FINAL AR pp - EarlyActionResearch

Eat Healthy & Exercise to
Stay Fit for Life
April Barabash
CBSE 7201T
Fall 2012
Table of Contents
• Participants (N)
• Instruments
Statement of the Problem
Review of Related Literature
Statement of the Hypothesis
Consent form
Statement of the Problem
Some children suffer from a lack of self
esteem and this effects their ability to excel in
sports & exercise. (Glazebrook, Batty, Mullan, MacDonald, Nathan,
Sayal, Smyth & Yang, 2011)
Obese children face a future of ill health
because of poor eating and exercise habits.
(Watson, Baranowski, Thompson, 2012) and (Gruber, & Halderman, 2009)
Statement of the problem
There is a growing body of evidence
that suggests a link between lack of
physical activity and poor academic
success. ("Presidential youth fitness," 2012).
Review of the Literature
“Everybody hates gym!” But why? (Graser, Sampson,
Pennington, & Prusak, 2011).
Student grades are based on their ability to match the
perfect form- NOT their improvement throughout the
Students skills are evaluated in front of their class.
Review of the Literature
FITNESSGRAM - the Solution (“Presidential youth fitness,” 2012) and
(Graser, et al. 2011).
Step 1: a pretest/assessment evaluates their ability to do
push ups, sits up, reach and stretch and time jogging.
Step 2: Students, and the teachers create an exercise routine.
They are given 10 weeks to practice.
Step 3: At the posttest, they do the FITNESSGRAM again and
rate their improvements.
 Goal
building student confidence to
exercise so they enjoy staying fit for
Review of the Literature
Exercise is good for your mind and your
Exercising strengthens the executive
functioning portion of the brain. (Tomporowski, Davis, Miller,
Nagliericite, 2008)
Staying fit through exercise and cardio fitness
prevents heart attacks and strokes. (Thijssen, Cable, &
Green, 2012)
Embodied Cognition. (Brizendine, 2011)
Review of the literature
 -created
by Michele Obama in
2010. (“A brief history of USDA good
guides,” 2011.)
Changing students
eating habits is
always a challenge.
(Gruber, & Halderman, 2009), and
(Watson, et al. 2012).
Performance is only
one factor to dictate a
persons health. (Monyeki,
Neetens, Moss & Twisk, 2012).
Nutrition Plate Unveiled,
Replacing Food Pyramid
Review of the Literature
“MyPlate” Pro
“MyPlate” Con
(Neuman, 2011),
excessive protein
consumption (Neuman,
Green is good. (Weil,
Easy to understand.
Where’s my
Doritos?” (Derocha, 2011).
Statement of the Hypothesis
This project implements a nutritional and
exercise unit based on MyPlate and exercise
strategies using the FITNESSGRAM 3
times a week for 45 minutes in a ten week
period to 50 fifth graders in P.S. X, an urban
school in Brooklyn, NY, will teach students
how to achieve a healthy life-style and
become fit for life. (“A brief history, 2011)
Method: Instruments
Likert Pre/Post Nutrition Scale
Sample statements: Circle your answers about food.
Soda is as healthy as orange juice.
(1) Agree
(2) disagree
(3) do not know
We have to eat meat everyday.
(1) Agree
(2) disagree
(3) do not know
If I eat too much I feel bad about myself.
(1) Agree
(2) disagree
(3) do not know
Method: Instruments
Likert Pre/Post Exercise Scale
Sample statements: Circle your answers about exercise.
If I do not win a sports game I am not physically fit.
(“Preteen food choices”, 2011)
(1) Agree
(3) do not know
I like to play sports games but not in school.
(1) Agree
(2) disagree
(2) disagree
(3) do not know
I feel good after gym class.
(1) Agree
(2) disagree
(3) do not know
Method: Instruments
Pre- Test Results
Post- Test Results
Sit & reach
____ inches
___ inches
Shoulder stretch
Touch fingertips?
Touch fingertips?
Curl- ups
___ curl ups
___ curl ups
Push- ups
___ push ups
___ push ups
Trunk Lift
___ curl ups
___ curl ups
Body Mass Index
Weight in pounds x 703
Heights in inches2
Method: Instruments
Food journal
Open ended writing in journals
2 days before lesson on junk food
2 days after lesson on junk food
2 days of exercise on vacation
My favorite foods make me feel…
My opinion about MyPlate…
Method: Instruments
Sample of MyPlate lesson:
Poster of my MyPlate on board
 Distribute copies of colorless & blank
drawings of MyPlate. Review each section
and have students appropriately color and
label each section. (Gardner, p. 181)
 Attached to sheet will be fill in questions
reviewing a prior lesson on MyPlate. Have
students answer questions with an open
book to their notes.
Appendix A - Parent/Guardian
Consent Form
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am currently a graduate student at Brooklyn College. This spring semester I am in the
process of completing an action research project as one of the requirements of a Masters
degree in Childhood Education.
I would like to invite your child to participate in my study called, 滴ow to Exercise and Eat
Properly to Stay Fit for Life. It will be completed in ten weeks.
I am requesting your permission to gather data and incorporate the information your child
provides into my thesis. Your child’s name will remain anonymous. If you decide to allow
your child to participate, he/she will be required to complete short questionnaires and write
short, guided writing assignments. He/She will participate in fitness program called
FITNESSGRAM, and learn about healthy foods based on the nutritional program created by
Ms. Obama, called MyPlate. They will also learn how to prepare healthy cold food recipes.
Your child may be included in observations by other teachers.
Through this study, I hope to learn how an atmosphere of enjoyment and non-competitive
sports and exercise affects children.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
April S. Barabash
Appendix B - Principal/Administration
Consent Form
Dear Administrator/Principal,
My action research project is entitled, ow to Exercise and Eat Properly to Stay Fit for Life. The project requires that I work with
one class for ten weeks, three times a week, for 45 minute physical education sessions. Before beginning the research I will
request parental permission. Names will remain anonymous in my research project.
The class will be given a ten-question pre and post Likert questionnaire that asks their opinions and/or knowledge about exercise
and food. Written assignments will be short and guided. The students responses will be analyzed for my project.
They will participate in the president’s fitness program called FITNESSGRAM, and learn about healthy foods based on the
nutritional program created by Ms. Obama, called MyPlate. They will learn how to prepare a few healthy cold food recipes.
Students may be included in observations by other teachers. Through this study, I hope to learn how an atmosphere of enjoyment
and non-competitive sports and exercise affects children.
This survey will in no way affect my duties as a student teacher.
Thank you in advance for your support in this endeavor.
April S. Barabash
I am fully aware that a research project will be conducted within the school.
(please print name) X __________________________date ___
(please sign) X _____________________________ date_____
Appendix C- Teacher Consent Form
Dear Teacher,
My name is April Barabash and I am a Brooklyn College graduate student. I am completing my action research project during
the Spring term. The title of my action research project is "How to Exercise and Eat Properly to Stay Fit for Life. " I would
greatly appreciate your permission to work with your class, three times a week, over a
ten-week time period, for 45 minute sessions.
For this unit, I will be providing the class with anonymous pre-test and post-test Likert questionnaires asking their
opinion/knowledge about exercise and food. The project uses parts of the FITNESSGRAM and the results will be recorded with
their name. No student names will appear in the research project.
I will also be teaching mini-lessons about nutrition based on the program created by Ms. Obama called MyPlate. They will
learn how to prepare a few healthy cold food recipes.
Please sign and return the bottom portion of this letter stating whether you would or would not like your class to be
used in this research.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
April Barabash
Action Research Project
___ I allow my class to be observed in this action research project
____ I do not allow my class to be observed in this action research project.
Teacher Signature x _______________
date __________
Based on this research I will create a
curriculum that creates good feelings
and attitude about eating healthy food
and exercising to be fit for life.
A brief history of usda food guides. (2011). Retrieved from ‘
Derocha , G. (2011). Is the new MyPlate food guide effective? dietitians weigh in. A healthier Michigan ,
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FITNESSGRAM. (2011, December 14). Responsible Educators Accountable for
Learning, Retrieved from
Gardner, H. (1985). Frames of mind. (p. 181). New york: Harper collins.
Glazebrook, C., Batty, M., Mullan, N., MacDonald, I., Nathan, D., Sayal, K., Smyth, A., Yang, M.,
Boliang, G. & Hollis, C. (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote
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Gruber, K. & Halderman, L.(2009). Using the Family to Combat Childhood and Adult Obesity.
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The pahl study. BioMedicalCenter Public Health, 12(374), doi: :10.1186/1471-2458-12-374
Neuman, W. (2011, 05 02). Nutrition plate unveiled, replacing food pyramid. The New York Times.
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Preteen food choices may help predict eating disorders later. (2011, May 31). MedicalXpress, Retrieved
Presidential youth fitness program adopts the FITNESSGRAM assessment; new fitness program teaches
skills for lifelong physical activity. (2012, 09 11). PRWeb
Thijssen, D., Cable, N., & Green, D. (2012). Impact of exercise training on arterial wall thickness in
humans. US national library of medicine national institutes of health, 112(Pt7), 311–322. doi:
Tomporowski, P. Davis, C. Miller, P. Nagliericite, J. (2008). Exercise and children’s intelligence,
cognition, and academic achievement. Educ Psychol Rev. 2008 June 1. 20(2): 111–131.
doi: 10.1007/s10648-007-9057-0
Watson, K. Baranowski, T. Thompson, D. (2012). Item response modeling: an evaluation of the
children's fruit and vegetable self-efficacy questionnaire. Health Education Research. 21(1); i47-i57.
Neuman, W. (2011). Nutrition plate unveiled, replacing food pyramid. The New York Times.
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Weil, A. (2011). Myplate usda food guide has cracks. Retrieved from