Report Outs/Recommendations - GA Pilot Training Reform Symposium

What: Best Practices Advisory Circular
Creation of a Best Practices Advisory Circular to address
specific areas of flight instructor performance. (100%)
Why: To raise the standard of performance
of flight instructors.
Who: Drafted by industry and completed through a
collaborative effort of industry and FAA
When: One Year
What: Incentive Programs
Incentivize pilots and flight instructors through various
programs such as WINGS to undertake additional
training, seek greater knowledge, and implement best
practices with industry recognition of status. (100%)
Why: Raises the safety, mastery, and performance
standards for pilots. Attempts to reach the pilots who
generally do not participate in safety education.
Who: Industry and FAA
When: One year
What: Certificate Specific Flight Reviews
Flight reviews would be certificate specific. Requires
an appropriate interpretation of 61.56. (100%)
Why: Ensure that best practices and certificate standards
are evaluated as a basis for exercising airman privileges
Who: Industry and FAA
When: One year
What: Student Training Discontinuance
Provide a pre-training evaluation process and
written advice to flight instructors on terminating
flight students from undertaking flight instruction.
Why: Existing training philosophy attempts to promote
concepts that learning to fly is just a matter of time and
effort. Guidance will provide Instructors with tools to
terminate students who are unable to develop skills
in order exercise airmen privileges.
Who: Industry and FAA
When: One year
What: Gather Additional Statistics
FAA and insurance metrics for stakeholder analysis
and dissemination. Identify the top 10 contributing
and causal factors in aircraft accidents. Incentivize
insurance companies to share de-identified
statistics. (100%)
Why: Allow for predictive and preventative safety programs.
Who: Industry and FAA
When: One Year
What: Develop the delivery system for the
Presentation that communicates the value of the
GA experience through a GA Ambassador program that
could be used by state aeronautics departments,
FAASTeams, Flight Schools, etc.
Why: We are not communicating the value of the
GA experience.
When: Start discussion immediately, with actual work
beginning in January, 2012. Target for completion
September 2012.
What: Create a repository of customer service
training & resource materials for use by flight training
providers that can be used during first contact and
follow up with potential customers. Follow on action
would include training to help providers use sales and
customer service tools more effectively.
Why: Common poor experience by customers
seeking flight training.
Who: Flight School Association of North America,
SAFE, NAFI, Cessna
When: Contact form within 60 days, balance by end
of 1st quarter of 2012
What: Request CFI course content providers to develop
training modules that help CFIs develop professional
customer service skills including ways to make training
more interesting, fun and aimed at improving customer
retention. Such content should be included in CFI initial
and Flight Instructor Refresher Training.
Why: Because customer retention is extremely poor.
Who: Industry Course Providers supported SAFE, NAFI
When: Within 12 months
What: Promote, support and encourage the use of
mentoring programs for both training providers
as well as students
Why: To improve pilot retention by providing a better
sense of community and a better training experience
When: Within 18 months
What: Approach growing the pilot population
holistically by focusing on improvements in
each phase of the pilot life cycle
Why: Address the decline in pilot population.
A structured approach is needed to improve the
business of flight training and thereby grow
general aviation.
When: 12 months
 Refocus aviation education to be learner-centric.
 Commit student and instructor to expect excellence and life-long learning.
 Empower (and embrace) active student participation in the educator-student relationship.
 Demand professionalism (from the educator); and aspire to professionalism (by the student)
 Promote a day-one safety culture advancing active risk awareness and management.
 Integrate into the entire flight training regime (manuals, FAA guidance)
キ To create a foundation for success (safety/satisfaction/(personal and professional growth)
キ Flight training industry, including publications and the FAA
キ Prioritize development of a student pilot guide by mid-2012
キ 2012-2013: integrate into all FAA guidance (with a focus on the Flight Instructors Manual)
キ Socialize these precepts via the flight training industry
What:Establish a formal and permanent process for government and industry Subject Matter Experts (SME) to
develop recommendations for updating guidance and testing doctrine (that is, regulations, advisory circulars,
handbooks, practical test standards, and knowledge tests). This should include effectively update guidance to CFIs,
DPEs, and ASIs.
Why:Currently, there is no deliberate and interactive process for systematically updating guidance and
testing doctrine. The process is closed, scattered and ad hoc. Currently, the structure of the knowledge test
drives "teaching of the test" because many questions are not relevant, they are unnecessary and frustrating to
the learner, and provide a poor first impression/contact with the FAA.
Currently, the guidance and testing doctrine is scattered and in various formats.
Who:Establish a joint group between FAA (AFS 800/600) and the interested stakeholders from the broad
industry, the CFI community, and the DPE/ASI.
Let industry propose questions and review the existing questions for relevance.
AFS 600/800 update current guidance and testing material.
When:Establish joint FAA – Industry group within 6 to 12 months.
Complete review of PTS by Sept 2011
Complete review of the Private and CFI knowledge tests by Q1, 2012 which would be followed
by the other knowledge tests.
Update the FAA's website by Sept 30, 2011.
What:Improve CFI doctrine by adding Risk Management instruction
techniques to the CFI Handbook and industry groups to establish Best
Practices programs to increase Risk Management awareness.
Why:Despite numerous risk tools in current publications, emphasis on
the how to specifically instruct is not focused at the CFI level.
Who:JSC/Industry representatives, i.e., SAFE/NAFI
When:Incorporate into the next scheduled revision of the
Handbook within 18 months (end of CY 2012).
Simplify FITS
Why: FITS needs to be changed to address safety, eliminate confusion,
and minimize resistance.
Who: AFS 800 should establish a joint working group.
When: Mar 31, 2012
What: Review the CFI renewal process for alternative FIRC
methods to incorporate processes for active and inactive CFIs.
Why: Current renewal process may not adequately address the
different activity levels for industry wide CFI specialties.
Dec 31, 2012
JSC/Industry Committees, ie, SAFE/NAFI
When: Dec 31, 2012
What: Create a knowledge standard
Why: Create a plan to generate a baseline standard
that allows for the creation of a knowledge tests
both oral and written. Use the baseline standard
to correlate training and testing
Who: FAA600/800govt lead/Industry committee
Maybe a lead organization with involvement of
industry groups and academia.
Consider the ASTM model
When: Form the committee within one month.
What: Create a PTS Change Committee to improve
the communication to AFS-600 – a continuous loop.
Why: Must align PTS with current industry standards
(scenario-based and not just a series of maneuvers).
Who: AFS 800/600/industry.
When: ASAP
What: Re-evaluate the use of and guidance for
simulation in flight training and testing.
Include ATDs, AATDs and FTDs. New simulation to be
used more for training credit and checking and testing.
Why: As it stands guidance is inconsistent and
hard to utilize in the current environment.
Who: AFS-800
When: ASAP
What: Develop a document that provides guidance
on how to conduct a flight evaluation.
Why: There are currently no standards and therefore
a lack of realistic check rides. This document will
encourage the use of scenario based training
and simulation.
Who: Industry coalition
When: Within 90 days
What: Improve currency of on-going independent
instructors. Will have to be done by regulation.
Why: Today instructors are never re-evaluated.
Many instructors are not current on policies or
procedures. No consistent quality control exists for
the independent instructor.
Who: Industry recommendation to FAA.
Create industry committee – SAFE, etc. Should do
additional research on how to accomplish this.
When: Needs to be done ASAP
What: Use scenario-based training for
improved risk management for students
Why: To make risk management a habit.
Who: FAA standards and publications, NAFI,
SAFE, Master Instructors, Air Safety
When: Six months
What: Provide instructor training on risk
Why: Starts with instructors and to make risk
management a habit.
Who: FAA standards and publications, NAFI,
SAFE, Master Instructors, Air Safety Institute.
When: Six months
What: Emphasize load factor and angle of
attack (AOA) training.
Why: Accidents don’t happen in straight and
level flight.
Who: Air Safety Institute, courseware
providers, NAFI, SAFE.
When: As soon as possible.
What: Implement continuing professional
education (CPE) for flight instructors.
Why: Instructors lead by example. If students
see instructors doing continuing education
they will as well.
Who: SAFE, NAFI, course providers, Pilots
Workshops, Aircraft manufacturers (CSIPs,
CPC, etc.).
When: A year
What: Create guidance for the use of
simulation and provide credit for use of
Why: Better teaching tool, test to a higher level
of learning, aid retention, pause & discuss
Who: Simulator manufacturers, FAA, curriculum
providers, organizations (SAFE, NAFI, AOPA)
University programs
When: Immediately
Establish a Nationwide CFI Special Emphasis Program which features
high value training areas and best practices. This program would be
similar to the program currently in use by the North Florida FSDO
which was established to directly address the high failure rate of
Initial CFI Candidates. This program would consist of one or several
seminar periods across a timeframe taught by industry subject
matter experts, DPEs, Master Instructors, or instructors recognized
as having exceptional knowledge or techniques in this area. This
program could earn the candidate credit toward their renewal.
Why: Increase the quality control to improve professionalism
and decrease accidents
Who: AFS 800 and industry consortium
When: Initial response and development of action plan within
90 days
What: Establish a mentoring program for instructors that centralizes and
publishes names of instructors who hold nationwide or Master Instructor
designations or who specialize in certain aeronautical skills in geographic or
regional areas. This program will feature a special database which could offer
guidance to any and all instructors or students of who holds these designations
within a community. It could also feature a special designation similar to the
FAAST program but have a name like CFI Mentoring Team (CMT)
Why: Supports all flight instructors and allows recognizes professional
within the instructional community and enhances the professional
development of the instructional community.
AFS 800 and industry consortium
Initial response and development of action plan within 90 days
What: 61.56 – Improve or better propagate the
guidance for conducting effective flight reviews by
using existing documentation such as the “Guide to
conduct an effective Flight Review”
• Incorporate into initial CFI training
•Come up with top 10 picks for new CFIs to study
•Incorporate a plan of action and how to do it
Why: The Flight Review offers us the most significant opportunity to affect
the existing instructor population by the incorporation of scenarios and
other high value practices of FITS.
Who: AFS 800 and industry consortium
When: Initial response and development of action plan within 90 days
What: (Gatekeeping) Incorporate FIRC authority for DPEs to
be able to spend an X hour period with a flight instructor
renewal candidate on a one-on-one basis to cover topics of
special value to instructional professionalism. This would be
treated like a FIRC but would be conducted similar to a ground
oriented mentoring session between the CFI and the DPE.
Why: Allows DPE to become a coach or a mentor to the
flight instructor
Who: AFS 800
When: Initial response and development of action plan
within 90 days
What: Incorporate new guidance and PTS revisions which
require Initial CFI candidates to develop a Plan of Action and
demonstrate the use of a syllabus during the practical
examination. The industry should support this requirement by
providing standardized curriculum templates that instructors
(CFR 61 as well as 141) instructors can use to develop
specialized versions in response to the Examiners specific
Why: This requirement addresses a specific problem within the industry
of instructors teaching using the seat of their pants without the use of a
syllabus or Plan of Action
Who: AFS 600, AFS 800
When: Initial response and development of action plan within 90 days