Behavior-based Spyware Detection

Behavior-based Spyware
Engin Kirda and Christopher Kruegel
Secure Systems Lab
Technical University Vienna
Greg Banks, Giovanni Vigna, and Richard A. Kemmerer
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara
Presenting : Majed Alhudaib
• Spyware is growing.
• In a study that I made on campus over 50 students I
found that:
• 6 out of each 10 students encountered some sort of
spyware infect over the past three years.
• Only 3 out of 50 know what a spyware is.
• 20 asked for help removing what they call a “virus” and
we call spyware.
• some blamed the manufacturer of their computers for
adding all these adds in the browser!!.
Current anti-Spyware detectors.
Behavior based spyware detection.
BHO’s, toolbars and COM.
Spyware characterization.
The Big picture.
Dynamic Analysis.
Static Analysis.
Evading Detection.
Current anti-Spyware detectors
• Signature based mechanism.
Behavior based spyware detection
• a new spyware detection technique that
overcomes some of the limitations of existing
anti-spyware approaches. This technique is based
on an abstract characterization of the behavior
of a popular class of spyware programs that relies
on Internet Explorer’s Browser Helper Object
(BHO) and toolbar interfaces to monitor a user’s
browsing behavior.
• Why Internet Explorer’s BHO and toolbar?
• How about other web browsers?
BHO’s, toolbars and COM
• What are BHO’s and Toolbars?
• What is COM?
• How do they interact?
• How can spyware applications take advantage
of all this?
Spyware characterization
• we classify a browser helper object or a
toolbar as spyware if the component, in
response to browser events:
1. monitors user behavior by interacting with
the web browser and
2. Invokes Windows API calls that can potentially
leak information about this behavior (e.g.,
calls to save the data to a file or transmit
information to a remote host).
The Big picture
• Behavior based spyware detection consists of two
major parts:
• 1- Dynamic analysis: exposes a suspicious component
to crafted browser events (which simulate user activity)
and analyzes the component’s response. In particular,
we dynamically record both the browser COM
functions and the Windows API functions that the
component calls.
• 2- Static analysis: extracts the control flow graph of all
code regions that are responsible for handling events.
Dynamic Analysis
• The goal of the dynamic analysis step is two
• First, it has to monitor the interaction of the
component with the browser and record all the
browser’s COM functions that are invoked in
response to events.
• Second, it has to determine the code regions that
are responsible for handling events, thereby
providing the necessary starting points for the
static analysis step.
Dynamic Analysis: Core elements
• “fake” WebBrowser COM object: which provides the
component under analysis with an environment similar
to the one that would be present when being hosted
by an instance of Internet Explorer.
• COM object host application: which properly
instantiates all involved components and sends the
relevant browser events to the BHO or toolbar
component under evaluation.
• A program that traces the execution of our host
application to extract those code regions that handle
the various browser events that are delivered.
Dynamic Analysis: Locating eventhandling code
• An instruction that handles an event is called
“event-specific instruction”.
• How to get the first event-specific instruction?
Dynamic Analysis: Locating eventhandling code
• Example.
Static Analysis
• first task: of the static analysis step is to disassemble the
target binary and generate a control flow graph from the
disassembled code. A control flow graph (CFG) is defined as
a directed graph.
• Next task: Based on the CFG for the entire component, we
isolate those parts of the graph that are responsible for
handling events. In particular, we are interested in all subgraphs of the CFG that contain the code to handle the
different events. Using the event-specific addresses
collected during dynamic analysis.
• Finally: the event specific lists are merged to obtain a list of
all API calls that are invoked in response to events.
Evading Detection
• How can a spyware bypass this kind of
1- a spyware component could attempt to leak
information using means other than API calls,
or it could prevent the static analysis process
from finding their invocations in the code of
the BHO. How?
• 2- evasion venue is to craft the BHO code such
that it can resist static analysis.
• total of 51 samples (33 malicious and 18 benign); 34 of them
were BHOs and 17 were toolbars.
• This mechanism does need more work, thus, it
definitely raises the bar for spyware writers.
• The potential is very high and the outcome
could benefit in deferent malware types
• Thank You 