2011 STAR Order Management Worksshop

2011 STAR
Order Management Workshop
October 20, 2010
Start Time 9:00 a.m.
Presenters: Mark Hansen and Michael McDaniel
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District STAR coordinators will identify:
• Which materials to order
• How to order test materials
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Major changes and reminders for 2011 ordering
• Eligibility for tests
• What needs to be ordered?
 Discussed by grade
• Eligibility for end-of-course (EOC) California Standards
Tests (CSTs)
 Mathematics
 Science
 World History
• Eligibility for EOC California Modified Assessment (CMA)
 Mathematics (Algebra I and Geometry)
• Eligibility for EOC Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS)
 Mathematics (Algebra I and Geometry)
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• Ordering materials
 Overview of process
 Ordering options
– Online ordering
– Batch file submission
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What’s New
The California Writing Standards Test (CST for Writing) and
the California Modified Writing Standards Test (CMA for
Writing) for grade four have been reinstated
Three new CMA multiple-choice tests will be available for CMAeligible students:
 Grade ten: The CMA for English–Language Arts (ELA) (Grade 10)
 Grade eleven: The CMA for ELA (Grade 11)
 Grades eight through eleven: The CMA for Geometry; eligible
students must have completed a Geometry course in the 2010
summer session or will complete one during the 2010–11 school
Three additional braille versions of CMA tests are available:
 CMA for ELA (Grade 9)—Order using the Order Management
 CMA for Algebra I—Order using the Order Management module
 CMA for Life Science (Grade 10)—Order using the supplemental
order process only
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What’s New (Cont.)
• Additional version 1 test booklets are no longer
available to order separately. This column has been
removed from various screens in the graphical user
• The “Audio CDs” column has been removed from
various screens in the graphical user interface.
• A new field on the Approve Order screen allows entry
of text to explain an order for which there was a
warning message(s).
• In the Test Admin Summary, if the calculated Pre-ID
cutoff date for a writing or multiple-choice
administration falls on January 1, the date will be
automatically recalculated to fall on the next school
district working day.
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District Preparation Checklist
 Obtain school calendars
 Including nonpublic, nonsectarian schools (NPS)
 Obtain warehouse calendar
 Identify dependent charter schools
 Identify NPSs providing special education
 Collect order numbers from test site
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Site Preparation Checklist:
Give to District STAR Coordinator
 School calendar(s)
 Number and type of test booklets required
– Grade-level tests
 ELA (grades 2–11)
 Mathematics (grades 2–7)
 Science (grades 5 and 8); Life Science (grade 10)
 History–Social Science (grades 8 and 11)
 Based on individualized education programs (IEPs)
 ELA (grades 3–11)
 Mathematics (grades 3–7)
 Science (grades 5 and 8); Life Science (grade 10)
 Algebra I (grades 7–11)
 Geometry (grades 8–11)
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Site Preparation Checklist:
Give to District STAR Coordinator
 Special versions
 Large print available for all tests
 Braille
» CSTs—All tests
» CMA—All tests except for grades 10 and
11 ELA, Geometry
» STS—All tests
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Site Preparation Checklist:
Give to District Coordinator (cont.)
 Based on mathematics department chair input
– CST for EOC mathematics
 Algebra I (grades 7–11)
 Other EOC mathematics (grades 8–11)
– STS for EOC Mathematics
 Algebra (grades 7–11)
 Geometry (grades 8–11)
 Based on science department chair input
– CST for EOC science
 Grades 9–11
 Based on history–social science department chair input
– CST for EOC World History
 Grades 9–11
 Based on English learner status
 Grades 2–11
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Site Preparation Checklist:
Give to District Coordinator (cont.)
 Number of additional DFAs needed for CST, CMA, and
 CMA DFAs calculated 1 per 10 students
 CST/STS DFAs calculated 1 per 20 students
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General Rules for Ordering
• Do NOT over-order
 Districts are sent 5% overage
 Schools are sent 10% overage
• Be realistic with quantities
 Especially large print, braille
– These materials are expensive!
 Mobile populations (county offices)
– Average prior-year orders, then use
“Supplemental Order” process if
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California Modified Assessment
Who Takes the CMA?
Available in the following grades:
Grades 8–11 for EOC Geometry
Grades 5, 8, and 10 for science
Eligible students shall, in part:
Grades 3–11 for ELA
Grades 3–7 for mathematics
Grades 7–11 for EOC Algebra I
Have an IEP that specifies that they take the CMA for one or more
subjects; and
Scored below basic or far below basic in a previous CST
administration (students may have taken the CST with modifications,
or may have taken CMA test(s) previously); and
Are not eligible to take the California Alternate Performance
Assessment (CAPA).
Student may take the CMA for one or more content areas, and
the CST for others, e.g. the CMA for Mathematics and the CST for
See the complete CMA participation criteria at
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California Alternate Performance Assessment
Who Takes the CAPA?
• Student must have an IEP.
• Student’s IEP must specify CAPA and whether
the student should take the grade-assigned
CAPA level or CAPA Level I.
Student counts by CAPA level are not
necessary during the ordering process.
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What needs to be ordered?
• Examiner’s Manual: One for each examiner
 Can be used for several students
 All CAPA levels covered
 One version per school district
• Answer documents
 One per student taking the CAPA
 All CAPA levels covered
 10% double-rated (use overage)
– Will be discussed in the Pre-Test Workshop
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CAPA Manipulatives
• Not ordered through ETS
• School districts need to assemble manipulatives
• Dependent upon
 CAPA version
– Assigned by ETS (available in early December)
 CAPA level
– Determined by IEP team
 Designate the use of Level I or gradeappropriate level
• Manipulatives list indicates the following:
 Single-use items
 Multi-use items
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Standards-based Tests in Spanish
Who takes the STS?
October 2010
Available in grades 2–11
 Spanish-speaking English learners (EL)
– Required to take STS if they:
 Are receiving instruction in Spanish
 Will have attended U.S. schools less than 12
cumulative months on the first day of testing
(regardless of whether they receive instruction in
English or Spanish)
– At the option of the school district:
 Any other Spanish-speaking English learners
Not to be administered to non-ELs
– E.g. English-only, I-FEP, R-FEP students
– English learners whose primary language is not
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What Needs to Be Ordered, by Grade
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 2
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 3
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
with one or more CST
 CST test booklet contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
• CMA test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Mathematics
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 4
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be
tested with one or more CST
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Mathematics
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 4 (cont.)
• CST for Writing test booklet for all students
taking the CST for ELA
• CMA for Writing test booklet for all students
taking the CMA for ELA
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 5
October 2010
CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
with one or more CST
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
– CST for Science
CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Mathematics
– CMA for Science
STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 6
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be
tested with one or more CST
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each student eligible to
be tested with one or more CMA
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Mathematics
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 7
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Mathematics
 For students not completing an Algebra I
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each student eligible to
be tested with one or more CMA
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Mathematics
 For students not completing an Algebra I
• CST or CMA Algebra I test booklet
 For students completing a standards-aligned
Algebra I course
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 7 (cont.)
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
– STS for Mathematics (grade-level)
– No STS for Writing test
• Algebra I STS test booklet
 For students completing a standards-aligned
Algebra I course
• CST for Writing test booklet for all students taking the
• CMA for Writing test booklet for all students taking
the CMA for ELA
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 8
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Science
– CST for History–Social Science
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Science
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 8 (cont.)
• EOC CST or CMA mathematics test booklet
 All grade 8 students MUST take a mathematics
– CST or CMA for Algebra I
– CST for General Mathematics
– CST or CMA for Geometry
– CST for other EOC mathematics
– Courses aligned with the CST or CMA
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 8 (cont.)
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
• EOC mathematics STS test booklet
 For students completing a standards-aligned
Algebra I or Geometry course
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 9
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
• EOC mathematics CST or CMA test booklet
 All grade 9 students MUST take a mathematics test
 Contains:
– CST or CMA for Algebra I or Geometry
– CST for General Mathematics
– CST for other EOC mathematics
 Courses aligned with the CST or CMA blueprint
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 9 (cont.)
• EOC science CST test booklet
 Contains:
– Biology, or Earth Science, or Physics, etc.
– Courses aligned with the CST blueprint
• CST for EOC World History test booklet
 Course aligned with the CST blueprint
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
• EOC mathematics STS test booklet for each student
eligible to take an end-of-course test
 Contains:
– STS for Algebra I or STS for Geometry
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 10
• CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for Life Science
• CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
– CMA for Life Science
• EOC mathematics CST or CMA test booklet
 Contains:
– CST or CMA for Algebra I or Geometry
– CST for Algebra II, or CST for Geometry, and so
 Courses aligned with the CST or CMA blueprint
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 10 (cont.)
• EOC science CST test booklet
 Contains:
– Earth Science, or Biology, or Physics, etc.
– Courses aligned with the CST blueprint
• CST for EOC World History test booklet
 Course aligned with the CST blueprint
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
• EOC mathematics STS test booklet for each student
eligible to take an end-of-course test
 Contains:
– STS for Algebra I or STS for Geometry
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 11
CST grade-level test booklet for each student to be tested
 Contains:
– CST for English–Language Arts
– CST for U.S. History
CMA grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– CMA for English–Language Arts
EOC for mathematics CST or CMA test booklet
 Contains:
– CST or CMA for Algebra I or Geometry
– CST for Algebra II, or CST for Geometry, and so forth
 Courses aligned with the CST or CMA blueprint
EOC science CST test booklet
 Contains:
– Earth Science or Biology or Physics, and so forth
 Courses aligned with the CST blueprint
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What needs to be ordered?
Grade 11 (cont.)
• CST for EOC World History test booklet
 Course aligned with the CST blueprint
• STS grade-level test booklet for each eligible student
 Contains:
– STS for Reading/Language Arts
• STS for EOC mathematics test booklet for each
student eligible to take an end-of-course test
 Contains:
– STS for Algebra I or STS for Geometry
• EAP Essay test booklet
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Who Takes CST or CMA for EOC
Grades 2–9
 ALL students take a mathematics test
Grades 10 and 11
 Students may take no mathematics test if
They are not enrolled in a mathematics course and did not
previously complete Algebra II or a course aligned with the
Integrated Mathematics 3 test blueprint; or
They are enrolled in the first year of a two-year mathematics course;
They are enrolled in General Mathematics or Business Mathematics.
Determine which mathematics test will be administered in
grades 7–11
 Review state blueprints available at:
 Review curriculum
 Review guidelines in the Order Management Manual
 CMA students in grades 8 and 9 should take the CMA for
Algebra I, Geometry, an EOC mathematics CST, or the CST
for General Mathematics
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Who takes the STS for EOC
• The STS for Algebra I is available for students in
grades 7–11
• The STS for Geometry is available for students in
grades 8–11
 Must be
– Spanish-speaking English learners (EL)
– Not to be administered to non-ELs such as
English-only, I-FEP, R-FEP
• Same EOC rules as CST/CMA
 Completing the course or completed it in the
summer of 2010
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Which Students Take
the CST for General Mathematics?
• Students in grades 8 or 9 only who are
 Not taking a mathematics course; or
 Taking any mathematics course prior to
Algebra I (e.g. Pre-Algebra, Algebra Readiness,
Business mathematics, and so forth); or
 Not in the last year of a multi-year Algebra I
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Which Students Take
Algebra I?
• Students in grades 7–11 who are completing
Algebra I or completed it in the summer of 2010
• Grade 7 students not completing Algebra I take
the grade 7 mathematics test
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Which Students Take
Summative High School Mathematics?
• Students in grades nine through eleven who:
 Previously completed Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry
and completed an advanced mathematics course in the
2010 summer session or will complete it during the 2010–
11 school year; or
 Previously completed a course aligned with the Integrated
Mathematics 3 test blueprint and completed an advanced
mathematics course in the 2010 summer session or will
complete it during the 2010–11 school year; or
 Completed Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry courses in
previous years and are taking no mathematics course this
year; or
 Completed a course aligned with the Integrated
Mathematics 3 test blueprint in a previous year and are
taking no mathematics course this year.
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Example 1
• Carol
 2010
– Grade 9 student
– Previously completed Algebra I and
Geometry courses and took an Algebra II
course in 2010
– Took the CST for Algebra II
 2011
– Grade 10 student
– Not studying mathematics
– Takes CST for Summative High School
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Example 2
• Robert
 2010
– Grade 9 student
– Took Geometry (but has not taken
Algebra II)
– Took the CST for Geometry
 2011
– Grade 10 student
– Not studying mathematics
– Takes no mathematics test
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Example 3
• Juan
 2010
– Grade 10 student
– Took an advanced mathematics class
– Took the CST for Summative High School
 2011
– Grade 11 student
– Not studying mathematics
– Takes the CST for Summative High School
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Example 4
• Juliet
 2010
– Grade 10 student
– Took an advanced mathematics course
– Took the CST for Summative High School
 2011
– Grade 11 student
– Studying Calculus
– Takes the CST for Summative High School
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Which students take
End-of-Course Science?
• Students in grades 9–11
 Completing or completed in summer of 2010
California standards-aligned science course
– Review state blueprints
– Review curriculum
• All students in grade 10 take the Life Science test
 Test printed in the grade 10 test booklet (both
CST and CMA)
 Grade 10 students will also take an EOC
science CST if taking a standards-aligned
science course.
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Which students take
End-of-Course World History?
• Students in grades 9–11
 Completed the World History course in the 2010
summer session or will complete it during the
2010–11 school year
• All students in grade 11 will take the CST for U.S.
 The test is printed in the grade 11 test booklet
 Grade 11 students will also take the CST for
World History if they meet the criteria above
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EAP Essay
• Grade 11
 Order for all students
 Must be taken in conjunction with additional
ELA multiple-choice questions to achieve an
exemption from the CSU and participating
California Community Colleges.
 Order entered on the Early Assessment
Program administration (EP01)
 Approve order separately
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15-minute break for everyone!
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Test Administrations
 Up to 8 administrations allowed MC01 – MC08
 Each administration should have different date for “First day of
 Each administration’s order needs to be approved separately
Enter orders for ALL administrations before starting approval process
– Report for 2011 provides list of schools without orders
– Report generated when each order approved
Writing Application (grades 4 and 7) CST and CMA
Administration WA01
March 1 with makeup on March 2 if in session on March 1
 Administration WA02
May 3 with makeup on May 4 ONLY if not in session on March 1
 Enter and approve order separately from multiple-choice
Early Assessment Program (EAP) Essay
 Administration EP01
March 1 through March 31
 Enter and approve order separately from multiple choice
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Ordering Procedures
1. Set up test administration dates
• See the Webcast “2010 STAR Test
Administration Setup”
• Manual posted at www.startest.org/sms.html
2. Confirm “Profile” information
• Primary Shipping Address
• Secondary Shipping Address (optional)
– Can be used for Supplemental Order delivery
• Report Shipping Address (optional)
– Used to deliver Reports in summer 2011
– Address must be set up before June 1, 2011
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Ordering Procedures
October 2010
Enter order quantities for each Multiple-Choice,
Writing Application, and the Early Assessment
Program administration.
• Screen entry
• Produce file containing order quantities and
Approve order for each administration.
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Software Demonstration
1. Verify Profile
2. Enter order online
3. Approve order
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School district cannot approve order when errors still exist.
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with no
School district can still approve order when warnings exist.
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STAR Order Management
File upload option
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Changes to Batch Procedure
• Do not need to zero-fill quantities
 Numbers must be right-justified
 E.g., 0012 may also be entered as _ _12
• No special sequence of records
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Order File Upload Format
• Included in Order
• Fixed-length field;
text file only
• Orders for one
only per file
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Sample File
October 2010
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Sample E-Mail
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Review and Approve
• Review orders using
 Online screens
 Printouts generated by STAR Management
• Adjust orders where necessary using
 Online entry to adjust quantities
• Approve orders
 All orders entered through “File load”
need to be approved by the district STAR
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In Conclusion
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Excessive Materials Ordered Charges
• 90% of the value of materials ordered minus
value of materials used
• Be careful ordering!
 Do not over-order
 Large print and braille materials are very expensive
• No excessive order charges for EAP Essay
test books
• ETS will invoice approximately December
October 2010
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Excessive Materials Ordered Charges
• Value of materials ordered ($x)
 Does not include overages
 Order quantities will be adjusted based
on number of Pre-ID records
• Value of materials used ($y)
• If (x-y) ≤ 10%(x) then no charges will
• If (x-y) > 10%(x) then charges will
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Excessive Materials Ordered Charges
Example 1
October 2010
Value of materials ordered = $5,000
Value of materials used = $4,600
Difference between ordered and used = $400
10% of materials ordered = $500
Difference ($400) is less than 10% of materials
ordered ($500)
 No charges will apply
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Excessive Materials Ordered Charges
Example 2
October 2010
Value of materials ordered = $5,000
Value of materials used = $4,100
Difference between ordered and used = $900
10% of materials ordered = $500
Difference ($900) is greater than 10% of
materials ordered ($500)
 Charge will apply
 Charge will be $900 – $500 = $400
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• Set up test administration dates
 NPS schedules may be different from
district schedules
• Enter order quantities for each
 Multiple-choice
 Writing (CST and CMA, grades 4 and 7)
 EAP Essay
• Approve orders
 Every administration
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• Gather data from sites immediately
• Enter orders: Now through December 1, 2010
• Orders reviewed by ETS throughout
December and January
• Adjustments to initial orders up until “Order
Sent for Packaging” date
• If required, place supplemental orders after
“Order Sent for Packaging” date
• Track order status
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Next Webcast
2011 STAR Pre-ID
Workshop Webcast
November 17, 2010
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