Departmental Assessment Report

Annual Assessment Report Form
DUE September 15, 2012 to Gita N. Ramaswamy, Director of Assessment
Option II: Ask for 2011 Assessment Reports around March 15, 2012. All
departments in each college/unit submit their reports to College Associate
Dean/Unit Leader responsible for assessment by May 15, 2012, and then the
Timeline: College/Unit report as well as the individual department reports to be forwarded
to Director of Academic Programs, Assessment , and Accreditation by
September 15, 2012 by the Associate Dean/Unit leader OR upload all reports on
BEAVERS Learning Outcomes Tracking System
Directions: Please complete this report for each program with distinct learning outcomes
in your unit. Be concise, but provide as much information as needed to give a snapshot of
your assessment process. The boxes will expand to accept more text. If you have this
information in another format that articulates the following, please feel free to attach that
document and refer to it as appropriate in the boxes below. If you have any questions,
please contact Gita N. Ramaswamy at 7-2180.
1. Program Information:
Program Undergraduate (BS degree) Program in Chemical Engineering
Department School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
College Engineering
Timeframe Report covers activities from 9/15/11 to 9/14/12
Report Gregory L. Rorrer
Submitted by School Head, CBEE
2. Program Outcomes
Provide the Student Learning Outcomes for your program(s).
The undergraduate (BS degree) program in Chemical Engineering (CHE) is accredited by
ABET. Below are the Student Outcomes (a)-(k) under Criteria 3 of ABET:
(a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
(c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) Ability to communicate effectively
(h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- 1-
Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Knowledge of contemporary issues (in an engineering context)
Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
3. Measurement- Provide a detailed narrative or schematic to articulate how the
outcomes you have measured during this cycle have been assessed by responding to a
through d for each measured outcome.
a) Identify the outcomes from above that you will be reporting on for this
assessment cycle.
Annual assessment of ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k).
b) Describe the methods you have used to assess each outcome.
Under ABET, the assessment process for CHE undergraduate program is implemented
under Criterion 4, Continuous Improvement. The continuous improvement process is
described in ATTACHMENT 1, Figures 1-2 and Table 1.
c) Describe any measurement tools used (surveys, rubrics). *Please attach the
assessment tools used.
The following assessment tools are used:
Course Summary, which includes quantitative assessment of each course learning
objective for a given course offered through the School of CBEE by three approaches:
 Student performance of timed student work (e.g. in-class quiz, midterm exam,
final exam)
 Student performance of untimed student work (e.g. homework, project reports,
laboratory reports, papers)
 Student self-assessment (end-of-course online survey)
The template for the Course Summary is provided in ATTACHMENT 2.
- 2-
 CBEE Advisory Board Survey for ABET Student Outcomes (i),(j),(k), conducted
during spring meeting of the CBEE Advisory Board
 In-Depth Survey for ABET Student Outcomes (h),(i),(j),(k) Across the Curriculum
(online survey tool)
The detailed Surveys are not attached, but will be supplied upon request.
4. Results, Conclusions, and Decisions-Describe the results, conclusions, or
discoveries made during the measurement activities listed above by responding to the
a) Present a summary of the outcome data collected during this reporting cycle.
*Please attach data collected.
ATTACHMENT 3 provides a summary of the assessment data and processes for the
AY11-12 assessment cycle.
b) Include any additional information needed to provide appropriate context
including unintended outcomes, measurement difficulties that may have led to
ambiguous results, etc.
Please see ATTACHMENT 3
c) What conclusions have you drawn from your assessment data?
Please see ATTACHMENT 3
d) Have you made any decisions that will be used in your planning process?
Please see ATTACHMENT 3
e) Has the process of assessment either validated your current process or called for
modifications in your planning?
- 3-
Please see ATTACHMENT 3
5. Please provide a skeletal assessment plan (Mapping Guide) for your program:
Provide a skeleton plan (Mapping Guide) describing how the required courses and
assessment activities map to the program outcomes.
The Mapping Guide is provided in ATTACHMENT 1, Table 1.
6. Other activities that have informed decision making:
Please report on any other activities that you feel fall under assessment that were
not captured above. This may include general satisfaction surveys, employer input,
or other initiatives that contribute to student learning or program improvement.
No other activities for AY11-12.
7. Planning for the upcoming cycle
Briefly describe what you plan to work on for the upcoming cycle.
The Continuous Improvement process developed for the CHE undergraduate program
under ABET Criterion 4 will be repeated for AY12-13. The next steps are described in
ATTACHMENT 3 under each ABET Student Outcome (a)-(k).
- 4-
Assessment Process for the Chemical Engineering (CHE) Undergraduate Program
under ABET
Course Summaries. Oregon State University requires that each course must set clear
Student Learning Outcomes and have them listed at part of the minimal content of every
class syllabus, as detailed in For all courses taught
within the School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) at
OSU, instructors are required to assess OSU Student Learning Outcomes as Course
Learning Objectives/Outcomes (CLOs), and document the assessment data and analysis
in a Course Summary, using the Course Summary template provided in ATTACHMENT
2. Student attainment of each CLO is assessed by three methods: 1) timed work, e.g. inclass quiz, midterm exam, final exam; 2) untimed work, e.g. homework, papers, project
reports, oral presentations, and 3) student self assessment of mastery, measured by an
end-of-course survey conducted online as part of OSU Student Assessment of Teaching.
The Course Summary is prepared every time the course is taught, or at least once per year
if the course is taught more than once per year.
ABET Student Outcomes. The CHE Program at OSU is accredited by ABET. The ABET
Student Outcomes (a)-(k) serve as the OSU “Student Learning Outcomes for the
Program”. Below are the CHE Student Outcomes (a)-(k) under Criteria 3 of ABET:
(a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) Ability to communicate effectively
(h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) Knowledge of contemporary issues (in an engineering context)
(k) Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Continuous Improvement. In each Course Summary, the CLOs are also mapped to the
ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k) that are relevant to that course, which allows for
concurrent assessment of CLOs and ABET Student Outcomes. This information is used
by the instructor to improve the course with respect to attainment of both CLOs and
ABET Student Outcomes, as described in the “inner loop” of Figure 1.
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Across the CHE curriculum, ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k) may be assessed many
times. The “outer loop” detailed in Figure 1 allows for an integrated assessment of
ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k) across the CHE program. To perform an integrated
assessment of ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k), it is not necessary to use all of the
assessment data from all of the Course Summaries. Instead, sentinel courses and key
CLOs continued within them, grouped into six Course Clusters, are used as measurable
Program Indicators for assessment, as detailed in Table 1. Performance Indicators are
concrete measurable performances students must meet as indicators of achievement.
Course activities that support ABET Student Outcome (i), (j), (k) are difficult to measure
through quantitative assessment of timed and untimed student work. Outcomes (i), (j),
(k) are assessed across the curriculum by two methods:
External Review by CBEE Advisory Board. Examples of “course activities” to
support (i),(j),(k), e.g. in-class discussions, in-class or take-home writing assignments,
field trips, guest speakers, etc. are submitted by the faculty and then prioritized into a
list of three examples per outcome (9 examples total) at a faculty meeting. These
examples are then reviewed for relevance by the CBEE Advisory Board members
during the spring meeting of the board.
In-Depth Student Survey. During spring term, an in-depth student survey for ABET
Student Outcomes (h), (i),(j),(k) is performed online, using OSU web-based survey
tools. The survey polls student self-assessment of mastery at various levels
(recognition, application, and synthesis). Students of junior and senior standing are
eligible to participate in the survey, and are reminded by email to complete the
voluntary survey.
Management of Processes. The Course Summary is prepared by the instructor assigned
to the course. The instructor is responsible for making any changes to the course.
Processes for integrated assessment of ABET Student Outcomes for the CHE
undergraduate program are managed by the CBEE ABET Committee.
Summary of Tables & Figures: Table 1 details the sentinel courses in the CHE
curriculum used for assessment of ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k), organized by Course
Cluster area. Figure 1 describes the continuous improvement process for assessment of
ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k). Figure 1 shows an inner loop for continuous
assessment of a given single course based on CLOs mapped to their relevant ABET
Student Learning Outcomes, and an outer loop for integrated assessment of all of the
ABET Student Outcomes across the CHE program. Figure 2 details a supplemental
continuous improvement process for ABET Student Outcomes (i), (j), (k), which are
assessed across the CHE program, as they are often are difficult to assess in a single
course or within a cluster of courses.
- 6-
Table 1. Sentinel courses within each Course Cluster used to assess ABET Student
Outcomes (a)-(k) across the CHE curriculum. “A” refers to the specific ABET Student
Outcome assessed, based on assessment of selected course learning objectives (CLOs)
contained within the Course Summary.
ABET Student a b c d e f g h
Cluster #1: CBEE Core Courses
CBEE 211
CBEE 212
CHE 311
CHE 331, 332, 333
Cluster #2: CHE Program Specific Sentinel Courses
CHE 411
CHE 443
Cluster #3: Laboratory Sequence Courses
CBEE 102
CBEE 213
CHE 334
CBEE 414
CBEE 415
Cluster #4: Program Specific Capstone Design Courses
CHE 431
CHE 432
Cluster #5: CHE Professional Ethics & Safety Courses
CHE 320
Cluster #6: Bacc. Core CBEE Electives
ENGR 321
ENGR 350
Course Assessment Activities Across Curriculum
To be added
To be added
To be added
- 7-
Deliver Course
Course CLOs mapped to ABET
Student Outcomes
Assessment of Student Mastery1
Course Summary
Analyze & Make Changes
Faculty Team Review of all
Course Summaries in Cluster
in Cluster Gap Analysis–Student Outcomes
CBEE ABET Committee
Recommended Changes
CBEE Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Changes
Figure 1. Continuous Improvement Process. Notes: (1) Three methods of assessment
of student work used in each Course Summary are detailed in ATTACHMENT 2.
Development of i-j-k
Course Activities
across curriculum
In-Depth Student Survey
h-i-j-k across curriculum
Student Performance
Recommended Changes
CBEE ABET Committee
Faculty Review
of representative i-j-k
Course Activities
Advisory Board Review
of representative i-j-k
Course Activities
Figure 2. Continuous Improvement of Course Activities to support ABET (i), (j), (k)
- 8-
Template for Course Summary
XXX 123 Course Title
___ Term, 20XX
Course Learning Outcomes
Assessment of CLOs
Improvement Plans
I. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Course Number & Title:
CLO At the end of this course, students should be able to:
(provide up to 8 CLOs for a given course)
ABET Criteria 3
II. Course Syllabus
[insert Course Syllabus here]
III. Assessment of CLOs
CLO# L or H
Method 1
Timed Work
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
- 9-
Method 2
Untimed Work Pass
Method 3
Student SelfAssessment
End of Course
End of Course
Term Project
End of Course
L: lower level cognitive domain, typically related to:
Ability to recall facts, definition, jargon, technical terms, classification,
categories and criteria; recall of methods and procedures, principles,
and theories (problems on exams that are identical to HW are at the
knowledge level)
Comprehension: Understanding of meaning including ability to verbalize in individual’s
words, interpretation of experimental data, extension of trends and
Use of abstract ideas in a concrete situation, ability to solve typical
textbook homework problems.
H: higher level cognitive domain, typically related to:
Breaking down complex problems, deciding upon the correct idea,
principle, or skill to apply, and maintaining proper relationships
between the parts of the problem.
Taking the many parts of a complex problem and forming as a quality
whole (synthesis CLOs will require no single answer and will
demonstrate creativity).
The ability to determine quality in a solution, process, design, or
report, determination whether the results meet the internal and external
engineering design criteria, multidimensional analysis such as
economic versus environmental concerns.
Method 1:
Method 2:
Method 3:
A score greater than 70% is a pass
A score greater than 70% is a pass
Students who rated their competencies of the learning objectives good, very
good or excellent
IV. Improvement Plans
The Instructor’s general perceptions of learning, strengths, weaknesses, etc. should be
described here. You’ll also want to refer to the outcomes of the three measures for each
of the LO’s. Were all the LO’s met? If not, or if learning could be enhanced, describe
with a specific plan below.
Comments on applying identified improvements from the previous year’s summary.
Recommended changes for the next time the course is taught.
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Assessment Results of CHE Program for AY11-12 (as of 9-14-12)
Processes for assessment of ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k) for the CHE undergraduate
program are managed by the CBEE ABET Committee.
Course Assessments for AY-12. For the AY11-12 assessment cycle, Course Summaries
for all courses offered by the School of CBEE for the chemical engineering program were
completed, and can be found at:
This process completes the “inner loop” for assessment described in Figure 1 of
CHE Program Assessment for AY11-12. During spring term of 2012, a method for
integrated assessment and continuous improvement of ABET Student Outcomes was
developed, as detailed in the “outer loop” of Figure 1 in ATTACHMENT 1. Sentinel
courses and key CLOs continued within them, grouped into six Course Clusters, are used
as measurable Program Indicators for assessment, as detailed in Table 1,
ATTACHMENT 1. Teams of faculty were assigned to a given cluster that commonly
taught courses within that cluster. For a given ABET Student Outcome, the Faculty
Teams had four major Tasks: 1) identify a subset of course CLOs needed to support
assessment of a given ABET Student Outcome across the CHE undergraduate
curriculum, 2) collect the assessment data from the relevant Course Summaries, 3)
evaluate the attainment the given ABET Student Outcome based on the Course Summary
data and survey data, and 4) identify any gaps needed to improve the given ABET
Student Outcome, and report this information to the CBEE ABET Committee.
Following Tasks 1-4 by the Faculty Teams, there were two additional Tasks: 5) The
CBEE ABET Committee reviews the gap analyses for each ABET Student Outcome and
prioritizes recommended changes to the courses and the CHE curriculum for all ABET
Student Outcomes (a)-(k), and 6) the CBEE Curriculum Committee reviews CBEE
ABET Committee recommendations and implements any needed curricular changes. All
of this information is then fed back to the instructor to improve the course for the next
assessment cycle.
Below are the assessment results, organized by ABET Student Outcomes (a)-(k), for
As of September 14, 2012, for the AY11-12 assessment cycle, Tasks 1-4 have been
completed. Tasks 5 and 6 for AY11-12 will be completed during fall term of AY12-13.
- 11-
ABET Student Outcome (a): Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,
and engineering
Cluster # 1: CBEE Core Courses
Sentinel Courses: CHE 311 (Thermodynamics I), CHE 331 (Transport Phenomena I),
CHE 332 (Transport Phenomena II)
CLOs in Course Cluster #1 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (a) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 311, CLO-3: Apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to identify,
formulate and solve engineering problems for (i) closed systems, (ii) open systems
under steady state and transient (uniform state) conditions, and (iii) thermodynamic
 CHE 311, CLO-5: State the molecular basis for internal energy, entropy, and
equations of state and relate macroscopic thermodynamic behavior to their
molecular origins.
 CHE 311, CLO-6: Use the thermodynamic web to relate measured, fundamental
and derived thermodynamic properties. Apply the web to solve engineering
problems using appropriate property data.
 CHE 331, CLO-2: Develop and apply differential and integral form of the
mechanical energy balance equation for flowing streams, and in the design of flow
through granular media, fluidized beds, packed beds, and other flow situations.
 CHE 332, CLO-4: Develop differential form of the continuity and the momentum
equations for flowing streams; and apply the Navier-Stokes Equations to find the
velocity profile, flow rate, and pressure drop in simple flow situations.
 CHE 331, CLO-6: Develop mathematical models & solve problems involving
various fluid flow situations.
 CHE 332: No CLOs from CHE 332 were selected for assessment.
Table 1. ABET Student Outcome (a), Course Cluster 1.
ABET Student
Outcome (a)
CHE 311
CHE 331
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
94 / 90 / 100
100 / 96 / 85
88 / 91 / 85
100 / 98 / 85
85 / 71 / 77
100 / 98 / 76
82 / 77 / 70
84 / 68,73 / 71
85 / 80 / 80
94 / 75,93 / 82
78 / 78 / 83
86 / 83,90 / 78
- 12-
Cluster #2: CHE Program Specific Courses
Sentinel Courses: CHE 411 (Mass Transfer Operations), CHE 443 (Chemical Reaction
CLOs in Course Cluster #2 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (a) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 411, CLO-2: Perform terminal stream material balances on continuous gas
absorption, liquid stripping, distillation and liquid-liquid extraction.
 CHE 411, CLO-4: Determine the required number of stages and the diameter of
staged columns for absorption operations.
 CHE 443, CLO-1: Develop rate laws for use in reactor design based on reaction
data from a reactor or set of reactors.
 CHE 443, CLO-5: Predict reactor performance for reactors when the temperature is
not uniform within the reactor.
Table 2. ABET Student Outcome (a), Course Cluster 2.
ABET Student
Outcome (a)
CHE 411
CHE 443
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
62,82 / 79,85,88,91
/ NA
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
59,85 / 38,56 / NA
77 / 78 / 96
94 / 74 / 89
94,94 / 91,74 / 89
87 / 36 / 81
93,87 / 36,37 / 81
60 / 80 / 95
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (a) has been satisfactorily assessed through 10 Performance
Indicators in 2 Course Clusters. No deficiencies are noted.
For AY12-13, CHE 333 (Transport Phenomena III) will also be assessed with respect to
ABET Student Outcome (a).
- 13-
ABET Student Outcome (b): Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as
to analyze and interpret data
Cluster # 3: CBEE Laboratory Sequence
Sentinel Courses: CHE 213 (Process Data Analysis), CHE 334 (Transport Phenomena
Laboratory), CBEE 414 (Process Engineering Laboratory), CHE 415 (Chemical
Engineering Laboratory I)
CLOs in Course Cluster #3 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (b) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CBEE 213, CLO-7: Quantify the effect of (i) a single factor and (ii) two factors on
a process by applying Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
 CHE 334, CLO-2: Prepare for experimental work by performing background
research and predictive computations where possible then preparing an
experimental design. Execute experimental work with data analysis in parallel.
Document expected and observed behaviors, then contrast and compare in a written
 CBEE 414 CLOs: relevant CLOs not assessed for AY11-12
 CHE 415, CLO-1: Prepare for experimental work by performing background
research and predictive computations where possible then preparing an
experimental design. Execute experimental work with data analysis in parallel for
the case where predicted behaviors do not match observed. Document expected and
observed behaviors, then contrast and compare in a written report with a proposal
for future work/analysis.
Table 3. ABET Student Outcome (b), Course Cluster 3.
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
CHE 213
87 / 83 / 83
CHE 334
45,60 / NA / 91
42,68 / NA / 95
CHE 415
89,95 / NA / 100
83,98 / NA / 98
ABET Student
Outcome (b)
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
No Course
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (b) has been assessed through 3 Performance Indicators in 1
Course Cluster. The following corrective actions are recommended:
1. Prepare a Course Summary for CBEE 213, AY11-12 (spring term, 2012).
2. Identify CLOs in CBEE 414 for assessment under ABET Student Outcome (b),
and then assess student performance data for AY10-11 and AY11-12 by three
- 14-
3. Determine if any deficiencies exist after assessment data above has been
- 15-
ABET Student Outcome (c): Ability to design a system, component, or process to
meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
Cluster #2: CHE Program Specific Courses
Sentinel Courses: CHE 411 (Mass Transfer Operations), CHE 443 (Chemical Reaction
CLOs in Course Cluster #2 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (c) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 411, CLO-8: Analyze and design conventional and non-conventional stagewise separation process for gas absorption/liquid stripping, distillation, and liquidliquid extraction with immiscible solvents by the McCabe-Thiele method.
 CHE 411, CLO-10: Use a process simulator to model gas adsorption/liquid
stripping, distillation and liquid-liquid extraction
 CHE 443, CLO-2: Compare and contrast the performances of ideal reactor types
and be able to determine the best choice for simple objectives when using a single
reactor or a set of reactors.
 CHE 443, CLO-4: Determine optimal ideal reactor design for multiple reactions for
yield or selectivity.
Table 4. ABET Student Outcome (c), Course Cluster 2.
ABET Student
Outcome (c)
CHE 411
CHE 443
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
65,71 / 56 / NA
73 / 78 / 78
85 / None / NA
77 / None / 59
81 / 92 / 92
74,81 / 91,92 / 92
72 / 73 / 75
84,72 / 72,73 / 75
Cluster #4: CHE Program Specific Capstone Design
Sentinel Course: CHE 431 (Chemical Plant Design I)
CLOs in Course Cluster #4 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (c) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 431, CLO-1: Synthesize processes and prepare flowsheets.
 CHE 432, CLO-3: Estimate capital costs and manufacturing costs.
 CHE 431, CLO-4: Economically optimize simple processes.
- 16-
Table 5. ABET Student Outcome (c), Course Cluster 4.
ABET Student
Outcome (c)
CHE 431
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
100 / 91 / 100
100 / 97 / 94
100 / 81 / 92
96 / 94 / 89
100 / 76 / 95
96 / 88 / 87
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (c) has been satisfactorily assessed through 7 Performance
Indicators in 2 Course Clusters. No deficiencies are noted.
- 17-
ABET Student Outcome (d): Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
Cluster # 3: CBEE Laboratory Sequence
Sentinel Courses: CHE 213 (Process Data Analysis), CHE 334 (Transport Phenomena
Laboratory), CBEE 414 (Process Engineering Laboratory), CHE 415 (Chemical
Engineering Laboratory I)
CLOs in Course Cluster #3 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (d) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CBEE 213 CLOs: relevant CLOs not assessed for AY11-12
 CHE 334, CLO-3: Cross-discipline teams will select an external technical (senior)
project to critically review, conduct a detailed interview with the external project
team, perform computational analysis on their results, then present results in the
form of an oral presentation.
 CBEE 414 CLOs: relevant CLOs not assessed for AY11-12
 CHE 415, CLO-2: Students will be assigned to cross-discipline teams of 6-8
students and undertake a 3-hour project planning exercise that culminates in a
project description, work breakdown, and Gantt chart.
Table 6. ABET Student Outcome (d), Course Cluster 3.
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
CHE 334
42,57 / NA / 95
68,77 / NA / 93
CHE 415
89,100 / NA / 100
70,92 / NA / 96
ABET Student
Outcome (d)
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (d) has been assessed through 2 Performance Indicators in 1
Course Cluster. The following corrective actions are recommended:
1. Prepare a Course Summary for CBEE 213 (spring term, 2012). Identify CLOs in
CBEE 213 for assessment under ABET Student Outcome (d), and then assess
student performance data for AY10-11 and AY11-12 by three methods. If CBEE
does not contribute to assessment of ABET Student Outcome (d), it should be
2. Identify CLOs in CBEE 414 for assessment under ABET Student Outcome (d),
and then assess student performance data for AY10-11 and AY11-12 by three
3. Determine if any deficiencies exist after assessment data above has been
- 18-
ABET Student Outcome (e): Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
Cluster # 1: CBEE Core Courses
Sentinel Courses: CHE 311 (Thermodynamics I), CHE 331 (Transport Phenomena I),
CHE 332 (Transport Phenomena II)
CLOs in Course Cluster #1 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (e) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 311 CLO-3: Apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to identify,
formulate and solve engineering problems for (i) closed systems, (ii) open systems
under steady state and transient (uniform state) conditions, and (iii) thermodynamic
 CHE 311, CLO-5: State the molecular basis for internal energy, entropy, and
equations of state and relate macroscopic thermodynamic behavior to their
molecular origins.
 CHE 311, CLO-6: Use the thermodynamic web to relate measured, fundamental
and derived thermodynamic properties. Apply the web to solve engineering
problems using appropriate property data.
 CHE 331, CLO-2: Develop and apply differential and integral form of the
mechanical energy balance equation for flowing streams, and in the design of flow
through granular media, fluidized beds, packed beds, and other flow situations.
 CHE 311, CLO-4: Develop differential form of the continuity and the momentum
equations for flowing streams; and apply the Navier-Stokes Equations to find the
velocity profile, flow rate, and pressure drop in simple flow situations.
 CHE 332: No CLOs from CHE 332 were selected for assessment.
Table 7. ABET Student Outcome (e), Course Cluster 1.
ABET Student
Outcome (e)
CHE 311
CHE 331
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
94 / 90 / 100
100 / 96 / 85
88 / 91 / 85
100 / 98 / 85
85 / 71 / 77
100 / 98 / 76
82 / 77 / 70
84 / 73,68 / 71
85 / 80 / 80
94 / 93,75 / 82
Cluster #2: CHE Program Specific Courses
- 19-
Sentinel Courses: CHE 411 (Mass Transfer Operations), CHE 443 (Chemical Reaction
CLOs in Course Cluster #2 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (e) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 411, CLO-1: Describe the physical arrangement of the most common
equipment configurations for each of the following unit operations: packed be
absorption, batch distillation, continuous stage-wise distillation, liquid-liquid
 CHE 411, CLO-7: Determine the minimum solvent flowrate for gas absorption, the
minimum gas flowrate for liquid stripping the minimum reflux ratio for distillation,
and the minimum solvent flowrate for extraction, using the pinch point criterion.
 CHE 443, CLO-3: Predict reactor performance in situations where a reacting gas
has a significantly changing density, including the case of variable pressure within
an ideal plug flow reactor.
 CHE 442, CLO-6: Predict reactor performance in situations where the observed
reaction rate is significantly influenced by internal mass transfer in porous
heterogeneous catalysis (the iso thermal effectiveness factor).
Table 8. ABET Student Outcome (e), Course Cluster 2.
ABET Student
Outcome (e)
CHE 411
CHE 443
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
82 / None / NA
60 / 67 / 91
38,44,50,76,79,82 /
47,71,76 / NA
88 / 74 / 81
77 / 76 / 81
78,77 / 90,76 / 81
81 / 81 / 67
90,81 / 65,81 / 67
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (e) has been satisfactorily assessed through 9 Performance
Indicators in 2 Course Clusters. No deficiencies are noted.
For AY12-13, CHE 333 (Transport Phenomena III) will also be assessed with respect to
ABET Student Outcome (e).
- 20-
ABET Student Outcome (f): Understanding of professional and ethical
Cluster #5: Professional Ethics & Broad Education
Sentinel Courses: CBEE 320 (Professionalism and Engineering Ethics), ENGR 221 (The
Science, Engineering and Social Impact of Nanotechnology)
CLOs in Course Cluster #5 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (f) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CBEE 320, CLO-1: State what makes an occupation a “profession” and the basis
and scope of an engineer’s professional responsibility.
 CBEE 320, CLO-4: Select strategies for assessing ethical dilemmas, and critically
arrive at a resolution.
 CBEE 320, CLO-5: Describe engineers’ responsibility as it relates to risk
assessment and safety, truthfulness and reliability, and loyalty and dissent in the
 CBEE 320, CLO-6: Describe engineers’ responsibility as it relates to overarching
professional concerns, such as environmental issues, animals in research, and
agricultural biotechnology.
 ENGR 221, CLO-5: Explain how these unique properties may adversely impact
human health and the environment; define the concerns with nanotoxicity research
and summarize the status this area.
 ENGR 221, CLO-9: Discuss and debate ethical theories and standards that apply to
engineering and nanotechnology.
 ENGR 221, CLO-10: Perform a risk assessment to determine the best direction for
nanotechnology development.
Table 9. ABET Student Outcome (f), Course Cluster 5.
AY 2010-20111
ABET Student
Untimed Work/
Outcome (f)
Timed Work/
CBEE 320
100 / 95 / 97
None / 93,100 / 91
100 / 100 / 91
100 / 93 / 85
ENGR 221
CLO- 5
ENGR 221
CLO- 9
ENGR 221
CLO- 10
No Assessment in
Course Summary
No Assessment in
Course Summary
No Assessment in
Course Summary
- 21-
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
No Course
No Course
No Course
No Course
No Assessment in
Course Summary
No Assessment in
Course Summary
No Assessment in
Course Summary
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (f) has been assessed through 4 Performance Indicators in 1
Course Cluster. The following corrective actions are recommended:
1. Prepare Course Summary for CBEE 320, AY11-12.
2. Assessment data collected for ENGR 221 for AY10-11 and AY11-12 must be
analyzed and reported in their respective Course Summaries. ENGR 221 is
presently an elective course which can be used to satisfy CBEE 320.
3. Determine if any deficiencies exist after assessment data for ENGR 221 and
CBEE 320 above has been analyzed.
4. A new required course, CHE 320 (Safety, Engineering Ethics and
Professionalism, 3 credits), will be offered for fall term, 2012 for students in the
CHE program to replace ENGR 221 or CBEE 320. This course will strengthen
ABET Student Outcome (f) for the CHE program through the inclusion of process
safety topics.
- 22-
ABET Student Outcome (g): Ability to communicate effectively
Cluster # 3: CBEE Laboratory Sequence
Sentinel Courses: CHE 213 (Process Data Analysis), CHE 334 (Transport Phenomena
Laboratory), CBEE 414 (Process Engineering Laboratory), CHE 415 (Chemical
Engineering Laboratory I)
CLOs in Course Cluster #3 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (g) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CHE 213, CLO-5: Fit experimental data to an empirical model equation using least
squares analysis. For linear regression, both by hand and using software, calculate
the slope intercept and correlation coefficient. Explain the relation between the
slope of the regression line and the correlation coefficient.
 CHE 213, CLO-10: Prepare and peer review a formal laboratory report.
 CHE 334: CLOs: relevant CLOs not assessed for AY11-12
 CBEE 414, CLO-1: Communicate effectively.
 CHE 415, CLO-3: Communicate effectively.
Table 10. ABET Student Outcome (g), Course Cluster 3.
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
92,96 / NA / 88
92 / NA / 80
CBEE 414
78,82 / NA / 100
77,74 / NA / 92
CHE 415
95,100 / NA / 93
70,88 / NA / 98
ABET Student
Outcome (g)
CHE 213
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
No Course
No Course
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (g) has been assessed through 4 Performance Indicators in 1
Course Cluster. The following corrective actions are recommended:
1. Prepare a Course Summary for CBEE 213, AY11-12 (spring term, 2012).
2. Identify CLOs in CHE 334 for assessment under ABET Student Outcome (g), and
then assess student performance data for AY10-11 and AY11-12 by three
3. Make CLO statements for CBEE 414, CLO-1 and CHE 415, CLO-3 more
concrete to facilitate the connection between measurements of student
performance and assessment of student performance.
4. Determine if any deficiencies exist after assessment data above has been
- 23-
ABET Student Outcome (h): Broad education necessary to understand the impact
of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
Cluster #5: Professional Ethics & Broad Education
Sentinel Courses: CBEE 320 (Professionalism and Engineering Ethics)
Cluster #6: Baccalaureate Core, CBEE Electives
Sentinel Courses: ENGR 221 (The Science, Engineering and Social Impact of
Nanotechnology), ENGR 350 (Sustainable Engineering), BIOE 340 (Biomedical
Engineering Principles)
CLOs in Course Cluster #5 Mapped to ABET Student Outcome (h) selected as
measurable Performance Indicators:
 CBEE 320, CLO-4: Select strategies for assessing ethical dilemmas, and critically
arrive at a resolution.
 CBEE 320, CLO-6: Describe engineers’ responsibility as it relates to overarching
professional concerns, such as environmental issues, animals in research, and
agricultural biotechnology.
Table 11. ABET Student Outcome (f), Course Cluster 5.
ABET Student
Outcome (h)
CBEE 320
AY 2010-20111
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
None / 93,100 / 91
100 / 93 / 85
AY 2011-20121
Untimed Work/
Timed Work/
No Course
No Course
Preliminary Gap Analysis (to be reviewed by CBEE ABET Committee)
ABET Student Outcome (h) has been assessed through 2 Performance Indicators in 1
Course Cluster. The following corrective actions are recommended:
1. Prepare Course Summary for CBEE 320, AY11-12.
2. Assessment data collected for ENGR 221 for AY10-11 and AY11-12 must be
analyzed and reported in their respective Course Summaries. ENGR 221 is
presently an elective course which can be used to satisfy CBEE 320.
3. Determine if any deficiencies exist after assessment data for ENGR 221 and
CBEE 320 above has been analyzed.
4. A new required course, CHE 320 (Safety, Engineering Ethics and
Professionalism, 3 credits), will be offered for fall term, 2012 for students in the
CHE program to replace ENGR 221 or CBEE 320. This course will strengthen
ABET Student Outcome (f) for the CHE program through the inclusion of process
safety topics.
- 24-
5. Report assessment data from elective courses ENGR 221, ENGR 350, and BIOE
- 25-
ABET Student Outcome (i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in
life-long learning
Assessment Data and Preliminary Gap Analysis
The external review of ABET Student Outcome (i) by the CBEE Advisory Board was
completed on May 18, 2012 and submitted to the CBEE ABET Committee. This
information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE ABET Committee, and will be
completed during fall term, 2012.
The In-Depth Student Survey for ABET Student Outcomes (h), (i), (j), (k) was completed
during spring term, 2012. This information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE
ABET Committee, and will be completed during fall term, 2012.
ABET Student Outcome (j) Knowledge of contemporary issues (in an engineering
Assessment Data and Preliminary Gap Analysis
The external review of ABET Student Outcome (j) by the CBEE Advisory Board was
completed on May 18, 2012 and submitted to the CBEE ABET Committee. This
information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE ABET Committee, and will be
completed during fall term, 2012.
The In-Depth Student Survey for ABET Student Outcomes (h), (i), (j), (k) was completed
during spring term, 2012. This information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE
ABET Committee, and will be completed during fall term, 2012.
ABET Student Outcome (k) Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Assessment Data and Preliminary Gap Analysis
The external review of ABET Student Outcome (k) by the CBEE Advisory Board was
completed on May 18, 2012 and submitted to the CBEE ABET Committee. This
information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE ABET Committee, and will be
completed during fall term, 2012.
The In-Depth Student Survey for ABET Student Outcomes (h), (i), (j), (k) was completed
during spring term, 2012. This information has not yet been analyzed by the CBEE
ABET Committee, and will be completed during fall term, 2012.
- 26-