UNITED WAY OF OXFORD, OH AND VICINITY MINI-GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE: ON-GOING FUNDING CYCLE Please complete the information requested below. All questions should be directed to United Way of Oxford, Ohio and Vicinity Executive Director, Brian Revalee at (513) 523-0991 or director@uwoxford.org. Grants will be reviewed as they are received. You will be notified of a decision within 30 days of the receipt of your proposal. Agency Name: Date of Application: Person completing this form: Address: PHONE: Contact Information: EMAIL: WEBSITE: Federal Employer ID #: Agency Service/Geographic Area: Agency Mission Statement: Brief description of the need for which funding is being requested through this proposal: TOTAL AGENCY BUDGET: $ TOTAL COST: $ AMOUNT BEING REQUESTED: $ Project Budget: OTHER FUNDING SOURCES (PLEASE LIST): ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Which Community Impact Area (Education, Income, Health or Basic Needs) will this proposal support? How? How will receiving funds for this request advance the organization’s mission? How will receiving funds for this request help the program for which the funds will be utilized reach its goals and objectives? Other Comments/Information: DATE APPLICATION RECV’D: ___________________ SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS RECV’D: __________ APPLICATION APPROVED: ______________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: APPLICATION DENIED: _________________________ DATE NOTICE LETTER SENT: __________________ DATE FINAL REPORT RECEIVED: _____________ REQUIREMENTS FOR FUNDING: To be eligible for funding from the Mini-Grant Program, agencies or organizations do NOT have to be recipients of funding from the United Way of Oxford, Ohio and Vicinity. However, agencies must comply with the same requirements set forth for regularly funded United Way partners. Funding targeted to organizations and programs to meet a specific, time sensitive need(s) that has been identified and substantiated by any social service agency serving the geographic area of the Talawanda School District and are in line with the Community Impact Areas of Education, Income and Health. Requests for Mini-Grants may range from minimum of $50 to a maximum of $1,000 with a typical amount awarded being approximately $250. Applications for mini-grants may be submitted any time throughout the year. Only one application may be submitted per agency per calendar year. Grant funding will be allocated and distributed as funds are available, as determined by the United Way of Oxford, Ohio & Vicinity Executive Director and Board of Directors. REPORTING: All funded proposals must submit copies of receipts or other financial documentation totaling or exceeding the funded proposal amount within six (6) months of receipt of funding. Additionally, all funded proposals must submit a narrative of impact within six (6) months of receipt of funding, which must include the following: Impact of program/service/equipment purchased through the proposal on clients served, staff or volunteers How did receiving these funds advance the mission of the organization? Program? How did the allocation of this funding make a difference to those your organization serves? Success stories/takeaways/other information—receipt and acceptance of grant funds from the United Way of Oxford, Ohio & Vicinity (UWO) entitles UWO to the use, marketing and promotion of success stories, awards or other accolades generated from the implementation of your project. Financial and Narrative Reports should be submitted simultaneously, unless otherwise directed by United Way personnel. Failure to submit reports will result in suspension of your agency or program from submitting an application for a period of one (1) year. Promotion of the project should include and indicate support from the United Way of Oxford, Ohio & Vicinity in all marketing materials and press releases. PARTNERS NOT RECEIVING ANNUAL UNITED WAY FUNDING: If your agency or program does not receive an annual allocation from the United Way of Oxford, Ohio and Vicinity through the RFP process (February), you are required to submit the following documents with this proposal: IRS Non-Profit Determination/Tax Exempt Letter Most recent financial statement Current agency budget Roster of your current Board of Directors Copy of your agency’s organization chart Page 1, 9 and 10 of the agency’s most recent IRS Form 990