2012-2013 Band Handbook

Band Handbook
Mr. Jonathan Hartling
Band Director
River Heights Intermediate school
7227 Scholar Way
Eastvale, California 92880
(951) 738-2155 ext. 4210
Mr. Hartling’s Email: jhartling@cnusd.k12.ca.us
RHIS Band Website: www.rhismusic.com
Welcome to the River Heights Intermediate School Band Program! Our goal
is to teach you all we can about music and help you to become the finest
and most knowledgeable musician possible. We believe that if you put
forth the effort, the quality will follow. The study of music can be both
rewarding and fun. This handbook will be a guide to help you be
successful in band and to discover the joy of music.
Please read this handbook carefully, it contains very important
information. Keep it in a safe place all year as it may answer many
questions that you might have.
Field Trip Consent Form, Music Contract, and Emergency Form
You will find a Field Trip Consent Form, a Student Code of Conduct
Contract, and an Emergency Form on the last two pages of this handbook.
The purpose of these contracts is to have emergency information available
and to make certain that both you and your parents have read this handbook
thoroughly and are aware of the responsibilities involved in band
membership. This includes all rehearsals and performances outside the
regular school day.
The Emergency Form, Music Contract, and the Field Trip Consent Forms must
be signed by the student and a parent/guardian and returned within three
school days of entering the class. Returning the two contracts will count
as their first test. Those who turn in the contract on time will receive
an A and their grade will decrease one letter grade every day that it is
late. Students who fail to turn in these contracts will be taken out of
the class.
Band Room Rules
1. Come to rehearsal prepared with a positive, supportive, and helpful
2. Follow directions the first time they are given
3. Allow the teacher to teach and the students to learn.
4. Respect others and their belongings. (This includes instruments!)
5. Always act in a safe manner. (Never play with food or gum in your
mouth, this is dangerous!)
6. Keep your surroundings clean and be organized. (Cases must be put
away at all times.)
Classroom Procedures
It is important to establish a normal rehearsal routine so that daily
rehearsal time can be used efficiently. The routine begins as soon as you
enter the room.
Immediately upon entering the room students will:
-quietly unpack and/or set up their instruments;
- quietly get their music, folder, and pencil out;
- quietly place their empty case and belonging in their assigned cubical;
- quietly go to their assigned seats.
(This will all be done without talking or playing out of turn!)
Information pertaining to specific songs, scales, rhythms, and tonal
patterns will be written on the board. Students should immediately glance
at the board and begin organizing their materials in the proper order.
Students who are not seated two minutes after the tardy bell rings will be
marked tardy. The rehearsal routine may be changed or varied according to
the needs at the time. Our daily goal is to rehearse for 38 minutes.
Announcements will be made when the shower bell rings, seven minutes prior
to the end of the period. Questions and comments not related to the
objectives of the day should be held until this time. During the cleanup
period students are, without any further playing, to quickly put their
instruments and music away and then return to their seats.
The class will be dismissed by the band director (not the bell) when:
-the room has been returned to its original state of order (chairs,
stands, trash, and materials);
-all students are sitting quietly in their assigned seats; and
-the director has made any necessary reminders and announcements.
Our primary responsibility in band is to learn about music. Any behavior
that distracts from, or interferes with this learning process will not be
The BAND ROOM RULES are provided as special guidelines for your BEHAVIOR
in the classroom. Quiet attention to the teacher, remaining in you seat
during the class period, and following directions are naturally expected
of you in band just as they are in you other classes.
Infractions of the rules and/or disruption of the class will result in an
attempt to adjust your behavior. Disciplinary action will take place in
the following order:
 initial warning with instructions on how to modify the behavior
(any further incident will be viewed as insubordination and will be
dealt with accordingly)
 time out with assigned writing to reflect on your behavior
 assign after school detention and a call home to discuss the problem
with your parents
 ACP with a parent/ teacher conference
 refer you to an administrator for discipline
If the situation continues to be a problem, you might not be permitted to
participate with the group during rehearsal and performances – seriously
affecting your grade.
You should understand that the director and administration will make every
effort possible to help you adjust your behavior. It is the goal of the
director to help each student be as successful as possible in the music
program. However, when the attention required by a single student
infringes on the learning experience of the whole group, the individual
student will have to be removed from the class for the good of the other
As a member of a River Heights band, you are representing yourself, your
band, your teacher, your school, the district, and the community at all
times – so keep your behavior at its very best! Remember – we’re all here
to learn about music and have a great time! Having a positive attitude
will only enhance your experience, both in band and your other classes.
Restroom Policy
Students will be issued six passes per trimester. Students will only be
allowed to use the restroom during the first five minutes of class
otherwise they will need to wait until the next passing period. Students
who require the use of the restroom after their six passes have been used
up for an emergency will find their participation grade severely lowered.
Therefore students should only use the restroom when absolutely necessary.
Contact Information
I realize that education is a partnership between parents, teachers and
children. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns.
The school telephone number is (951) 738-2155 ext 4210 or you can email me
at jhartling@cnusd.k12.ca.us. For security purposes, I will only open emails with
RHIS Band in the subject field. Thank you in advance for your support!
Technique Books
Each group will use a supplementary technique book in addition to regular
band music. Band Members should purchase the book from a local music
store. It will be used in class on a regular basis and, more importantly,
serve as a personal guide for individual student practice. Students will
need this book by the start of the second week of school.
Concert Band and Symphonic Band: Essential Elements 2000, Book 1
Wind Ensemble: Essential Elements 2000, Book 1 & Essential Elements 2000,
Book 2
It is expected that the band student and his/her parents or guardians
provide an instrument by the beginning of the second full week of school.
Music stores in the area offer several rental and/or purchase options. It
is the responsibility of the band student and family to repair and
maintain the instrument in proper playing condition.
All brass and woodwind players are expected to have a cleaning kit for
their instrument. A cleaning kit can be purchased at the local music
Woodwind player are expected to provide their own reeds, cork grease, key
oil. Beginning players should never play on a reed softer than a 2 and
should switch to 2 ½ reeds after a few months. Students who have been
playing for six months or more should be playing on a 3 reed. Students
are expected to have at least THREE working reeds in their case at all
times. It is recommended that students purchase their reeds by the box
since this will usually be cheaper. Students should then purchase their
next box when they get down to three reeds. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOUR LAST
REED BEFORE YOU GO TO PURCHASE MORE. Students who show up to class with
out a working reed will receive a participation grade of ZERO for the day.
Brass players are expected to provide their own valve oil and tuning slide
grease along with any mutes that may be necessary to perform the pieces
that we perform on the concerts.
Percussionists must also provide their own necessary equipment like
everyone else. River Heights will have some mallets to achieve specific
sounds on certain percussion instruments but each student will need to
provide their own pairs of the following:
 Stick bag to store personal equipment
 Snare sticks (size 5A recommended)
 One pair of medium to hard yarn mallets
 Hard rubber headed xylophone mallets
 Medium or hard timpani mallets (Vic Firth Staccato mallets
 Drum Key
 Practice pad or drum for home practice
All percussionists will learn to play the orchestra bells and xylophone
daily and will be expected to learn to read pitches and to demonstrate
scales on a regular basis. Therefore, percussion students may wish to
rent or purchase a two octave student bell set for practice at home.
Please call a local music vendor for more information.
School Owned Instruments
A limited amount of school instruments are available for use by some band
students. The following priorities are used to assign school instruments.
 Students who are not able to rent at this time due to financial
 Students who play a large or unusual instrument that are sometimes
not available to rent (tuba, baritone, French horn, etc.).
Qualifying students and parents are financially responsible for any damage
and all maintenance needed to keep the instrument in proper playing
In the event that there are more students than instruments qualifying for
a school instrument, a lottery system will be utilized to ensure fair
Instrument Upgrades
Upgrading an instrument can greatly increase ease op playing and drive
motivation. Just like anything else, there are many different brands and
quality levels from which to choose. An instrument of poor quality will
be harder to play, will often result in loss of motivation for the student
and result in frequent high repair bills. There are also some great deals
on used instruments on Ebay and Craig’s list that have high resale value.
Please see e if you are thinking about a new or used instrument so that I
can assist you in finding a quality instrument at a good price.
Black 3 Ringed Binder, 3 Pencils, 3x5 index cards, and 2
Each student is expected to provide his or her own black, hard-covered,
three-ringed binder. Music will be provided for the students and they
will be expected to keep their music organized in this folder. Stuffing
loose music into one’s instrument case will not be tolerated. It is the
student’s responsibility to keep track of his or her folder. If it is
left out and gets lost or destroyed, it will be the student’s
responsibility for replacing it. Every student is required to keep 3
pencils in their instrument case or with their music folder. Students may
write on their music with pencil only. Students will be using index cards
to create flashcards to memorize music facts. One package of 3x5 cards
will be enough for the year. Highlighters will occasionally be used
during class. Each student should have two different colors of
highlighters and keep them in their case or with their folder.
PLEASE NOTE: Please put your music away in your backpack or you assigned
instrument storage cubby at the conclusion of each rehearsal. Regular
checks will be made to make sure that students have their necessary
materials. Every student should have an instrument with all the
appropriate parts, a folder with their music in it, the Essential Elements
2000 book, and a pencil with them every day. Students who are missing
materials will loose one point for every item that they do not have.
Music Stand
Smart Music
It is recommended that each student purchase a music book or two of songs
that they would like to play. This will help keep their interest, make
their practice sessions longer and more frequent, as well as improve their
Smart Music
Smart music is a music accompaniment program that every student should to
subscribe to. There are many exercises and fun songs that students can
play along with. The program also has evaluation tools and lessons to
help each student to improve. Students can purchase year long
subscriptions for $30 through the website www.smartmusic.com.
Mandatory Parent and Student Music Information Night Tuesday August 21st, 2012 at 6:30
Full Band Performance ERHS Football Game Friday September 7th, 2012 from 3:15 – 9:30
Advanced Band Patriot Day Assembly at Eastvale – Tentative
Full Band Pancake Breakfast Saturday – TBA
Picture Day – Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 9:36 Full Band
10:27 Jazz Band
Full Band Play-a-thon fundraiser with local schools Saturday – TBA 9am – 2pm
Advanced Band and Choir Tour to Elementary Schools Thursday November 15th, 2012
Full Band Performance at Winterfest - TBA
Full Band Winter Concert Tuesday December 4th, 2012
6:30 start time (6:00 call time for students)
Choir and Jazz Band Dinner Concert Tuesday December 11th, 2012
Choir and Full Band Trip too Scandia Friday January 25th, 2013
12:00 – 8:30
Eastvale Jazz Night – Spaghetti Dinner
Friday February 8th, 2013 5:00
Full Band Play-a-thon fundraiser with local schools Saturday – TBA 9am – 2pm
Advanced Band Lunch Concert
Friday February 22nd, 2013 During School
Jazz Band Recruiting Tour - TBA
Jazz Band Lunch Concert
Friday March 1st, 2013
Advanced Band Prefestival – TBA – Tentative
Advanced Band Santiago Band Festival – TBA
Possible 2nd Advanced Band festival - TBA
During School
Jazz Band Recruiting Tour - TBA
Full Band Lunch Concert
Friday April 19th, 2013
During School
Full Band Choir Movie and Pizza Night – Tuesday April 24th, 2013
Advanced Band performance at the Eastvale Band Showcase at ERHS – Friday April 26th, 2013 7:00
Jazz Band Lunch Concert Friday May 3rd, 2013
During School
Jazz Band/ Choir End of the Year Concert Wednesday May 14th, 2013 6:00 Call time 6:30 concert
Full Band End of the Year Concert and Awards Friday May 17th, 2013 6:00 Call time 6:30 concert
We are looking to do more performances in the community, so if you are
part of any group that may need entertainment let Mr. Hartling know. We
have three concert bands, a jazz band, and a choir. Groups like the
Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, Church functions, local businesses, or parks
and recreation events sometimes have functions that our students can
perform at. Advanced notification is necessary to get all of the students
to the event, so be looking now!
Attendance of all dress rehearsals, concerts, and activities is required of every student.
The students depend on each other to be present and to play their part.
We can not put on concerts with out all of the parts being played. We need
the music to sound the same on stage as it does in rehearsal. Missing
students will put undue hardship on the students who are left performing
and could create a situation where a part will not be heard. Students who
cannot attend an activity, need to give the director a written note from a
parent or legal guardian excusing them at least two weeks before the date
of the concert. This will allow the director to have someone else cover
the part for the concert. Not fulfilling this requirement will result in
the lowering of their grade. Late excuses can not be accepted! Alternate
assignments will be given to those students who can not attend the concert
or dress rehearsal. Students who become sick enough at the last minute
that they can not attend the activity need to bring a doctor’s note.
students are also expected to attend the entire concert until everyone has finished performing.
is the appropriate etiquette for concerts. Students who fail to stay for the entire concert will have their
performance grade lowered.
Each instrument of the band is very different in technique and the
problems that they present. For example, teaching flute and trumpet are
as different as teaching science and language arts. For this reason, we
hire professional musicians to come down and work with the students. This
is equivalent to a baseball team hiring one of the Angels or Dodgers to
work with the kids on the team. Sectionals will occasionally be held on
Wednesdays during school.
After school sectionals may be called when the
need arises.
Grading will be largely based off of participation and behavior. Students
will receive 5 points everyday when they show up with all of their
materials including instruments, black folder with music, Essential
Elements 2000 Book, pencil, index cards, and highlighters. Students will
lose all of their participation points for the day if they talk out of
turn during class, use the restroom after their 6 passes have been used up
or at an inappropriate time. Students can lose partial participation
points when they don’t bring one of their required materials to class, or
for poor posture and fidgeting. Practice records will be worth 15 points.
Students will receive 100 participation points for each performance,
master class, or dress rehearsal. Same grading procedures for class will
apply to sectionals, dress rehearsal, master classes, and concerts. Tests
and Friday instrument checks will occasionally be given. They will be
worth 10 points each.
Final exams will be worth 50 points. Students who
are failing band at the time of a field trip will not be permitted to go
on the field trip unless a parent or guardian accompanies them.
Practice Records
In order to be successful, students need to be practicing their
instruments at home, just like you practice your language arts and math
skill at home (homework). It takes the average person 10,000 hours of
practice to learn to play an instrument. The good news is that you don’t
have to do that all in the first year. During the first few years, music
teachers ask their students to practice 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week,
for a total of 3 hours per week. The more you practice, the faster you
will improve. Some students may wish to practice an hour or more per day.
This will get you to a very high level, in a very short amount of time and
will allow you to play more challenging (more fun) music. Students will
be turning in practice records every Friday. The records need to be
signed by a parent or guardian and should show a total of 3 hours to get
full credit. Practice records will be worth 15 points each week.
Tests- playing and non-playing
Some tests will be scheduled and others will not. Students should expect
to have some kind of test (formal or informal) each week. Students should
practice everyday to ensure that they are fully prepared for any surprise
test that might occur. Students are expected to master any material that
is assigned as homework and will be the basis for playing tests. Students
should expect to devote 30 minutes per day practicing their instrument.
Students will be asked to play individually. Students will be graded
against a standard (see grading rubric). Students should pay special
attention to the following while playing tests:
 Tone Quality (maintaining a full, rich tone with no wavers)
 Pitch Control (maintaining proper intonation)
 Note Accuracy (playing the correct notes)
 Rhythmic Accuracy (playing the correct rhythms with a steady tempo)
 Articulation (using the proper attacks, tonguing and slurring)
 Dynamic Control (playing at the correct level of volume)
 Phrasing and Musical Effect (breathing in the correct places and
using expression)
 Memorization (when required)
Extra Credit
Students can attend concerts and recitals for extra credit. Too receive
credit, you must bring a program signed by one of your parents/guardian
the next school day. Off campus performances need to be approved by the
band director ahead of time to make sure that it will count for extra
Additional Information
Performance Attire
All members of a River Heights band will need a River Heights Music
Department Shirt for performances. For all performances, the shirts will
be worn with:
 Long black dress pants (must be dark and a solid black - gray or faded
pants, and black jeans are not acceptable)
Black socks, and
 Black dress shoes.
If you cannot meet these expectations due to financial hardship, please
notify the director immediately so that assistance can be arranged. No
student will be permitted to perform without the described uniform. Any
student missing a performance due to inappropriate attire will have
his/her grade lowered as described above in the grading policy covering an
unexcused absence from a performance.
Periodic Maintenance of Instruments
It is highly recommended that those students who own or rent their own
instrument take it to a professional technician periodically for
maintenance, just as you would maintain your car. The technician can
inform you of any work to be done and the cost for such service. The
student may not suspect that anything is wrong with the instrument, but
may simply be accustomed to compensating for its problems. WHENEVER A STUDENT
Extra Help
If you are having difficulty with any of the music or
assignments we work on during class, PLEASE come for EXTRA HELP. Be sure you
make an appointment with me so that a schedule can be arranged. I
strongly encourage everyone to ask for help. Asking for extra help is a
sign of maturity and shows the director that you are being responsible and
want to take care of business, SO DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT!
Private Lessons
Every student is highly encouraged to take PRIVATE
LESSONS. Nothing can match the benefits of this type of individualized
attention and expertise. You will be surprised at how much faster your
skills will improve after just a few short weeks! Mr. Hartling can assist
you in locating a private teacher if you need some guidance in finding
Student Leadership
There will be several opportunities for students to
get leadership experience in band. We will be electing a band president,
a vice president, and section leaders in the Wind Ensemble. The other
bands will have two band officers and section leaders.
River Heights Intermediate School
Code of Conduct Contract
Student’s Name (Please Print) ____________________________________________
By signing below, we agree with the policies and procedures set forth by the RHIS Band Program. We
acknowledge that the purpose of these procedures and regulations is to create and enhance a successful learning
environment. I promise to:
Please initial each of the rules verifying that you have read them.
____1. Come to rehearsal prepared with a positive, supportive, and helpful attitude.
____2. Follow directions the first time they are given
____3. Allow the teacher to teach and the students to learn.
____4. Respect others and their belongings. (This includes instruments!)
____5. Always act in a safe manner. (Never play with food or gum in your mouth, this is dangerous!)
____6. Keep my surroundings clean and be organized. (Cases must be put away at all times.)
every single day!
Student’s Signature
Parent or Guardian’s Signature
By signing on the line below you are verifying that you have received and read this handbook cover to cover
and are aware of all the concerts and activities listed in it.
Student’s Signature
Parent or Guardian’s Signature
By working together we can achieve excellence!
Permission Slip
I give my child_______________________________ permission to attend all of the activities in the 2012-2013
Handbook. I understand that if an activity is added to the schedule, a separate permission slip will be sent home
for that activity.
Parent signature
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your consent is required to permit your child to be transported for extra-curricular activities such as band
performances, athletic activities, student body or school sponsored club activities. No student will be permitted
to participate in these activities when they occur off campus without a signed permission slip.
The transportation will be necessary for:
Athletic Activities
Student Body Club Activities
Band Activites
Other (Identify) ___________________________________________
Please indicate your desire by checking and signing ONE (1) of the statements below:
______ I DO permit my child to be transported by the Corona-Norco Unified School District or District
approved charter bus service. *Other__________________________________________________________. I
hereby grant permission for the District to allow emergency medical treatment if required and accept liability
for such treatment.
______ I DO NOT permit my child to be transported by the Corona-Norco Unified School District.
Parent Signature
I can be reached at:___________________________________ __________________________________
In the event of an emergency. (Emergency)__________________________________________________
After signing, please return to your child’s teacher. (Note: This form should remain in the possession of the
*authorized district employee during all trips.)
All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the District or
the State of California for injury, accident, illness, or dath occurring during or by reason of the field trip or
Paper Copy-CUM Folder / Card Copy-Teacher
W.H.#504-75 (Rev. 1/91)
PURPOSE: To enable parents and guardians to authorize the provision of emergency treatment for studentathletes who become ill or injured while under school authority, when parents or guardians cannot be easily
1. STUDENT NAME: (Last)___________________(first)__________(m.i.)____GRADE_____DATE___
ADDRESS:________________________________________________SEX______DATE OF BIRTH_
CITY:_____________________________ZIP______PHONE________SOCIAL SEC.#____________
2. FATHER’S NAME______________________________________PHONE:_____________________
3. MOTHER’S NAME:_____________________________________PHONE:______________________
4. Name of person, other than parent or guardian, who is authorized to approve emergency medical
5. FAMILY DOCTOR:____________________________________PHONE:______________________
FAMILY DENTIST:_____________________________________PHONE:______________________
HEALTH INSURANCE CO:_______________________________POLICY I.D.#_________________
In the event reasonable attempts to contact melu s at the above locations, or other person(s) named in item 4
above fail, full authorization is given for (1) the administration of any treatment deemed to be necessary by a
medical practioner; and (2) the transfer of son/daughter or ward to any medical practioner; and (3) the transfer
of son/daughter or ward to any licensed hospital or emergency clinic reasonably accessible. It is understood
that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care being required
and given to provide Authority and Power on the part of school authorities and aforesaid agent(s) to give
reasonable care. Fact are given below concerning the studen’s medical history which a medical practioner
should know.
Blood Type:______Allergies:________________________Allergies to Specific Medication(s)_____________
Glasses or Contacts:____________________________False Teeth or Bridgework:_______Last Tetanus
Medical problems:__________________________________________
_________________________________ _________________