Leadership: Connecting with Others

Kouzes and Posner. 2011.
The Leadership Challenge
The Leadership Challenge, Fourth Edition, has been extensively
updated with the latest research and case studies, and offers
inspiring new stories of real people achieving extraordinary
results. The authors' central theme remains the same and is
more relevant today than ever: "Leadership is Everyone?s
Business." Their "five practices" and "ten commitments" have
been proven by hundreds of thousands of dedicated, successful
leaders. This edition, with almost one-third new material,
emphasizes the global community and refocuses on business
The principles and practices of Personal Leadership help people
access the inherently creative possibilities that exist when they
come together from different backgrounds or with different
perspectives. Instead of turning away from difference in fear or
mistrust, Personal Leadership helps people engage with
difference from a place of inspiration, curiosity, and full
intelligence, and in alignment with their highest and best.
Schaetti, Barbara, Ramsey, Sheila,
and Watanabe, Gordon. 2008.
Making a World of Difference.
Leadership Resources
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The concept that Thomas has in this book is simple. He believes
that a contented and fulfilled life is like a giant puzzle. If any of
the pieces are missing or abused ... then life is incomplete and
that is why there is so much unhappiness in the world today.
Within the pages of the book he introduces one puzzle piece at
a time as a valuable life "principle." He explains why each
principle is necessary to achieve a life filled with real purpose.
He continues building the puzzle with what he calls the "12
Principles of Personal Leadership."
Thomas, Greg. 2009. Making Life's
Puzzles Pieces Fit: Using the Twelve
Principles of Personal Leadership
Covey, Stephen M. 2004.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
Th. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership
authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of
personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a
manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are
as frequently from family situations as from business
challenges. Before you can adopt the seven habits, you'll need
to accomplish what Covey calls a "paradigm shift"--a change in
perception and interpretation of how the world works. Covey
takes you through this change, which affects how you perceive
and act regarding productivity, time management, positive
thinking, developing your "proactive muscles" (acting with
initiative rather than reacting), and much more. This isn't a
quick-tips-start-tomorrow kind of book. The concepts are
sometimes intricate, and you'll want to study this book, not
skim it.
..The Leadership and Self-Deception uses an entertaining story
about an executive facing challenges at work and at home to
expose the precise psychological processes that conceal our
true motivations and intentions from us and trap us in a “box”
of endless self-justification. Most importantly, the book shows
us the way out.
Arbinger Institute, 2010
Leadership and Self-Deception:
Getting Out of the Box
Leadership Resources
This new edition has been revised throughout to make the story
more readable and compelling. And drawing on the extensive
correspondence they’re received over the years the authors
have added a section that outlines the many ways that readers
have been using Leadership and Self-Deception, focusing on five
specific areas: hiring, teambuilding, conflict resolution,
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accountability, and personal growth and development.
Sandy Shugarts book leads you on a deep journey to discover
your interior self as you become leaders. His discussion leads to
what it means to become an authentic leader.
Dr. Sandy Shugart 2013
Leadership in The Crucible of Work
Articles and podcasts
"Learning Leadership Skills: You Can Become a Better Leader" by Emily Sterrit.
Many Types of Listening" by Changing Minds.org
"Leadership vs. Management" by Changing Minds.org
The Leadership Motivation Assessment" by Mind Tools
"Leadership In Times of Uncertainty"(2007) by the Leadership Advantage
"New Leadership for the Next Millennium" (2004) by Dena P. Maloney. Ed.D.
Leadership Resources
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"Learning Leadership Skills: You Can Become a Better Leader" by Emily Sterrit.
Many Types of Listening" by Changing Minds.org
"Leadership vs. Management" by Changing Minds.org
The Leadership Motivation Assessment" by Mind Tools
"Leadership In Times of Uncertainty"(2007) by the Leadership Advantage
"New Leadership for the Next Millennium" (2004) by Dena P. Maloney. Ed.D.
Advice for New Community College Presidents: Part 1
Leadership Skill #9: A Great Leader = A Great Teacher
The Conscious Lifestyle: The Soul of a Leaders
The Challenge to Deep Change: A Brief Cultural History of Higher Education | Sanford M. Shugart
Posted by Planning for Higher Education on December 28, 2012 at 1:06pm in Change-Disruption
Leadership Resources
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Leaders in Education: Five Essential Characteristics
Seven Characteristics of a Good Leader
John Maxwell’s Leadership Books
Three Star Leadership: General Resource Resources
Leaders vs. Managers
YouTube: 10 Differences between Managers and Leaders
Leadership: Connecting with Others
Leadership Resources
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