USSC3002 Oscillations and Waves Lecture 2 Normal Modes Wayne M. Lawton Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore 2 Science Drive 2 Singapore 117543 Email http://www.math.nus/~matwml Tel (65) 6874-2749 1 SYSTEMS WITH TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM d k T m k T m k T 1 3 2 u1 u2 x0 k spring constant of each spring m mass of each particle d length of system natural or equilibrium length (of each spring) 0 extent or diameter of each ‘particle’ x1 , x2 particle positions u1 ,u2 particle displacements T1 , T2 , T3 spring tension forces (inward directed) F1 , F2 particle net forces Questions What are constants, variables, relations ? 2 CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES d k T m k T m k T 1 x0 3 2 u1 u2 k spring constant (of each spring) m mass (of each particle) CONSTANTS d length of system natural or equilibrium length (of each spring) 0 extent or diameter of each ‘particle’ x1 , x2 u1 ,u2 T1 , T2 , T3 F1 , F2 particle positions VARIABLES particle displacements spring tension forces (inward directed) particle net forces 3 GEOMETRIC RELATIONS d k T m k T m k T 1 x0 3 2 u1 u2 0 extent or diameter of each ‘particle’ x1 , x2 particle positions u1 ,u2 particle displacements (from equilibrium) d 3 since diameter of particles equal zero x1 u1 x2 2 u2 4 HOOKS LAW RELATIONS d k T m k T m k T 1 3 2 u1 u2 x0 k spring constant of each spring u1 ,u2 particle displacements T1 , T2 , T3 spring tension forces T1 k u1 T2 k (u2 u1 ) T3 k u2 5 NET FORCE RELATIONS d k T m k T m k T 1 x0 3 2 u1 u2 T1 , T2 , T3 spring tension forces (inward directed) F1 , F2 particle net forces F1 T1 T2 F2 T2 T3 6 NEWTONIAN RELATIONS d k T m k T m k T 1 x0 3 2 u1 u2 F1 , F2 particle net forces m mass of each particle x1 , x2 particle positions x1 , x2 particle velocities x1 , x2 particle accelerations F1 mx1 F2 mx2 Newton’s 2nd Law 7 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION for the displacements of each particle obtained from F1 mx1 F2 mx2 and x1 d2 dt 2 ( u1 ) u1 x2 d2 dt 2 (2 u2 ) u2 are m u1 F1 T2 T1 k (u2 2u1 ) m u2 F2 T3 T2 k (u1 2u2 ) 8 MATRIX FORM OF THE EQUATIONS m u1 F1 k (T2 T1 ) k (u2 2u1 ) m u2 F2 k (T3 T2 ) k (u1 2u2 ) u1 u1 u1 u u u u2 u2 u2 is u M u where 2 1 k M m 1 2 9 NORMAL MODES are solutions of u M u u (t ) a cos ( t ) v v is a vector and a, , are parameters that have the form where as in the Simple Harmonic Motion of a single particle on a spring or on a pendulum (with small swings). Question Show that u is a normal mode if and only if M v v 2 10 EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS From the preceding page, we learn that the normal modes (if they exist) are related to eigenvectors with negative eigenvalues of the Vibration Matrix M Question What are the eigenvalues & eigenvectors of 2 1 1 2 and how are they related to those of M ? 11 EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS Answer The eigenvalues & eigenvectors of M are 2 1 1 1 1 1 k 1 2 1 1 1 M 1 m 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 k 1 2 1 3 1 M 1 3 m 1 The corresponding normal angular frequencies are k m 3k m 12 TUTORIAL 2 (Due Tuesday 23 August) 1. Set up the equations of motion for a system with three particles with identical masses and four springs with same equilibrium lengths and spring constants. 2. Compute the normal modes for this system and compute their angular frequencies and periods. 3. Read p. 371-380 in the Halliday, Resnick, Walker handouts, do problems 2E, 3E, 6P, 13E, 15P, p. 394 13