Summary Book Two

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Emma Jackson
Mrs. Wilson
Scholarship English 9-6
The Odyssey
Book 2 Summery, Outline, People, and Places
Telemachus calls the achean men to assembly, to speak to them about the suitors wrecking his
home. One of the suitors in response to Telemachus’s claim, says that the suitors are not at fault.
Antinouos, the suitor that rebutted the claim, said that it was Penelope, Telemachus’s mother, to
blame. Antinouos then proceeds to explain how for three, close to four, years she led them on.
He claimed that she did so, by weaving by day, and unraveling her work at night. The tapestry was
a funeral shroud for her father in law. Antonious then tells Telemachus, and the whole assembly,
that Telemachus should send his mother away to be married, either to her father’s choice, or hers.
Telemachus replies with a no, and prays to Zeus that the suitors will feel the unhappiness that
Telemachus has felt since they set foot in his home. In response, Zeus sent two eagles, his sacred
animal, to prove Telemachus’s point.
Next, an old sooth-sayer named Halitherses speaks a prophecy, which says that Odysseus will
return soon. One of the suitors discredits the man, and reitorates what Antinous spoke of before,
marrying off Penelope. Telemachus, in reply, tells the assembly of his plan to sail off for
information about his father. At the end of the meeting, Telemachus prays to Athena. Athena
promises that Telemachus’s journey will set sail and departs. Telemachus go’s home, and has
Eurycleia, the nurse maid who helped raise him, get him enough wine and food for his journey.
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Telemachus then asks her to swear not to tell Penelope until twelve days has passed, or until she
notices his absence, and inquires where he went.Finally, he gathers the ship’s crew and he and
the crew set sail, and begin his journey.
Telemachus explains his plan to find information on his father, and with help from Athena, sets
sail, hoping to find the whereabouts of Odysseus.
1. Ithica town square
a. The twon square is where the acheans are called by Telemachus to discuss notonly the
suitors, but the trip he intends to take.
2. Telemachus’s home
b. In telemachus’s home, he gathers the food and drink he will need for his journey. Also, he
listens to the suitors complains and jabs about his trip.
1. Telemachus – the son of oddeyssus and Penelope, he trys to find information on his father,
and his whereabouts.
2. Antinouos – one of Penelope’s suitors, he is the son of eupeithes, and is accussed of being the
harshet suitor.
3. Aegyptius – an old man, and father of antiphus who had once sailed with oddessus. He also
has three other sons. Eurynomus, who was a suitor, and the other two worked on his estate.
4. Peisenor – a shrewed, experienced councilor
5. Halitherses – son of Mastor, a soothsayer, who also knew more about bird lore than anyone
else of his generation.
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6. Eurymachus – son of Polybus, a suitor. He reitorates what Antinouos says about marrying off
7. Mentor – an old friend of Odysseus, he was ordered by odysseus to make sure everything was
safe and sound while he was gone.
8. Leocritus – euenors son, he spoke against Mentor at the meeting.
9. Eurycleia – daughter of Ops, who was Peisenor’s son. She helped raise Telemachus.