1 4 Conducting Marketing Research Chapter Questions What constitutes good marketing research? What are good metrics for measuring marketing productivity? How can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditures? How can companies more accurately measure and forecast demand? 4-2 3-3 THE OUTCOMES Budget: $90,000,000 Marketing cost: $4,000,000 Opening Weekend Gross (Domestic): $70,251,710 Total Domestic Grosses: $339,714,978 Total Overseas Grosses: $524,911,000 Total Worldwide Grosses: $864,625,978 3-4 How to get “the inspiration” ? 3-5 The crews study “everything” about fish including spending 40 hours of studying fish eye movement, and hundreds of hours on the behavior of fish : THE NEMO RESEARCH: How can they make FINDING NEMO so lively? fish are attentive to who they interact with they use senses other than vision to find ’friends’ fish stick around with those who are most like them fish like others from the same ’neighborhood’ 3-6 Marketing Research Defined Systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing a company. 4-7 Customers’ perception of values is influenced by a lot of factors: The economic, political, social, natural, and technological The competitive environment The behavior of the consumers environments MARKETING RESEARCH 4-8 Characteristics of Good Marketing Research Scientific method Research creativity Multiple methods Interdependence Value and cost of information Healthy skepticism Ethical marketing 4-9 Who conduct marketing research? Syndicated-service research firms Custom marketing research firms Specialty-line marketing research firms 4-10 Table 4.4 Marketing Metrics External Awareness Market share Relative price Number of complaints Customer satisfaction Distribution Total number of customers Loyalty Internal Awareness of goals Commitment to goals Active support Resource adequacy Staffing levels Desire to learn Willingness to change Freedom to fail Autonomy 4-11 Marketing Research provides information to the organization for use in at least four areas: 1. The generation of ideas for marketing action, including the identification of marketing problems and opportunities. 2. The comparison of performance versus objectives. 3. The development of general understanding of marketing phenomena and processes. 4. The evaluation of marketing actions 4-12 Facts & Trends (BPS, 2005 and Deka Research, 2006) Measures of marketing demand: - 4 million babies born per year ( = the market ). - Family expenditure per baby per month = Rp. 600.000,- (= the potential market) Increased health threats. Higher expectation on kids’ future. Increased number of working moms (inadequate ASI) ↓ The available market The target market: those available market in major4-13 cities Yamaha: total market share = 36% (Honda 51%, Suzuki 12%). Their Research says that out of the Indonesian female population of 50.3%, only 13% had driven a motorcycle. Therefore Mio was launch with the technical specs specifically designed for women. - automatic - light and slim (only 87 kg) - trendy - convenient brake, footstep, and transmition 4-14 Estimating Future Demand What do you think of the future demand of automatic motorcycles? Still promising…. HONDA VARIO and Scoopy! 4-15 Research says that young female executives pursue the same career as their male counterparts do, are fond of physical exercise (want to perform masculine/feminin to replicate their celebrity idols), and with BIG SPENDING! (Marketing, 08/VI, August 2006) 4-16 Research says that the young generation pays more attention to health as 20% of stroke sufferers are the younger people (FKUI, 2006). 4-17 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH: International Missteps Caused by Environmental Differences Unilever was forced to withdraw temporarily from one of its foreign markets when it learned the hard way that the French were not interested in frozen foods. An American manufacturer of cornflakes tried to introduce its product in Japan but failed miserably. Since the Japanese were not interested in the general concept of breakfast cereals, how would the manufacturer expect them to purchase cornflakes? 4-18 The Nike Air’s fiasco in Saudi Arabia 4-19 International Marketing Research: “Don’t leave home without it” 4-20 Steps in Conducting a Marketing Research Defining the problem and research objectives Developing research plan for collecting information Implementing the research plan – collecting and analyzing the data Interpreting and reporting the findings 4-21 Steps in conducting marketing research DEFINING THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES. The demographic, economic, and lifestyle characteristics of the target consumers Consumer-usage patterns Attitudes/ Opinions towards the products Forecast of sales 4-22 Steps in conducting marketing research DEVELOPING THE RESEARCH PLAN Determining specific information needs. Examples: The demographic, economic, and VALS characteristics of the product current users (busy working couples value convenience, islamic families prefer syariah products, etc). Consumer-usage patterns. Opinions/ response/ attitudes towards the product/services. 4-23 Steps in conducting marketing research Data Collection techniques Secondary: Internal databases Commercial databases Online databases Primary: Observation Interview (Individual interviews or FGD) Experiments Survey 4-24 The Uses of Observation Basic approaches in data collection: observe or communicate Is a scientific inquiry when conducted to answer research question, systematically planned and executed, uses proper control, and provides a reliable and valid account of what happened. Includes non behavioral and behavioral observation. Observe only, do not communicate 4-25 Non behavioral Observation Record analysis Historical or current records Public or private records (E.g., financial records, economic data, content analysis) Physical Condition Analysis Analysis of inventory condition Store audits Analysis of financial statements Studies of plant safety. Process or Activity Analysis Time/ motion studies of manufacturing processes Analysis of traffic flows Paperwork flows in an office Financial flows in a banking system 4-26 Evaluation of the Observation Method Appropriate for inarticulate participants Can collect original data at the time they occur Can secure information that most participants would ignore Can capture the whole event as it occurs in its natural environment Less intrusive 4-27 Focus Groups INTERVIEWS: INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP OR FGD? Trying to use stimulus materials to extract more data in interviews 4-29 INTEGRATIONS AND SOCIAL RELATIONS Nonton acara TV yang paling banyak dibicarakan: Extravaganza, The Bachelor, Fear Factor dan Infotainment… (Lia-Bertha-Yeshi…kompakan) Kita nonton acara yang hampir-hampir mirip, ya? Kecuali dia nih….yang lain sendiri….. (Komentar Lia dan Yeshi karena Bertha menyatakan suka Metro TV) 4-30 IDEALIZED PERSONS AND PERSONALITY Yang ditonton? Infotainment..dari pagi sampai sore…..Insert, Cek dan Ricek, Kabar Idola, dan itu lho..TV morfosis (yang nyrirtain misalnya Reza dari dulunya waktu kecil sampai sekarang) ……. (Lia, Bertha, Yeshi 2122 th dan juga Inge dan Yovita, 30-31 th) Acaranya jadi bagus kalo presenternya selebritis…….(Lia, 22 th) 4-31 Survey A measurement process used to collect information during a highly structured interview. Goal: to derive comparable data across subsets of the chosen sample so that similarities and differences can be found. When combined with statistical probability sampling, survey findings and conclusions are projectable to large and diverse populations. Advantages: versatile, less expensive, less time needed to collect data. Mail survey, computer-delivered, or intercept studies. 4-32 Steps in conducting marketing research IMPLEMENTING THE RESEARCH PLAN – COLLECTING AND ANALYZING THE DATA. INTERPRETING AND REPORTING THE FINDINGS. 4-33 Research Objective: SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, POSITIONING strategies Product development. MIO The potential, available, and target market. Gender, Age, Income, Occupation Their attitude towards traveling, traveling on a motorcycle, riding a motorcycle. What do you think of a woman traveling by their own What do you think of a woman riding a motorcycle? What kind of motorcycle is suitable for women? Their traveling behavior How often do you travel? Mode of traveling. 4-34 Data to collect: The interests of youngsters under 25 y.o. CLEAR Single/Youngsters who have interests in celebrity, under 30 y.o, male/female, Desires for populariry Lifestyles, trendy, stylish, neat of youngsters, all social classes Daily usage of shampoo Information to be collected? Type of shampoo, hair, favorite artists, price preference, usage frequency, smells of shampoo. Fave artists, type of shampoo, price Willingness to meet/date with their idols, effectiveness of the shampoo, market responses towards the product. The Questions in the questionnaire? 4-35 Constructing a Questionnaire Determine the information we want to acquire. Demographic characteristics (gender, age, income, education, occupation, life cycle). Develop questions to obtain the information OPEN-END CLOSE-END Attitude/ Preference/ Opinions towards a product/service. Completely Unstructured Dichotomous Behavior (frequency of buying/consuming, etc). Word Association Likert Sentence/Story/ Picture completion Importance Multiple Choice Semantic differential Likert Rating scale Intention-to-buy4-36 scale INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH: International Missteps Caused by Environmental Differences Unilever was forced to withdraw temporarily from one of its foreign markets when it learned the hard way that the French were not interested in frozen foods. An American manufacturer of cornflakes tried to introduce its product in Japan but failed miserably. Since the Japanese were not interested in the general concept of breakfast cereals, how would the manufacturer expect them to purchase cornflakes? 4-37 The Nike Air’s fiasco in Saudi Arabia 4-38 International Marketing Research: “Don’t leave home without it” 4-39 Marketing Research provides information to the organization for use in at least four areas: 1. The generation of ideas for marketing action, including the identification of marketing problems and opportunities. 2. The comparison of performance versus objectives. 3. The development of general understanding of marketing phenomena and processes. 4. The evaluation of marketing actions 4-40 Some Research Method Issues Sampling Plan Sampling unit: Who is to be surveyed? Sample size: How many people should be surveyed? Sampling procedure: How should the respondents be chosen? 4-42 Types of Samples Probability Simple random Stratified random Cluster Nonprobability Convenience Judgment Quota 4-43 Mechanical Devices Galvanometers Tachistoscope Eye cameras Audiometers GPS 4-44 Contact Methods Mail questionnaire Telephone interview Personal interview Online interview 4-45 Questionnaire Do’s and Don’ts Ensure questions are free of bias Make questions simple Make questions specific Avoid jargon Avoid sophisticated words Avoid ambiguous words Avoid negatives Avoid hypotheticals Avoid words that could be misheard Use response bands Use mutually exclusive categories Allow for “other” in fixed response questions 4-46 Question Types - Dichotomous In arranging this trip, did you contact American Airlines? Yes No 4-47 Question Types – Multiple Choice With whom are you traveling on this trip? No one Spouse Spouse and children Children only Business associates/friends/relatives An organized tour group 4-48 Question Types – Likert Scale Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Small airlines generally give better service than large ones. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree 4-49 Question Types – Semantic Differential American Airlines Large ………………………………...…………….Small Experienced………………….………….Inexperienced Modern………………………..………….Old-fashioned 4-50 Question Types – Importance Scale Airline food service is _____ to me. Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important 4-51 Question Types – Rating Scale American Airlines’ food service is _____. Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 4-52 Question Types – Intention to Buy Scale How likely are you to purchase tickets on American Airlines if in-flight Internet access were available? Definitely buy Probably buy Not sure Probably not buy Definitely not buy 4-53 Question Types – Completely Unstructured What is your opinion of American Airlines? 4-54 Question Types – Word Association What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the following? Airline ________________________ American _____________________ Travel ________________________ 4-55 Question Types – Sentence Completion When I choose an airline, the most important consideration in my decision is: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________. 4-56 Question Types – Story Completion “I flew American a few days ago. I noticed that the exterior and interior of the plane had very bright colors. This aroused in me the following thoughts and feelings.” Now complete the story. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 4-57 Question Types – Picture (Empty Balloons) 4-58