Review Sheet OCT 5 World Hist. Test


Review for Test, Monday, Oct. 5, 2015. World History

1. Know the following terms. Be able to use these term to write paragraph format short identifications if necessary. These are building blocks for larger answers. Remember to ask (and answer) why these terms have historical relevance/importance.

Columbian Exchange


Joint-stock company


Cardinal Mazarin


Modern State


Charles I

Puritan Morality


Scientific Method

Hobbes’s Social Contract


Philip II

Jan Vermeer absolutism divine right

Cardinal Richelieu

Edict of Nantes


Henry IV (Henry of Navarre)

Thirty Years War

War of Spanish Succession


English Civil War

Louis XIV (Sun King)

Peace of Westphalia

Peter the Great

Oliver Cromwell

Glorious Revolution Petition of Right habeas corpus 1689 English Bill of Rights

Scientific Revolution Galileo Galilei

Francis Bacon Rene Descartes

John Locke


Mary Wollstonecraft


Model Short Identification Space








2. Be prepared to map out commodity chains like you did in class.

3. Essays: Three to study; 2 options on test; 1 to answer

1. In clear, complete sentences, with focus on correct paragraph and essay structure, and through the use of supporting evidence including the image above as a prompt, and what you know about trans-Atlantic slavery, describe the major features of the Atlantic World. Be sure to address all major themes that give this region cohesion. Content and style both matter! Write legibly and organize your answer. Remember to think through SPICE.

2. In clear, complete sentences, with focus on correct paragraph and essay structure, and through the use of supporting evidence, please answer the following: How did the rise of Absolutism effect the social,

Review for Test, Monday, Oct. 5, 2015. World History

economic, political, and cultural development of Europe from the 1500s through the 1700s? Remember to think through SPICE.

3. In clear, complete sentences, with focus on correct paragraph and essay structure, and through the use of supporting evidence, describe the Scientific Revolution and its relationship to the enlightenment. Be sure to include specific people and concepts and link them with clear and active writing. Remember to think through SPICE.

Model of Essay Test Space

Thesis and Introduction


































