Introduction to Business Analytics Syllabus

MIS 691, Decision Support Systems
SPRING 2013, Schedule: 21903
Class Hours: M 7:00pm-9:40pm, Classroom: GMCS 313
Instructor: Bongsik Shin, Ph.D
Office: SS-3118
Office Hours: M (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm); T (11:00 -12:00 pm); or by appointment
Graduate students should graduate with:
 A solid foundation in theoretical concepts and managerial skills needed to lead business
 The ability to analyze environments in which managers make and implement business
 The skills to formulate, communicate, and coordinate strategies to solve business
problems and pursue opportunities.
MIS691 contributes to these goals through learning outcomes in which students can
 Explain data and decision modeling
 Describe how to build and implement a Data Management System.
 Identify and Discuss issues affecting Data Management.
 Define and explain decision support systems.
 Explain and take advantage of decision support/business intelligence technologies
To achieve the learning goals, this class focuses on the primary element of business intelligence
or decision support systems: database platforms that store data. For this, students learn
fundamental design elements in terms of data modeling and database implementation. The data
warehouse intended to better support business intelligence/analytics tasks is also discussed.
 Kroenke, D. M. and Auer, D. J., Database Concepts, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall
 MS Access will be used to support database modeling and database/data warehouse
 MS Visio will be used as a supplementary tool for data modeling.
 Completion of MBA core or MS prerequisites
Each group of three students works on a semester-long project (You can choose group
members). Based on collective work experience, each group should identify and execute a
decision support-oriented database design project. Topics can vary widely depending on student
experience and interests, and can include areas such as healthcare (e.g., factors that drive
operating efficiency and quality of care), finance and financial services (e.g., trading strategies,
predicting loan defaults), and electronic commerce (e.g., online customer acquisition/retention,
customization and pricing strategies).
The key tasks are:
 To identify a business problem a client firm is experiencing due to lack of a decision
support database
 Assess if a particular database can help in addressing the problem and the scope of the
 Design and develop the database by going through all necessary design stages and
activities systematically.
 Write a final report of up to 20 PPT slides including the executive summary and screen
shots (Font size is 28 for the slide title and 18 for the text). The cover is not counted
toward the 20 slide limit.
 Prepare a 20 minute class presentation.
 Refer to the written and oral communications rubrics for grading criteria.
All groups should be ready to present their projects on 4/29 or 5/6. Groups will be randomly
assigned to one of the two dates. Students are expected to make every effort to attend all classes.
Failure to attend the presentation will result in the loss of the allocated points.
Important Dates:
4/29 and 5/6:
Project proposal (1 page): Include member information and a brief
description of business problems and the proposed database solution.
Project presentation
Final report due
Items of the Final Report
The final report may include following information:
 Cover: Title of the project, project members
Executive summary (one page)
Introduction (up to a page)
o Description of the business problem
o Summary of implementation
o Benefits gained from the system
Requirement Analysis
o Description of information gathering detailing who was contacted, when did it
happen, and how and where (ex. interview, document review) the information was
Data modeling
Database design
o Before and after normalization
o Database schema
o Summary of column characteristics of each table (ex. Figure 3-32)
o Show main screenshots
Conclusion (up to a page)
o Assessment of system utility
o Learned lessons
Tip: In the sections of data model, database design and implementation, include tables and
figures to systematically show the flow of how you came to the database construction.
There will be several individual assignments based on textbook exercises.
Please show respect towards others by turning off all cell phones during the class. Please do not
surf the web, text message, or email during class. Laptops are allowed for taking notes, but the
instructor reserves the right to disallow laptops if deemed necessary.
A student’s total score will be decided by aggregating:
Individual assignments: + points
Group project: 60 points
Group presentation: 10 points
Midterm 1: 100 points
Midterm 2: 100 points
The average class GPA ranges between 3.3 and 3.5.
The weekly progress may vary and certain chapters may be started before or after the scheduled
date. All scheduled tests, however, are held on the date specified.
Introduction: business analytics/decision support
Ch 1, Getting Started
Ch 2, The Relational Model
Ch 3, Structured Query Language
Ch 3, Structured Query Language
Exam 1
Ch 4, Data Modeling and the ER Model
Ch 5, Database Design
Ch 8, Big Data, Data Warehouses, and BI Systems
Exam 2
Data mining - Introduction
Visualization of data (exploratory data analysis)
Project presentation
Project presentation
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3
Group project proposal
Assignment #4
Assignment #5
Group project report
Written Communications Rubric
Below Expectations
Does not adequately cover the assigned
task. The primary thesis may not be clear
or if it is, little topic development is
evident. Assertions made in the writing
are either weakly supported or no support
is offered.
Paper lacks logical sequence hence
causing format to interfere with
readability. Does not use proper
paragraphing. Topic sentences do not lead
to rest of paragraph or are missing
Writer is internally focused rather than
focused on the reader. No clear awareness
or understanding of the audience is
evident. Writer may appear discourteous
to the reader.
Overuse of simple sentences. May misuse
words or idioms. May include slang.
Wordy rather than concise. Writing
shows lack of sophistication or variety in
vocabulary. Awkward. Little or no use of
business terms.
Significant errors in word usage, sentence
structure (run-ons, fragments), spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization. Errors
undermine credibility of content and
References (if called for) are missing or
do not use correct referencing style.
Meets Expectations
The assigned task is covered sufficiently. The
primary thesis is clear but there is some room
for further development of the topic. Support is
offered for assertions that are made but that
support could be stronger, more compelling or
more inclusive of all issues.
Paper follows logical sequence with identifiable
beginning, development, and conclusion.
Generally proper use of paragraph structure and
topic sentences. Organization and/or headings
help the reader to follow and find information.
Exceeds Expectations
The assigned task is thoroughly covered and
completed. The primary thesis is clear and fully
developed. Assertions made throughout the
writing are compelling and clearly supported.
Writer acknowledges the reader and displays
some thought about the nature of the audience.
Reader is treated politely and positively. No
evidence of inappropriate attitude.
Writer clearly focuses writing to the audience,
and displays empathy for the reader. Goodwill is
created through consideration of the reader’s
needs. Message tailored directly for the reader.
Sentences vary in length and style. Strong action
verbs are used. Occasionally uses jargon or
clichés. Vocabulary and word usage generally is
correct and shows some variety. Uses business
terms appropriately.
Demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of the
language in terms of both sentence structure and
vocabulary. Writes fluidly and concisely.
Includes appropriate business terms.
Relatively free of errors in word usage, sentence
structure (run-ons, fragments), spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization. Mechanics do
not detract from credibility of the content.
No errors in word usage, sentence structure (runons, fragments), spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization. Strong mechanics help to establish
Paper flows well with appropriate beginning,
development, and conclusion. Paragraph structure
contributes to flow and transitions. Organization
and/or headings help the reader to understand and
remember information.
__ 5___
Generally correct referencing (if called for)
using APA or MLA style.
References (if called for) are consistently correct
using APA or MLA style. No missing citations.
Updated January 2009
Credits: This document borrows from the SDSU IDS Department Written Skills Rubric (Vik, Reinig, Anderson-Cruz), the IDS Upper Division Writing Assessment Rubric, and the CLASS Rubric from CSU-Fullerton (Fraser,
etc. al., 2005).
TOTAL: __60 points__
__ 0__
Oral Communications Rubric
Voice Quality & Pace
Mannerisms & Body
Professionalism &
Rapport with Audience
& Use of Media
Below Expectations
No opening and/or closing statements
or irrelevant opening/closing
statements. Loses focus more than
once. Does not manage time
effectively. No logical sequence of
information. Mechanistic.
Meets Expectations
Offers some type of opening and closing
statements. Follows logical sequence but
structure could be better. May need more
elaboration on one or more points.
Adequate time management, but could be
Exceeds Expectations
Clear opening and closing statements. Catches
audience’s interest, provides
overview/conclusion. Follows logical sequence,
stays focused, good explanations. Effective time
management and strong transitions. Strong
mental take away for audience.
Mumbles, mispronounces words,
grammatical errors, “umms”. Difficult
to understand. Speaks too quietly or too
loudly. Speaks too fast or too slow.
Loses train of thought, tentative. Lacks
Demonstrates distracting mannerisms
which may include bad posture,
shifting feet, too much or too little hand
movement. Body language reveals
reluctance to interact with audience.
Seems fearful/very nervous.
Easily understood. Speaks loud enough to
be heard and at appropriate pace. Some
awkward pauses or halting delivery but
mostly clear and natural. Could display
greater enthusiasm, seem more genuinely
interested in own presentation.
No significantly distracting mannerisms.
Acceptable posture. Body language
mostly demonstrates comfort in
interacting with audience but occasional
instances of discomfort may be
communicated. Seems natural for the
most part.
Meets minimum standards for business
dress and appearance. Generally treats
audience professionally, acceptable word
choice (no slang). May seem to lack
confidence at times. Reasonably credible.
Tries to maintain eye contact most of the
time but instances may be fleeting in
length. Scans the room. Some reliance on
notes or slides.
Enthusiastic and engaging. Speaks clearly and
loudly enough at a comfortable pace. Exudes
confidence and interest. No grammatical or
pronunciation errors. Presentation appears
conversational, extemporaneous, and natural.
Does not meet minimum requirements
for business dress. Makes excuses for
aspects of the presentation.
Inappropriate word choice for
audience. Inappropriately informal.
Does not connect with audience. Little
to no eye contact. Reads. Relies heavily
on slides and/or notes. Attempts to
cover too many slides or lingers too
long on too few slides.
Body language used effectively to maintain
audience’s interest. Body language reflects
presenter’s reaction to, and empathy with, the
audience. Gestures match verbal content, are
comfortable and relaxed, seem spontaneous.
Dressed appropriately. Appearance engenders
respect and credibility. Treats audience
professionally. Speaker appears confident and
has good command of the topic.
GRAND TOTAL: __________
Genuinely connects with audience. Maintains
eye contact throughout. Visuals (slides, etc.)
effortlessly enhance speech.
GRAND TOTAL: __________
Updated January 2009
Credits: This document borrows from the SPEAKS Rubric from CSU-Fullerton Business Communication Program and the CSU-Chico, College of Business Oral Communication Rubric.
Grand Total___10 points_____