Sunday January 17, 2016-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Time for a little humor! HOLY MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 4:00 PM Catherine Houssock (One Month) By Jean-Marie SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 8:00 AM Missa Pro Populo 10:30 AM Antonio Leva (Birthday Remembrance) By His goddaughter MONDAY, JANUARY 18 8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory By Kyle & Marilyn Lynch TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 8:00 AM Leo Blais (16th Anniversary) By His Wife WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 St. Fabian & St. Sebastian 8:00 AM Catherine Houssock By Norman & Lea THURSDAY, January 21 St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr 8:00 AM Denise Ethier & Family (Healing) By Lori Bullock FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, Day of Prayer for Unborn 8:00 AM Claudette Cioe By Kyle & Marilyn Lynch What religion are you? After the Baptism of his baby brother in church, little Denis sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, Denis replied, 'That priest said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, but I want to stay with you guys.' New twist on Lot's tale A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read, 'The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.' His son asked, 'What happened to the flea?' Altar Guild of the week: Mary Stalaboin, Denise Wolf Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for January! Universal: Interreligious Dialogue That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 St. Vincent, Deacon 4:00 PM Everette Jackson By Lori Bullock SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:00 AM Missa Pro Populo 10:30 AM Adrian Brouillette 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Evangelization: Christian Unity That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. By Vicki & Roger Weekly Collection 1/10 Weekly $3,036.80 Next Week Second Collection is for The Catholic University Sanctuary lamp January: Peace in our lives, peace in our families, and peace on earth! By Tom & Judy McGuire COFFEE AN’ Join us for coffee, cookies and to socialize every Sunday after Sunday Masses in the Church Hall. Next week after the 8:00 AM Holy Mass we will have a video presentation on the Holy Mass. Everyone is welcome! A Special Religious Education Class for Students, Parents, and All Parishioners: Next Sunday, January 24th parents are asked to join their children for a one hour video on the Holy Mass. This special student and adult class will take place at 9:10 in the church basement. Students will report to the school at 9 am like always so that teachers can take attendance. After that, student’s grades 4 through Confirmation II will come to the church basement and join their parents. (Younger students will remain in the school and have class as usual). Teachers from our CCD program will be facilitating this special class for upper grade students and their parents. This video, Altaration, provides a beautiful explanation of everything that takes place during the Holy Mass. We are confident that everyone find this interesting even if you have been coming to Mass all of your life. It is our hope that this lesson will help us all appreciate the beauty, deeper meaning and mystery of the Holy Mass and possibly help our students actually look forward to attending and participating. All who are interested may attend this special showing of Altaration. The class is NOT limited to students and their parents. Saint Vincent de Paul Society There will be a meeting of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society on Tuesday January 19h at 7:00pm. Respect Life Committee The next Respect Life Meeting will be held on Monday January 18th, at 6:00 in the Church Hall. • Alpine Nursing Home There will be Holy Mass at the Alpine Nursing Home on Thursday January 21th at 1:30. Holy Name Society There will be a meeting for the Holy Name Society on Thursday, January 21th at 7:00 in the School. Knights of Columbus TV Raffle The winner of the 48” RCA flat screen smart TV was Joseph Badessa of Coventry, RI. The winning ticket was purchased at the Stop & Shop on Tiogue Avenue in Coventry. The Msgr. Peter E. Blessing Council would like to thank all of the parishioners of Sts. John & Paul, St. Vincent de Paul and Our Lady of good Counsel for all of your support in making our raffle such a great success. God Bless, Msgr. Peter El Blessing #5273 The Office of Life and Family is offering the To Love and To Cherish program for married Catholics. This free program provides topics/discussions designed to enrich and strengthen marriage in a sharing group environment. It will be offered Mondays, February 22 through March 21, 7-8:30 p.m. at Saint Joseph Church (Rectory), 854 Providence St., W. Warwick. For information, contact: Peter Magnotta at 421-7833, ext. 217. (Please note, this program is not for marriage counseling.) PROJECT RACHEL/RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS/POSTABORTION SUPPORT GROUP A JOURNEY TO HEALING FOR ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN TOUCHED BY AN ABORTION . . . RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS: A WEEKEND RETREAT THAT PROVIDES PARTICIPANTS AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROCESS THEIR PAIN AND SORROW, TO FORM SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WITH THEIR CHILD(REN), TO EXPERIENCE THE COMPASSION AND FORGIVENESS OF JESUS AND TO BEGIN A JOURNEY TOWARD HEALING. WE OFFER RETREATS IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. HEALING THE WOUNDED HEART: A SUPPORT GROUP THAT DEALS WITH THE EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS ASSOCIATED WITH AN ABORTION WITH TWO OFFERINGS: PRE-RETREAT FOR THOSE THAT HAVE NEVER ATTENDED A RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT WEEKEND AND POSTRETREAT FOR THOSE THAT HAVE EXPERIENCED A RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT WEEKEND. PROJECT RACHEL: A MINISTRY OF HEALING AND RECONCILIATION COMPRISING ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS WITH A PRIEST WHO WILL WELCOME AND COUNSEL IN A PRAYERFUL ATMOSPHERE OF RESPECT AND SENSITIVITY. FOR INFORMATION, CALL 421-7833 EXT. 218. OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED BY A TEAM OF TRAINED INDIVIDUALS, A STAFF LICENSED SOCIAL WORKER, A CATHOLIC THERAPIST AND TRAINED CLERGY. ALL CALLS ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.