National Central University Chapter 9: Foundations of Group Behavior ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR STEPHEN P. ROBBINS Reporter: Debbie Pi 2007/10/04 / Slide 1 SEMINAR in OB Outline The Introduction of Group Stages of Group Development The Five-Stage Model Punctuated-equilibrium Model: For temporary Groups w/ Deadline Group Properties Defining & classifying Groups Why people join groups Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual Groupthink and Groupshift Groups decision-making techniques / Slide 2 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Introduction This session is about the concept of groups / Slide 3 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Introduction This session is about classifying groups Informal Group Formal Group / Slide 4 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Introduction why people join groups Security: Individuals can reduce the insecurity of “standing alone” Status: It provides recognition and status. Self-esteem: It provides people the feelings of self-worth. Affiliation: It can fulfill individuals social needs. Power: It often makes what can not be achieved by individuals possible. Goal Achievement: The use of formal group w/ talent, knowledge, or power to achieve a particular task. / Slide 5 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Outline The Introduction of Group Defining & classifying Groups Why people join groups Stages of Group Development The Five-Stage Model Punctuated-equilibrium Model: For temporary Groups w/ Deadline Group Properties Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual Groupthink and Groupshift Groups decision-making techniques / Slide 6 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Stages of Group Development The Five-Stage Model / Slide 7 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Stages of Group Development Punctuated-equilibrium Model Sequence of actions: / Slide 8 Setting group direction First phase of inertia Half-way point transition Major changes Second phase of inertia Accelerated activity SEMINAR in OB National Central University Stages of Group Development Punctuated-equilibrium Model (Cont’d) / Slide 9 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Outline The Introduction of Group Defining & classifying Groups Why people join groups Stages of Group Development The Five-Stage Model Punctuated-equilibrium Model: For temporary Groups w/ Deadline Group Properties Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual Groupthink and Groupshift Groups decision-making techniques / Slide 10 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Roles We are required to play a number of diverse roles. / Slide 11 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Roles (Cont’d) / Slide 12 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Norms Classes of Norms: / Slide 13 Performance norms Appearance norms Social arrangement norms Allocation of resources norms SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Norms (Cont’d) / Slide 14 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Norms (Cont’d) Examples of Cards Used in Asch’s Study / Slide 15 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Norms (Cont’d) / Slide 16 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Status Status and Norms High status members of groups are given more freedom to deviate from norms and also are better able to resist conformity pressures than other group members. Status and Group interaction Interaction among members of groups is influenced by status. Lower-status members tend to be less active participants in group discussion. Status Inequity When inequity is perceived, it creates disequilibrium, which results in various types of corrective behavior. / Slide 17 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Status (Cont’d) Group Norms Status Equity Group Member Status Culture / Slide 18 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Size • Smaller groups are faster at completing task. • Large groups are good for gaining diverse input and problem solving. Other conclusions: • Odd number groups do better than even. • Groups of 5 or 7 perform better overall than larger or smaller groups. / Slide 19 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Size (Cont’d) Cyberloafing: The act of employees use their organization's internet access for personal purpose during work hours. Reasons: • To reduce the efforts to Implications: • Means by which individual reestablish equity • The dispersion of responsibility efforts can be identified • Not consistent w/ collective society / Slide 20 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Cohesiveness Increasing group cohesiveness: • • • • • • • Make the group smaller. Encourage agreement with group goals. Increase time members spend together. Increase group status and admission difficultly. Stimulate competition with other groups. Give rewards to the group, not individuals. Physically isolate the group. / Slide 21 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Properties Cohesiveness (Cont’d) / Slide 22 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Outline The Introduction of Group Defining & classifying Groups Why people join groups Stages of Group Development The Five-Stage Model Punctuated-equilibrium Model: For temporary Groups w/ Deadline Group Properties Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual Groupthink and Groupshift Groups decision-making techniques / Slide 23 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual Strengths More complete information Weaknesses Increased diversity of views Higher quality of decisions More time consuming Increased pressure to conform Domination by one or a few members Ambiguous responsibility Increased acceptance of solutions / Slide 24 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Decision Making Groups versus the individual (Cont’d) Groups Individuals Accuracy More Less Creativity More Less Slower Faster More Less Speed Acceptance / Slide 25 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Decision Making Groupthink and Groupshift / Slide 26 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Decision Making Group decision-making techniques / Slide 27 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Group Decision Making Group decision-making techniques (Cont’d) Evaluation Group Effectiveness / Slide 28 SEMINAR in OB National Central University Summary The definition of groups Two models of group development The relationships between Group Properties (Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness) and Performance Social loafing and its effect on group performance The benefits and disadvantage of cohesive groups The effectiveness of 4 Group decision-making techniques (Interacting, Brainstorming, Nominal, and Electronic) / Slide 29 SEMINAR in OB National Central University