
Computer Science - takes extraordinarily
large amounts of space to accomplish
• The development of the personal computer.
• Computers are developed that are capable of increased speed in
processing email communication.
• Continued growth of personal desk and laptop computers distribution and
• Business corporations are formed to develop personal computers,
software, and telecommunications.
• Established businesses begin to utilize the internet while new companies form that
provide communication services utilizing the internet as their platform.
• I buy an expensive computer that I have limited use for and lack the skills to use
without problems and is outdated in 1year (cannot run newer programs - lack of
hard drive) - vow not to buy a computer again instead use the ones provided at my
place of employment - public school.
• Computers and labs become part of school and district budget planning.
• distance education begins to move from paper based correspondence to web based
achieved telesis through vision, the
continuing development of tools and a
recognition that learning and education
are evolving and culturally dependent
concepts best addressed through a multidisciplinary approach (Hawkridge, 1981).
Business - Corporate/Government
• Development of the computer see history of the computer.
• Internet starts to come into fruition see history of the world wide web.
• Small group of individuals start to realize the potential for email as a communication
device that is cheaper then long distance.
Arranged chronologically from left to right
to provide a framework that will reflect on:
- the development of educational
technology today
- seek to understand the current situation
- predict what will emerge tomorrow
as digital technologies are engaged in the
educational process.
proportion of the population have skills or
access. in general public looks at
computers as something scientists use in
• People start to use personal computers for home accounting, word
settings eg: NASA
processing and gaming.
• I utilize a word processor for university essay - my scores increase by 10%
on every paper that I write.
• Email becomes a predominate form of communication and social
networking sites begin to develop. The internet begins to become a
valuable resource for information.
• Digital technologies become merged with social networking to produce websites such
as face book and utube.
My father buys expensive calculators that
are not allowed to be used at school.
schools - in my high school funds had to be
raised to buy them. Utilized to teach basic
programming (no word processing)
considered to be part of math /science
thinking. I participate in the course.
David Pfaffenberger seeks to define
Technology as a product of socially
produced concepts and processes
Cyberspace, Lorretta Todd discusses the
similarities and the values of using
cyberspace to preserve and develop
indigenous culture while maintaining
traditional indigenous values (Todd, 1996).
My father buys a expensive computer that
uses 8track tapes to store information.
Never works.
2.Pfaffenberger, B. (1988). Fetishized
objects and humanized nature: Towards an
anthropology of technology. Man, 23(2),
3.Todd, L. (1996). Aboriginal narratives
in cyberspace. In M. A. Moser with D.
MvLeod (Eds.), Immersed in technology
(pp. 179-194). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
For: Dr. Stephen Petrina &
Dr. Franc Feng
ETEC 511 Section 64D
Sept 20, 2008