Ainm/Name Personal Statement/Aithisg

Personal Statement/Aithisg
Janice Boag
Rugadh agus thogadh mi ann an
coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig ann an Leòdhas. Mar
sin tha cànan agus cùltar nan Gàidheal air a
bhith mar phàirt chudromach nam bheatha. As
dèidh dhomh sgoil fhàgail, rinn mi ceum ann an
Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathain agus mas
deach mi air adhart dha teagasg tro foghlam tro
mheadhan na Gàidhlig, bha mi ag obair aig BBC
Radio nan Gàidheal ann an Steòrnabhagh
airson bliadhna, a’ libhreagadh am prògram
cloinne, Aileag. Thòisich mi teagasg aig Sgoil
a’ Mheadhain ann an 1997 agus tha mi nis aig
BSGI. A bharrachd air a bhith nam thidsear, ‘s e
pàrant a th’ annam cuideachd, le dithis mhac ,
aon air clas 1 agus aon air clas 3.
Nuair a bha mi san Oilthigh, bha mi nam
Cheannard air a’ Chomann Cheiltich, far an robh
mi an sàs le iomadh seòrsa tachartasan Gàidhlig
a-measg nan oileanach fhèin agus cuideachd
leis a’ choimhearsnachd air fad; mar eisimpleir
cèilidhean agus clasaichean Gàidhlig. Dh’
ionnsaich mi aig an àm sin, na cothroman a bha
ann far a bheil foghlam is coimhearsnachd ag
obair còmhla agus tha mi de’n bheachd gu bheil
cothrom air leth againn mar sgoil agus mar
choimhearsnachd a bhith ag obair nas dlùithe ri
chèile gur maith na Gàidhlig.
Mar thidsear agus mar phàrant tha mi air a bhith
an sàs ann an iomadh rud; a’ cuideachadh aig a’
bhall-coise, aig na fèillean a tha air a bhith
againn mu thràth, le còisir na sgòile agus ann an
Club G a tha toirt taic do chloinn a tha dol dhan
Tha mise airson a bhith air Comhairle nam
Parant oir tha mi a’ faicinn gu bheil tòrr
chothromanan ann leudachadh air a’ chultar
agus a’ chànan sa choimhearsnachd againn, far
am bi cothromannan ann dha daoine
coinneachadh, Gàidhlig ionnsachadh sa
chleachdadh ann an dòigh a bhios a’ cuir ri
beatha na sgoile agus nan sgoilearan.
I was born and brought up in a Gaelic speaking
community on the island of Lewis and Gaelic
language and culture have been an integral part
of my life. On leaving school I completed an
Honours degree in Gaelic at Aberdeen
University and, before going on to teach, I spent
a year at BBC Radio nan Gàidheal presenting
the children’s programme Aileag. I began
teaching in Central Primary’s Gaelic Unit in 1997
before moving on to BSGI. As well as being a
teacher, I am also a parent of two boys, one in
P1 and one in P3. As a parent and teacher I
have been involved in various things at BSGI;
helping with the football training, the Gala Days,
concerts, the school choir and also Club G which
gives tuition to children going to the Mod.
In my role as President of the Celtic Society in
University I had to do a great deal of
administrative work and was involved in
organising many events for the students
themselves but open to the wider community, for
example Gaelic classes and ceilidhs. From this
experience I learnt that there are benefits when
education and community work together and I
feel that we could do more in this regard in
Inverness. I have good organisational skills and
would aim to get things done that will support
our school and pupils in an approachable and
open manner.
Muriel A Davidson
As a parent of 2 children attending Gaelic Medium
and 2 nephews (one in SA and one now in high
school), I feel BSGI has been a real firm
grounding for their earliest years. They have
benefitted greatly from some excellent teaching
staff (past and present), great enthusiastic
fundraising initiatives and have been immersed in
the Gaelic language and culture, something I
value as a fluent Gaelic speaker, brought up in
the islands.
Since my children reached school age I have
been working as Pupil Support Assistant and in
the school office.
Great opportunities lie in the year ahead. With
the prospect of finally having a permanent HT and
opportunities to fundraise for the whole schools
benefit, let’s move on from the disunity and
discord of the past year and make this the best
year yet for the sake of our children. We owe it to
Muriel A Davidson
Fiona Davie
As a family we consider ourselves very fortunate
indeed to have had the opportunity to send our
son to BSGI to learn the Gaelic language and
something of the culture.
I believe teachers work very hard in the education
system but none more so than those at BSGI who
have double the work to do, given that a lot of
material has to be translated into Gaelic not to
mention a majority of children at the school are
from non-gaelic speaking families and the
transition into a gaelic immersion environment
makes the job all the more challenging.
Furthermore, the support, commitment and
enthusiasm the teachers have demonstrated over
the years, in school and out, have been and
continue to be outstanding.
We are proud of
BSGI. I should very much like the chance to lend
my support to the school, as part of the Parent
Council, as a mark of my respect and huge
admiration for all the school’s efforts in providing
all our children with a very unique and privileged
Kate Dunbar
Hi, for those of you who don’t know me - I have
two children in BSGI, one in P4/5, one in P1/2.
Both children have been part of this wonderful
school community since the age of three. We
have lived in Inverness for 8 years and on Islay
prior to that, where, with my husband, I ran an IT
company for the Islands and Argyll. We
developed the first Gaelic keyboard, the first
Gaelic word processor and developed many bilingual websites, so beginning my immersion into
Highland and Island culture and my love for
Scottish Music
When we moved to Inverness this continued as I
worked for Feis Rois promoting traditional arts
and heritage and raising funds for children’s
I am not a fluent speaker but a “long term” Gaelic
learner, whose children have long overtaken me. I
believe I can empathise with and encourage those
in a similar situation, other parents who respect
Gaelic culture but who come from different
I would like to offer the school my experience of
running my own business, working for a large IT
company, ideas and contacts for marketing,
innovation for using IT in schools, and, working
with the Highland Council.
Our children have a fantastic school and I would
like to help it grow and develop to its full potential.
Cara Grant.
I would like to be considered for the parent council
at BSGI to support and be involved with my
daughters education. I can provide
good interpersonal and
organisational skills which I believe are imperative
elements to the effective running of a school
council. I enjoy meeting people and feel
passionate about all aspects of education. As
a Gaelic learner I would like to embrace the
culture and language. I am a positive and
confident speaker who routinely acts as a voice
for others in my professional life and feel I have
skills and knowledge to contribute to the school. I
am enthusiastic about the facilitation of Gaelic
John Grant.
I would like to be considered for the parent
council at BSGI to support and be involved with
my daughter's education. As a Gaelic learner I
would like to embrace the culture and language. I
feel the school has an important role within the
community, this bond must reinforced and I intend
to do this. I am a working professional, in a field
where effective communication of thoughts and
ideas are essential. I would bring this experience
to the council.
Annika Jansson
Dear Parents of BSGI,
I would like to offer my time, help and support to
Pàrantan, BSGI, to support and enable pupils,
staff and community in building on the existing
positive ethos where our children are safe, happy,
healthy and well cared for; a brilliant school where
our children’s potential can grow and develop.
Although I have many years’ experience working
in the Scottish primary school setting, it is my
drive to support and help the school as a mother
of three boys attending BSGI across the three
different levels within the primary school (sgoilàraich to Clas 5).
If I am voted in as a parental representative of the
Parent Council I would truly represent the views of
the wider Parent Forum and not my own personal
views or political agenda of a few. I would bring
openness and transparency in regards to PC
agenda, direction and decisions.
Our children and staff of BSGI need stability and
help in terms of financial support (fundraising
efforts)and in supporting the leadership of the
school to be a truly improving and successful
school- I would be fully involved in supporting this
to happen.
With Regards
Ms Annika Jansson
James Laird
James Laird
I have two children who, next school year, will be
in P1 and P3. My family are not native Gaelic
speakers – though they were some generations
ago. I have been on one of the family learning
weeks at Sabhal Mor Ostaig, and we are lucky
enough to have squeezed through the ballot and
be going again this year – so I am very much in
the ‘learner’ category. It was an active choice of
ours to choose Gaelic Medium Education for our
children, and we are committed to it having
moved house to be closer to the school. If
elected I will be new to the Parent Council, but I
have a sense of what they do having attended a
couple of meetings recently. In terms of what I
would bring to the school via the Parent Council I
consider myself to be a good communicator,
willing to speak up, organised, open minded,
proactive and willing to ‘chip in’. I am by nature
respectful of others. Outside of home and work
my interests lie mainly in the individual sports of
orienteering, cycling, windsurfing in the summer
and skiing in the winter. Partly for professional
reasons and partly personal I have a strong
interest in ensuring our children have an active
lifestyle and am supportive of the school’s
initiatives in this area. If the opportunities arose
through the Parent Council I would be happy to
help develop these aspects further.
A (bhana) charaidean,
Brian O hEadhra
Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis is an
excellent school which has been growing steadily
over the years due to the dedication and hard
work of the staff, support workers and
parents. We should feel proud of the many
achievements of the school over the years and as
a parent of two children in P2 and P4 I am
continually impressed by the cultural,
environmental and sporting opportunities
presented to the children.
I would be very happy to become a Parent
Council committee member. I feel I could offer a
lot of support and put to good use the previous
experience I've had of sitting on various
committees in the past which have included chair
of Fòram Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis and chair of Bunsgoil
Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis Management Committee.
We have an amazing school which is unique in
the Highlands and I am happy to help in any way I
can to see it go from strength to strength.
Leis gach deagh dhùrachd,
Brian O hEadhra
Garry Main
Richard MacDonald
Garry Main
Next session I will have three children at the
school, two in primary and the third starting SgoilÀraich, therefore I have a keen interest in helping
the school develop by being part of the Parent
Council. I have helped out in the past at various
meetings, you may have seen me running up and
down with microphones! If elected I am willing to
take a full part in the activities of the Parent
Council. As a Gaelic learner myself I am acutely
aware of the need for the best possible learning
environment and I would do my best to ensure
that we can continue to maintain, develop and
improve the school environment for our children
by working together with all parents and staff.
Leis a h-uile deagh dhùrachd.
I am Richard MacDonald a Property and Estates
Manager and I have lived in Inverness for the last
6 years. I am a native Gaelic speaker, and our
son has been in Gaelic Medium education at
BSGI from Sgoil-araich through to the present.
Last year I put my name forward for the Parent
Council, and was selected as Treasurer for the
2012/13 term. The Parent Council has faced a
particularly difficult year with the Head Teacher
appointment process, and the lengthy period till
the Interim Head teacher was in position.
Throughout the process I have tried to take a
pragmatic, open-minded and
understanding approach to the issues and
concerns that have been raised throughout this
difficult time. My main aim when serving on the
Parent Council was to support the pupils and staff
of the school to the best of my ability, and I hope
that is what I was able to do.
I am seeking election to the 2013/14 Parent
Council, with the aim of continuing to support the
pupils and staff of the school. Having served in
2012/13, I have gained an invaluable knowledge
of the Parent Council and Local Authority process
and protocols that I feel will stand me in better
stead to serve a further term. I also believe that
BSGI's place in the wider family of schools in the
Highlands should be supported and I will promote
and support this through continued participation in
multi school sporting and cultural activities.
The school will in the coming term be faced with a
new Head Teacher appointment process, my
aim as a member of the Parent Council
throughout this process will be what's best for the
pupils and staff of the school while considering
the opinions of the Parent's. BSGI and it's
achievements in producing children fluent in
Gaelic is something that we can all be proud off,
in the coming term if I am elected to the Parent
Council I will strive to make sure that it will be for
these positive reasons that the school will be
spoken and written about in the future.
Calum Maclean
I have been involved with Gaelic Medium
Education in Inverness for many years, with my
eldest children first attending Central Primary.
After many years, the parents struggle for Gaelic
Medium Education led to the construction of
BSGI, the first purpose built Gaelic School in
This is an important period for our school.
Although there have been many changes over the
years, the Parent Consultation demonstrated that
we still recognise and value the unique
opportunities and benefits that a Gaelic school
can offer our children, through immersion in the
language and culture. Parents also recognise
there can be practical difficulties in meeting our
aspirations and at times there is a need for some
Being flexible means that we need to carefully
consider the core values that are fundamental to
Gaelic Education and the impact any flexibility
may have. Clearly understood and defined
boundaries are necessary to ensure that core
principles that form the basis for our school are
protected and not eroded or forgotten over time.
If elected I would work together with other
members of the parent council to;
Identify steps that can be taken to
acknowledge and protect the core
principles and objectives for Gaelic
Medium Education in line with best
Investigate opportunities and limitations for
a flexible approach to the challenges
ahead, which will allow practical solutions
to be found, whilst also ensuring that our
core values are protected for ourselves and
future generations.
These are positive measures that will address
many of the fears and concerns that have been
expressed in recent months. They will enable
parents to have confidence that when it becomes
necessary to take a more flexible approach, our
core values will be protected and that we will
follow a path that continues to lead us towards our
key aims and objectives.
Catherine MacNeil
I have been a parent at the school for 6 years now
with 1 child in P6 and another in P1. I have tried
to support the school in any way I could, over this
time, particularly in the areas of fundraising and
assisting with extra-curricular activities.
I have a strong background in application making,
project planning and delivery, particularly of arts
and cultural linked activities. I would like the
opportunity to continue with the development of
Club G and the Mod tuition project, with particular
focus on increasing participation, by individual
BSGI pupils, for the National Mod in Inverness
next year.
I’m very happy that there is enough interest this
year to allow nominations to go to vote and
believe the school will best benefit from a mix of
new, enthusiastic parents, bringing fresh ideas
and motivation and experienced, previously
involved parents who will ensure a continuity and
pushing forward of the needs which have already
been raised by the school and parent body.
Catriona MacPhee
I currently have two children in BSGI, although
one is about to leave to move up to Inverness
Royal Academy. I myself was brought up in a
Gaelic-speaking home in Inverness, my father
having had a Lewis background. I served on the
Parent Council last year and would be happy to
continue for a further year, hopefully adding to the
stability and continuity of the new team. I have
been a teacher myself for many years now and
fully understand the benefits of Gaelic Medium
Education, as well as the challenges that are
faced by it. If elected, i can assure you i will be
committed to representing your views and doing
the best i can for our childrens' school.
Mòran Taing.