WVU K12 Partnerships Learning Module Agreement & Construction Tool Course: Math 8 Unit: 6 - Cylinders and Cones and Spheres! Oh my! Lesson: 4 (end of course presentation) Time: At least one, 50-minute Standards & Objectives: M.8.G.9 know the formulas for the volumes of cones, cylinders and spheres and use them to solve realworld and mathematical problems. Mathematical Practices: 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. When completing the cups and cones activity, students may need to look for entry points to determine the volume of the cup shaped like a truncated cone. They will need to plan a solution pathway and work using simpler forms (cylinders). Students make conjectures about relationships among shapes and their volumes ask themselves, "Does this make sense?" 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. While doing Capstone Challenge, students make sense of quantities and their relationships in a problem situation. They must decontextualize or abstract a given situation when using a formula and contextualize, to take into consideration the symbols involved. They consider the units involved. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. In Lesson 4, students will used stated assumptions definitions and previously established results in construction arguments. They construct arguments from drawings. Students can listen to the arguments of others, decide whether they make sense, and ask useful questions to clarify or improve the arguments. 4. Model with mathematics In Lesson 4, students will apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday 21st Century Technology Tools & Learning Skills: This lesson is aligned to the 21st Century Teaching and Technology Tools. Overview Driving Question: How can you use your knowledge about volumes of cones and cylinders to solve everyday problems? Overview: In this lesson, you will have the opportunity to see how the use of mathematics connects to real life. You will extend your knowledge about the formulas you have explored and used to find WVU K12 Partnerships Learning Module Agreement & Construction Tool volumes of cones and cylinders in order to solve problems which require the use of both exact calculations and estimation skills. Capstone Performance Task – The Capstone Task is introduced in Lesson 4 of Unit 8. All materials and directions are located there. The presentations for the task are suggested to take place on the last day of the Unit. Introduction to Task (The reason why) Your school is purchasing a water cooler for a visitors’ lounge. There is an option of ordering one of two different types of cups. Your task is to make a recommendation about which type of cup should be ordered. Be sure to use appropriate units in your work. Performance Objectives (What needs to be accomplished) Prepare a short presentation that explains your choice of cup. The presentation should include: a description of the problem mathematical work (including units)giving the volumes found for Cup A and Cup B, information that you found about the volume of water that a cooler typically holds, the volume of water a typical 8 ounce cup holds, the typical price of cups when sold in bulk, other information that may support your choice, and, your choice of Cup A or Cup B with your reasoning Materials Cup A is a thin paper cup in the shape of a cone. Cup B is a thicker paper cup. It is suitable for both hot and cold beverages and is in the shape of a "truncated" cone. 3 inches 4 inches WVU K12 Partnerships Learning Module Agreement & Construction Tool 3 inches 4 inches 2 inches Procedure (What to do) ∙ ∙ ∙ Explore the sizes of water containers that fit onto the typical water cooler. What volume of water (in cubic inches) will the typical container hold? What is the volume (in cubic inches) of an 8 ounce cup of water? How do the volumes of Cup A and Cup B compare? Explore the price of water cooler cups (typically shaped like cones) or hot and cold beverages cups (typically shaped like truncated cones) sold in bulk. o Which seems to be a better buy? Capstone Performance Task Evaluation: Challenge Rubric Possible Points Criteria 5 Defines the problem (Explain the challenge) 50 Explains calculations for the volume of each Cup A and Cup B (Includes mathematics and appropriate units) 15 Communicates information (with sources and/or calculations) typical volume of water cooler container (cubic inches) volume of an 8 ounce glass of water (cubic inches) prices per unit of typical cups of specified shapes 10 Gives considered solutions with reasoning 10 Communicates final solution with reasoning 10 Presentation is clear, well organized, and easy to follow Points WVU K12 Partnerships Learning Module Agreement & Construction Tool 100 Total