDİRİLMİŞ YILLIK DERS PLANI (1. DÖNEM) TIME (SÜRE) 05-09 OCTOBER 28 SEPT.-02 OCT. MONTH (AY) WEEK (HAFTA) 1 HOUR (SAAT) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF VE KAZANIMLAR) NATIONAL DAYS Unit 1 : After School Listening • Students will be able to recognize phrases, words, and expressions related to actions people do regularly. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask what other people do regularly and respond to questions about the actions they do regularly. Spoken Production • Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their regular actions. • Students will be able to tell the time and days. Reading • Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly. Intercultural Awareness • Learners will be able to identify traditional dances from other countries. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to say when they don’t understand and ask for clarification. 3 Describing what people do regularly 2 3 Making simple inquiries Telling the time, days and dates 12-16 OCTOBER TOPICS (KONULAR) LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS/METHODS (YÖNTEM VE TEKNİKLER) 3 3 MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİARAÇ VE GEREÇLER) EVALUATION (DEĞERLENDİRME) Texts Charts Conversations Illustrations Lists Posters Songs Activities Chants and Songs Flashcards Games Labeling Listening Matching Questions and Answers Real Life Tasks Reordering Projects • Students prepare a poster showing what their favorite singer/ actor/sports figure does after work. • Students conduct a survey about their classmates’ favorite after-school activities and prepare a poster. Dossier • Students start filling in the European Lan-guage Portfolio 19 – 23 OCTOBER 26-30 OCTOBER 4 3 29th October Atatürk, the founder of Turkish Republic (29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı) Accepting and refusing 5 3 Describing what people do regularly 02-06 NOVEMBER Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries 1 3 Unit 2: Yummy Breakfast Listening • Students will be able to identify the names of different food items when listening to a conversation. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people about their food preferences at breakfast. Spoken Production • Students will be able to express their opinions about the food they like and don’t like. Reading • Students will be able to understand short, simple, written texts about predictable,everyday matters such as food and personal opinions. • Students will be able to read the label of a food product. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able toindicate that they don’t understand using simple expressions. Intercultural Awareness • Students will become familiar with breakfast habits of different cultures. • Students will become familiar with expressions used at the beginning or end of meals in different languages. Projects Texts Conversations Illustrations Lists Menus Poems Tables Activities Arts and Crafts Drama/Miming Labeling Puppets Questions and Answers Speaking • Students prepare a poster that shows and categorizes different food items and drinks that they have at breakfast. • Students work in pairs or individually and prepare a short video or role play of themselves talking about the foods they like and don’t like. • Students work in groups and create an imaginary creature. They decide the foods that the creature likes and doesn’t like. They will draw a picture of it and the foods it eats and label them. 09-13 NOVEMBER 16-20 NOVEMBER 2 3 10th November, The anniversary of Atatürk’s passing away 3 3 (10 Kasım Atatürk’ü Anma Günü ve Atatürk Haftası) Describing places Describing what people are doing now Making comparisons 23-27 NOVEMBER Making simple inquiries 4 3 Unit 3 : A Day In My City Listening • Students will be able to identify expressions and phrases related to present events. • Students will be able to pick up the expressions used while comparing things in a dialogue. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people questions about what they are doing at the moment. • Students will be able to ask people to compare things. Spoken Production • Students will be able to describe people doing different actions. • Students will be able to make comparisons between two things. Reading • Students will be able to read visually supported, short, simple, written statements. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to use mimes and gestures to explain a word. FIRST WRITTEN EXAM Projects Texts Conversations Illustrations Signs Songs Activities Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Games Labeling Listening Matching Question and Answers Real-life Tasks Speaking • Students take/draw a picture of their street/ neighborhood in the morning and describe what everyone is doing (they can use professions as well). • Students draw/use a map of the world/ their home country. They imagine that they visit three cities on the map and place their pictures on these cities. In speech bubbles, they write what they are doing there. • Students prepare a poster comparing their hometown and another city in their country. 30 NOV.-04 DEC. 07-11 DECEMBER 1 Listening • Students will be able to pick up the essential information in short recorded passages about weather conditions. 3 Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people about the weather. Describing places 2 3 Describing the weather Expressing feelings 21-25 DECEMBER 14-18 DECEMBER Making simple inquiries 3 4 3 3 Unit 4 : Weather and Emotions Spoken Production • Students will be able to talk about and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements about everyday matters (i.e., weather and emotions). Reading • Students will be able to understand short, simple written texts about predictable everyday matters such as emotions and weather. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to say when they don’t understand and ask forrepetition. Projects Texts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Maps Postcards Stories Activities Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Games Listening Speaking • Students prepare a weather forecast and support it with visuals. • Students create their own weather forecast film. They prepare a map of a weather forecast for their home country/the world and film themselves talking about it. • Students prepare a weather forecast poster and compare the weather conditions in different cities. 28 DEC. -01 JAN. 04-08 JANUARY 5 3 01 January New Year 1 3 (1 Ocak 2015 Yılbaşı) Describing places 11-15 JANUARY Expressing feelings Expressing likes and dislikes 2 3 Making comparisons 18-22 JANUARY Stating personal opinions 3 3 Unit 5 : At The Fair Listening • Students will be able to recognize the words related to the expression of emotions/feelings. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people and express their feelings and opinions about places and things. Spoken Production • Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their feelings personal opinions about places and things. Reading • Students will be able to read short information on a poster about a certain place. • Students will be able recognize phrases on signs encountered in everyday life. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to say when they don’t understand. THE END OF THE FIRST TERM Texts Advertisements Conversations Illustrations Poems Posters Signs Songs Activities Chants and Songs Flashcards Labeling Listening Matching Speaking SECOND WRITTEN EXAM Projects • Students write a slogan/advertisement for a ride at a fair. • Students draw a picture of their friends at a fair and write how they feel. ....................................................... 2015-2016 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI 6. SINIFLAR ÜNİTELENDİRİLMİŞ YILLIK DERS PLANI (2. DÖNEM) TIME (SÜRE) MONTH WEEK HOUR (AY) (HAFTA) (SAAT) FUNCTIONS (HEDEF VE KAZANIMLAR) NATIONAL DAYS TOPICS (KONULAR) LANGUAGE TASKS AND STUDY SKILLS/METHODS (YÖNTEM VE TEKNİKLER) MATERIALS (KULLANILAN EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİARAÇ VE GEREÇLER) EVALUATION (DEĞERLENDİRME) 08-12 FEBRUARY Listening 2 • Students will be able to listen to and identify the holiday activities they hear. 3 Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask and answer about what they did on their holidays. 22-26 FEBRUARY 15-19 FEBRUARY Making simple inquiries 3 3 Stating personal opinions Talking about past events Unit 6 : Vacation Spoken Production • Students will be able to tell what they and/or some-body else did on holiday. • Students will be able to describe past activities and personal experiences. Reading • Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions related to past activities. 4 3 Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to ask people to repeat when they don’t understand. Texts Advertisements Conversations Picture Dictionaries Postcards Posters Stories Activities Arts and Crafts Communicative Tasks Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Flashcards Games Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Reordering Story-telling Projects • Students prepare a postcard and write about what they did on their holiday. • Students prepare a pamphlet showing different places for different holiday activi-ties in their country. • Students imagine that they visited another planet and pre-pare a poster showing what activities they did there. They present it in class. 29 FEB. 04 MARCH 7-11 MARCH 1 3 18th March The Remembrance of Çanakkale Martyrs (18 Mart Şehitleri Anma Günü ve Çanakkale Deniz Zaferi) Describing what people do regularly 2 3 Expressing ability and inability Making simple inquiries 14-18 MARCH Naming the days 3 3 Telling the time, days and dates Unit 7 : Occupation Listening • Students will be able to recognize familiar words and simple phrases concerning people’s occupations if spoken slowly and clearly. • Students will be able to recognize the of the week dates. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to give dates and ask question about people’s occupations Spoken Production • Students will be able to use simple phrases and sentences to describe occupations. • Students will be able to give the date. Reading • Students will be able to understand familiar words and very simple sentences about occupations. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to use mime and gestures to explain a word. Projects • Students find out the occupations of their Conversations family members and Stories draw and write what Illustrations they do. • Students work in groups, do some Inter-net Activities research, and find Arts and Crafts three “unusual/origiDrama/Miming nal/new jobs.” They Games prepare posters and Puppets present them in class. Questions and Answers • Students prepare Role-play and a poster and present Simulations (some of) their rela-tives’ TPR occupations and the dates when they started them Texts 21-25 MARCH 4 3 28 MAR. –O1 APR. Describing what people are doing now Expressing quantity 5 3 Making simple inquiries Talking about locations of things 04-08 APRIL Talking about past events 1 3 Unit 8 : Detectives at Work Listening • Students will be able to listen and locate objects. • Students will be able to get the main idea when people describe what people are doing at the moment. • Students will be able to recognize numbers up to one million. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people about their location. • Students will be able to ask people what they are doing. Spoken Production • Students will be able to describe the locations of people and things. • Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple sentences to describe present events. • Students will be able to recite numbers up to one million. Reading • Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions about past activities. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to ask for help. Texts Captions Cartoons Conversations Illustrations Stories Activities Drama/Miming Games Listening Question and Answer Speaking Story-telling TPR FIRST WRITTEN EXAM Projects • Students find pictures of people who need binoculars and/or magnifiers, such as detectives, old people, etc. They also draw and report what the people are loking at. • Students become language detectives. They take photos of English words they see around them and prepare a poster. 11-15 APRIL 2 3 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day 18-22 APRIL (23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı) 1st May International Workers’ Day 3 3 (1 Mayıs Emek ve Dayanışma Günü) 25-29 APRIL Describing what people are doing now Giving & responding to simple instructions 4 3 Making simple inquiries 02-06 MAY Making simple suggestions 1 3 Telling someone what to do Unit 9 : Saving The Planet Listening • Students will be able to identify appropriate behavior to save energy and to protect the environment. • Students will be able understand suggestions related to the protection of the environment when articulated in clear, slow, and repeated speech. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to ask people questions about what they are doing and tell them what to do. Spoken Production • Students will be able to tell people what to do to protect the environment. • Students will be able to use simple phrases and sentences to tell people what to do. Reading • Students will be able to recognize familiar words and very simple phrases on simple notices in the most common, everyday situations Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to say when they do not understand. • Students will be able to use mime and gestures to explain a word or phrase. Texts Conversations Illustrations Notes and Messages Posters Signs Activities Drama/Miming Drawing and Coloring Labeling Listening Matching Puppets Real-life Tasks TPR Projects • Students prepare slogans/notes/posters about saving energy at school and hang them on the walls. • Students plant a seed and observe its growth. They keep a journal to narrate its growth. • Students work in groups or individually and create a short video or drama play titled “How to Save the World: Do’s & Don’ts.” 09-13 MAY 2 3 16-20 MAY 19th May Youth and Sports Day (19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı) 3 3 Giving & responding to simple instructions 23-27 MAY Making simple inquiries 4 3 Talking about past events 30 MAY -03 JUN. Talking about what people do regularly 1 3 Unit 10 : Democracy Listening • Students will be able to recognize some key features related to the concept of democracy. Spoken Interaction • Students will be able to talk about what to do when selecting their classroom president. Spoken Production • Students will be able to give short descriptions of past and present events. • Students will be able to talk about and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements related to the concept of democracy (i.e., class elections). Reading • Students will be able to recognize familiar words and very simple phrases related to the concept of democracy. Compensation Strategies • Students will be able to ask for repetition when they don’t understand. Intercultural Awareness • Students will increase their awareness of the princi-ples of democracy. SECOND WRITTEN EXAM Projects Texts Notes and Messages Conversations Illustrations Posters Instructions • Students work in groups and create an election campaign poster for classroom presidency. • Students work together and prepare a poster illustrating what to do in the classroom to respect others’ rights. • Students prepare slogans and/or posters to elect an imaginary super hero. Activities Drama/Miming Flashcards Listening Matching Questions and Answers Dossier Real-life Tasks Speaking • Students complete and hand in the European Language Portfolio. Keep the portfolio at school or instruct students to bring it back the following year. 06-10 JUNE 2 Texts Notes and Messages Conversations Illustrations Posters Instructions 3 13-17 JUNE Revision of the past subjects 3 Consolidation Activities Drama/Miming Flashcards Listening Matching Questions and Answers Real-life Tasks Speaking 3 THE END OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR Bu plan; Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı 01.02.2013 tarih ve 6 sayılı İlköğretim Kurumları (İlkokullar ve Ortaokullar) İngilizce Dersi (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. Sınıflar) Öğretim Programına göre hazırlanmıştır. ................................... .................................. .................................... UYGUNDUR İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENİ İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENİ ………………… ____________ OKUL MÜDÜRÜ