Psychological Testing Experience

Hannah Knafo
581 16TH St Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology. The New School for Social Research, New York, NY. Expected May 2017.
General Psychology. The New School for Social Research, New York, NY. May 2012.
English and French Literature. With Honors. Clark University, Worcester, MA. May 2006.
Clinical Experience
• Psychology Extern, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (NYPSI)
New York, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Tehela Nimroody; Dr. Sally Clement; Dr. Gregory Lowder
Conducted individual psychotherapy with children and adults, receiving an hour of supervision
for each patient. Led groups at a middle school with children identified in the classrooms as
needing psychotherapy.
September 2014Present
• Psychology Extern, The New School Counseling Center
New York, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Jerry Finkelstein and Dr. Lisa Master
Carried a caseload of 6 patients at a time, each patient undergoing short-term psychotherapy of
12 sessions. Conducted intakes with incoming patients.
August 2014Present
• Psychology Extern, South Beach Heights Hill Outpatient
Brooklyn, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Jean Okie and Dr. Laura Loewenthal
Individual therapy caseload of six cases, providing psychodynamic treatment as well as CBT
(specifically, exposure response therapy with one patient). Led a process group once a week. Coconducted intakes with administrative staff. Conducted psychological evaluations on South
Beach inpatient unit and at outpatient clinic. Received weekly individual supervision and
monthly group supervision.
September 2013July 2014
• Psychology Extern, Beth Israel Medical Center, Brief Psychotherapy Research Project
New York, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Christopher Christian, Dr. Vicki Gluhoski, Dr. Jeremy Safran,
Dr. Catherine Eubanks-Carter
Conducted structured intakes (SCID-I and SCID-II) for outpatient short-term psychotherapy,
provided individual CBT and Brief Relational Therapy (BRT) to individual patients, and
attended weekly group supervision.
August 2012January 2014
• Psychology Extern, Beth Israel Medical Center, 6 Karpas Inpatient Unit
New York, NY
Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Cohen
Led a process group and an art group on a mixed adult/geriatric inpatient unit twice weekly.
Attended weekly group supervision.
August 2012August 2013
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Psychological Testing Experience
• Examiner/Psychology Extern, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (NYPSI)
Supervisor: Dr. William Braun
Conducted one testing battery with a 13-year old female, consisting of the following tests:
Rorschach (Exner), TAT, NEPSY-II, Woodcock Johnson-III (Cognitive and
Achievement), House-Tree-Person, Conner’s Performance Test, WISC-IV
September 2014 Present
• Examiner/Psychology Extern, South Beach Heights Hill Outpatient
Brooklyn, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Laura Loewenthal, Dr. Susanne Shulman, & Dr. Connie Proano
Conducted four testing batteries consisting of the following tests: WAIS-IV, WRAT-IV,
Rorschach (Exner), Sentence Completion, TAT, PAI, MMPI-II.
September 2013August 2014
• Examiner, The New School Counseling Center
New York, NY
Supervisors: Dr. Ali Khadivi and Dr. Nancy Johnson
Conducted two testing batteries consisting of the following tests: WAIS-IV, WRAT-IV, WIATIII, Rorschach (Exner), TAT, PAI, MMPI-II, DKEFS – Trail Making Test, DKEFS – Color
January 2013June 2014
Word Interference, WMS-IV.
• Examiner, Advanced Personality Testing Course
New York, NY
Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Twardon
Conducted a testing battery with a volunteer who then received feedback from the testing
results. Tests administered included: WAIS-IV, Rorschach (RPAS), TAT, NEO-PI-3, DAPP-
September 2013December 2013
• Examiner, Diagnostic Testing Course
New York, NY
Supervisor: Dr. Ali Khadivi
Conducted a full testing battery with a volunteer who received feedback following the testing
period. Tests administered included, WAIS-IV, WRAT-IV, Rorschach, TAT, PAI, MMPI,
September 2012April 2013
• Steele, M., Murphy, A., Steele, H., Knafo, H., Bate, J., Bonuck, K., & Meisner, P. Looking from
the outside in: The use of video in attachment-based interventions. Attachment & Human
• Knafo, H., Steele, M., & Tosi, K. The child mirror paradigm and the development of body
image dissatisfaction. Symposium, 6th International Attachment Conference, Pavia, Italy.
June 2014
August 31st, 2013
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• Knafo, H., Sliva, V., Tosi, K., Bate, J., Haick, T., McBirney, E., & Steele, M. The Mirror
Interview and the Child Mirror Paradigm: Positive facial expression and vocal liveliness predict
higher levels of positive mirror involvement. Poster session, Society for Research in Child Development
2013 Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
• Knafo, H., Steele, M., & Tosi, K. The development of intergenerational transmission of body
image in 5- to 7-year olds. Flash presentation, The 38th Annual Conference for The Association for
Women in Psychology, Salt Lake City, UT.
• McBirney, E., Steele, M., Tosi, K., Knafo, H., Bate, J., Sliva, V., Retan, J., & Hoffman, S. The
Mirror Interview, parental representation, and disordered eating. Poster session, Eastern
Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
• Knafo, H., Sliva, V., Tosi, K., Bate, J., Haick, T., McBirney, E., & Steele, M. The Mirror
Interview and the Child Mirror Paradigm: Positive facial expression and vocal liveliness predict
higher levels of positive mirror involvement. Poster session, Eastern Psychological Association
Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
April 20th, 2013
March 8th, 2013
March 3rd, 2013
March 2nd, 2013
Research Experience
• Project Manager. The Body as Metaphor Research Cluster.
New York, NY
Supervisors: Sabine Seymour, Ph.D. and Miriam Steele, Ph.D.
In collaboration with researchers from other disciplines (e.g., fashion, design, and music),
organized the development of interdisciplinary grants for funding the study of the body, and the
intersection of technology and psychology in this field of study.
April 2013-Present
• Lab Manager. The Center for Attachment Research.
New York, NY
Supervisors: Howard Steele, Ph.D. and Miriam Steele, Ph.D.
Coordinated lab meetings and lab activities such as assessments, data entry, and teams for rating
videos. Developed student blog where students could access important information and articles.
May 2012-Present
• Research Assistant, Maternal Behaviors Q-Sort (MBQ) study
New York, NY
Supervisors: Judi Mesman, Ph.D. and Howard Steele, Ph.D.
Collected data for international study of ideal parenting ideas among mothers of young children.
Data collection involved doing home visits and asking mothers to do an hour long q-sort of
cards depicting various parenting behaviors.
September 2012February 2013
• Research Assistant. The Center for Attachment Research GABI Manual Group
New York, NY
Supervisors: Miriam Steele, Ph.D. and Anne Murphy, Ph.D.
Observed video footage from a Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI) at Albert
Einstein College of Medicine and took part in a discussion and writing group for GABI manual,
in order to disseminate the intervention.
March 2011 –
August 2012
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• Research Assistant. The Center for Attachment Research Body Group.
New York, NY
Supervisors: Howard Steele, Ph.D. and Miriam Steele, Ph.D.
Conducted research on the intergenerational transmission of body image and instructed students
on coding systems for video taken of dyads.
• Research Assistant. Culture Change Project.
New York, NY
Supervisors: Michael Smith, Ph.D. and Nanette Kramer, Ph.D.
Collected data in two nursing facilities for a longitudinal study evaluating the effectiveness of an
intervention that had been formulated to improve the attitudes of staff and the quality of care.
September 2010May 2012
May 2006 –
October 2006
Teaching Experience
• Teaching Fellow, Abnormal Psychology
Fall 2014
• Teaching Assistant, Developmental Psychology
Fall 2014
• Teaching Assistant, Intro to Psychology
Fall 2013
• Teaching Assistant, Adolescence and Cinema
Spring 2013
Professional Development
• Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, New York Psychoanalytic Society and
• Grant Writing Workshop, Robert Porter, Ph.D.
• AFCS Story Stems Training, Allison Splaun, Ph.D.
• Adult Attachment Institute, Mary Main, Ph.D. & Erik Hesse, Ph.D.
• Video Intervention Training, George Downing, Ph.D.
• Reflective Functioning Training, Howard Steele, Ph.D.
September 2014- May 2015
May 2014
March 2012
January 2012
October 2011; October 2010
June 2011
• Member, American Association of University Women
• Board Member, Division 39, Section 2
• Member, Society for Research in Child Development
• Affiliate Member, American Psychological Association
• Associate, Eastern Psychological Association
May 2014-Present
September 2013-Present
February 2013-Present
September 2012- Present
October 2012-Present
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Other Professional Experience
• Student Advisor, The New School for Social Research
New York, NY
Supervisor: Eric Godoy, MA
Advised MA and PhD students of Psychology at The New School for Social
Research on coursework and academic careers.
• Waiver Service Provider (WSP), Center for Human Development and Family
Services, Inc. (CHDFS)
New York, NY
Supervisor: Jonathan Dennehy
As part of the Bridges to Health Program, worked with children who had been in the
foster care system and had psychiatric diagnoses. Work involved direct
intervention with children on home visits, interventions with families regarding
crisis management, and advocacy for children in their schools.
• Editorial Board Peer Reviewer, New School Psychology Bulletin
New York, NY
Editors: Ingmar Gorman and Kerri Chladnicek
Peer reviewed assigned articles for the New School Psychology Bulletin.
• Lawyer Referral Service Administrator, California Advocates for Nursing
Home Reform (CANHR), Inc.
San Francisco, CA
Supervisors: Pat McGinnis, Esq. and Prescott Cole, Esq.
Referred clients to lawyers for pro-bono cases or discount rates, pertaining to
Elder Abuse and Estate Planning with regard to Medicaid.
• Long Term Care Advocate, CANHR
San Francisco, CA
Supervisor: Pat McGinnis, Esq.
Advocated for individuals in skilled nursing facilities and residential care facilities
who called for assistance with instances of mistreatment, neglect, abuse, and
violation of rates. Assisted families with questions regarding Medicaid, SSI, and
July 2012 - Present
August 2011- July 2012
August 2011 – June 2012
December 2009 – June 2010
April 2008 – June 2010