Protein Synthesis NAME___________________________ Part 1 - RNA, Transcription, Translation RNA Go to Read the text and answer the following questions starting with slide 21 1. Where is RNA commonly found? ____________________________________________ 2. Describe what is meant by the “central dogma” in biology. 3. Name the 3 types of RNA and the general roles they play in the making of protein. Part 2. Transcribe and Translate a Gene. A. Read the directions to Transcribe the DNA sequence into RNA by typing in the complimentary bases to make mRNA. B. Now translate the mRNA to form proteins. 1. How is mRNA different from DNA? (Hint read the side-bar on this page for help) 2. What is the correct starting position for translation? 3. Write the amino acids used to assemble your protein in order below. 4. Where does translation take place? 5. Once assembled, what is the key to a protein’s unique function? Part 3 - Protein Synthesis Interactive Lab 1. Go through and the interactive lab and go through all of the steps of protein synthesis then answer the questions below 2. Explain how DNA is transcribed into RNA. 3. Explain how mRNA is translated into proteins. Part 4 - Click on Firefly 6. Explain What Makes a Firefly Glow in your own words, and you must use all of the words below: 7.; What is a Protein? ________________________________ Go through the rest of the protein links Part 5 - Transcription (DNA RNA) Go to Answer the following questions as you move through the animation of Transcription Before clicking 1. The diagram represents what type of molecule? ______________________ Click once 2. What type of molecule is the RNA polymerase? _______________________ Click again 3. What function does the RNA polymerase have? _______________________ 4. Where in the cell do you think this is taking place? ____________________ 5. Explain how the mRNA molecule forms. Part 6 - Translation (mRNA protein) Go to Answer the following questions as you move through the animation of Translation Before clicking 1. The diagram represents what type of molecule? _____________________ Click once 2. Where in cell in this taking place? _______________________ Click again 3. What type of molecule is the tRNA (transfer RNA) bringing to the mRNA? _____________ 4. Explain (in terms of nitrogen bases) how the tRNA docks on the mRNA ? ____________________________________________________________________________ Click until the end watching the process of translation 5. As the tRNAs dock on the mRNA bringing amino acids with them what type of molecule is created ___________________________________________________________________ Start the animation over 6. What are the 3 nitrogen bases on the tRNA carrying the amino acid “Met”? ________________ 7. What are the 3 nitrogen bases on the mRNA that the “Met”-tRNA docks upon? ___________ 8. Check out the next tRNA with its 3 nitrogen bases and see where it docks on the mRNA. Can you detect a pattern. If there are 20 amino acids then what is the minimum number of tRNAs that must exist. Part 7 - Mutations interactive Lab – complete the interactive lab below to explore how mutations are formed and expressed. Once you complete the lab answer the 6 journal questions 1. What is a mutation? 2. Journal Questions Use this link to describe the types of mutations 1. What is a point mutation? 2. What is the difference between a silent mutation, a missense and a nonsense mutation? 3. What is a frameshift mutation? Extra Challenge - Use the link below to explore how genes are mutated.