TRR 2407 Structures 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01537214 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 8 papers concerned with structures. The papers are grouped into 5 parts. The first part includes 4 articles on field testing and nondestructive evaluation of transportation structures. Specific topics addressed in this part include: surface wave measurements to characterize surface-breaking cracks in concrete bridge decks; a portable seismic property analyzer to assess Colorado’s Hanging Lake tunnel liner; ultrasonic tomography to detect structural impairment in tunnel linings; and field monitoring of rebar debonding in concrete bridge decks under traffic-induced vibrations. The second part concerns seismic design and performance of bridges and contains one paper that discusses a simplified uniform hazard liquefaction analysis. Part 3 concerns tunnels and underground structures and contains one paper that describes a full-scale inflatable plug for flood mitigation. Part 4 concerns culverts and hydraulic structures and contains one paper that discusses the time-dependent behavior of synthetic fiber-reinforced concrete pipes under long-term sustained loading. The last part concerns structural fiber-reinforced polymers and contains one paper on hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer girders topped with segmental precast concrete slabs for accelerated bridge construction. TRR 2410 Freight Systems 2014, Volume 1: Planning, Modeling, and Logistics Accession Number: 01537717 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers about the planning, modeling and logistics aspects of freight systems. Specific topics addressed include: truck traffic related to petroleum well development and production in unconventional shale plays; critical rural freight corridors designation; generating reliable freight performance measures with truck GPS data; a GPS and driver logbased survey of grocery trucks; the impact of introducing longer and heavier vehicles on regional consumer price index and the Spanish freight transport system; an optimal automobile distribution model in multimodal freight transportation networks; and shipping chain choices in long-distance supply chains. Additional topics addressed in this issue are as follows: courier vehicles’ travel behavior; freight tricycle delivery services in urban areas; city logistics; transportation network vulnerability; logistics sprawl; the impacts of extended interstate closures on regional freight logistics; pricing and sourcing in third-party logistics operations; container flow assignment in intermodal freight transport; multimodal freight project impacts; and an intermodal transportation disruption and reroute simulation framework. Language: English TRR 2412 Travel Behavior 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01534453 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 12 papers on travel behavior. Specific topics addressed are as follows: the effect of fuel price on individual dynamic travel decisions; the effect of personalized travel plans on sustainable mode choice; estimating the value of congestion and reliability from observation of route choice behavior; context-sensitive, dynamic activity travel behavior; and peak travel and the decoupling of vehicle travel from the economy. Topics also include: variability in activity travel patterns; commuter responses to reward schemes; car uses in Germany; travel mode choice and social and spatial reference groups; behavioral responses to real-time information at light rail transit stations; incremental accessibility benefits and choice of subscriptions for highoccupancy toll lanes; and travel scheduling of driving trips of habitual car users. Language: English TRR 2413 Travel Behavior 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01537243 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 11 papers concerned with travel behavior. Specific topics addressed include: long-distance work and leisure travel frequencies; car usage time frontiers incorporating both inter- and intraindividual variation; discrepancy analysis of activity sequences; weekend and discretionary activity participation and episode duration; and the effects of transit-oriented development on trip generation, distribution, and mode share. Additional topics covered include: life events and travel behavior; route choice modeling using GPS-based travel surveys; driver adaptation to traffic accidents and dynamic travel information; travel to common destinations; mobility tool ownership by youth; and a framework for telecommuting behavior analysis and modeling. TRR 2414 Research and Education 2014 Research and Education 2014 Accession Number: 01537215 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 8 papers concerned with research and education. Specific topics discussed are as follows: crowdsourcing and its application to transportation data collection and management; data creation, management, publication, and curation in the research process; a library e-book lending platform for department of transportation employees; a professional services management training program; an intern development and management program; strategies for attracting students to transportation professions; traffic signal system misconceptions across three cohorts; and a transportation education development pilot program at the University of Vermont Transportation Research Center. Language: English TRR 2415 Transit 2014, Volume 2: Carsharing, Taxis, and Automated Transport Accession Number: 01539618 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 11 papers about the carsharing, taxi and automated transport aspects of transit. Specific topics addressed include: fleet sizing for flexible carsharing systems; piloting low-cost transit service enhancements through agency collaboration; pedicabs for urban transportation; peer-to-peer carsharing; and station-based and free-floating carsharing demand. Additional topics addressed include: the impact of carsharing on household car ownership; the autorickshaw industry in Mumbai, India; individual and societal aspects of automated driving; fleet size and cost requirements for a statewide autonomous taxi network in New Jersey; optimization of the charging infrastructure for electric taxis; and day versus night operations for taxicabs in Bogotá, Colombia. TRR 2417 . Transit 2014, Volume 3 Accession Number: 01547892 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 14 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics are as follows: bus driver response to real-time schedule adherence; a rail service sensitivity meter; synchronization of schedules in long headway services; crowd congestion and mitigation at Canadian subway interchanges; value of crowding on public transport in Île-de-France, France; evaluating the quality of travel plans for new developments; and short-term passenger flow prediction at bus stops. Other topics covered include the determinants of mode share over time; synchronizing of public transport transfers by using intervehicle communication schemes; synergy in bicycle and transit use; a special assessment district’s ability to fund transit; transportation benefits of transit-oriented development in New Jersey; transit real-time information usage strategies; and the use of spatiotemporal constraints to quantify transit accessibility. TRR 2418 Transit 2014, Volume 4 Accession Number: 01557108 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 15 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics addressed include: the jobs-housing balance of bus commuters in Beijing; presignals at oversaturated signalized intersections; transit signal priority with connected vehicle technology; combinatorial optimization for the Guangzhou, China, bus rapid transit system; and route selection and running-time savings estimation for multiscenario all-door bus boarding. Other topics include: optimal connected urban bus networks of priority lanes; bus lane obstruction and usage in New York City; buses with high level of service in Nantes, France; modeling bus dwell time with decision tree-based methods; and transit signal priority strategies. In addition, the papers address: user behavior in multiroute bus corridors; the effects of modal conflicts on transit reliability; flex scheduling for bus arrival time prediction; characteristics of intercity bus passengers in Michigan; and the regulation of intercity bus stops in New York City. Language: English TRR 2419 Transit 2014, Vol. 5 Transit 2014, Volume 5 Accession Number: 01557109 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 12 papers concerned with transit. Specific topics addressed include: realtime passenger information signs in rail stations; the performance of Australian light rail compared with U.S. trends; rail transit networks with ring lines; rail car seating design; the accommodation of long-term growth on North American commuter railroads; and the impact of light rail transit planning decisions on metropolitan transit performance. Other topics addressed in this issue include light rail transit urban insertion and safety; strategic station access planning for commuter rail; park-and-ride access station choice models for cross-regional commuting; public transit catchment areas; environmental and cost-saving impacts of park-and-rides; and social media applications in unplanned passenger rail disruptions. Language: English TRR 2420 Performance Measurement and Strategic Management Accession Number: 01534354 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 6 papers on performance measurement and strategic management. Specific topics addressed include: multimodal street performance calculations; a total peak period travel time performance measure; a data- and performance-based congestion management approach for Maryland highways; spatially referenced probe data performance measures for infrastructure investment decision makers; impacts of participatory strategic planning on advancing innovation at the Volpe Center; and Valley Metro organizational integration. Language: English TRR 2421 Title: Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01541211 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers concerned with traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: the accuracy of network-wide traffic states; a macroscopic fundamental diagram for Brisbane, Australia; the influence of road layout on network fundamental diagrams; areawide dynamics of pedestrian crowds; pedestrian walking characteristics through angled corridors; and group dynamics in pedestrian crowds. Other topics discussed in this issue include: pedestrian personal space; early-onset breakdown at expressway on-ramp bottlenecks; merging behavior at expressway on-ramp bottlenecks; vehicle interactions during merge in congested weaving sections of freeway ramps; volume delay functions based on stochastic capacity; and joint probability distributions of vehicle location and speed on arterial roads. In addition, papers in this issue explore: real-time prediction of near-future traffic states on freeways; traffic flow prediction using optimal autoregressive moving average with exogenous input-based predictors; maximum pressure controllers for stabilizing queues in signalized arterial networks; multiscale traffic flow modeling in mixed networks; and a linear programming model for estimating high-resolution freeway traffic states from vehicle identification and location data. TRR 2422 Title: Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01541038 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 16 papers concerned with traffic flow theory and characteristics. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: congestion propagation and dynamic partitioning with probe data for large-scale systems; the estimation of a network fundamental diagram using three-dimensional vehicle trajectories; urban network traffic flow during a large-scale evacuation; the consistency of freeway macroscopic merging models; assessing the travel time variability of arterials; a new generic multiclass kinematic wave traffic flow model; estimating traffic stream flow rates past moving bottlenecks; and modeling reliability in freeway networks. Additional topics addressed include: estimating queue length at signalized intersections; analytical derivation of capacity at diverging junctions; the use of travel time data to generate aggregated measures of traffic; jam occupancy and other lingering problems with empirical fundamental relationships; automated driving, traffic flow efficiency, and human factors; sensitivity analysis of high-dimensional and computationally expensive traffic simulation models; calibration, estimation, and sampling issues of car-following parameters; and vehicle time headways and speeds on rural two-lane, two-way roads. TRR 2423 Title: Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01539923 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with intelligent transportation systems. Specific topics addressed include: intelligent transportation systems in the energy arena; the effect of tactile location, pulse duration, and interpulse interval on perceived urgency; variable speed limits and advisories; enhanced modeling of driver stop-or-run actions at a yellow indication; a combinatorial auction to allocate traffic; and traveler use of and response to real-time traffic and traveler information. Other topics discussed in this issue include: drivers’ route choice behavioral responses to social navigation; diagnosis and interpolation of loop detector data errors with probe vehicle data; and a strategic plan for the deployment of intelligent transportation system equipment. TRR 2424 Title: Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, Volume 2: Connected Vehicles and Cooperative Systems Accession Number: 01539592 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 8 papers concerned with connected vehicles and cooperative system aspects of intelligent transportation systems. Specific topics addressed include: a new snapshot generation protocol for travel time estimation; safety impacts of intervehicle warning information systems for moving hazards; near-crash identification; energy consumption reduction strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles; display location and application type on driving performance; a cooperative bus priority system; ethical decision making during automated vehicle crashes; partial vehicle automation in an ecoapproach and departure application at signalized intersections. TRR 2425 Traffic Law Enforcement; Occupant Protection; Alcohol 2014 Accession Number: 01537867 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with traffic law enforcement, occupant protection or alcohol. Specific topics addressed include: spatiotemporal optimization of rural freeway enforcement; saturation and corridor enforcement patrols; threshold effects of speed-monitoring devices on the speeding behavior of drivers; driver perceptions of traffic-calming versus active enforcement efforts in work zones; and sustaining seat belt use in a high-use state. Additional topics include: restraint use and injury patterns of young drivers and passengers admitted to hospitals; modeling a quad bike for simulating rollover events; roof damage patterns and serious head injuries in pure rollover crashes; and college student alcohol intoxication and return transportation from at-risk drinking locations. TRR 2426 Marine Environment, Safety, and Human Factors 2014 Marine Environment, Marine Safety, and Human Factors 2014 Accession Number: 01537244 Record Type: Monograph Availability: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 6 papers concerned with the marine environment, marine safety, and human factors. Specific topics addressed include: the long-term potential to reduce emissions from international shipping by adoption of best energy-efficiency practices; optimal dredge fleet scheduling within environmental work windows; waterway performance monitoring with automatic identification system data; data fusion of maritime incident databases with DempsterShafer theory; analysis with automatic identification system data of vessel traffic characteristics in the Singapore Strait; and probability analysis of vessel collisions and groundings in Southeast Texas waterways. Language: English TRR 2427 Title: Air Quality 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01548213 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with air quality. Specific topics addressed are as follows: agent-based simulation of ecospeed-controlled vehicles at signalized intersections; attributes and value of ecologically friendly route choices; the effect of road grade on networkwide vehicle energy consumption and ecorouting; fuel economy of ecodriving programs; ecolane applications; optimization of ecodriving at signalized intersections; motor vehicle emissions simulator input data; greenhouse gas emissions and urban congestion; and traffic emission and air quality near roads in dense urban neighborhoods. TRR 2428 Title: Air Quality 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01537868 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with air quality. Specific topics addressed include: modeling diesel and hybrid buses using the Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model; energy and emissions performance of electric rail transit operations; comparing predictions from the CAL3QHCR and AERMOD models for highway applications; life-cycle greenhouse gases and energy consumption for material and construction phases of pavement with traffic delay; and the impact of traffic conditions on variability of midblock roadside fine particulate matter. Additional topics addressed include: estimating carbon dioxide emissions on limited-access highways; a comparison of fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide exposure concentrations for selected transportation modes; a short-duration drive cycle to represent long-term measured drive cycle data; and application of the AIMSUM microsimulation model to estimate emissions on signalized arterial corridors. TRR 2429 Travel Demand Forecasting 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01547309 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 19 papers concerned with travel demand forecasting. Specific topics addressed are as follows: quantitative risk analysis for travel demand model forecasts; modeling demand elasticity and route overlapping in stochastic user equilibrium; incorporating the variable of escorting children to school in modeling individual daily activity patterns of household members; uncertainty in speed-flow curve parameters on a large-scale model; associations generation in synthetic population for transportation applications; and estimation of hybrid choice models. Additional topics covered in this issue include: an integrated transport planning framework involving combined utility regret approach; joint modeling of trip mode and departure time choices; choice set imputation; a multiple discrete-continuous model of activity participation and time allocation for home-based work tours; spatial transferability of tour-based time-of-day choice models; modeling taxi trip demand by time of day in New York City; and the application of a travel activity scheduler for household agents in a Chinese city. In addition, the issue addresses the characterization of household vehicle fleet composition and count by type in an integrated modeling framework; an extension of activity-based modeling approach to incorporate supply side activities; sampling alternatives in large-scale models; the use of survey calibration and statistical matching to reweight and distribute activity schedules; synthetic population generation at disaggregated spatial scales for land use and transportation microsimulation; and model complexities and requirements for multimodal transport network design. TRR 2430: Travel Demand Forecasting 2014, Volume 2 01543148 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 22 papers concerned with travel demand forecasting. Specific topics addressed include: modeling demand for bikesharing systems; estimating directional bicycle volumes; enhanced imputation of GPS traces forcing full or partial consistency in activity travel sequences; information diffusion in social networks toward sustainable transportation; modeling nonmotorized travel demand at intersections in Calgary, Canada; safety and security in discretionary travel decision making; and Generation Y’s travel behavior and perceptions of walkability constraints. Additional topics covered in this issue include: location-based social networking data; multidimensional indicator analysis for transport policy evaluation; characterizing the composition of economic activities in central locations; simulating future land use impacts of high-speed rail on Aveiro, Portugal; validation of origin-destination data from Bluetooth reidentification and aerial observation; estimating emissions benefits of bicycle facilities with stand-alone software tools; wildlife evacuation scenarios in Colorado; a vehicle fleet composition model system for implementation in an activity-based travel model; modeling cyclists’ route choice based on GPS data; and encapsulating and visualizing disaggregated origin-destination desire lines to identify demand corridors. This issue also examines: a choice set generation algorithm to measure route choice accessibility; the use of a household vehicle fleet simulator to assess the impact of transportation policies on fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; a cost-effectiveness sketch method for safety investment decision making; empirical models of demand levels and turn-in rates at roadside rest areas; and the impact of proposed land use and transportation investments on future travel patterns in California. TRR 2431: Maintenance and Preservation 2014 Accession Number: 01539593 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 12 papers concerned with maintenance and preservation. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: pavement performance measures; budget-constrained pavement preservation strategies; enhanced econometric techniques for verifying the service life of asset interventions; Michigan Department of Transportation’s capital preventive maintenance program; the performance of pavements treated with thin hot-mix asphalt overlays; flushing of chip seal surfaces; asphalt pavement pothole patching methods; laboratory-predicted low-temperature performance of hot-poured crack sealants; anchor rod tightening of high-mast light poles; forecasting the cost of sustaining a set of bridge connections; selection of appropriate material, construction technique, and structural system of bridges by use of a multicriteria decision-making method; and defect-based condition assessment of concrete bridges. TRR 2432: Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation 2014 Accession Number: 01543149 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers concerned with safety data, analysis, and evaluation. Specific topics addressed include: a surrogate safety assessment model for assessing intersection safety; linking police and hospital road accident records; the use of structural equation modeling to measure the severity of single-vehicle crashes; daily collision prediction with SARIMAX and generalized linear models on the basis of temporal and weather variables; a new surrogate measure of crash severity; and the evaluation of spatial-proximity structures in crash prediction models at the level of traffic analysis zones. Additional topics covered in this issue include: modeling the impact of subject and opponent vehicles on crash severity in two-vehicle collisions; full Bayesian multivariate safety models for assessing the effect of weather states on crash severity and type; analyzing the maximum abbreviated injury scale in vehicle crashes by using a logistic normal model; the identification of secondary crashes on a large-scale highway system; and the use of support vector machine models for real-time prediction of crash risk on urban expressways. The topics in this issue also include: safety performance monitoring at signalized intersections through the use of connected vehicle technology; using the value-of-research method to evaluate driveway access at intersections; sampling serious injuries in traffic crashes at the state level; a geographic information system-based community-level method to evaluate the influence of built environment on traffic crashes; patterns of single-vehicle crashes on twolane rural highways in Granada Province, Spain; and using microsimulation to estimate intersection safety. TRR 2433: Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2014 Accession Number: 01552761 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 15 papers concerned with geology and properties of earth materials. Specific topics addressed include: cold region applications for in-place inclinometers based on microelectromechanical systems technology; seismic waveform tomography at test sites with open chimneys; schedule risk evaluation in subsurface explorations; evaluation of unknown foundations of bridges subjected to scour; and an evaluation of bottom ash as a pavement insulation layer. The issue also covers the generation of hourly climatic data for pavement design from available weather information; the effect of moisture and fine particles in lightweight deflectometer testing; the effect of matric suction on resilient modulus for compacted recycled base course in postcompaction state; bearing capacity of low-volume roads; and the selection of chemical treatments for unpaved roads. In addition, this issue covers the relationship between traffic loading and environmental factors and low-volume road deterioration; the collection of decision support system data through remote sensing of unpaved roads; the economic impact of closing structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridges on very low-volume roads; investigating the safety impacts of edgelines on narrow, rural two-lane highways by empirical Bayes method; and assessing the transferability of Highway Safety Manual crash prediction models to data from Italy. TRR 2435: Title: Highway Safety Performance 2014 Accession Number: 01543434 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with highway safety performance. Specific topics are as follows: the use of Monte Carlo simulation for a sensitivity analysis of Highway Safety Manual calibration factors; a variable speed limit control strategy with collision probability assessments based on traffic state prediction; the safety effects of signal improvements; customization of the Highway Safety Manual for Virginia; and injury severity in crashes on ramps and at crossroad ramp terminals. In addition, the issue covers these topics: the safety effect of pavement condition on rural, two-lane highways; a safety evaluation of hybrid main-line toll plazas; transferability of the Highway Safety Manual freeway model to the Italian motorway network; and the development of safety performance functions for freeways by considering interaction between speed limit and geometric variables. TRR 2436: Title: Highway Design 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01550529 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 16 papers concerned with highway design. The papers are grouped into four parts. The first part includes 9 papers on geometric design. Specific topics addressed in this part include: crossover roundabouts; short left-turn lanes at unsignalized median openings; horizontal clearance offsets to objects higher than sight lines; double left-turn lane operations; stopping sight distance and horizontal sight line offsets at horizontal curves; horizontal curve design; geometric and operational improvements at continuous flow intersections to enhance pedestrian safety; a reliability-based approach for selecting basic number of freeway lanes; and superelevation design for sharp horizontal curves at steep grades. The second part concerns landscape and environmental design. The two papers in this part discuss nontraditional development in roadside right-of-way and the application of a conflict scoping process to transportation projects. The third part concerns utilities and contains one paper on the management of right-of-way parcel and utility information. Part 4 covers hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality. The four papers in this part discuss the removal of dissolved heavy metals in highway runoff; a stochastic empirical loading and dilution model for analysis of flows, concentrations, and loads of highway runoff constituents; wave-induced scour at cylindrical piles; and a model of flow regimes in porous pavement and porous friction courses. TRR 2437: Highway Design 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01543380 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains eight papers concerned with highway design. Specific topics are as follows: the modeling of crash severity with observable crash data; selection table development for bridge railings; heavy-vehicle encroachment frequency; performance of the Midwest Guardrail System with rectangular wood posts; weak-post W-beam guardrail attachment to culvert headwalls; the retrofit of existing approach guardrail transitions; effective median barrier lateral placement for varying highway cross sections; and pinned-down temporary concrete barriers with transition systems for limited-space work-zone applications. TRR 2439: Traffic Signal Systems 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01541069 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers concerned with traffic signal systems. Specific topics addressed include: design guidelines and conditions that warrant deployment of fully actuated coordination; high-resolution event-based data at diamond interchanges; graphical performance measures for practitioners to triage split failure trouble calls; improving intersection behavior through delaybased left-turn phase initiation; and a sorting model of optimization order in traffic signal planning. Additional topics discussed in this issue are as follows: the estimation of vehicles in the dilemma zone and application to fixed-time coordinated signal optimization; optimal intersection operation with median U-turn; decentralized control of urban traffic; and the use of event-based traffic data in generating time-space diagrams for evaluation of signal coordination. TRR 2441 Concrete Materials 2014 Accession Number: 01547891 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers concerning concrete materials. Specific topics covered are as follows: capillary pressure monitoring in plastic concrete for controlling early-age shrinkage cracking; volume stability and cracking potential of prebagged, cement-based nonshrink grouts for field-cast connections; surface texture measurements of crack surface to establish joint shear stiffness; mixture design for minimizing cement content in pavement concrete; nanoconcrete for rigid pavements; and a kinetic study of photocatalytic degradation of nitrogen monoxide with titanium dioxide nanoparticles in concrete pavements. The issue also covers improved bridge parapet designs; an aggregate avoidance index for evaluating recycled aggregate concrete; identifying zero-stress time for jointed plain concrete pavements; observed variability in cylinder and core strength from Federal Highway Administration highway materials engineering course; and freeze and thaw behavior in cementitious materials exposed to sodium chloride salt. Additional topics include insulation to prevent early-age cracking in mass concrete footings; the effect of fiber-reinforced polymer wrapping on concrete chloride penetrations and concrete cover; the influence of slag aggregate production on its potential for use in internal curing; performance of Portland limestone cements; high-volume fly ash concrete for rigid pavements; and fracture properties of roller-compacted concrete with virgin and recycled aggregates. TRR 2442 Urban and Traffic Data Systems 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01552762 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 15 papers concerned with urban and traffic data systems. Specific topics addressed include: a time-space diagram; using third-party data for travel demand modeling; calibration of a rail transit assignment model with automated fare collection data and a parallel genetic algorithm; and the relationship between travel-related feelings, on-trip activities, and the use of various transport means in urban areas. Other topics explored are: an online archive for geospatial transit performance data; application of the general transit feed specification to Mexico City, Mexico, and beyond; travel time and variability patterns based on facility type; a stochastic volatility modeling approach that accounts for uncertainty in travel time reliability forecasting; motorway travel time estimation considering increased detection spacing; and travel time reliability using the Hasofer-Lind-Rackwitz-Fiessler algorithm and kernel density estimation. In addition, this issue covers these topics: application of finite mixture of regression model with varying mixing probabilities to the estimation of urban arterial travel times; a web-based realtime data collection methodology for transportation operation performance analysis; real-time prediction of arterial roadway travel times using data collected by Bluetooth detectors; an algorithm for detecting outliers in Bluetooth data in real time; and link and route travel time prediction in an urban network based on taxi floating car data. TRR 2443 Urban and Traffic Data Systems 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01548337 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 16 papers concerned with urban and traffic data systems. Specific topics addressed are as follows: vehicle length measurement and length-based vehicle classification in congested freeway traffic; vehicle detector evaluation based on concepts of traceability and confidence intervals; a hybrid prediction approach based on weekly similarities of traffic flow for different temporal scales; the identification of network sensor locations for estimation of traffic flow; and an algorithm for detector-error screening on the basis of temporal and spatial information. Other topics addressed in this issue include a process to determine locations for motorcycle counts; software-based vehicle reidentification with existing loop infrastructure; the effect of traffic load input level on mechanistic-empirical pavement design; bias in traffic data aggregation resulting from transition of traffic states; a semiautomated tool for extraction of microlevel traffic data from videographic surveys; and reidentification of trucks on the basis of axle-spacing measurements to facilitate analysis of weigh-in-motion accuracy. In addition, the issue addresses the estimation of annual average daily bicycle traffic with adjustment factors; estimation of spatially and temporally continuous bicycle volumes by using sparse data; an automated analysis of pedestrians’ nonconforming behavior and data collection at an urban crossing; institutionalizing bicycle and pedestrian monitoring programs in three states; and the application of seasonal adjustment factors to subsequent year data. TRR 2444 Title: Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01552182 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers concerned with asphalt materials and mixtures. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: a laboratory mix design procedure for foamed bitumen mixtures; a vacuum sealing-based volumetric density measurement approach for cold in-place recycling; the impact of freeze-thaw cycles on mechanical properties of asphalt mixes; tack coat failure in orthotropic steel bridge deck overlay; high-temperature characterization of highly modified asphalt binders and mixtures; and a rheological and microstructural assessment of rejuvenated bitumen. This issue also explores binder-reclaimed aggregate bond strength; the degree of blending between fresh and recycled asphalt pavement binder in dynamic shear rheometer; rheological and chemical properties of virgin and recycled asphalt shingle binder blends; emulsified asphalt residue recovery and characterization; the quantification of water in asphalt by Karl Fischer titration; and the effect of waste engine oil residue on quality and durability of SHRP Materials Reference Library binders. Other topics include: aging properties of crumb rubber and styrene-butadiene-styrene modified binders; sensitivity of nozzle-based foamed asphalt binder characteristics to foaming parameters; the effects of interaction conditions on internal network structure of crumb rubber-modified asphalts; thermal properties of thermochromic asphalt binders; and an integrated local microclimate model for numerical evaluation of cool pavement strategies. TRR 2445 Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01548338 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 12 papers concerned with asphalt materials and mixtures. Specific topics addressed are as follows: the low temperature characterization of foamed warm-mix asphalt produced by water injection; determining the composition of filler used in hot-mix asphalt; the effect of binder modification on aggregate structure and thermovolumetric properties of asphalt mixtures; the influence of mix design parameters on mechanical properties of mixes with reclaimed asphalt pavement; a new additive for use in hot in-place recycling to improve the performance of reclaimed asphalt pavement mix; the effect of crumb rubber dissolution on lowtemperature performance and aging of asphalt-rubber binder; and a laboratory investigation of biochar-modified asphalt mixtures. Topics in this issue also include the effects of high reclaimed asphalt pavement and binder content; production, construction, and properties of high reclaimed asphalt pavement mixtures; the incorporation of higher recycled asphalt pavement percentages; laboratory performance of asphalt mixtures containing recycled asphalt shingles; and the testing of fine asphalt mixtures to quantify effectiveness of asphalt binder replacement using recycled shingles. TRR 2446 Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2014, Vol. 3 Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2014, Volume 3 Accession Number: 01557163 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 10 papers that are concerned with asphalt materials and mixtures. Specific topics addressed include: a novel method for evaluating moisture susceptibility and rutting; the influence of air void content on moisture damage susceptibility of asphalt mixtures; a performance-based moisture susceptibility evaluation of warm-mix asphalt concrete; a friction study of long-term pavement performance; and safety aspects of wet asphalt pavement surfaces. Other topics include moisture susceptibility evaluation of nanosize hydrated limemodified asphalt-aggregate systems; moisture susceptibility of cold-mix asphalt; an evaluation of warm-mix and rubber-modified open-graded friction course test sections made without fibers; the development of asphaltic materials to resist studded tire wear; and reporting results from the Hamburg wheel tracking device. Language: English TRR 2449 Title: Aviation 2014 Accession Number: 01548745 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 13 papers concerned with aviation. Specific topics addressed in this issue are as follows: a competency gap assessment framework for assessing person-job fit in European Union aviation industries; a statistical analysis of aircraft-bird strikes resulting in engine failure; airport cities and airport public transport access; mode cost by time of day for nondriving airport trips to and from New York City’s Pennsylvania Station; a comparison of centralized and rolling horizon approaches for optimal aircraft traffic control in terminal areas; and estimating approach path coverage of aircraft-derived meteorological data in advanced air traffic management applications. The issue also addresses the impacts of high aviation carbon taxes on tourism; capacity discipline and the consolidation of airport connectivity; forecasting air travel demand using air passenger survey data; mechanical responses and viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures under heavy static and dynamic aircraft loads; an augmented stochastic multiple imputation model for airport pavement missing data imputation; a human reliability analysis for visual inspection in aviation maintenance by a Bayesian network approach; and assessing disability glare potential of reflections from new construction. TRR 2450 Revenue, Finance, Pricing, and Economics Accession Number: 01553724 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 21 papers that explores the modern transportation funding and user-pays principle; road uses charges in Washington state; use of private roads to promote sustainable mobility; economic impacts of a vehicle-miles-traveled fee for passenger vehicles in Nevada; and an express lane performance evaluation; and an examination of paid travel on I-85 Express Lanes. Other topics include assessing the conversion of I-85 high-occupancy vehicle to a highoccupancy toll in Atlanta, Georgia; a GPS-based assessment of equity impacts of large-scale electronic freeway tolling in Gauteng, South Africa; an evaluation of the Urban Partnership Agreement in Seattle, Washington and its impact on transit; and pay-as-you-drive insurance. In addition, the papers address: the examination of public-private partnership tenders; local government funding and financing of roads in Virginia; a new tool to understand the value-formoney concepts in public-private partnership options; an option game model for optimizing concession length and public subsidies of public-private partnerships; and financing infrastructure projects using public-private partnerships in India. Finally, this TRR also explores emerging public-private partnerships in China’s rail mass transit; public-private infrastructure cooperatives; U.S. toll road trends since 1950; tolling initiatives for high-occupancy toll facilities under variable demand; an economic evaluation of trends in travel time reliability in road transportation; and an alternative to the Kentucky weight-distance tax. TRR 2452 The Proper Bus Stop Location from an Intersection Considering Traffic Safety Accession Number: 01518778 Record Type: Component Order URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 USA Abstract: Too many bus stops are indiscriminately installed from an intersection. This study aims to suggest the most efficient distance that supports bus stop operations taking traffic safety into account. In order to estimate the proper bus stop location distance to an intersection, this study collected data of vehicle vs. vehicle and pedestrian vs. vehicle accidents that occurred near bus stops. Many variables such as traffic volume and bus stop location were also included. This data was then used to conduct correlation analysis to assess if any relationship existed between traffic accidents and bus stop location. These results helped in developing a traffic accident prediction model which divided vehicle vs. vehicle accidents, and pedestrian vs. vehicle accidents. The objective function equation was derived from these models that minimized the total number of traffic accidents in order to estimate the proper bus stop location distance to the intersection curb through the optimization technique. Supplemental Notes: This paper was sponsored by TRB committee AP050 Bus Transit Systems. Monograph Title: TRB 93rd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers Monograph Accession #: 01503729 Report/Paper Numbers: 14-2456 TRR 2456 Pavement Management 2014, Vol. 2 Pavement Management 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01557164 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains seventeen papers that are concerned with pavement management. The papers are grouped into four parts. Part 1 concerns full-scale accelerated pavement testing and comprises three papers that address gradation guidelines to improve asphalt mixture performance, accelerated pavement testing of warm-mix asphalt for heavy-traffic airfields, and the permeability of porous friction course pavements. Part 2 concerns rigid pavement design. The four papers in this part address active crack control for continuously reinforced concrete pavements; load transfer characteristics of precast Portland cement concrete panels for airfield pavement repairs; innovative concrete pavements with a structural dome formwork system; and the flexural capacity of full-depth and two-lift concrete slabs with recycled aggregates. Part 3 concerns flexible pavement design. The six papers in this part address the prediction of threedimensional tire-pavement contact loads; reliability-based mechanistic-empirical flexible pavement design; prediction of asphalt pavement temperature profiles; pavement-dependent load limits; field-to-laboratory subgrade conversion factors; and a simple design procedure for new flexible pavement structures. Part 4 concerns pavement rehabilitation and comprises four papers. These four papers address an engineering cost-benefit analysis of thin and durable asphalt overlays; cold in-place recycling; asphalt pavements with high reclaimed asphalt pavement content; and the importance of normal confinement to shear bond failure of interface in multilayer asphalt pavements. TRR 2458 Visibility; Work Zone Traffic Controls; Highway-Rail Grade Crossings 2014 Accession Number: 01552937 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 14 papers concerned with visibility, work zone traffic controls, and highwayrail grade crossings. Specific topics addressed include: a safety evaluation of illuminance transition at highway tunnel portals; human perceptions of vehicle turning intention; visual behavior of unfamiliar drivers on horizontal curves; road lighting audits and safety screenings at urban intersections; drivers’ smart assistance systems based on radio frequency identification; the impact of design and construction on quality, consistency, and safety of traffic control plans; and the impact of work zone lighting on driver’s detection of objects (includes discussion and author closure). The issue also covers these topics: the cost-effectiveness of steady-burn warning lights in work zones; expected crash reduction benefits and costs of truck-mounted attenuator use in work zones; lane bias issues in work zone travel time measurement and reporting; a photometric evaluation of steady-burn warning lights in work zones; human factors issues of accidents at passively controlled rural level crossings; train warning times and gate violations; and a dual microwave radar vehicle detection system at a four-quadrant-gate railroad grade crossing. TRR 2459 Critical Infrastructure, Emergency Evacuation, and Logistics of Disaster Recovery 2014 Critical Infrastructure, Emergency Evacuation, and Logistics of Disaster Recovery 2014 Accession Number: 01551909 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 15 papers concerned with critical infrastructure, emergency evacuation, and logistics of disaster recovery. Specific topics addressed in this issue include: planning postdisaster operations in a highway network; traffic incident impacts on evacuation times in large-scale emergencies; assessing climate change vulnerability in transportation infrastructure; cost assessment of a highway bridge network subjected to extreme seismic events; mobility benefits of intermediate crossovers on contraflow facilities during hurricane evacuation; command-and-control strategies in crowd movement; optimal evacuation traffic routing and signal control with nonuniform threat; and evacuation routes and traffic management strategies in short-notice emergency evacuation. Additional topics include: accessibility of low-income populations to safe zones during localized evacuations; optimal traffic routing for network evacuation with nonuniform threats; crossing elimination for no-notice evacuations; phased evacuations in megaregion highway networks; the use of social media data to explore crisis informatics; the use of mobile lidar data to assess hurricane damage and visualize community vulnerability; and urban ferries and catastrophic flood TRR2465 Safety Management; School Transportation; Young Drivers 2014 Accession Number: 01552975 Record Type: Monograph Blurb URL: Record URL: Availability: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 10 papers concerned with safety management, school transportation or young drivers. Specific topics addressed include: practices to reward safe and environmentally sustainable driving; incentive systems rewarding compliance with speed limits; traffic safety perspectives of Western North Dakota residents; cluster modeling of driving behavior under fatigue; and safety effects of Missouri’s strategic highway safety plan. This issue also explores road safety conditions and estimated economic cost of traffic fatalities in medium-size Colombian cities; impacts of fluctuations in gasoline prices and macroeconomic conditions on road safety in developed countries; child pedestrian and bicycle crashes; an on-road driving assessment for learner teen drivers; and reasons behind the drop in young adults’ rates of driver’s license acquisition. TRR 2460 Data Systems and Asset Management Including 2014 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture Data Systems and Asset Management, Including 2014 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture Accession Number: 01559855 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains the 2014 Thomas B. Deen distinguished lecture, which addresses performance measures and the value proposition for transportation projects. The issue also contains 18 other papers concerned with data systems and asset management. Specific topics addressed include: automated road travel surveys; alignment-based parametric data exchange schema for bridge geometry; pavement condition monitoring with crowdsourced connected vehicle data; a geocoding method for traffic collision record mapping; a methodology to map routes from a truck permit database; and full-body occlusion handling and density analysis in traffic video-surveillance systems. This issue also covers a hybrid short-term traffic speed prediction model; adaptive learning in Bayesian networks for incident duration prediction; automatic extraction of the number of lanes from georectified aerial images; design of freeway entrance speed change lanes; comparison of Sichel and negative binomial models in hot spot identification; and efficient Bayesian probabilistic inference of damage in truss structures based on vibration measurements. Other topics addressed include data mining and complex network algorithms for traffic accident analysis; valuation of transportation infrastructure; evidence-based decision making for transportation asset management; alignment of transportation data to agency strategic objectives;a speed-based autosegmentation method for reporting performance measures; and a visualization system for safety analysts. Language: English TRR 2461 Highway Capacity and Quality of Service 2014 Accession Number: 01557687 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Order URL: Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers that are concerned with highway capacity and quality of service. Specific topics addressed include: the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual urban street free-flow speed prediction model; a traffic congestion evaluation method for urban arterials; estimates of travel time losses on high-capacity roads; work zone capacity distribution; the Highway Capacity Manual bike level of service model for arterial roadways; and the assessment of level of service on freeways by microscopic traffic simulation. Other topics addressed include: the Highway Capacity Manual-based procedure to estimate reliability of freeway corridors; a method for scenario selection and probability adjustment for reliability and active traffic management analysis; saturation flow on shared right-turn lanes at signalized intersections; the estimation of the mean critical gap; and level of service on freeways and multilane highways with higher speeds. Finally, the papers address: capacity estimation for weaving segments; lane utilization at two-lane arterial approaches to double crossover diamond interchanges; estimation of roundabout entry capacity under the impact of pedestrians; truck passenger car equivalent values at signalized intersections; temporal and spatial gap acceptance for minor roads at uncontrolled intersections; and the influence of undesignated pedestrian crossings on midblock capacity of urban roads. Language: English TRR 2462 Soil Mechanics 2014 Accession Number: 01556971 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 15 papers that are concerned with soil mechanics. Specific topics addressed include: the effects of fines content on hydraulic conductivity and shear strength of granular structural backfill; AASHTO default values for pullout friction factors for steel grid mat reinforcement; strength and creep characteristics of reclaimed asphalt pavement-sand blend backfill in mechanically stabilized earth walls; and differential settlements beneath a geosynthetic-reinforced soil bridge abutment. Other topics include: instrumentation and testing of full-scale test piles for evaluating setup presentation; large-diameter pipe piles for a bridge replacement project; field testing and three-dimensional numerical analysis of soil-steel tunnels during backfilling; and stress distribution in a layered system. In addition, the papers address: performance evaluation of roadway subdrain outlets; seismic performance of geosyntheticencased stone columns; geosynthetic reinforcement of flexible pavements constructed over thick organic soil deposits; and geogrid-reinforced railroad ballast behavior. Finally, the papers address: ettringite reaction in sulfate-bearing soils; the drying process of unbound soils and cementitiously stabilized soils; and a comparison of full-depth reclamation with foamed asphalt and full-depth reclamation with no stabilizer. Language: English TRR 2464 Pedestrians 2014 Accession Number: 01557586 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 18 papers that are concerned with pedestrians. Specific topics addressed include: the safety of shared pedestrian and vehicle space; the impacts of yield sign placement on pedestrian safety; pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at stop-controlled t-intersections; an evaluation of pedestrian safety in support of complete streets policy implementation; walkability indicators for pedestrian-friendly design; driver yielding to pedestrians at unsignalized crosswalks; and pedestrian protection airbags. In addition, the papers address: driver and pedestrian behaviors at enhanced, multilane, midblock pedestrian crossings; the influence of light rail, built environment, and residential self-selection on pedestrian travel; pedestrian and bicyclist compliance and safety impacts of walk modes at signalized intersections; the long-term impact of California Safe Routes to School program; and the impact of intersection design on pedestrians' choice to cross on red. Finally, the papers cover: a data-driven approach to coordinating engineering, education and enforcement; a planning-level model for assessing pedestrian safety; walking behaviors by trip purposes; a perception-based walkability index to test the impact of microlevel walkability on sustainable mode choice decisions; far-side audible beaconing of accessible pedestrian signals; and driver detection of pedestrians beyond flashing beacons within sign assembly. Language: English TRR 2466 Network Modeling 2014 Vol. 1 Network Modeling 2014, Volume 1 Accession Number: 01557688 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 17 papers that are concerned with network modeling. Specific topics addressed include: access and connectivity trade-offs in transit stop location; a dual-route distribution strategy with supply chain disruption; a capacitated centralized carrier collaboration multihub location problem; modeling a large-scale flexible transit system; using wireless data collection algorithms to solve transit route designs; and initializing traffic assignment problems by zone aggregation and disaggregation. In addition, the papers address: high-speed train network routing; capacity estimation in support of mesoscopic simulation as part of dynamic traffic assignment models; routing policy choice set generation in stochastic time-dependent networks; park-and-ride network equilibrium with heterogeneous commuters and parking space constraint; dynamic freeway network models; and a unified route choice framework. Finally, the papers examine: travel time distribution under interrupted flow; correction of seed matrix in dynamic demand estimation; modeling network growth with scaling laws in a linear monocentric city; modeling corridor and growth pole coevolution in regional transportation networks; and subnetwork analysis for dynamic traffic assignment models. Language: English TRR 2467 Network Modeling 2014, Volume 2 Accession Number: 01559856 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue consists of 17 papers concerned with network modeling. Specific topics addressed include optimal bus lane infrastructure design; a strategic road pricing scheme; modeling transit and intermodal tours in a dynamic multimodal network; demand consistency checking of realtime traffic network state estimation models; urban traffic state explained by road networks and spatial variance; estimating travel time variance in traffic networks; short-term freeway speed profiling; modeling a parking search on a network; and determining a path of maximum reliability on a network. Other topics addressed include integrated planning of tourism investment and transportation network design; service reliability–based transit network design with stochastic demand; determining the minimum robust cost path with correlated link travel times; evaluating resilience in surface transportation networks; equilibrium analysis of low-conflict network designs; minimum travel time budget paths in stochastic networks; reducing carbon emissions with multitrip vehicle mode; and optimizing ridesharing services for airport access. Language: English TRR 2468 Bicycles and Motorcycles 2014 Accession Number: 01557587 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 16 papers that are concerned with bicycles and motorcycles. Specific topics addressed include: computer vision techniques to collect helmet-wearing data on cyclists; interactions between buses and bicycles at stops; a visual survey tool for determining factors that make a street attractive for bicycling; red light running behavior of electric bicycles at signalized intersections; left-turning bicycle traffic and its influence on capacity of left-turning vehicles at signalized intersections; and bicyclists as consumers. Other topics include: a costbenefit analysis of added cycling facilities; day-of-year scaling factors and design considerations for nonmotorized traffic monitoring programs; use of a public bikeshare system in Vancouver, Canada; the impacts of bicycle facilities on work and recreational bike trips; traffic reduction from bicycle commuting; and annual average daily bicyclist traffic estimation methods. Finally, the papers address: multimodal commuting to work by public transport and bicycle; electric bikes in North America; motorcycle helmet use laws; and usage patterns for powered twowheelers in Melbourne, Australia. Language: English TRR 2469 Demand Management, Parking, Taxis, and Accessible Transportation and Mobility Demand Management, Parking, Taxis, and Accessible Transportation and Mobility Accession Number: 01559857 Record Type: Monograph Record URL: Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 13 papers that are concerned with demand management, parking, taxis, or accessible transportation and mobility. Specific topics addressed include: the use of parking lots near motorways by commuter carpools; travel demand management in London during 2012 Summer Olympic Games; residential permit parking; community rideshare for a small city; and the impact of parking prices and transit fares on mode choice. Other topics include: parking in urban centers; multifamily residential parking use; on-street parking search; transportation deficiencies for older adults; Americans with Disabilities Act cost savings and increased fixedroute ridership through transit agency travel training; Section 508-compliant document production protocols and websites; intermodal door-to-door routing for people with physical impairments in a Web-based, open-source platform; and innovative operative strategies for paratransit services with zoning. Language: English Pagination: 136p TRR 2471 Public-Sector Aviation: Graduate Research Award Papers Accession Number: 01565409 Record Type: Monograph Availability: Transportation Research Board Business Office 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States Find a library where document is available Order URL: Abstract: This issue contains 9 papers selected for awards in a nationwide competition under the 2013 to 2014 Graduate Research Award Program on Public-Sector Aviation Issues. Topics addressed in these papers include: U.S. civil air show crashes; identification and analysis of atypical flights; identification of aircraft-bird strikes; airport infrastructure investment; the performance of warmmix asphalt and reclaimed asphalt pavement in flexible airfield pavements; airfield pavement response caused by heavy aircraft takeoff; pavement preservation and maintenance activities at general aviation airports; determinants of passenger and cargo traffic; and the timing of flight delay announcements by U.S. airlines. Language: English