Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application 1. INSTITUTION INFORMATION Institution ID Institution Legal Name: Institution Operating Name: Legal Status: Sole proprietorship Certificate of Business Registration Partnership Certificate or Business Registration Partnership Agreement Franchise Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors Franchise Agreement Society Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors Society Constitution Corporation Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors Has the owner, Academic Leader or appropriate management team member participated in a PCTIA Combined Process Workshop? Yes☐ No ☐ When did your institution first offer training? Complete the table below by listing the programs offered at your institution, the number of students currently enrolled in each program, and the number of graduates from each program for the past three years (if in operation for less than three years, list the number of graduates for each of the applicable years). PROGRAM NAME Primary Contact Name: Position Title: Telephone: Fax Number: CURRENT ENROLLMENT COMPLETED/GRADUATED PER YEAR 201__ 201__ 201__ Alternate Telephone: Email Address: Alternate Contact Name: Page 1 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application Position Title: Telephone: Fax Number: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: Web User Name: Position Title: Telephone: Fax Number: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: 2. LOCATION INFORMATION Main Operating Address Operating Address: City and Province: Postal Code Telephone: Fax Number: Website: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: Mailing Address Street Address: City and Province: Postal Code Fax Number: Website Address: ☐Same as Operating Address Onsite Administrator: Name: Telephone Number: Fax Number: ☐ Same as Primary Contact Academic Leader: Name: Telephone Number: Fax Number: ☐ Same as Onsite Administrator Telephone: Email Address: ☐ Same as Alternate Contact Alternate Telephone: Email Address: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: Additional Location(s) Operating Address: Page 2 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application City and Province: Postal Code Telephone: Fax Number: Website: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: *For more than one Other Campus Location please attach details on a separate sheet. Will your institution open a new location during the time you are completing the combined registration and accreditation process? ☐ Yes ☐ No Will any current location be moving or closing during the time you are completing the combined registration and accreditation process? ☐ Yes ☐ No 3. OWNER(S)/DIRECTOR(S) PERSONAL INFORMATION Provide all of the following information for each owner/shareholder and corporate/society director. ☐ Owner ☐ Shareholder Name: Residential Street Address: City and Province: Postal Code Telephone: Fax Number: ☐ Corporate Director ☐ Society Director Country: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: *For additional owners, shareholders or directors please attach details on a separate sheet. Name: Residential Street Address: City and Province: Postal Code Telephone: Fax Number: Country: Alternate Telephone: Email Address: *For additional owners, shareholders or directors please attach details on a separate sheet. Have any of the principals, majority shareholders, owners or officers of the institution previously been involved in bankruptcy proceedings or litigation related to, or the closure of, any institution in any jurisdiction? ☐ Yes ☐ No 4. Financial And Other Information a. What is your fiscal year end? b. Institutions shall not transfer unearned tuition deposits out of the institution. All unearned tuition Page 3 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application collected by registered and accredited institutions is deemed to be held in trust for students enrolled in the programs offered by institutions. Institutions must not improperly transfer unearned tuition deposits by diverting such funds to an entity unrelated to, and not legally responsible for, the provision of training to the institution's students. Do you understand this Bylaw Requirement? ☐ Yes ☐ No 5. BASIC EDUCATION STANDARDS AND STANDARDS OF QUALITY COMPLIANCE MISSION STATEMENT a. Provide the institution’s mission statement. ORGANIZATION a. If the institution’s on-site administrator supports more than one location, explain how this is done. b. If the institution’s Academic Leader supports more than one location and/or delegates some/all of his/her duties to another individual, explain how this works. c. When do students get copies of the required policies? RECORDS a. Describe/list the contents that will be maintained in each student record. b. Describe/list the contents that will be maintained in each record for educational staff. c. Describe how records of all written complaints received by the institution are maintained, including records of the resolution. d. Does your institution maintain student records in electronic format? ☐ Yes ☐ No e. Describe the type of non-proprietary file format you use and explain how these electronic records are backed up with a copy of the backup kept off site in a secure location. ACADEMIC POLICIES AND STUDENT SERVICES a. Describe the admission process used at the institution. b. Explain the process you use to ensure students receive meaningful, written assessments/evaluations at regular intervals throughout their program, minimally prior to 30% of program completion. c. Describe the systems in place at your institution for ensuring assessment of learning outcomes are fair, valid and consistently applied. Page 4 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application INSTRUCTORS a. Describe how the institution evaluates instructors and how/when development plans are used. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, OBJECTIVES, CURRICULA AND MATERIALS a. List each program offered by your institution. b. Does the institution have Articulation Agreement or Credit Transfer Agreements with any other institutions? ☐ Yes ☐ No c. Will any new program be developed or offered during the time you are completing the combined registration and accreditation process? ☐ Yes ☐ No d. If any of your programs are offered by distance education or combined delivery, explain how you monitor and assess the delivery and quality of the program. ☐ Yes ☐ No e. At present, how many students could attend your institution at maximum enrolment? FACILITIES AND INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES a. Describe the specialized equipment used at your institution (i.e. language labs). b. Do multiple classes/intakes need to have access to the same equipment? How do you schedule to ensure adequate access? c. How often is specialized equipment inspected and replaced, and by whom? CREDENTIALS a. What credential or other record do you provide your students at the end of their period of study? ADVERTISING a. Explain how the institution will ensure any third-party engaged to promote your institution conforms to PCTIA advertising standards. 6. AUTHORIZATION, RELEASE, CONFIRMATION AND DECLARATION The Private Career Training Institutions Agency is a Crown Agency of the government of British Columbia and as such is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Page 5 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the release and sharing of information regarding the institution between PCTIA and relevant government agencies or departments, professional associations and regulatory bodies. I CONFIRM that the institution has met the following criteria required to apply for PCTIA registration and accreditation using the combined process: 1. I have read the Private Career Training Institutions Act and the supporting Regulation and Bylaws and I confirm that I will adhere to the standards reflected therein. 2. All of the information contained in this application and any attachment is true, accurate and complete. 3. The institution is a member in good standing with Languages Canada. 4. The institution is a voluntary applicant applying under the combined registration and accreditation process for voluntary registrants. 5. The institution is compliant with all relevant municipal bylaws and provincial and federal legislation. 6. The institution has been training students continuously except for regularly scheduled breaks and vacation periods for the preceding year. 7. The institution has a sufficient number of students enrolled in each program and a sufficient number of graduates from the majority of its programs to enable the Agency to assess the educational effectiveness of those programs. 8. The institution is financially stable with sufficient resources for its proper operation and for the discharge of its obligations to students. 9. Copies of credentials (and current licenses and/or certifications, where applicable) for all instructors are on file with the institution. 10. I understand that this application will expire one (1) year from the date the original application was submitted to the Agency if the institution has not yet successfully completed the requirements for registration and/or accreditation. 11. I understand that application fees are not refundable. 12. I am duly authorized to make this application on behalf of the institution. Name of Application Applicant’s Title Applicant’s Signature Date Page 6 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application 7. FEES Bylaw Reference Item Quantity Unit Cost Total 46.4.1 Registration Application Fee – Main Location 1 $1,225.00 $1,225.00 46.4.2 Accreditation Application Fee – Main Location 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 46.4.1 Registration Application Fee – Branch Location 0 $500.00 $___ 46.4.1 Accreditation Application Fee – Branch Location 0 $500.00 $___ 46.4.1 Accreditation Application Fee – Other Location 0 $250.00 $___ 46.4.3 New Program Registration Fees 0 $500.00 $___ TOTAL FEES PAYABLE AT THIS TIME $_____ CHECKLIST FOR LANGUAGES CANADA MEMBERS All items listed on this checklist must be submitted as part of the application for Combined PCTIA Registration and Accreditation. If any items are missing from the submission, the application will not be reviewed. 8. ☐ Application fees (See Section 7 of application package) 9. ☐ Completed and signed Combined PCTIA Registration and Accreditation application for Voluntary Applicants 10. ☐ Evidence of Ownership - copies of items listed under ownership type ☐ Sole Proprietorship Certificate of Business Registration ☐ Partnership Certificate or Business Registration Partnership Agreement ☐ Corporation Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors ☐ Society Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors Society Constitution ☐ Franchise Page 7 of 8 2015.01.23 Combined Registration and Accreditation Application for Languages Canada Members Part B. Application 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing Central Securities Register Register of Directors Franchise Agreement ☐ Floor plan and photographs of main and each branch location ☐ Business licenses for each location ☐ Evidence of adequate general liability insurance for each location ☐ Resume and copies of credentials for On-site Administrator ☐ Resume and copies of credentials for Academic Leader ☐ Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement) for your most recent fiscal year prepared by a licensed, independent accountant with a current CA, CGA or CMA designation ☐ Interim Balance Sheet for your institution’s most recent month end ☐ A year-to-date income statement for your institutions most recent month end ☐ Monthly cash flow projections for the 12 month period starting with your projected PCTIA registration date ☐ Organization Chart ☐ Job descriptions for each position in the organization ☐Copies of the following policies: ☐ Tuition and Fee Refund ☐ Use and Disclosure of Personal Information ☐ Admission ☐ Safety ☐ Attendance ☐ Language Proficiency Assessment ☐ N/A ☐ Withdrawal ☐ Prior Learning Assessment ☐ N/A ☐ Dismissal ☐ Work Experience ☐ N/A ☐ Dispute Resolution/Grade Appeal ☐ Credit Transfer ☐ N/A ☐Copies of any tools used to access prior learning ☐ Copies of evaluation tools, feedback forms, etc. used to evaluate and document student progress ☐ Copies of admission evaluation tools, including language assessments and scoring criteria ☐ Student handbook ☐ Copy of student enrolment contract ☐ N/A ☐ Copies of any partnership agreements with other institutions ☐ Copies of any articulation or credit transfer agreements ☐ Copies of resumes for instructors delivering some or all of the program(s) via distance education ☐ N/A ☐ Copy of the policy and/or procedure for evaluating instructors, including (if applicable) distance education instructors ☐ N/A ☐ Copy of the evaluation tool used to evaluate instructors, including distance education instructors ☐ N/A ☐Copies of any forms/tools used in the work experience component of your program(s) including, but not limited to: host agreements, training plans and joint evaluation tools ☐ Sample copies of credential(s) and transcript(s) ☐ N/A ☐ List of any specialized equipment, broken down by location ☐ N/A Page 8 of 8 2015.01.23