DDA minutes 6 17 2014 draft

Pinckney Downtown Development Authority
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:00 pm
ROLL CALL D. Kay, C. Norman, H. Ely, L. Lavey, A. Jarema, Chair A. Freeman present. Excused: S.
Hurtubise, D. Huhman. Also present, Attorney Doug Cameron.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Lavey supported by Norman to accept agenda as presented. All in
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Lavey supported by Norman to approve May meeting minutes as
presented. Motion by Freeman supported by Kay to approve Stakeholder Meeting Minutes as presented. All
in favor.
CORRESPONDENCE This include a thank-you from the library for the silent auction donation, and a
thanks-and-farewell card from Shelby Miller.
CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Freeman commented on recent items in the media about Pinckney, including
looking forward to the Wellbridge groundbreaking, and the planned North Star Reach camp for seriously ill
children to be built west of town. He also reported on the proceedings of the Recreate Pinckney event on
June 10. He spoke at the event with some of the founders. A discussion among the members ensued.
Norman said to give them some property at Patterson Lake Products to build on. Freeman says it doesn’t
seem they have any money to build now. Lavey said the group had not approached the Village in any way.
Freeman will make a point of keeping in touch with the group.
PUBLIC FORUM* Opened/closed at 7:23.
Bills Payable Jarema presented the list. Cameron’s invoice is not listed. He said he could wait until next
month. Concerned for keeping the amount in the right budget year, the board decided to add the amount,
provided by Cameron’s invoice. Motion by Ely supported by Norman to pay this amended amount [$6k
something, I turned it in] Roll call vote, all in favor.
ATTORNEY UPDATE Cameron will address the easement language in the Agenda item. He also
commented on the ongoing efforts of MML to take political action against those entities seeking to remove
DDA funding structures. He’ll keep the Board posted.
Spooktacular – Committee will meet this Thursday, June 19 at 6:30
Beautification – Jarema reported. Not strictly the committee but in a related event, the rain garden
planned for in front of Village Hall will be substantially built this coming Saturday starting at 9:00am.
Volunteers welcome.
Movies in the Park – Kay will be hosting the first one, on Friday, June 27. We have sponsors for two, still
need sponsors and support for the other three.
Façade Committee – will report as agenda item.
1. Façade Grant Applications Façade Grant Committee had met immediately prior to this
meeting. Although in favor of La Vita’s planned work, this property has recently won a
façade grant and it was thought to be not eligible for another so soon. The Dio’s application
was deemed to be too incomplete, without any sketches, budget, or plans. The dumpster
fence was deemed ineligible as it’s not a façade. Since the façade grant program was not
included in the next year’s budget, it may not be possible to help at this time. Kay will draft
a letter to both applicants.
2. Lift for Flower Pots The Board is requesting additional information about why this is the
best option for moving the flower pots, whether the lift will be used for other Village
activities and if so, could the DDA pay half and the Village pay half, what is the actual
weight of these, and the OSHA guideline involved.
3. Parking Easement/Meeting Date The Board discussed the easement language
presented at length and briefly reviewed the preliminary plan offered by Wolverine. Several
board members immediately missed the “shared dumpster” area that had been requested.
This is planned to be on the DDA part of the property. The Board was in agreement that
future structural repairs should be the responsibility of the owner of the diner, at least in
the parts that entity does own, and the value added for the diner even with this
requirement is substantial. La Vita’s responsibility in this was questioned, but that property
has none, as they don’t own any part of the parking lot. Lavey discussed the letter drafted
for the business owners on that block, to invite them to a meeting to review the plans and
possible construction schedules. As neither the easement agreement nor the plans are
ready for viewing and especially not for questions-and-answers from concerned parties, it
was deemed premature to set a date, but Lavey will do so and inform the Board. Board
members agreed that they should be at these events.
PUBLIC FORUM* Opened/closed at 8:44pm
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Norman supported by Lavey to adjourn, all in favor. Adjourned 8:45.