Introduction to Linux: Basic Command-line Control You need to become familiar with the Linux command-line. Depending on your previous experience you can either work through or skip the tutorials. All students must complete the problems at the end. A. Introduction to the command line: A basic introduction to using the command line is available at: A slightly more advanced tutorial can be found here: . Other tutorials are available on line. Use the listed tutorials or your favorite search engine to find one that you like better. B. Utilities to help you find and understand commands: The important difference between the command line and GUI interfaces is that the command line expects you to know and type in the appropriate commands. Therefore a key topic in learning to use the command line is learning how to find commands, find files and find information on commands. There are several ways to do this. Firstly there are lists of commands. Here is one useful list. Secondly there are commands and utilities to help understand the commands and use them correctly. The “man” utility: ‘man’ helps you find out the syntax of a command. Type man man in a terminal window and explore the man utility. The normal way to use man is to type man <command name> The ‘info’ utility: Info is similar to man but more sophisticated with search and navigation capability. Type ‘info’ into a terminal window and then ‘h’ to work through a simple tutorial. Problems: 1, Explain briefly what each of the following commands (or utilities) do. If you are not familiar with these commands you will need to research a few references for each command to find a good explanation of what they do. Do not simply cut and paste solutions from some reference, use your own words. If necessary use the information above to help find the answers. man info whatis apropos whoami grep 2. Set up an alias so that when you type the command ll (two ‘ells’, not two ‘ones’) into the command line it lists all files, including those that start with a dot (normally hidden) and shows files in long format (includes ownership information and much more). Test your alias out and make sure you can see complete directory information. List the complete syntax of the appropriate command(s) necessary for this. 3. Give the complete command syntax of commands necessary to find two files called somejunk.txt and somejunk.tmp with a single command. Assume that the two files are in the same directory and that the files could be in any directory below the root directory (/). Solve this with as few commands as possible, ideally one, if possible. Grading: correct descriptions of the listed commands 3 points each. Subtract points for confusing or incomplete explanations. Zero points if the answer is pasted from man or similar utility. Correct syntax for each command needed 5 points. For question 3, two bonus points for two commands and three bonus points for a single command. (max 8 points for q3).