End of Term Quiz

C. She told him stories.
D. She rejected him.
Quiz 1
1. From what year does Amir narrate the
A. 1975.
B. 1996.
C. 2002.
D. 2007.
2. What does Rahim Khan say to Amir over
the phone?
A. "Let's go fly a kite."
B. "There is a way to be good again."
C. "For you, a thousand times over."
D. "The harelipped kite runner."
3. Which of the following did Baba NOT do?
A. Neglect Amir.
B. Throw frequent dinner parties.
C. Miss Hassan's birthday.
D. Build an orphanage.
4. How did Amir's mother die?
A. Peacefully, in her sleep.
B. The Taliban shot her.
C. Of cancer.
D. In childbirth.
5. What was Amir's mother's name?
A. Sofia
B. Sasa
C. Sanaubar
D. Sohrab
6. What was Amir's mother's profession?
A. Novelist.
B. Teacher.
C. Physician.
D. Servant.
7. What key concept distinguishes Sunni and
Shi'a Islam?
A. Caliphate.
B. Praying towards Mecca.
C. Mosques.
D. Muhammad.
8. According to Ali, why did Amir and Hassan
have a special kinship?
A. They were half-brothers.
B. They both loved the story of Sohrab and
C. They were nursed by the same woman.
D. They were the city's champion kite fighters.
9. How were Amir and Hassan really related?
A. They were kite fighting opponents.
B. They were half-brothers.
C. They were both Baba's servants.
D. They were schoolmates.
10. How did Sanaubar treat Hassan when he
was born?
A. She mourned for him.
B. She read him poems.
11. How were Ali and Sanaubar related?
A. Cousins and fellow professors.
B. Cousins.
C. Spouses.
D. Cousins and Spouses.
12. The term "Hazara" describes whom of the
A. Rahim Khan.
B. Ali.
C. Assef.
D. Baba.
13. What does Amir call Assef in retrospect?
A. A Hazara.
B. A true Afghan.
C. A harelipped kite runner.
D. A sociopath.
14. What was Amir's first word?
A. "Baba."
B. "Sasa."
C. "Amir."
D. "Hassan."
15. What was Hassan's first word?
A. "Ali."
B. "Amir."
C. "Book."
D. "Kite."
16. How did Amir learn about Hazara history?
A. Assef told him.
B. A mullah told him.
C. Baba told him.
D. He secretly read a book.
17. What is another term for a harelip?
A. A warrior.
B. A cleft lip.
C. A mule's lip.
D. A pomegranate.
18. Baba was rumored to have done what?
A. Married twice.
B. Built a school.
C. Wrestled a bear.
D. Slept with Sanaubar.
19. What is Baba's opinion of the
fundamentally religious?
A. He thinks they are crazy.
B. He thinks they are gods.
C. He thinks they should die.
D. He does not care one way or the other.
20. According to Baba, what is the greatest
A. Lying.
B. Cheating.
C. Drinking.
D. Stealing.
21. For what did Amir feel Baba blamed him?
A. The corn dying.
B. Assef's bad behavior.
C. His mother's death.
D. Hassan's illiteracy.
22. As a child, Amir was talented at what?
A. Buzkashi.
B. Reciting poetry.
C. Soccer.
D. Fighting.
23. Whom did Baba see in the bleachers at
the Buzkashi game?
A. Henry Kissinger.
B. Mohammad Daoud.
C. Zahir Shah.
D. Ronald Reagan.
24. Who said, "If I hadn't seen the doctor pull
him out of my wife with my own eyes, I'd
believe he's my son."
A. Rahim Khan.
B. Ali.
C. Baba.
D. Hassan.
25. How did Ali become an orphan?
A. The Taliban killed his parents.
B. His parents died in an accident.
C. His parents committed suicide.
D. Al Qaeda killed his parents.
Quiz 2
1. Who is "the face of Afghanistan" to Amir?
A. Rahim Khan.
B. Baba.
C. Hassan.
D. Sohrab.
2. What was the distinguishing feature of
Amir's first story?
A. Rhyme.
B. Irony.
C. Metaphor.
D. Alliteration.
3. What did Hassan point out in Amir's story?
A. A spelling error.
B. A plot hole.
C. Irony.
D. A lie.
4. What happened on July 17, 1973?
A. The Taliban rolled into Kabul.
B. Amir and Baba fled Afghanistan.
C. A military coup.
D. The Soviets invaded Kabul.
5. Who was Assef's idol?
A. Osama bin Laden.
B. Saddam Hussein.
C. Mussolini.
D. Hitler.
6. What was Assef's favourite weapon?
A. Brass knuckles.
B. A knife.
C. A stone.
D. A slingshot.
11. What else happened during this season?
A. The schools were closed.
B. The women danced in the streets.
C. A festival.
D. The men went fishing.
7. How did Hassan make Assef back down?
A. By telling on him.
B. By insulting him.
C. By aiming his slingshot at his eye.
D. By throwing a stone at him.
12. What made Hassan such a good kite
A. A genetic predisposition.
B. A secret mirror that let him see the kite
without looking up.
C. An innate sense of where the kite would
D. Years of careful study.
8. How did Hassan's harelip get fixed?
A. Amir inisted that Baba pay for it.
B. Baba gave him the surgery for his birthday.
C. A doctor in Pakistan fixed it.
D. It did not get fixed.
9. In what season did the boys go kite
A. Winter.
B. Summer.
C. Fall.
D. Spring.
10. What coated the kite strings in kite
A. Metal.
B. Glass.
C. Tar.
D. Rubber.
13. What did Amir promise to buy Hassan
when they grew up?
A. A television.
B. A bicycle.
C. A Mustang.
D. A microwave.
14. Who said, "I like where I live?"
A. Kamal.
B. Assef.
C. Amir.
D. Hassan.
15. What did Assef do to Hassan?
A. He stole his kite.
B. He beat him.
C. He gave him a harelip.
D. He raped him.
16. What did Amir do to help Hassan?
A. Nothing.
B. He took the kite.
C. He threatened Assef with his slingshot.
D. He ran and got Ali.
17. According to Amir, what is "the look of
the lamb?"
A. A look of defiance.
B. A look of defeat.
C. A look of pleading.
D. A look of despair.
18. Who had "the look of the lamb?"
A. Assef.
B. Assef's friends.
C. Amir.
D. Hassan.
19. How did Amir deal with his guilt?
A. He told Rahim Khan what happened.
B. He avoided Hassan.
C. He wrote a story about it.
D. He told Ali about it.
20. What embarrassing ailment does Amir
A. Carsickness.
B. Eczema.
C. Flatulence.
D. Asthma.
21. What did Baba do when Amir suggested
getting new servants?
A. Fixed Hassan's harelip.
B. Pretended he did not hear.
C. Bought Hassan a new bike.
D. Threatened to strike Amir.
22. What did Hassan refuse to do for Amir?
A. Hit him with a pomegranate.
B. His chores.
C. Sleep in the house.
D. Learn how to read.
23. What was the only birthday present Amir
could bear to use?
A. The book from Ali and Hassan.
B. The wristwatch from Baba.
C. The notebook from Rahim Khan.
D. The book from Assef.
24. How did Hassan respond to Amir's
accusations of theft?
A. He said nothing.
B. He called Amir out as a liar.
C. He admitted to stealing.
D. He tried to kill himself.
25. What happened for the first time after
Hassan and Ali left?
A. There was an earthquake.
B. Baba hit Amir.
C. Baba cried.
D. It rained.
Quiz 3
1. What do Afghans call the Soviets?
A. Mujahedin.
B. Mullahs.
C. Shorawi.
D. Talibs.
6. Why did Amir call Soraya his "Swap Meet
A. She had a T-shirt that said that.
B. He did not call her that.
C. It was the same thing Baba called Amir's
D. They met at the flea market.
2. Why did Kamal's father shoot himself?
A. It was an accident.
B. In order to save Kamal.
C. Because Kamal had died.
D. In order to save his wife.
7. What did General Taheri do for work in
A. He worked in a garage.
B. He sold hot dogs.
C. He ran a convenience store.
D. He did not work.
3. What did Mr. Nguyen say that offended
A. He praised the Soviet Union.
B. He called him a Muslim.
C. He called him an Afghan.
D. He asked for his ID.
8. What did Baba refuse?
A. To ask for Soraya's hand.
B. Alcohol, at all times.
C. Palliative cancer treatment.
D. To return to Afghanistan to die.
4. Where did Baba work in California?
A. A garage.
B. A gas station.
C. A bar.
D. A restaurant kitchen.
9. What happened to Khanum Taheri during
the time Soraya had run off?
A. She lost her mother.
B. She learned how to read.
C. She had a stroke.
D. She adopted a second child.
5. What did Baba say the night of Amir's
A. That he wanted to go back to Kabul.
B. That he wished Hassan were there.
C. That he had been lying to Amir.
D. That he loved the idea of America.
10. What did Amir find out about Soraya the
night they were engaged?
A. That she was not a virgin.
B. That she did not believe in Islam.
C. That she was a Hazara.
D. That she was infertile.
11. What is it called when a man's father
proposes to a woman on his son's behalf?
A. lafz.
B. awroussi.
C. watan.
D. khastegari.
12. Why do Amir and Soraya skip their
engagement party?
A. Because they are infertile.
B. Because they do not like pomp and
C. Because Baba is dying.
D. Because they do not like to follow tradition.
13. What did Amir find out that made him
A. Baba asked Soraya to read him Amir's
B. Baba knew about Hassan's rape.
C. Sofia Akrami was not his real mother.
D. Baba told Soraya that he loved Hassan.
14. What did General Taheri forbid Khanum
Taheri to do?
A. Dance.
B. Sing.
C. Eat dessert.
D. Work.
15. What word describes Khanum Taheri?
A. gossip.
B. hypochondriac.
C. battered woman.
D. traitor.
20. What didn't Rahim Khan remember?
A. Baba's secret.
B. Amir's name.
C. Hassan's rape.
D. The notebook.
16. Why did Amir pity Soraya sometimes?
A. Because she never found out she had a
B. Because she was subject to a sexual double
C. Because she did not know how to read.
D. Because her parents did not really love her.
21. Why did Rahim Khan seek out Hassan?
A. He promised Baba he would do so.
B. He felt lonely and weak.
C. He wanted to tell him Baba's secret.
D. He was afraid of the Taliban.
17. What was the cause of Amir and Soraya's
A. Amir had a low sperm count.
B. Soraya was not producing eggs.
C. It was unexplainable.
D. They did not like to make love.
18. What did General Taheri discourage the
couple from doing?
A. Consulting fertility specialists.
B. Moving back to Kabul.
C. Praying.
D. Adopting.
19. Where did Amir fly to see Rahim Khan?
A. Jalalabad.
B. Islamabad.
C. Mazar-i-Sharif.
D. Peshawar.
22. What was Hassan's wife's name?
A. Farzana.
B. Sofia.
C. Sanaubar.
D. Soraya.
23. How did Hassan mourn Baba?
A. He did not mourn Baba.
B. He planted corn.
C. He painted the house.
D. He wore black for forty days.
24. What happened to Hassan's daughter?
A. He never had a daughter.
B. She was stillborn.
C. She ran away.
D. She died at the hands of the Taliban.
25. After whom did Hassan name Sohrab?
A. Baba's father.
B. The former king.
C. Ali's father.
D. His favorite legendary hero.
Quiz 4
1. Who was held accountable for Hassan and
Farzana's deaths?
A. The Hazara people.
B. No one.
C. The Taliban.
D. The PDPA.
2. Why is Farid rude to Amir?
A. Because Amir does not have a beard.
B. Because he gets car sick.
C. Because he dislikes Sunnis.
D. Because Amir went to America.
3. Who calls Amir "a true Afghan?"
A. Rahim Khan.
B. Farid.
C. Wahid.
D. Assef.
D. An American couple who flee Afghanistan
just before Amir arrives.
6. What does Amir leave under Wahid's
A. Money.
B. American clothes.
C. His notebook.
D. A wristwatch.
7. What does Amir have to wear as disguise?
A. Sunglasses.
B. A fake beard.
C. A long braid.
D. A burqa.
8. What was Baba's sin?
A. Killing a man.
B. Betraying Hassan.
C. Disgracing a mosque.
D. Shaming Ali.
4. Where is the orphanage where Sohrab was
A. Peshawar.
B. Karteh-Seh.
C. Wazir Akbar Khan.
D. Mazar-i-Sharif.
9. How did Amir and Farid bond at the hotel?
A. By fighting.
B. By telling jokes.
C. By sharing food.
D. By flying kites.
5. Who are the Caldwells?
A. The owners of the convenience store in
B. An American couple Rahim Khan fabricates.
C. The former royal family of Afghanistan.
10. What was the alleged crime of those
murdered at Ghazi Stadium?
A. Stealing.
B. Adultery.
C. Dancing.
D. Talking Loudly.
11. What did Assef consider a message from
A. Hitler's death.
B. His serving time in jail.
C. His parents' success in Australia.
D. The passing of his kidney stone.
12. What did Assef make Sohrab wear?
A. Nothing at all.
B. A bedsheet.
C. High heels.
D. Makeup.
13. How did Sohrab injure Assef?
A. He broke his ribs.
B. He put out his eye.
C. He broke his orbital bone.
D. He split his lip.
14. Why did Sohrab run off in Islamabad?
A. To find his parents.
B. To escape from Assef.
C. To get food.
D. To look at the mosque.
15. What did the key Rahim Khan left Amir
A. His apartment.
B. Nothing--the key was symbolic.
C. A safety deposit box.
D. A car.
16. What was Raymond Andrews advice?
A. To live in Pakistan.
B. To give up.
C. To put Sohrab in an orphanage temporarily.
D. To bribe the INS.
21. What did Sohrab refuse to do in America?
A. Eat.
B. Speak.
C. Sleep.
D. Leave the house.
17. What did Omar Faisal tell Amir?
A. That he admired him.
B. To give up.
C. That he despised him.
D. That he knew Baba.
22. What did Amir tell General Taheri never
to call Sohrab?
A. A Shiite.
B. An Afghan.
C. A Hazara boy.
D. A Sunni.
18. Who managed to get Sohrab a visa?
A. General Taheri.
B. Amir.
C. Sharif.
D. Sanaubar.
19. Why did Sohrab try to kill himself?
A. He did not want to go to an orphanage.
B. He believed God wanted him to.
C. He was a sociopath.
D. He did not; it was an accident.
20. What did Amir do in the hospital for the
first time in fifteen years?
A. Pray.
B. Drink alcohol.
C. Wish he was not an Afghan.
D. Curse Baba.
23. What does Amir do for Sohrab at the
A. Embraces him.
B. Helps him make a friend.
C. Runs a kite for him.
D. Takes him to therapy.
24. What does Amir tell Sohrab?
A. "There is a way to be good again."
B. "For you, a thousand times over."
C. "You are my son."
D. "We both got what we deserved."
25. What are the last words of the novel?
A. "I was home."
B. "There is a way to be good again."
C. "For you, a thousand times over."
D. "I ran."