Norge-Amerika Foreningen The Norway-America Association Undergraduate Scholarship 2016 – 17 A complete application includes: If not included, estimated date of submission: Included? 1. A completed, printed, and signed application form 2. Signed and stamped (“Rett kopi”) copies of all transcripts and diplomas in English. No exceptions! Yes No 3. “Preliminary Statement of Support” from Lånekassen. Yes No 4. A copy of the picture page of your passport Yes No 5. Letters of recommendation from two teachers Sent directly to NORAM by the teachers recommending 6. Some schools may require TOEFL or SAT/ACT Check our website for more information Biographical Information First name (s) Last Name Male: Female: Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy) Place of Birth (City, Country) Current Street Address Postal Code City Country PermanentStreet Address Postal Code City Country Mobile Phone Home Phone Telephone: E-mail: E-mail Emergency Contact Person: Relationship to applicant: Native Language: Other Languages Spoken: Applying as (mark with an X): DegreeNonTransfer Seeking Degree Subject you plan to study in the U.S. (major): Citizenship(s) Starting in (mark with an X): Spring/Jan. Fall/Sept. 2016 2016 Possible Career or Professional Plans: In order of preference, list the colleges/universities you wish to apply to for admission and a scholarship through NORAM: 1. 2. 3. Please list the two people from whom you have requested a letter of recommendation: Name Title E-mail NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 1 of 6 Academic Background Name of High School (VGS): Are you currently attending this school? Yes Address Postal Code School Telephone E-mail Date of Entry (mm-dd-yyyy) No City Country Name of Principal Date of Last Exam (mm-dd-yyyy) List all other upper secondary schools (VGS), including summer schools and programs, you have attended. Remember to include a transcript/certificate from each school/program. Name of school City Dates attended List all colleges/universities you have attended. Remember to include a transcript/certificate from each school/program. Name of school City Dates attended If not currently attending school or college/university, please describe in detail, on a separate sheet if necessary, your activities since last enrolled. Academic Honors: List and briefly describe any scholastic distinctions or honors you have been awarded, beginning with ninth grade: TEST INFORMATION: Some (not all) of our schools require language and/or entrance testes. Be sure to note the tests required for each institution to which you are applying. The official test scores must be submitted by the test organization to each school as soon as possible. If you have already taken a test, please indicate your test scores, and arrange to have them sent to the schools. TOEFL or IELTS SAT I SAT II Subject Tests ACT Dates taken: Dates to be taken: Scores: NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 2 of 6 Work Experience Work Experience: List any jobs (including summer employment) you have held during the past three years Specific nature of work Employer Dates Number of hours per week Activities and Sports Please list your primary extracurricular, community and family activities and hobbies in the order of their interest to you. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments. Activity Grade Level 11 Grade Level 12 Grade Level 13 Grade Level After VGS Approx. time spent Hours/ week Weeks/ Year Positions held (e.g. captain) Do you plan to participate in this activity in the U.S.? Which experience (work, extracurricular, or personal) has been the most meaningful for you. Explain why – use a separate sheet if necessary. If you are an athlete, are you interested in sports scholarships? If yes, tell us a little about you as an athlete. Please note that not all schools are able to offer sports scholarships, but may offer various other opportunities for talented athletes. NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 3 of 6 University/College Preferences In order of preference, list the colleges/universities you wish to apply to for admission and a scholarship through the Norway-America Association 1. 2. 3. Please write a detailed explanation of why you have selected the above college(s). Use a separate sheet if necessary. NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 4 of 6 Personal Statement The personal statement helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades and test scores. It enables you to demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. Write about between 250 – 650 words. Topics: (select one) 1. Write an autobiographical essay, describing your cultural background, personal interests and academic goals. 2. Discuss some issue of personal, local, or national concern and its importance to you. 3. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. We strongly encourage you to put some time and work into your personal statement. For advice on how to write a successful personal statement, please see: NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 5 of 6 Signature I understand that some schools may ask me to fill out additional forms in order to evaluate my application. Yes No Pass on my name, telephone, and e-mail address to other students who plan to study at the same university Yes No Publish my name on the Norway-America Association’s website and publications. Yes No I give permission to the Norway-America Association to: My signature below indicates that all information in my application is complete, factually correct, and honestly presented. Place, date Signature (applicants signature) About NORAM How did you hear about NORAM? Instructions Please answer all the questions on this form, then print, sign and send the form together with the other documents listed on our website to: Norge-Amerika Foreningen Rådhusgata 23 B 0158 Oslo Please submit to NORAM your complete application at least three working days before the first application deadline. Important: after an initial review, we will scan your application and forward it to the schools you want to apply to. If you want your application to be processed as quickly as possible, please make sure that your application is complete, that documents are in the order indicated in this list, and finally, do not staple any of your documents. Questions about the application? Please contact us at or 23 35 71 60. NORAM Undergraduate Scholarship Application 2016-17 | Page 6 of 6