Reading and Writing Across Disciplines Social Studies

Reading and Writing Across Disciplines
Social Studies Argumentative Writing
Grade 8
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
-Abraham Lincoln
Common Core Emphasis: The ability to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound
reasoning, and relevant evidence is a cornerstone of the writing standards, based on argumentative
Objective of Essay: Students will organize and construct an essay that academically argues an
assigned perspective during the Civil War era using specific political and economic examples to justify
and support the argument.
Directions: The student will write full arguments about topics or texts, attending to purpose and
audience: establish and support a claim, organize and cite supporting (text) evidence from credible
sources, and develop a conclusion that is appropriate to purpose and audience and follows and supports
the argument(s) presented. Please clarify what time frame you are researching.
Assignment: Your assignment is to research sources to write a multi-paragraph argumentative essay
either for or against your topic from 19th century U.S. history. Make sure you establish an argumentative
claim, address one potential counterargument, and support your claim with evidence from the research.
Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the sources. Be
sure to reference the sources by title or number when using details or facts directly from the sources.
Sources and Citing: Must include at least six sources - At a minimum, the paper must employ two print
sources, one Grolier online encyclopedia article, along with website and journal articles. Must use the
MLA (parenthetical) format.
NO Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of anothers person’s words or ideas in your writing without giving
credit to the author. It is plagiarism to copy text from a book, a website, or journal article (to name a few
example) without giving proper credit. It is also plagiarism to submit a paper that you did not write as your
own work.
Note: Any submission that we determine contains plagiarized material will receive a “zero”.
Paper Lay Out: Double space - font: Times New Roman - size 12 - name on each page
Choice of Topic:
First you will explore... Then decide which area you wish to focus on.
Second, choose one sub topic you wish to investigate further.
Third, brainstorm, research, and choose 3 various arguments related to that topic.These will be the topics
of your body paragraphs.
Theme: Civil War
Possible Research Topics:
Pre Civil War:
Did the South have the right to secede?
The South did not have the right to leave the Union.
Did Roger B.Taney and the Dred Scott decision correctly interpret our Constitution?
Northerners were in favor of the Civil War.
Slavery was not the cause of the Civil War.
The issue of States’ rights led to the Civil War.
Was John Brown a hero or a terrorist?
Was the Civil War inevitable or avoidable?
Should Abraham Lincoln have suspended Habeas Corpus?
Was the Battle of Gettysburg the turning point of the Civil War?
_____________ is the most important event of the Civil War.
Choose one general and argue that he was the most important general of the war.
Did the North or the South have superior leadership?
Did the North’s technological superiority help them win the war?
Sherman’s March to the Sea was an example of total warfare.
Total warfare is an acceptable tactic.
Total warfare is unacceptable.
Did the South’s superior leadership extend the war?
Post Civil War:
Should the Confederate flag be flown?
What should dominate our government, State or Federal rights?
Did the Civil War do enough to improve the lives of African Americans?
Did the 13th amendment do enough to improve the lives of African Americans?
Did the reconstruction plans go far enough to support equality for African Americans in the South?
The Civil War ended the problem of civil rights in America.
The Civil War made conditions worse for African-Americans in the South.
Was Abraham Lincoln the best president ever?
Did the South produce better leaders?