Name: AFI Door Scene Rubric Create a movie meeting the requirements spelled out by the AFI rules. Create a storyboard detailing a filmable movie. Develop a better understanding of how to film a movie, using multiple angles. Work cooperatively in a group. Establish the film process as a valued classroom tool within the entire educational community. 1 – Needs Improvement 2 Three or less of the following: Project Contents Following Directions Rubric Sheet Finished “Door Scene” movie Storyboards Teamwork evaluation sheets AFI Sheets Did not follow any directions. Appearance Looks like junk. (‘Nuff said!) 4 – Meets Expectations – Exceeds Expectations Four of the following: 3 – Approaching Expectations Rubric Sheet Finished “Door Scene” movie Storyboards Teamwork evaluation sheets AFI Sheets Followed most directions, but missed some parts. Did not use a ruler every time. Wrinkly papers with stray pencil marks and/or sloppy presentation. Rubric Sheet Finished “Door Scene” movie Storyboards Teamwork evaluation rubric sheets AFI Sheets Followed directions from AFI sheet exactly. Same as “3” Suggestions: Alternate endings. Storyboards with rich, detailed drawings. Same as “3” Used a ruler to draw EVERY line. Organized. Neat paper. Quality Presentation. Suggestions: Write new directions for something you added to the project. Same as “3” Suggestions: Decorated cover. Project organized in a folder or bound somehow. 1 – Needs Improvement 2 3 – Approaching Expectations Storyboards 8 Storyboards boxes detailing shots and angles. Easily understood by anyone reading them. Drawings with explanatory text. Three or less of the following: Finished Movie Evaluation Rubric Sheets Follows all limitations and parameters as described on AFI Step One sheet. Uses shots and angles as detailed on group’s storyboard. Uses at 8 different angles or shots. Uses appropriate sound effects and music. Has an appropriate title. Storyboards detailing shots and angles. Not easily understood by anyone reading them. Drawings with explanatory text. Follows all limitations and parameters as described on AFI Step One sheet. Uses shots and angles as detailed on group’s storyboard. Uses less than 8 different angles or shots. Uses appropriate sound effects and music. Has an appropriate title. 4 – Meets Expectations One or none of the following: 8 Storyboards boxes detailing shots and angles. Easily understood by anyone reading them. Drawings with explanatory text. Follows all limitations and parameters as described on AFI Step One sheet. Uses shots and angles as detailed on group’s storyboard. Uses 8 different angles or shots. Uses appropriate sound effects and music. Has an appropriate title. Missing completed evaluation rubric sheets more than one member of the group. Completed evaluation rubric sheets for all but one member of the group. Completed evaluation rubric sheets for each member of the group. – Exceeds Expectations Same as “3” Suggestions: More than 8 storyboard panels. Extremely detailed drawing and/or explanations. Same as “3” Suggestions: Uses more than 8 different angles/shots. Original music score or sound effects. Same as “3” Suggestions: Work logs from time spent working as a group.