School of Information Technology Faculty Monitoring using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) RFID in UB 1 CHAPTER 1 Project Overview Background of the Study It has been a practice in every institution to monitor the attendance of its employees. The only difference is whether they monitor the attendance using automated systems or manually. The researchers choose this study to improve the faculty monitoring of University of Baguio in School of Information Technology Department. This helps the Student Assistant to easily locate the Faculty Members if needed and can generate a summary report. This may also lessen the tardiness of Faculty Members. RFID systems also provide good personal security access to confidential data’s and according to David M. Pozar: “Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems are used for inventory tracking, shipping, toll collection, personal security access, and other functions. Most express delivery services, for example, use handheld terminals that scan bar codes on packages and relay information to a central station. RFID systems are much more specialized than cellular or WLAN systems, and use a wide range of modulation methods, operating frequencies, and duplexing schemes.” (Microwave and RF Design of Wireless System by David M. Pozar) RFID in UB 1 Project Overview At present, the School of Information Technology (SIT) checks the attendance of the faculty member by assigning a Student Assistant (SA) to go check every room ten to fifteen minutes after the class hour started. Importance of the Study This study is significant to other researchers who will be improving the study or conducting relevant and similar studies since data included will be their basis. For the part of the university, this study will make the monitoring of the attendance of the SIT faculty easier and more convenient. Attendance reports can be also be generated upon request. For the authors, knowledge gained in this study will lead to a deeper understanding of the subject related, at the same time, gaining more analytical, practical, and competitive skills. This endeavour will also allow them to apply the theories learned from IT and Engineering courses alike. Moreover, this study promotes character building and punctuality, as it requires group collaboration, people interaction, and time-valuing. Statement of the Problem The study aims to propose an automated system for the Attendance Monitoring of the School of Information Technology instructors in the rooms of the F building which will lead the researchers to address the following problems: 1.) What is the current monitoring system used by the School of Information Technology in the University of Baguio? RFID in UB 2 Project Overview 2.) What are the needed features in the project proposal? Objectives This study aims to: 1.) Identify the current monitoring system implemented in the School of Information Technology in the University of Baguio. 2.) Determine the required features of the Automated Faculty Monitoring System. 3.) Create the most appropriate design for the system for the University. Scope and Delimitation The scope of the study is for the School of Information Technology Faculty and classrooms of the University of Baguio. The study will include computer laboratories. It is focused on the class and classrooms that the faculty members of the School of Information Technology teach in. The study does not include any other facilities or room that is not a classroom or computer laboratory room. Project Constraints The following are the limitations of the system: 1. The SITFMS is accessible only inside the School of Information Technology dean’s Office. 2. The system can only be accessed by authorized users. RFID in UB 3 Project Overview 3. Accessing the system is limited depending on privileges given to each of the users. Project Assumptions The following are the assumptions that need to be considered: 1. The SITFMS users have different levels of privileges. 2. The developers create the system that will display the system function that depends on the level of privilege of the user. 3. The system can determine the privilege level of the user upon logging-in through the Identification number and the RFID number. 4. Only the system administrator can delete as well update faculty information. RFID in UB 4 CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY Data Gathering and Techniques Observation Observation is an act of noting and recording something. An activity of a living being which is involved through the senses. The researchers will observe the current Faculty Monitoring of the School of Information Technology in University of Baguio. Interview Interview is a meeting between two or more persons face to face and/or a conference of mutual communication of thoughts. The researchers will interview the experts on RFID and some students who are less knowledgeable on RFID systems.. Data Analysis Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. The researchers will analyse the data coming from Observation and Interview. RFID in UB 5 Methodology Project Location The proposed project will have an RFID reader installed beside the door of each classroom and laboratory rooms in the School of Information Technology. The monitoring computer will be placed in the Dean’s office (upper left picture). RFID in UB 6 Methodology Population of the Study Table 1: Respondents for the Interview Name Qualification Gedrick Luvida Computer Engineering Student Knowledgeable on RFID Knowledgeable on Hardware System Vic Viloria Information Technology (IT) Student Knowledgeable on ID System Knowledgeable on existing Faculty Monitoring System of UB-SIT RFID in UB 7 CHAPTER 3 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA This section of the study presents the data gathered by the data gathering methods mentioned in the previous chapter. 1. What is the current monitoring system used by the School of Information Technology in the University of Baguio? Observation: The researchers observed that the current faculty monitoring system of the School of Information Technology in University of Baguio is done manually by letting the Student Assistant go around to check every room if the faculty member is in that Class Room or Laboratory Room. The Student Assistant is having a hard time going around checking every room and may disturb the class if he/she will knock on the door to check the attendance. Interview: The researchers interviewed some of the students. The interview concludes that, it is best that our current research should be implemented in the University to have reliable data in checking faculty attendance. This also helps the Student Assistant in checking the Faculty Members of their current rooms. The system is cost efficient because the system is easy to maintain and improve. And decrease the tardiness of Faculty Members. RFID in UB 8 Presentation and Analysis of Data Data Analysis: This research is more efficient than the current monitoring system of University of Baguio – School of Information Technology. This lessens the checking of Faculty Members around the University of SIT Department. The system can generate a reliable report of the Faculty Members in their Absences, Tardiness or in their Presence. And decreases inconveniences on the faculty member. 2. What are the needed features in the project proposal? The needed features are: Monitoring Device – Monitors in the Deans office which have a User Interface that can easily determine the location of the Faculty Member. RFID readers – Every Room in the School of Information Technology department has RFID Card Reader. RFID cards –Every Faculty members has an RFID card. RFID in UB 9 Presentation and Analysis of Data Table 2: Interview Data on Faculty Monitoring Using RFID. Questions 1. What can you say Answer: Gedrick Luvida It is good and reliable. Answer: Vic Viloria It would be more convenient about our current than the current attendance research about RFID monitoring with the use Monitoring System? thumb and password. 2. If the system is implemented in the Yes, it reduce the work of Yes, it only needs to slide Student Assistant. the card and the system will University, do you be updated. think it will be more convenient or efficient? 3. Will the system cost efficient if Yes, it easy to maintain and It is less expensive than improve. current attendance implemented? 4. Will the system decrease the tardiness of the monitoring system. Yes, only the authorized No, it only risk of not being personnel can edit the data. able to check the attendance if the ID is lost. Faculty Members? RFID in UB 10 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This section of the study presents the researcher’s conclusions based on the findings conducted. It also provides recommendations for future researchers to further improve the study. Conclusions Teachers and Students (along with the Student Assistants) would prefer the Faculty Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification rather than the manual method, as indicated in their interview response. Based on the results gathered, the researchers recommend the following: Recommendations 1. Additional Biometric or Keypad system for backup purposes. Since the study does not include the backing up of the data, future researchers who wish to improve the system may include on how to backup and where to back up the data stored in the system and the authentication to be used when accessing the backup data. 2. Better User Interface (User friendly) RFID in UB 11 Conclusion and Recommendations The user interface may be made better to suit the school or organization’s requirements or preference (e.g. preferred color scheme, logo, etc.). 3. Improve database security to only allow selected users access to the database. The current study has a database design that whoever has access to the physical system can also access the database and edit data easily. This may be addressed by adding a security measure in the database design to allow only authenticated users to access the database. RFID in UB 12 REFERENCES Books Greg P. (1998). Visual Basic 6. <place here>: SAMS Pozar D. (year here). Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems. <place here>: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Journals/Magazines/Newspapers Unpublished Materials Alap A. (2013). School of Information Technology Faculty Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Unpublished Software Design Document, University of Baguio, Baguio City. Electronic and Online Sources Other RFID in UB 13 RFID in UB 14 I. Abstract Title: School of Information Technology Faculty Monitoring using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 1.1 Total Number of Pages: Researchers: Estorco, Gig R. Foronda, Justin Lee M. Gaviran, Angelo Bacatan, Marina Type of Document: Unpublished Accrediting Institution: University of Baguio Assumption Road, Baguio City CHED-CAR Keywords: RFID, Faculty Monitoring Rationale/Background Summary This study aims to… RFID in UB 15 Findings The following is a summary of the findings: Based on the interview conducted, the researchers have gathered the following problems: Conclusions Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were drawn. Recommendations Based on the study’s findings and conclusions, the author would like to recommend the… II. RFID in UB Acknowledgement 16