Three Branches of Government Simile

Guidelines for 3 Branches Simile Project
For this project you will create a simile poster that completes this comparison: “The three
branches of government under the Constitution are like a....” You will also design and create
an illustration for your simile, complete with a brief written explanation of why the simile is
accurate. You must have the following features.
1. An accurate simile
 The major challenge of the group is to choose a simile you think most accurately completes
the statement, “The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a...” You
may choose from the following list of ideas, or come up with one of your own:
o A three ring circus
o A football team
o A musical band
o A tricycle
o A school
2. Use of
 Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google slides; creative mind.
3. Title.
 At the top of your poster you must have a title, typed clearly and in large letters, that
“The three branches of government under the Constitution are like a __. “
4. Visual Image
 Create a central image for your simile. Your image should be clearly understood and
colorful. It can be an image from the internet, graphic or clipart.
5. Label
 For each of the required items (optional 4-6 optional items) create a visual or part of a
visual that represents each item. Be sure they are labeled and they fit in with the theme of
the simile.
o Required – Proficient (6): Constitution, The People, Executive Branch, Legislative
Branch, Judicial Branch, President.
o Optional - Mastery/Exceptional (choose 2 or 4): Bill of Rights, Amendment, Veto,
Supreme Court, Articles of Confederation, Senate, House of Representatives,
Declaration of Independence.
6. Explanation.
Alongside or below your image, write the word “because” followed by a list of the three most
important similarities between the thing you illustrated and the three branches of For each
label, you will need to include an explanation of how your metaphor / simile connects to your
topic (It is not enough to say the government is like a soccer team and then just say a coach is
like a president. You need to EXPLAIN WHY / HOW that connection WORKS and is VALID.) Use
details that prove you know about the Constitution. Example: “…because the quarterback is
like the President. He can do a lot, like appoint supreme court justices, command the
military, and make treaties, but needs the rest of the team (government) in order to actually
complete the task (play).” Or if you chose the simile of a three ring circus, you might label
each of the three rings the legislative, executive, or judicial branch.
7. Extras
Guidelines for 3 Branches Simile Project
Your simile should be neat, colorful and creative. Title: clearly written, large letters,
correct wording Visual Image: A relevant picture, it is clearly identified put pictures. Labels:
pictures and items are labeled so comparisons can be made easily.
8. Grading
 Proficiency (75 pts): you need to write 6 explanations, with details, describing the
similarities between the things you illustrated and the three branches of government.
 Mastery (85 pts): you need to write 8 explanations, with details, describing the similarities
between the things you illustrated and the three branches of government.
 Exceptional (95-100 pts): you need to write 10 explanations, with details, describing the
similarities between the things you illustrated and the three branches of government.