Chapter 20 Section 1 Review Page 500

Chapter 20 Section 1
Review Page 500
1. Describe how water temperature
affects the ability of the ocean
water to dissolve gases.
Warmer water is less able to dissolve gases
than cooler water.
(Think of a warm vs. cold soda)
2. Summarize how freezing and
evaporation affect salinity.
They can increase salinity. As water freezes
or evaporates the salts are left in the water.
3. Describe the composition of
ocean water.
Ocean water is a mixture of water, dissolved
solids (such as chlorine and sodium), and
gases (such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon
Salts in Ocean Water
4. Define thermocline.
A layer in a body of water in which the
temperature drops faster with increased
depth than it does in other layers.
5. Describe how temperature and
salinity affect the density of
ocean water.
Ocean water becomes denser as temperature
decreases and salinity increases.
Density vs. Depth
6. Explain how the density of ocean
water drives the movement of
deep ocean currents.
Cold, salty, dense water at the poles sinks
and flows beneath warmer less dense water
that is near the equator.
Deep Ocean Currents
Ocean currents surface/deep
7. Explain why shallow ocean water
appears to be blue in color.
When sunlight penetrates the ocean, the
ocean water reflects the wavelengths of blue
light and absorbs all other colors.
8. Why would surface water in the
North Sea be more likely to
contain a higher percentage of
dissolved gases than the surface
water in the Caribbean Sea?
Surface waters in the North Sea are colder
and colder water can hold more dissolved
gases than warmer water.
9. If global temperatures increase,
how would this change affect the
ability of oceans to absorb CO2?
Warmer water cannot hold as much
dissolved gas as colder water so more CO2
would accumulate in the atmosphere.
THE END??????