Steve Meier, PhD, CPS VP - North What are some problems you have experienced in your lodge for multiple years? What have you done to fix it? Strategic Planning Looks at the big picture Determines Where an organization is going over some time period (Usually Multi-Year) How it's going to get there How the organization knows if it achieved its goals. Focus is on the entire organization Is revised on a periodic basis (3-5 years) Business Planning Focus is usually on a Product Service Program. Need to use both techniques in your lodge Participants in Strategic Planning Usually boards of directors or organization leaders May include other key players or departments Participants in Business Planning Can be at the Lodge operational level (Board of Directors, House Committee). Can be at the leadership level (Officers) Can be at the department level ( Golf Committee) Strategic Planning Must Involve Others in the Planning Process Get input from stakeholders Everyone who is responsible for any part of the plan Representatives from groups who will be effected by the plan. Individuals who are responsible to review and authorize the plan. May be within the lodge, or Grand Lodge So….What do you want your lodge to be or accomplish? • May have multiple answers • May have conflicting opinions • Results should be included in the mission statement or purpose of the organization. Write down three Evaluate Forces Inside and Outside of the Lodge Forces that might impact your lodge Location (Downtown or away from people) Competition from other organizations or establishments Federal, state and local laws/ordinances Tax code Grand Lodge Statutes Others Way to do Evaluate Forces Use a SWOT Analysis Strengths of the lodge Weaknesses of the lodge Opportunities for the lodge Threats to the lodge Each needs to be evaluated Can use a variety of assessments, or methods to "measure" the health of systems. Strengths What strengths does your lodge have? Members with skill sets Nice facility Large acreage Know your Membership Do you know your membership’s strengths? Marketing Accounting Management Food Prep Computer skills Review Elks Applications Survey the members for skill sets and interests Lodge Application Committees Grand Lodge Committees Americanism Charities Community Affairs Scholarships Essay Contests Drug Awareness Poster Contests Veterans Services Youth Activities Local Lodge Committees Entertainment Conventions Publicity Newsletter Auditing Membership Decorating Breakfasts / Dinners Others Make a Spreadsheet Name Interests Skill Sets When can Help Contact Inf. Assess Weaknesses of the lodge Lack of marketing to build up membership Lack of officers or volunteers Cost of food items compared to other establishments Nothing to do except drink Membership angst Lodge Opportunities Networking with other fraternal organizations Golf course Building Size Building Location Threats to your Lodge Fiscal issues Personality issues and conflict Lodge distance from members Lack of Officers or committee chairs Others Implementation Get input: What does your lodge want to accomplish? - Identify goals Do a SWOT analysis Develop a plan Measure what you want to change News letter in print, email, none at all Implement the plan Measure Did your plan make a positive or negative change Business Planning Is related, but is different from Strategic Planning Uses the strategic plan but is more focused Can be applied to Systems as a whole (Golf Course) Parts of the Lodge (Dining and Bar) Organizational leadership issues Increasing Membership Identifying officers and committee chairs Increasing community activities Decreasing angst among the membership Implementation Strategies Identify a Target / Problem, etc. Identify how to Measure change Develop Goals Identify Strategies Create Timelines and Task Responsibilities Developing Documents Celebrate Success Target Identification Increase membership Increasing members attending lodge meetings Increasing sales of hot dogs or beverages sold Determine how to Measure Increasing membership, food sales, etc. is easy Decreasing angst is more difficult Number of complaints received Listen to the number of complaints at the bar Develop a frequency baseline of the issue Minimum 2 weeks Develop Goals Goals are based on the SWOT analysis and lodge’s mission Goals build on strengths of the lodge and the membership Goals take advantage of opportunities provided by your lodge Goals address weaknesses or threats to the lodge Goals Should Be SMARTER Specific: Measurable: Acceptable: Realistic: Time frame: Extending: Rewarding: Develop Strategies and Objectives to Reach Goals Objectives must be: Specific Timely Indicative of progress toward goals Measurable Associate Responsibilities and Time Lines with EACH Objective Create a GANT chart Assigned responsibilities include: Who does what When is it to be accomplished. Alternatives (not consequences) if something is not accomplished. Write down who does what Generally, deadlines are set for meeting each task. Gant Chart Example Task Sec. Reviews Apps. ER Talks with PERS Chair / Officer review PERs contact Potential Officers PERs Nom. Officers Balloting of Officers Instillation of Officers Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Write it Down Communicate the Plan to the Members If information is not written down or communicated, it does not exist. Information needs to be well organized Written into a document Distributed to the organizers and membership Post on the wall in large font Why Members do not know what is happening. Organizers Often forget that others don't know what the organizers know. As plans change, it's difficult to remember who is supposed to be doing what. Key stakeholders (Grand Lodge, County Commissioners, customers, grant funders) may request copies. Measure Measure before implementing the intervention During the intervention After the intervention Assess if your intervention worked If yes, Yea!!! If no, Reevaluate and implement a new intervention Acknowledge Completion and Celebrate Success Is often ignored Can eventually undermine the success of many of your future planning efforts. Can create apathy, skepticism, or cynicism Plan addressed some problem, you solved it Acknowledge your success. Let others know it was successful Other Issues and Points Marketing Plan/Sales Strategy Does your lodge have one? How does your lodge generate revenue? How does your lodge market membership? What is your marketing plan Lodge news letter Local paper Radio How frequently do you reassess or change your plan? Cost / Revenue Analysis Are your revenue and cost projections on task? What can you do to expand revenue? Who will do what? Are you doing adequate inventory control? What are your anticipated costs? Planning Summary • Five Steps • • • • • Assessment Capacity Planning Implementation Evaluation Assessment Assess needs and assets. Assess readiness for some change Identify the most pressing need that needs changed Capacity What skills and resources are available? What skills and resources do you need? Assess membership readiness Do we need this Publicize the issue and encourage participation. Use targeted participation People usually step up when asked directly Planning Assemble a planning team. Create an overall plan for the effort. Present the plan to the leadership and membership and gather support. Who does what is important here Implementation of the Plan Stick to your plan for the implementation process. Evaluate to see if changes are needed Continue to pay attention to resources. Keep the membership informed. Evaluation Evaluate the process. Evaluate the impact of the program. Evaluate the outcomes. Use the evaluation results to adjust the program to be more effective. NOTE Planning Takes time Takes energy Takes people to do the planning With No Planning You continue to have the same problems The problems are broadly defined (if you know what they are) Solutions are trial and error No immediate or long term strategies for a problem No changes occur except discussion New officers have the same problem you had 5 years ago. What to do at the Social Hour Identify the problems you may have in your lodge Put them on paper Prioritize the list Implement the process Comments and Discussion