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CSCE 431:

(Object Oriented)

Design Patterns

Some material from R. Martin, Bruegge, Dutoit


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


1. Requirements elicitation

Functional model (use cases, formal specifications etc.)

Non-functional requirements

2. Analysis

Analysis Object Model (class diagrams)

Dynamic Model (state charts, sequence diagrams)

3. System design (we have not discussed yet)

Design goals

Subsystem decomposition

4. Object design

Object design model (class diagrams)

5. Implementation

Source code

6. Testing

Deliverable system

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

System Design (One Slide Version)

• Subsystem decomposition

• Abstraction of the machine(s)

• Choosing middleware, GUI frameworks, class libraries, database engines

• Application domain components

• Possibly choosing off-the-shelf application domain components for select domain functionality

• Object design to fill in the rest

• Adapt reusable components

• Identify new solution classes

• Specify subsystem interfaces precisely

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Object Design

• Purpose

• Prepare for implementing the system model

• Transform the system model for better implementability/extensibility/performance/. . .

• Explore ways to implement the system model

• The result of object design should match the structure of the implementation

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Reuse: identify and adapt existing solutions

• Off-the-shelf components

• Libraries

• Design patterns

• Interface specification

• Specs of each class interface

• APIs of subsystems

• Object model restructuring

• To improve some characteristics (extensibility, understandability, etc.)

• Object model optimization

• Greater speed, lower memory use, etc.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Some principles of object-oriented programming

• About modularity

• OO twists on modularity, inheritance

• Substitutability

• Delegation

• Introduction to design patterns

• A few design patterns

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Parnas, On the Criteria to be Used in

Decomposing Systems into Modules , 1972

• Every module should be known to the outside world through an official, “public” interface

• The rest of the module’s properties comprises its


• It should be impossible to access the secrets from the outside

• Inheritance, encapsulation, related features in OO languages aimed at supporting information hiding

• Aside: Parnas says the following about OO languages

• Could be helpful, but not really needed

• Language is not the issue, design is what matters

• Some features make it easy to do things wrong

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Characteristics of Good


• Low coupling and high cohesion

• Minimize dependencies

• Changes are localized

• Maximize unity

• Modules work well together

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Booch

The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior; encapsulation serves to separate the contractual interface of an abstraction and its implementation

• Casual definition: bundling data and methods, with access protection

• Encapsulation enables object invariants to be enforced

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Where used:

1. Organization (during analysis)

• Inheritance helps in expressing generalization and specialization in taxonomies that deal with the application domain

• Primary use: discussion with domain experts and customers

2. Reuse (during object design)

• Inheritance helps in reusing models and code to deal with the solution domain

• Goal is to reduce redundancy and obtain extensibility

• Primary use: developers

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Implementation vs. Interface


• Implementation inheritance

• Also called class inheritance

• Goal is to extend an applications’ functionality by reusing functionality from the superclass

• Inherit from an existing class with some or all operations already implemented

• Specification inheritance

• Also called subtyping

• Inherit a specification for which to provide an implementation

• The specification is an abstract class with all the operations specified but not yet implemented

• Meyer gives a taxonomy of 13 different kinds of uses of inheritance

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Extensibility: Open Closed

Principle (OCP)

A module should be open for extension but closed for modification

B. Meyer (OOSC98)

• Essentially suggests that defining new subclasses should suffice to evolve code

• (maybe in Eiffel, as its type system gives considerable freedom)

• Nice if works

• Requires guessing/knowing the variation points

• Requires obeying Liskov Substitution Principle

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Liskov Substitution Principle

• Simple formulation

Subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes

• Somewhat more precise formulation

• Note that notion of subtyping is behavioral

• Cannot be checked

Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T.

Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T

- Liskov, Wing, 1994

• Same in code class Base { . . . }; class Derived : public Base { . . . }; void q(Base& b); // should work, even if b an

// instance of Derived

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

LSP Violation

• “Circle is-an ellipse” class circle : public ellipse {


void set_foci ( Point p1 , Point p2) { a = p1; b = p1 }

} void f( Ellipse & e) {

Point a( -1 ,0) , b (1 ,0); e.set_foci (a, b); assert (e.get_focus_a () == a); assert (e.get_focus_b () == b);


• set_foci ’s postcondition (something like a == p1, b == p2 ) not true for circles

• Fixes at the client calling f easily lead to Open Closed Principle violations

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

LSP and Design by Contract

class A {

@invariant i1;



@pre p1; virtual void foo (...);

@post q1 class B : public A {

@invariant i2;

@pre p2; void foo (...);

@post q2

• What are the relations?





 p2 q1

 q2 i1

 i2

• A method in a derived class must

• Have preconditions that are no stronger than those of the base’s method it is overriding

• Have postconditions no weaker than those of the base’s method it is overriding

• “derived methods should expect no more and provide no less”

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Inheritance vs. Delegation


Consider this inheritance relation:


Implementation inheritance vs. delegation class HashTable { class MySet { void put ( Object key , Object element ); private Hashtable table ;

Object get ( Object key );

MySet () { boolean containsKey ( Object ); table = Hashtable (); boolean containsValue ( Object );



void put ( Object element ) { if (! containsValue ( element )) { class MySet extends HashTable { table.put ( element , this ); void put ( Object element ) {

} if (! containsKey ( element )) {

} put ( element , this ); boolean containsValue ( Object element ) {

} return table.containsKey ( element );


} boolean containsValue ( Object element ) {


return containsKey ( element );




CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Inheritance vs. Delegation

• Inheritance should be used only if real taxonomies exist

• If LSP (roughly) holds

• Delegation should be preferred when reusing implementations

• Next: design patterns

• And we will notice that most design patterns are some compositions/combinations of delegation and inheritance

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Design Patterns Motivation

• Not every problem solved with a solution developed “from scratch”

• Desirable to reuse solutions

• Recording and cataloging experience in SW design often not done systematically, or at all

• Learning how to design starts by studying other designs

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Characterizing Design Patterns

• Reusable designs

• Capturing design knowledge that

• Is too “high-level” to write as an abstraction in a library

• What is too high-level depends on the language, of course

• Modifiable abstractions/designs

• Basic idea: avoid “re-inventing the wheel”

• Capture well-tested solutions to oft-occurring situations

• Modularize design!

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Design Pattern

Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.

Visually pleasing and practical structures for an application and/or setting could be described by a pattern language.

- Christopher Alexander

• For example, desirable farmhouses in the Bernese

Oberland area of Switzerland used these patterns:

North-South Axis

West-Facing Entrance Down the Slope

Two Floors

Hay Loft at the Back

Bedrooms in Front

Garden to the South

Pitched Roof

Half-Hipped End

Balcony Toward the Garden

Carved Ornaments

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Patterns in Software

• OOPSLA 1987, Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham,

Using Pattern Languages for Object-Oriented


• Applied Alexander’s pattern language to UI design

• Window Per Task

• Few Panes Per Window

• Standard Panes

• Short Menus

• Nouns and Verbs

• More work followed, culminating to the Design

Patterns book in 1995

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

GoF Book

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

23 Patterns in GoF Book


Factory Method

Abstract Factory












CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns










Template Method

Chain of Responsibility


Creational Patterns

Builder Separates construction from representation (how to build, e.g.,

Composite objects)

Factory method Create objects without hardcoding the class name

Abstract Factory Groups factories with a common theme



Cloning from prototypes

Restricts objects to no more than one instance, with a single point of access

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Structural Patterns

Adapter Creates a new interface for an existing unmodifiable interface

Bridge Separates an abstraction form its implementation

Composite Tree structure of objects that allows uniform manipulation

Decorator Dynamically extensible behavior (instead of statically, as with subclassing)

Façade Unified interface to simplify use (wrap APIs, etc.)

Flyweight Share similar data among many objects

Proxy A class serving as a placeholder, possibly adding functionality, to another class

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Behavioral Patterns

Chain of Responsibility Delegate command objects to a chain of processing objects

Command Wrap a command into an object with all the information that is needed to execute it

Interpreter How to interpret ASTs represented as Composite








Template method


Access objects sequentially without exposing the underlying representation

Encapsulate, and restrict the form of, communication between objects into a dedicated middleman

Undo functionality


Object behavior changes when state changes (modes)

Select most suitable algorithm at runtime

Algorithm skeleton, with subclasses providing concrete behavior

Separate algorithm from structure of the object it operates on (double dispatching)

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Structure of a Design Pattern

• Four elements

• A unique name

• A problem description

• Situations in which the pattern applies

• Problems addressed

• A solution

• Stated as a set of collaborating classes and interfaces

• Often uses class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state charts, etc.

• A set of consequences that describes the tradeoffs and alternatives w.r.t. the design goals the pattern addresses

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

GoF Book’s Pattern Structure

• Pattern Name and Classification

• Intent

• “Why use this pattern?”

• Also known as

• Motivation (Forces)

• Often an example scenario

• Applicability

• Structure

• Often class and interaction diagrams

• Participants

• Classes and objects involved, and their roles

• Collaborations

• How classes/objects interact

• Consequences

• Implementation

• Sample Code

• Concrete example of how to use the pattern (in code)

• Known Uses

• Related Patterns

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern: Motivation

There are times when a program needs to manipulate a tree data structure and it is necessary to treat both

Branches as well as Leaf Nodes uniformly. Consider for example a program that manipulates a file system. A file system is a tree structure that contains Branches which are Folders as well as Leaf nodes which are Files. Note that a folder object usually contains one or more file or folder objects and thus is a complex object where a file is a simple object. Note also that since files and folders have many operations and attributes in common, such as moving and copying a file or a folder, listing file or folder attributes such as file name and size, it would be easier and more convenient to treat both file and folder objects uniformly by defining a File System Resource


CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern: Intent

• The intent of this pattern is to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies

• Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern:

Implementation & Participants

Component Component is the abstraction for leafs and composites. It defines the interface that must be implemented by the objects in the composition. For example a file system resource defines move, copy, rename, and getSize methods for files and folders.

Leaf Leafs are objects that have no children. They implement services described by the Component interface. For example a file object implements move, copy, rename, as well as getSize methods which are related to the Component interface.

Composite A Composite stores child components in addition to implementing methods defined by the component interface. Composites implement methods defined in the Component interface by delegating to child components. In addition composites provide additional methods for adding, removing, as well as getting components.

Client The client manipulates objects in the hierarchy using the component interface. A client has a reference to a tree data structure and needs to perform operations on all nodes independent of the fact that a node might be a branch or a leaf. The client simply obtains reference to the required node using the component interface, and deals with the node using this interface; it doesn’t matter if the node is a composite or a leaf.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern:


• The composite pattern applies when there is a part-whole hierarchy of objects and a client needs to deal with objects uniformly regardless of the fact that an object might be a leaf or a branch

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Example – Graphics Drawing


• In graphics editors a graphic can be basic or complex. Examples of simple graphics are lines and circles, where a complex graphic is a picture containing many simple (or complex) graphics. Since simple and complex shapes have operations in common, such as rendering the graphic to a screen, and since graphics follow a part-whole hierarchy, composite pattern can be used to enable the program to deal with all graphics uniformly.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Example – Graphics Drawing


In the example we can see the following actors:

Graphic (Component) Graphic is the abstraction for Line , Circle , etc. objects, (leafs) and

Picture objects (composites).

Line, Circle (Leafs) Objects that have no children. They implement services described by the

Graphic interface.

Picture (Composite) A Composite stores child Graphic objects in addition to implementing methods defined by the Graphic interface.

Client The Client (such as a graphical editor) manipulates Graphics in the hierarchy.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern: Alternative


Some methods only make sense for Composite objects, such as Add , Remove , and getChild , and in the class diagram above are thus only defined for Composite objects. Prior to calling these methods, one has to cast a

Component to a Composite . Alternatively, these methods could be defined in Component , with default implementations that would do nothing.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern:


• The composite pattern defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive objects and composite objects.

Primitive objects can be composed into more complex objects, which in turn can be composed.

• Clients treat primitive and composite objects uniformly through a component interface which makes client code simple.

• Adding new components can be easy and client code does not need to be changed since client deals with the new components through the component interface.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern: Related


• Decorator Pattern

• Decorator is often used with Composite. When decorators and composites are used together, they will usually have a common parent class. So decorators will have to support the Component interface with operations like Add , Remove , and

GetChild .

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Composite Pattern: Known


• File system implementation as discussed previously

• Graphics editors as discussed previously

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Design patterns make use of interfaces, information hiding, polymorphism, indirection

• A pattern typically consists of several classes that may have complex associations

• Design patterns can thus make a design more complex, and decrease performance

• The tradeoff between added complexity and the potential pay-offs (modularity, extensibility, portability, etc.) needs to be considered

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Factory Method

• Intent

• Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.

Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.

• Defining a virtual constructor .

• The new operator considered harmful.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Example Problem

• A framework needs to standardize the architectural model for a range of applications, but allow for individual applications to define their own domain objects and provide for their instantiation.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Visitor Pattern

• Intent

• Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.

• The classic technique for recovering lost type information.

• Do the right thing based on the type of two objects.

• Double dispatch

• Problem

Many distinct and unrelated operations need to be performed on node objects in a heterogeneous aggregate structure. You want to avoid “polluting” the node classes with these operations. And, you do not want to have to query the type of each node and cast the pointer to the correct type before performing the desired operation.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Visitor Pattern

• A “static” class hierarchy, possibly tree-like, expressed using the Composite Pattern

• Each class in this hierarchy defines an accept(visitor&) method

• accept methods send this pointer to the visitor

• visitor abstract base class

• containing visit(a) overload for each class a in the static hierarchy

• Each derived class of visitor implements some of the visit() overloads

• Traversal pattern can be either fixed in the accept methods, or left to be expressed in the visit methods

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Visitor Pattern: Class Diagram

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Visitor Pattern: Sequence


CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Expression of a simple task that is not built-in into a language

• Pimpl-idiom class Handle { private : class Body * pimpl ; // opaque pointer


// Body forward - declared

• Also: a non-obvious use of a particular feature of a language for (;;) { action (); }

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Like design patterns, but

• Language dependent

• Usually of smaller scope

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Example: RAll

• “Resource Acquisition is Initialization”

• One description in pattern form:

• From Kevlin Henney, Execute-Around Object . C++

Patterns: Executing Around Sequences. EuroPLoP

2000: 431-454

Define a helper object that executes actions before and after a sequence of statements in its constructor(s) and destructor.

• Example: Critical Sections

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

RAII Example

class mutex { public : void lock (); void unlock ();


} resource shared ; mutex quard ; guard.lock ();

.... // use shared guard.unlock ();


guard . lock (); try


... // use shared

} catch (...)

{ guard.unlock (); throw ;

} guard.unlock ();

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

class mutex { public : void lock (); void unlock ();


} resource shared ; mutex quard ; guard.lock ();

.... // use shared guard.unlock ();

RAII Example

template < typename lockee > class locker { public : locker ( lockee &to_lock )

: target ( to_lock ) { target.lock ();


~locker () { target.unlock ();

} private :



{ lockee & target ; locker <mutex > critical ( guard );

... // use shared

} // destructor called

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Language Specificity of RAII

• Not directly expressible in several other OO languages

• E.g., no destructors in Java, and unclear if and when Java’s finalizers are executed

• OTOH, Java has its finally construct to handle both normal and exceptional control flows try {

// resources acquired actions ();

} finally {

// resources released


CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


• Context

• Some key concepts and notions of OO

• Design patterns

• A few more design patterns

• Idioms

• Summary

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns



Meta-Taxonomy of Patterns

Design patterns

Architectural patterns

Optimization principles


Code smells

Description Examples

Small scale, language/ tool/system specific RAII. Scoped locking.

Static and dynamic roles and relationships in oft-occurring designs.

Bridge. Composite.


Structural organization of software systems. Set of predefined subsystems and their relationships. Rules and guidelines for organizing the relationships between them.

Avoid common design/ implementation mistakes that degrade performance



Pipes and Filters.

Optimize for common case.

Commonly used pattern that is counterproductive

Characterizations of suspicious code.

Similar to antipatterns, but less formal

Lava Flow. Copy and Paste.

Long Method.

Indecent Exposure.

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

Are design pattern something fundamentally different from what existed before?

• B. Meyer: new ideas are often met with a sequence of three reactions:


There is nothing to it


It will never work


That is how we have always done it

• Relating to patterns:


Is the notion of a design pattern a significant idea?


Do they really work?


What is new about describing solutions to problems?

• Maybe new is:

• systematic approach

• recognizing that abstractions that cannot quite be packaged into libraries/modules can still be reusable and reused

• provides a vocabulary for discussing software development problems

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns

PLoP 2012

• There are devoted people: PLoP 2012: 19th



CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP TM ) conference is a premier event for pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and software development.

The purpose of PLoP is to: promote development of pattern languages, primarily about aspects of software: design and programming, testing, software architecture, user interface design, domain modelling, and software processes. Patterns and pattern languages for domains outside software are also welcome

CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns


CSCE 431 OO Design Patterns
