Spellbound Puppy Questionnaire

Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
In order that I may effectively determine the suitability of placing a Spellbound Bernese Puppy with you
and your family, I require that you answer the following as concisely and completely as possible.
Some of the questions may seem a bit intrusive or overly personal, and though that is not the intent, I
must try my best to place my puppies in the home that best suits their needs, the individual puppy’s
temperament and is in line with my personal standards of care. Please do not be offended by anything I
ask. Additionally, feel free to ask me anything! If you are an experienced Berner person, note that some
of these questions are for those that have never been blessed with a Bernese before, and may seem like
silly questions!
If going through this process is not for you, please see the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America web
site (www.bmdca.org) for some additional reputable breeders and resources. I will not be offended if I
am not the breeder for you. This is a relationship I wish to build with my puppy buyers, as I am here for
you for the life of your puppy!
Upon receipt of your answers I will determine the suitability of your family and home, and will advise
you of my decision. Please remember, there are no right or wrong answers, as each situation is unique
and different. I will contact you after receipt of this questionnaire to set up a meeting for us all to meet,
and when the time comes, for a puppy visit.
The Spellbound Family, Early Fall 2015
Left to Right: Camden, 8 years; Tipsy, 5 years; Parker, 2 years; Flurry, 7 years; Scarlet, 10 years old
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
Primary Caregiver Name:_________________________________________ Age:____________
Names and ages of all others in the household:
Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________
Physical Address (if different than above): ___________________________________________
Email:_____________________________________ Email2:_____________________________
Cell Ph:________________________________Cell Ph:__________________________________
When are you looking to add a Bernese puppy to your family?___________________________
Describe your family – include hobbies, typical day, schedules, etc. Use additional space if
needed: _______________________________________________________________________
Describe the career/work days of the adult(s) in the household: __________________________
Why have you decided to buy a Bernese Mountain Dog?
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
Are all family members in agreement on getting a dog? ___Yes
Are all family members in agreement on getting this breed of dog? ___Yes ___No
Does anyone in your household have allergies to dogs, cats, or animal dander? ___Yes ___No
What type of housing do you live in – describe in detail (apartment, house with 5 acres, rent,
condo, own, etc.):_____________________________________________________________
Describe the flooring surfaces throughout your home:________________________________
Would you be willing to gate all stairways in your home until your puppy is old enough to go up
and down them without damaging growing bones and joints? ___ Yes ___No ___N/A
Are you willing to purchase non-skid rugs to aid in your puppy’s traction on hard surfaces?
Where will your dog live primarily?
Are you currently living on a busy road? ___Yes ___No
Do you have a securely fenced yard? ___Yes ___No ___Partially fenced – explain __________
Do you have a pool? ___Yes ___No
If so, is it separately fenced? ___Yes ___No
Does anyone in the household smoke? ___Yes ___No
Explain your opinion about the care requirements of a Berner? __________________________
Are you willing/able to groom (or learn how to groom) your own dog? ___Yes ___No
Do you own a high quality vacuum cleaner and know how to use it? 
What breeds of dogs, if any, have you owned in the past? ______________________________
What has happened to the dogs you've owned in the past?______________________________
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
Do you currently have any other pets or animals that are in your direct care? ___Yes ___No
If so what species, breed and age? _________________________________________________
If yes, how are they with other dogs? _______________________________________________
Do you prefer a male or female Bernese and why? ____________________________________
Is someone home through the day? ___Yes ___No
If no, what are the work hours of the adults in the household? ___________________________
How will you housetrain your puppy? _______________________________________________
What methods will you use to obedience train your puppy? _____________________________
I require, in our puppy sale contract, that you attend at least one session of training in a Group
Training Class format, to end before the pup is 6 mos old, and at least one more session of
similar type classes between the ages of 6-12 mos old. Are you willing and able to commit to
this as well as the cost of these classes?
___Yes ___No ___I know how to train a dog
Do you already know where will you be attending classes? ___Yes ___No
(If yes,
If you are not sure yet, do you need help finding classes near you?
In a busy family, how will you ever find time to train a new puppy?
Socialization must occur throughout the dog’s life. Socialization means providing positive
experiences that will help your puppy learn about his world. Understanding his body language,
using positive encouragement and reinforcement for moments of bravery, providing positive
exposure to new people, places, smells, noises, surfaces and mental stimulation – all while not
accidentally rewarding fear. List several ways you will be socializing your puppy:
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
For what purposes do you want a puppy? Check all that apply...
___Pet ___Show ___Obedience ___Breeding ___Carting/Drafting ___Agility ___Other
What are your goals for your Bernese Puppy? ________________________________________
Are you planning on pursuing any specific activities that might aid in puppy selection? (Therapy
Dog, Rally-O, hiking regularly, etc.) _________________________________________________
All of our puppies are sold on a Non-Breeding and Spay/Neuter Agreements. Is this acceptable
to you? If not, please explain: _____________________________________________________
Have you ever been in any AKC or CKC competitions and put any titles on your Dogs?
____Yes ___No If yes, please describe___________________________________________
In the first 8 weeks of the pup’s lives, we get to know the puppies, learn about you and your
family and become familiar with what is most important for each. I match our puppies with
potential families, instead of families getting to select their pup. Some choices are given
whenever possible. However, sometimes, a choice is not available due to limited male/female
pups, a very distinct difference in temperament between pups, or a show puppy is selected for
furthering our breeding program. Puppy selections are made at 7 weeks old, and families are
notified as soon as a decision is made. Is this acceptable to you? ___Yes ___No
Bernese Mountain Dogs have a desired set of markings – a predominantly black coat, with a
white facial blaze, tail tip, chest and paws, and rust on ankles, eyebrows, and cheeks.
Occasionally, there will be puppies with asymmetrical markings, an over-white marking, or a
particularly dark marking – lacking some of the typical markings. There can even be a blue-eyes
or a single blue eye! Are you open to considering a puppy with markings that would be
considered by some to be “less than perfect”?
___Yes ___No ___I don’t mind either way
If you've had purebred dogs before, please list the breed and when you had the dog(s). Also,
list the breeder who where you other dogs came from. _________________________________
If you have a veterinarian may we contact him/her for a reference? ___Yes ___No
Please provide his/her name, address, and phone number (If you do not yet have a
veterinarian, please list who you plan to use below.):___________________________________
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
Please list a kennel, groomer or pet-sitter that you may have used in the past (if applicable):
Please list two other references: name, relationship, & contact information that we may
Please include any other information you feel would help us in determining your suitability for a
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dog puppy:
Would you be willing to read recommended books on dog behaviour and training prior to being
an approved home for a Bernese puppy?
In what format do you wish to receive your pre-puppy information? This will be various things,
such as articles, information, links, scientific studies, training advice, vaccination protocols,
veterinarian related information, general health, allergy, disease, feeding and anything relating
to raising a large breed puppy – all of which I wish you to read and learn prior to puppy coming
home with you. What are you MOST LIKELY to read and retain?
___Email ___Printed material ___Web based articles and links ___Books ___Social Media
At Spellbound, we regularly share photos and updates via email and Facebook. Do you have a
Facebook account?
___Yes ___No ___I am willing to get one for Pup-dates
___I prefer email please
If you currently have a Facebook account, please *friend* me to see past photos of puppies and
our litter information of prior litters. Use spellboundbernese@comcast.net or Dayna Moran
Merrow to search me out. Please send a quick message so I know who you are!
Dayna & Scott Merrow
8900 Orchard Rd., Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Spellbound Bernese Mountain Dogs
My Final Statement and Promise to You and All Our Spellbound Pups:
I add this statement to inform you of my commitment to my puppies – those that we cause to
be born into the world, those that we are responsible for and to; our commitment to you, our
potential extended families – to let you know that we are here for you as a resource, and for
the life of your puppy!
In advance of all our puppies leaving our home, we send a plethora of information in various
formats, mostly email, shared on Facebook, and on several topics – diet, vaccines, exercise,
training theory, selection of a veterinarian, spay/neuter recommendations, stages of growth,
and a whole series of “Pup-dates” each week as your puppy grows.
I expect that all of my puppy homes appreciate and cherish this information. This is training for
you as a new Berner home and puppy guardian. As a breeder, my responsibility is to be there
for these puppies. You need to be part of the process in raising a healthy dog. The materials I
share are there for a reason. Please utilize this as a valuable resource.
Make a PUPPY folder on your computer right now, and anything that I send along, place it in
that folder as a reference. Trust me, it will help you at some point! 
I consider it required reading. Study it. Learn it. Live it.
Do you agree to read, follow, and consider all of these items important and imperative to your
puppy’s overall well-being?
___Yes, I respect your years of knowledge about Bernese Mountain Dog puppies.
___No, I am confident that I know how to raise a puppy.
~ Thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire! ~
We will get in touch with you soon, but if you wish, feel free to check in with us at the above
contact information.