April 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes - Prettyboy Elementary School PTA

Prettyboy Elementary PTA Meeting:
April 21, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees
Kathy Patti
Deborah Karpowicz
Chris Turner
Erin Bichell
Danielle Davis
Candyce Mathews
Jennifer Roebuck
Dr. Harris
LeeAnne Barnett
Lauren Moore
Lee Reithlingshoefer
Steve Bass
Kim Van Dorpe
Becky Forsythe
Karen Devaney
Grady Bichell
Meeting called to order at 7:11 pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Open Items and Updates
o March 17th meeting minutes approved.
Administration's Update: Short throw projectors are hoped to be approved.
Destination imagination – we won 3rd Place. And we were invited to Globals in TN.
MSA Science – takes 2 days of testing.
MAP – K-2 grades
Second set of PARCC Testing – grades 3-5 (May 5-June 7)
Teacher Representative Report:
President's Update:
Treasurer's Update:
July 1, 2015 is the start of the next fiscal year.
Reminder to teachers to get their reimbursements in. Reminder to Room Moms about receipts in
by June 1st.
Subscriptions (Scholastic) – need to have all submitted for budget. We have $500 left in budget.
Vote was approved to accept an increase in budget as we will go over budget.
Guest: Grady Bichell – from Mrs. Salkeld’s class : Buddy Bench idea. Lonely at recess a child
can sit on it and another friend can come and ask them to come and play. Label an existing
bench and pay for a plaque OR buy a new bench. Grady got the idea from Highlights Magazine
and most recent book assembly.
We may collaboration with 5th grade school gift – they were going to donate a tree.
Vote was approved to move forward with possible bench
Guest: (Mr. Bass) Thank you to the PBE PTA. Also, about Robotics Program – would like to
invest in more robotics and offer more than just 1 Robotics Club. Mr. Bass is talking to people in
the county to push this forward. He will keep us posted on funding.
Committee Reports:
Vice President – Still waiting to hear about our Shining Star nomination
Treasurer –
Corresponding Secretary –
Recording Secretary – (aka Box Tops Coordinator) – We collected $1, 325.80 for the 20142015 school year.
Bylaws Care CommitteeCopy Co-Coordinator – There is a new password for the copier for PTA printing.
Cultural Events – The final cultural assembly for the year will be a math assembly on May 22nd
at 9:30 and 10:30. We are looking forward to seeing Craig Collis perform Math, Magic and
Delegate to Balt. Co. PTA Donate Direct Enrichment – Zoo is coming on Friday for 2nd grade
Fundraising –
Green Hands – We got mulch! Some GS Troops helped weed and mulch some school garden
Health & Wellness – May 15th Blood Drive (through Ann Marie) at PBE
Hospitality – Bus Driver Breakfast on April 29th
Legislative Market Day – $63.10 March profit
Membership – 3 new people
Nominating Plant Sale - May 8th
Pumpkin Palooza –
Rec Council Liaison Reflections Program -
Scholarship – I submitted our chosen candidate plus one backup candidate to the HHS
guidance office by the 3/27 deadline. The next step will be to award the scholarship at the May
senior awards night.
School Directory –
School Spirit – We are planning school spirit week, which is May 4-9th. Volunteers are planning
to stamp hands all week, we could use an additional volunteer on Wednesday, May 6th. We
also made a poster for the spirit contest, and are planning to advertise on the announcements.
Spirit Wear – Extra cups are going to be sold at the Spring Festival
Safety – Did have a presentation (April Lewis) came and did a presentation on bullying at HHS.
She shared some great information that was new to administrators. We are meeting as a
committee next week at HHS. We try to meet twice a year.
School Supplies –
Spring Festival – (10am-2pm) Minor changes from previous years. Have noticed a drop
Hourly raffle prizes (Charm City Run & Lax World)
New Booths – obstacle course
New Incentives to boost participation and involvement
Giant games
Food will be from Filler Up and ChickFilA
Hope to use lots of Middle & High School volunteers
We will have a donation/free will area
Teacher Appreciation –
Teacher Representatives Technology – Karen has made updates to website.
Volunteer Coordinator -
New Action Items
- Shining Star (Baltimore County Recognition) Awards on April 30, 2015
at 7pm at......
- Decide on dates for our June and August PTA meetings.
- Volunteers needed for Spring Festival and Plant Sale.
- Waiting for the Short Throws and the LED Sign.
- Flower gardens, Rocks
- RFE prize for 15 labels??
- Destination Imagination Team is asking for money for their trip TN by May 1st. Voted that we
take $100 from the Post Prom budget.
4th Grade had a Project Based Learning. They presented a powerpoint to a journalist, Dr.
Berquest and County Councilmen here at PBE come and talk to the kids. There are no parks
here in the Hereford Zone. The kids spent weeks on research and then they presented their
findings on traffic and how parks would impact the Hereford Zone. The kids have to follow up with
Upcoming Dates
- Market Day - Orders Due May 5th and Pick-Up May 11th.
- Report Cards April 23rd.
- Kindergarten Round Up April 22nd.
- PBE Music Concert April 28th.
- Bus Driver Breakfast April 29th.
- Hereford Zone Safety Committee Meeting April 30th at 7pm.
- Plant Sale May 8th
- Spring Festival May 9th
- Kindergarten Conference Day May 11.
- Blood Drive May 15th at PBE 7:30 - 1pm.
- Next PTA meeting May 19th at 7pm.