Exercises set #1 The notation refers to the lecture slides. Eigenvalues and basic graph properties. 1: Assume G is a d-regular graph on n nodes. AG is its normalized adj matrix. Prove that - G is connected iff 1 > 2 . In fact, # connected components = # 1 e-values - a connected G is bipartite iff n = -1 - diameter(G) < 2log n / log(1/2) *Try removing the factor of 2 in this upper bound. Exercises set #1 (cont.) Eigenvalues under matrix operations 2: Let A, B be a symmetric matrices. Prove: - i(At) = i(A)t for every integer t. Use this to show that for a d-regular graph G, tr(AG) = i i(AG)2 = n/d. Try using it to lower bound (G) for any d-regular graph. - i,j(AB) = i(A) j(B) , where is the tensor product of the two matrices. Exercises set #2 Cayley graphs H finite group, SH, symmetric. The Cayley graph Cay(H;S) has xsx for all xH, sS. Cay(Cn ; {-1,1}) Cay(F2n ; {e1,e2,…,en}) 1. Compute all eigenvalues of these graphs Hint: they are diagonalized respectively by the Fourier Transform and Hadamard-Walsh matrices: FT(i,j)=wij wn=1 HW(S,T)=(-1)ST S,T[n] Exercises set #2 (cont.) Abelian Cayley graphs 2. Prove that if H is Abelian, then C(H;S) cannot be an expander for any |S|=d=O(1), |H| Hint: Give two proofs: - For general H, use the combinatorial definition. Use commutativity to show that the number of different elements generated by length t words in S grows too slowly as a function of t. -*For H=Cn, use the spectral definition. Prove that if S={a1,a2,..,ad}, then the eigenvalues are i = ia_1+ia_2+…+ia_d and then by a pigeonhole argument that for some i0, i must be close to 1. Exercises set #3 Poincare Inequality 1. Prove the Poincare inequality: for every regular graph G, and every real function f on its vertices (1-c(G)) Eu,v [(f(u)-f(v))2] Eu~v [(f(u)-f(v))2] with c(G)=2(G) (the left expectation is over all pairs u,v, and the right over all neighboring pairs u,v) 2. Extend the theorem to functions f whose range is Rn, replacing (f(u)-f(v))2 with ||f(u)-f(v)||2 (hint: the inequality decomposes to n 1-dim. ones) 3. Extend the theorem to pairs of functions f, g replacing (f(u)-f(v))2 with (f(u)-g(v))2, with c(G)=(G) 4. Prove that these choices of c(G) are tight.