
Ind. Reading
Guided Reading
Guided Writing
Name ___________________________
Date ___________________________
DATE DUE: Friday November 6, 2015
/100 =
Each student must complete each assignment below by the due date stated above. If the work is not completed by the end of class
on the day before it is due, it is the student’s responsibility to take it home and complete it for homework. All work is to be done on
a separate sheet of paper and must include the student’s name, date, and homeroom; additionally, all sections must include a
heading (Quote Center, Writing Center, etc.). All work is to be stapled to this sheet and placed in the homeroom center folder in
front of the class. If a student finishes all the required assignments ahead of time, he/she must see the teacher.
1stMarking Period: Call It Courage and Nothing But the Truth
Instructional Focus: Open ended questions using the RASC format to cite the text, as well as using dialogue, compositional risks,
descriptive language, and imagery to write a speculative essay graded on a 6pt. rubric.
REAL WORLD CONNECTIONS: The purpose of these centers is 1. to have character point of view exercises,2. improve how to write
with compositional risks and 3. increase independent reading skills as well as vocabulary.
(3b/3c) Independent Reading(20 points) 100 book challenge
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Synthesis
Choose 1 book from the 100 book challenge bins or library bookshelf that is on your comfort reading level. Use 2 Double
Entry Journal Pages to document your thoughts while reading independently. You will focus on creating your own open
ended question and answering it using RASCC in 2 paragraphs, picking your own vocabulary and using context clues to find
its meaning, and finding compositional risks. (Note: Be sure to write the book name and date signing out/in on your library
card.) You must submit 2 Double entries for full credit! You should be reading at least 30 minutes every day!
(3d) Assessment: 2 Double Entry Journals
(3b/3c) Literacy Center (20 points) NF Text and Questions (Use R.A.S.C.C.) Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Evaluation
Read from Barrio Boy pages 523-527. Then answer questions 1-5 on page 527. Restate all questions and answer all of
them. Support your answers with examples from the text. Make a connection to your answers when possible. You may
“Partner Read”.
(3d) Assessment: Reading Comprehension and O/E Questions and Self-assessment using 4 Point Rubric
(3a/3c) Vocabulary/Technology Center (20 points) Letter Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Application
Imagine a student in your class that is struggling to get good grades. This student ends up being very troublesome. Use 6
out of the 8 words below to write a 3 paragraph letter giving advice to a student in your class on how he or she can
improve his or her relationship with his or her teacher and do better in the class. Must have proper letter format. Highlight
the words in your letter when they are used. Can be typed.
(3d)Assessment: Letter and Self-assessment using 6 Point Rubric
(3b/3c) Guided Reading Center (20 points) Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Knowledge/Comprehension/Evaluation
100 Book Challenge Skills Card-Your teacher will call you and your group to the back table. You will be asked to
“whisper read” to your teacher and then complete questions regarding the story you are reading. Be sure to bring your
center sheet and a pen/pencil with you.
(3d) Assessment: Reading Comprehension and O/E Questions and Self-assessment using 4 Point Rubric
(3a/3c) Guided Writing Center (20 points) Narrative Essay Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Synthesis/Evaluation
Select a fairy tale and rewrite the tale from the viewpoint of a different character or object within the tale (i.e., a "twisted
tale"). You may use a favorite fairy tale from your childhood or choose a new tale that you have never read before. Use
the Story Map graphic organizer to plan your story. Use the following compositional risks -SPOILED. Highlight your
examples. MUST BE TYPED for full credit.
(3d) Assessment: Narrative Essay and Self-assessment using 6 Point Rubric