Ratno Adi (1)
Industrial Engineering Program - Mercu Buana University
Jl. South Meruya, Gardens Orange - Jakarta Barat
Fatigue is the body's protective mechanisms of the body to avoid further
damage. Fatigue is subjective, leading to the weakening of labor conditions to
perform an activity. One of the causes of fatigue is sleep disturbance in this shift,
because working at night may lead to decreased function of the body and stress.
Work shift system turned out to have an impact on employees. In the industrial
world, setting work schedules that are less well can cause accidents, health
problems and complaints - physical complaints caused less ergonomisnya a job.
Therefore it is necessary a good working shift system to minimize complaints the complaints. The aim of this study is to identify, menganilisis and formulate a
strategy to determine a good working shift system to suppress a decrease in the
productivity of workers working shifts. This study used a questionnaire to the
respondents the impact of shift work for the morning shift and evening shift. The
method used in this research is quantitative research methods. This research
population is all employees of PT Flambindo Cortama, especially production
division amounted to 170 employees. While the sample amounted to 80
Keywords: Fatigue, Shift work, Impact of Shifts
1. Introduction
Occupational safety and health is an important issue in every operational
process, in both the traditional and modern. According to the ILO (2003), every
day an average of 600 thousand people die from sickness and work accidents, or
2.2 million people per year. A total of 350,000 people per year of which died from
workplace accidents. In Indonesia, the number of occupational accidents reached
58,600 in 2008 and reached 54 398 in 2009. Based on data at PT Jamsostek in
2010, work accidents reached 49 919 cases and 7965 of them died, as many of
them may occur in shift workers. According Suma'mur (1993) in general there are
two classes of causes of accidents, namely
action / human actions that do not meet safety (unfase human acts) and the state of
the environment is not safe (unfase condition). Of the few studies that have been
done, the human factor occupies a very important position against occupational
accidents is between 80-85%.
One of the main causes of workplace accidents caused by humans is stress
and fatigue (fatigue). Fatigue contributed 50% of the accidents (Setyawati, 2007).
Fatigue can occur because of physical or mental stress. One reason for the fatigue
is sleep disorders (sleep distribution) which, among others, could be affected by
lack of sleep and disruption of circadian rhythms due to shift work (Wicken, et al,
2004). It has been believed that most of the workers who work on the night shift
have a higher risk of work accidents than those who work on normal shift
(morning shift).
PT. Flambindo Cortama is a spare part manufacturing company
manufacture branded Honda motorcycles. Chosen PT. Flambindo Cortama has a
sufficient number of hours worked long and employs 170 permanent employees,
and to fulfill customer orders from the PT. Flambindo Cortama achieve the
production target by imposing patterns of work 2 shifts (12 hours per shift) with
the aim of efficiently between labor and wages given to workers. Normal working
hours on a day shift starting at 08.00-16.00 with a number of breaks at 12:00 to
13:00, but to be able to meet production targets, often do overtime until 8 pm (for
the morning shift). The night shift starts from 20:00 to 4:00 pm with a break at
00:00 to 01:00. The shift work system meggunakan rotation system, meaning that
employees working in the morning shift will be working on the night shift the
following week in a period of one week. Shift work is only valid in the production
department, but not all production departments that work with shift work. From 5
production departments only four production departments imposed shift work
system, ie press department, welding department, cutting department, and the
department turret.
Based on the recapitulation of the deployment of questionnaires given to
several employees working with shift work system, they acknowledge the
existence of physical complaints including pain in certain body parts, such as pain
in the neck, waist, shoulders and back. The environment at night is also an
obstacle to the employees, the employees felt cold temperatures made more
pronounced sleepiness during work at night. Shift work is seen as an individual
consuming demands. If the shift system is not working well managed by the
company, will affect physiological disorders and ultimately will reduce the
productivity of the workers. Through the method of identification of the
recapitulation of questionnaires impact of shift work and physical complaints
against the employees are expected to minimize complaints - complaints that
occur in workers who work with shift work system and can formulate a good
strategy in determining the shift system of work.
A. Problem Formulation
Based on the description of the background of the above, the formulation
of the problem to be addressed in this study is to identify the complaints complaints from workers who work shift system of work, minimize complaints complaints that occur in workers who work with the system and formulating a
strategy shift work Good in determining the shift system of work with the
methods of identification of the recapitulation of questionnaires.
B. Limitation Problem
The problem definition is used so that the matter can be investigated more
targeted and focused, so that research can be carried out according to what was
planned. The problem definition is as follows:
- The study was conducted in PT. Flambindo Cortama Tangerang
- Population and sample part production departments are employees of PT.
Flambindo Cortama the work shift system of work which amounts to 80 people
per shift.
- Research carried out in the form of a test pulse and a questionnaire distributed to
employees section production department work shift system of work.
C. Objective
The aim of this study was to identify the complaints - complaints from
workers who work shift system of work, minimize complaints - complaints that
occur in workers who work shift system of work and formulate strategies that
work well in determining the shift system of work with methods of identification
of the recapitulation of questionnaires.
2. Review of Literature
Worker is any person who works for someone else, because of the work to
be done where there are elements of a command, wages and time. Working Hours
dalah time to do the work, can be carried out during the day and / or night. Shift
work is a division of labor based on a specific time pursued by the company to
maximize productivity. The workload is a set or a number of activities that must
be completed by an organizational unit or office holder in a certain period.
Shift system is a system work arrangements provide the opportunity to utilize the
overall time available to operate the job. Shift system is used as a way most likely
to meet the demand trend to growing goods production. This system is deemed to
be able to increase the productivity of a company that is using it.
Occupational safety and health is an important issue in every operational process,
in both the traditional and modern. in general there are two classes of causes of
accidents are the actions / deeds
people who do not meet safety (unfase human acts) and the state of the
environment is not safe (unfase condition). One of the main causes of workplace
accidents caused by humans is stress and fatigue (fatigue). Fatigue can occur
because of physical or mental stress. One reason for the fatigue is sleep disorders
(sleep distribution) which, among others, could be affected by lack of sleep and
disruption of circadian rhythms due to shift work. already believed that most of
the workers who work on the night shift have a higher risk of work accidents than
those who work on normal shift (morning shift). These health problems include
sleep disorders, fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, and impaired
gastrointestimal. All these health problems, coupled with the pressure of great
stress can automatically increase the risk of accidents to the workers especially
night shift workers. Shift work affects the safety and health of workers. This is
related to the body's rhythms sirkadian.Fungsi as body temperature, pulse mental
abilities and others at increased daytime and at night to recovery.
3. Research Methodology
In this study the steps - the steps are: conduct preliminary studies,
literature, formulate problems, set goals and problem definition, data collection
and observation surveys, data processing by testing the questionnaire, analysis of
the results of the identification of the recapitulation of questionnaires and make
conclusions and suggestions for improvement.
4. Collecting and Processing Data
In research on shift work is required questionnaires impact of shift work
which aims to determine the complaints of workers due to the impact of shift
work and questionnaires nordic body map that aims to determine whether shift
work affects the physical complaints. This research questionnaire distributed at
the PT. Flambindo Cortama located at Jl. Raya French, Warehousing 75 Block D
No. 9 Tangerang 11810. The population is workers who work shift system of
work in the production of PT. Flmbindo Cortama, and the number of samples
taken by 80 respondents who work the morning shift and evening shift. The
amount of sample is determined based on the criteria of permanent workers or
employment over one year. These criteria into consideration, because workers
who have been working over the years has been used to do the work shift system.
The impact of shift work questionnaires are self-designed questionnaire based on
variables impact of shift work proposed by Attwood, Joseph, and Danz- Reece
(2004), so it is necessary to test the validation and reliability testing before being
disseminated. The variables in the questionnaire that the impact of shift work
performance, health and psychosocial. As for the questionnaire nordic body map
is a questionnaire that was
measurement commonly used in research, in this case the researchers adopt from
Tirtayasa, Adiputra, and Djestawana (2003). Questionnaires nordic nordic body
map using a table that explains the parts of the body which in general is often
perceived pain by workers, ranging from the upper neck to toe. Scale
questionnaire used is a Likert scale. Likert scale used to measure attitudes,
opinions, and perceptions of a person or a group of social phenomenon.
A. Pretest Questionnaire
Before distributing questionnaires in fact, necessary to pretest questionnaires
that sample questionnaires to determine whether the respondents know the
purpose of the proposed statement. Pretest questionnaire is only done for
questionnaires impact of shift work because the questionnaire is a questionnaire
designed by themselves so we need a pretest questionnaire to whether the draft
questionnaire results have valid and reliable or not. The number of questionnaires
distributed is as much as 30 respondents to the production workers at the PT.
Flambindo Cortama randomly.
B. Test Validation
Validity test is to determine whether the instruments have a standard of
appropriateness or accuracy of the measurement.
C. Test Reliability
Furthermore, based on pretest questionnaire conducted a reliability test.
Reliability (reliability) is defined as a measurement of how far free from random
error variance (free from random error variance). Reliability can also be regarded
as the result of a measurement confidence level. Reliability measurement aims to
demonstrate the stability and consistency measuring instrument in measuring the
concept to be measured. Reliability test performed using SPSS 17.0 software. The
coefficient of reliability (Cronbach Alpha) ranging from 0 to 1. The higher this
coefficient, the greater the reliability of measuring instruments used. If the value
of the coefficient of reliability (Cronbach alpha) ≥ 0.7 then this indicates that the
measuring instrument used is reliable.
D. Measurement Pulse
Pulse measurement is done by using the tool Pulsemeter to 5 respondents.
Measurements were taken at the time before work, at work, and after working
with the aim to see a comparison of the average pulse before work, at work, and
after work. Working hours imposed on the company is 8 hours per day. Samples
were taken at the pulse measurement is 5 respondents. This is due to the limited
permission from the company. To get the desired result, then the selected
departments have the heaviest workload in comparison
Other departments that press department. The production department requires
workers to work in a state of standing as well as its continuous rotation of the
body from time to time to take the raw material. Therefore, for pulse measurement
performed on workers in the production department of the press section with a
number of permanent employees by 60 workers. Sections have been working on
the environment is affected by the hot environment and working conditions are
more severe than other departments. Measurements carried out on the morning
shift at 08.00-16.00 for 2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) and on the night shift for 2
days at 20:00 to 04:00 (Sunday night and Tuesday night). Measurement is only
performed at the time of actual work that is for 8 hours of work for each work
shift. As for the overtime hours are not included in the measurement part, because
of overtime hours in the company of only applies at certain moments. In addition
the use of overtime erratic made excuse for not doing measurements on overtime
5. Results and Discussion
Based on the results of questionnaires impact recapitulation shifts to the
respondent PT. Flambindo Cortama showed that shift work affects the
performance, health, and psychosocial.
A. Impact of Shifts Against Performance
One can affect work performance due to fatigue or lack of rest. In this
case, performance is affected because someone work shift that occurs in each
week. A worker who works in the morning shift and the next week working on the
night shift, then the employer will adapt to the surrounding environment every
week. Problems that occur are many adaptations of each person is different, many
of which require a long time to adapt to the new environment. Complaints
respondents morning shift affecting the work performance of workers is of
respondents stated mediocre in doing the work at the same speed every hour. The
complaint due to lack of concentration caused by sleepiness. Sleepiness is caused
due to shift change. Workers who previously worked on the night shift would be
difficult to adapt to work in the morning shift. Based on interviews, the workers
can adapt to the working hours of the morning shift after day 3 morning shift. For
workers who work with shift rotation system, their body functions continue to
adapt to the environment around each week. According Kuswadji (1997), the
actual human body easily adapts to external circumstances, as well as the entry
and exit of the sun. The difference with the cycle of the human body is only one
hour per day. That is the maximum period. In shift workers is no difference for 8
hours. This course requires an adjustment for 8 days. In other words if
a worker had been working the night for one week, then he has become a man the
night. If after it was changed to daytime workers, he needs to adjust to a week
anyway. While complaints on the performance perceived by respondents night
shift are as follows:
1. Respondents stated are not able to act appropriately in case of problems at
2. Respondent states can not perform quick action in case of errors in the work,
3. Respondent states can not receive directives from a superior job well,
4. Respondents noted sometimes unable to remember tasks assigned correctly,
5. Respondents stated sometimes not able to pass on information to colleagues
work properly, and
6. Respondents stated sometimes not able to do the planning work.
Grievances felt on the night shift more perceived by the respondents. This is due
to the demands of shift work causes disturbances in circadian rhythm and the
metabolism of our body. Not everyone can adjust to shift work system. Shift work
requires a lot of adjustment time, like bedtime, mealtime and time hanging out
with family. In general, all the functions of the body is in a state ready for use
during the daytime. While at night is a time for rest and recovery resources
(energy). That is why people who work on the night shift often feel sleepy and
tired while working. Fatigue and insomnia is a common complaint for shift
workers. Fatigue will reduce the power of concentration, motivation, memory and
mental reaction that can affect all aspects of performance. In addition, a job that
requires vigilance and more monotonous tasks will also be affected, because when
working night, a person can not maintain vigilance and attention. According to
Singleton (1972) on the night shift, concentration or consistency decreases over
time due to the change from night shift to the day shift. Worker's body still
requires adaptation for a maximum of 8 days due to work on the morning shift.
This concentration reduction occurs because during the night the low appreciating
physiological functions of the body. Body activity patterns will be disrupted when
working at night and maximum occur on the night shift.
B. Impact of Shifts To Health
Shift work shows a direct connection to health. Health disorder in question
is the mental and physical health problems. On mental health disorders will affect
the emotions, motivation and working mood. While the physical health problems
will affect the appetite, digestion, and the quality and quantity of sleep. In this
study, there are similarities complaint shift impact
work on health between morning shift and evening shift, the equation is as
1. Sometimes feel irritable,
2. Sometimes irritable and
3. Never lose your appetite.
On the morning shift and evening shift are common complaints. This suggests that
the morning shift and night shift workers experiencing mental complaints. Mental
complaint in question is the anxiety, sad, angry, upset, worry, low self-esteem,
lack of confidence and others. It can result from worker discontent due to lack of
socialization with the family resulting from rotation shift work, or lack of rest
time after the work shift and type of monotonous work that makes workers feel
tired, irritable and easily upset. While the other complaints only felt on the night
shift are:
1. Do not be trying to work hard to achieve a good work,
2. Unable to complete the work on time,
3. Not happy in doing the job,
4. Unable to sleep soundly, and
5. Sleeping less than 8 hours.
Grievances felt on the night shift more felt by
respondents than in the morning shift. Emotions will increase and motivation will
decrease for workers who work at night. Decreased motivation to work is due to
fatigue caused by lack of rest. For the night shift workers, the problem arises in
the body habits. Outsmart night workers to sleep in the morning until noon to
replace the need to sleep 8 hours per day. The problem is, the body must be made
against the natural cycle that is working on the light and the dark night of rest.
Workers who work on the night shift had to rest during the day, when the
condition of her body woke up, and vice versa. Daytime sleep is usually shorter
than the bed at night, and sleep quality was not as good as during the day to sleep
at night because of the influence of sunlight and noise. The impact of poor quality
and quantity of sleep can lead to drowsiness at work. By the time a person sleepy,
then he will easily lose concentration so as to trigger a person's emotions and
motivation. Another thing to watch out for is the accumulation of sleepiness
impact will be felt after a few days. Evidence from experts showed the transfer of
the natural body clock affects the heart rhythm, thus triggering the hormonal and
metabolic changes. The transfer appears to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes,
and heart disease.
C. Psychosocial Impact of Shifts Against
Psychosocial factors can affect work performance and job satisfaction.
Problems and disorders are generally associated with three factors: shift work
schedules, individual differences, and personal and social lives of workers. With
the shift schedule shift work, life
personal and social life of a worker will be disturbed. At this peneilitan
complaints are common psychosocial effects of shift work on the day shift and
night shift, the equation is as follows:
1. Sometimes it does not have time for hobbies,
2. Sometimes it does not have the opportunity to gather with family,
3. Sometimes it does not have time for recreation,
4. Sometimes it does not have time to talk with coworkers
different shifts, and
5. Sometimes it would be able to participate in social activities.
On the morning shift respondents perceived grievances in common with the
grievances felt on the night shift. However, the level of perceived grievances
greater on the night shift. This is caused from rotating shift work that gives effect
to both workers on the morning shift and the night shift. When workers are part of
a rotation system shift schedule, they find it difficult to develop and maintain
social interaction with friends who happen to be in different shifts due to the
rotation process. Therefore, the worker may experience social isolation. In
addition, the rotation of shift work affects the level of socialization of workers due
to its interaction with the environment becomes impaired, such as social activities
with family, friends and participate in recreational activities, education, and
community. The social impact will affect the job satisfaction of workers. While
other complaints on the night shift were not felt in the morning shift was the
respondents did not have time to chat with the family after work. On the night
shift, workers have less time for social interaction. As mentioned earlier, that shift
workers may sometimes sleep while social activities take place. This causes a hard
worker gives his time to the family, get together with friends or interact with the
community to get a great social value.
Based on the results of questionnaires nordic recapitulation body map to
respondents PT. Flambindo Cortama obtained the following results:
A. Effects of Shift Work Against Physical Exhaustion
Physiologically, fatigue is a decrease in muscle strength caused by
exhaustion and increased the remnants of metabolism. Fatigue occurs because of
some things, for example, monotonous activity, workload and excessive working
hours, working environment, working facilities, state psokologis and nutritional
status. Most work accidents related to fatigue. To minimize fatigue, it is worth
considering the working conditions in advance, especially during the night shift.
Long work shifts are not too long, and a good preparation before night duty with
due regard to working conditions, in order to occupational diseases and workplace
accidents can be decreased.
Physical complaints are often felt by workers after work are as follows:
1. Respondents often feel pain in the right upper arm
2. Respondents often feel pain in the left wrist
3. Respondents often mearsa pain in the right wrist
4. Respondents often feel pain in the left thigh
5. The respondents often feel pain in the right thigh
6. Respondents often feel pain in the left calf
7. Respondents often feel pain in the right calf
8. Respondents often feel pain in the left ankle
9. Respondents often feel pain in the right ankle
10. Respondents often feel pain in the left leg
Based on identification of the Nordic body map questionnaire, respondents felt the
physical complaints on the same body segment both on the morning shift and the
night shift. This suggests that the shift does not affect the problem on physical
complaints, but can result from this type of work and the workload on the
morning shift and evening shift are the same.
Of complaints that respondents felt above, based on the percentage of over 50%,
complaints most respondents felt the calf is on the left and the right calf and also
on the left foot and right foot. This is because many jobs which require the
respondent stood for doing his job. Production department workers who require
continuous standing among them is in the press, cutting, swearjing, turret.
Perceived grievances of the workers should be addressed to improve the position
of the worker. The company should be able to minimize complaints from workers.
The complaint if left unchecked will be prolonged pain for workers. Especially on
the night shift, in which the physiological function is undergoing restoration, so
that night shift workers are particularly vulnerable to physical complaints. One
way to overcome this is to regulate the operations and the position of the worker.
To be able to carry out these improvements it is necessary to further research that
can help ease the workings of workers at PT. Flambindo Cortama
B. Effects of Shift Work Against Pulse
Pulse measurement is one way to determine fatigue for shift workers. The
average pulse height of a worker who indicated that the level of fatigue and
workload experienced by these workers is high. In general, all functions of the
body increases during the day, began to weaken in the afternoon and decreases at
night to recovery and renewal. Weakening condition of the body's functions,
coupled with the demands of the job responsibilities that accumulate can lead to
fatigue. In addition, the possibility of a physical environment that is too much
pressure, perceived lack of control due to the weakening of the body's functions
and the lack of interpersonal relationship skills on the night shift causes the
weakening of the study tubuh.Dalam function, pulse measurement was done at the
time before work, at work,
and when after work. Pulse measurement results are then tested the hypothesis
ANOVA to determine whether there is a significant pebedaan between morning
shift pulse to pulse the night shift.
1. Pulse Current Measurement Before Working
Results of hypothesis testing ANOVA, showed no significant difference
between the morning shift pulse to pulse while before working the night shift.
However, when viewed in a graph the average pulse on the night shift still showed
greater results than the morning shift. This is due to the time before work,
especially on the night shift workers have to do activities outside of work before
he started work. Other things also can be caused by environmental differences that
occur in the morning and in the evening, or may result from the mental state of the
workers are not prepared to work at night.
2. Pulse Measurement While Working
Results of hypothesis testing ANOVA showed a significant difference
between the morning shift pulse to pulse while working the night shift. In general,
the human body bersistirahat at night so that the pulse rate decreased for recovery,
but for shift workers who work at night led to the setting of circulation in the
human body to work more at night which causes a pulse on the night shift has
increased due to force to work. On the night shift, the level of fatigue while
working higher, it can be seen in the chart pulse that the average pulse on the
night shift is greater than the average pulse on the morning shift. Intensity work
can also affect the length of the working pulse. Therefore, the design of a good
working shift schedules need to be done.
3. Pulse Current Measurement After Work
Results of hypothesis testing ANOVA showed a significant difference
between the morning shift pulse to pulse time after working the night shift. The
average pulse at the time after working on the morning shift and evening shift
showed a nearly close to the average pulse on saatsebelum work. When viewed
graphically, the average pulse on the morning shift and evening shift quite close
together. This suggests that the morning shift and a night shift, workers have the
same level of recovery. From the measurement results of the pulse, either at the
time before work, at work, and the time after work, when viewed in the graph
pulse on the night shift larger than the pulse on the morning shift. This shows that
in the evening physiological functions of the human body can not do the job as
well as during the morning or afternoon. Besides influences from outside into
causes the pulse at night labih higher than in the morning or afternoon. Such as
the influence of environmental, health conditions, and psychological condition
became one of the factors causing the pulse rate at night is greater than in the
However, although the chart shows that the pulse on the night shift is greater than
the pulse on the morning shift, the average pulse rate of employment shows that
respondents still in the category of mild to moderate job that is between 60-100
beats / min ( suma'mur, 1989). This shows that the type of work that is still to be
accepted by both the physical workers on the morning shift and night shift.
Based on the results of the discussion above, does not indicate the
presence of a heavy workload for shift workers. But when referring to the results
of the questionnaire the impact of shift work, there are complaints that indicate
that the shift system of work in PT. Flambindo Cortama needs to be improved.
Grievances felt by many workers is the health and psychosocial variables. PT.
Flambindo Cortama has two scheduled work shift, namely the morning shift and
evening shift. Turnover schedule work shifts do every single week. The number of
available working hours are 8 hours per day, but sometimes the schedule is not
definite, so that workers subject to overtime hours earned by the worker in excess
of 8 hours. With the shift work schedules, shift workers at PT. Flambindo
Cortama will have difficulty adapting to the work environment every week. When
they are already familiar with the work at night, they will have trouble when
switching on the morning shift the next week. Long work shift schedule can be
seen in the table below:
No Nama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Pagi Malam Off Shift
1 Grup 1 P P P P P O M M M M M M O O P P P P P O M M M M M M O O P P P 13
2 Grup 2 M M M M M O O P P P P P O M M M M M M O O P P P P P O M M M M 10
Description: P (Morning) M (Night) O (Off)
Improvements given are trying to propose a schedule change
shifts into 3 shifts to the 2-2-2 pattern (Pattern Metropolitan), with a schedule of
working hours in the morning shift starts at 07:00 and ends at 15:00, schedule the
working hours of the afternoon shift starts at 15:00 and ends at 23:00, schedule
hours of work on the night shift starts at 23:00 and ends at 07:00. The number of
workers in the PT. Flambindo Cortama allows to schedule work shifts into 3
shifts. It is hoped the new schedule work shifts can
reduce complaints from the impact of shift work. With the change of shift
schedules work done every 2 days, and given the day off after working a night
shift, allowing workers to be able berisitrahat with enough after doing the activity
at night. Additionally, with the shift work system no longer need to be given
overtime because the production process has been going on for 24 hours and thus
indirectly also can reduce workers' wages. Proposed schedule work shifts can be
seen in the table below:
No Nama 1
1 Grup 1 P
2 Grup 2 S
3 Grup 3 M
Pagi Sore Malam Off
Description: P (Morning) M (Night) O (Off)
Shift work schedule chosen by the 2-2-2 pattern (pattern Metropolitan) is
to shorten the rotation sisitem shifts. By shortening the rotation of shifts, it can
shorten the level of adaptation when workers do shift work schedules turnover of
the night into the morning. As explained previously, according Kuswadji (1997),
differences in the human body cycle is only one hour per day. That is the
maximum period. In shift workers is no difference for 8 hours. This course
requires an adjustment for 8 days. In other words, if a worker had been working
the night for one week, then he has become a man the night. If after it was
changed to daytime workers, he needs to adjust to a week anyway. With the
enactment of 2-2-2 pattern of shift work, workers can make adjustments during
the holiday after working the night.
Standing is a natural human posture that does not pose a particular health
hazard. But if it is done in the long term this will affect the condition of the body,
as well as the dangers of sitting too long. Working in a standing position for long
periods of time on a regular basis can cause foot pain, leg swelling, varicose veins,
general muscular fatigue, low back pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
This is because the body is affected by the settings of the working area and limit
the body positions of workers in the move. As a result, the worker's body has little
freedom of movement and become more rigid. Lack of flexibility of the body will
cause health problems. Working in a standing position in the long term will lead
to discomfort and eventually if it continues could resulted in an severe health
problems and chronic. Too long standing makes muscles become stiff so that it
can effectively reduce the supply
blood to the muscles. As a result, blood flow is reduced so as to accelerate the
onset of fatigue and causes pain in the muscles of the back, legs and neck (these
muscles are used to maintain the position of the body). Workers do not just feel
the tension but also other inconveniences such as the gathering of blood in the
legs, as well as standing too long resulting in inflammation of the blood vessels.
This inflammation over time develop into a chronic and painful varicose veins. It
also can cause the joints in the spine, hips, knees and feet to be as locked which
will trigger a degenerative rheumatic disease as a result of damage to tendons and
ligaments (structures that bind muscles to bones). Even so some things can be
done to reduce the impact of workers who are not pleasant, is as follows
a. Using comfortable footwear.
b. If you must use high-heeled shoes should choose
small shoes or below 5 cm.
c. Try to sit on the sidelines of working time or at least when there is
rest periods stretching regularly for example at least 30 minutes or 1 hour,
stretching is done to reduce the pressure on the legs, shoulders, neck and head.
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
From the discussion and analysis, the conclusions of this study are as
1. Based on the research, identification of grievances felt by workers is as follows:
a. The impact of shift work felt by workers who work on the morning shift and
evening shift. However, workers who work on the night shift more to feel the
impact of shift work complaints than when working the morning shift. These
complaints felt by the workers of the performance, health and psychosocial
b. On physical complaints (nordic body map), there is no difference between
physical complaints body segments of respondents perceived the morning shift
with complaints from respondents on the night shift. This suggests that the shift
does not affect the problem on physical complaints, but can result from the way of
work, type of work, and the workload on the morning shift and evening shift are
the same.
c. Workload measurement is done by measuring the pulse of employees, while
working the morning shift and evening shift. Results of measurement of the pulse
there is a difference between morning shift and evening shift. In the graph shows
that night shift workers have an average pulse rate greater than morning shift
workers. At the time before work, the morning shift have an average value of 75.6
beats / min and a night shift has an average value of the pulse rate of 79.8 beats /
min. At work, the morning shift have an average value of the pulse rate of 82.3
beats / minute and the night shift has an average value of the pulse rate of 90.7
beats / min. At the time after work, have a morning shift average value of the
pulse rate of 81.4 beats / min and a night shift has an average value of the pulse
rate of 84.7 beats / min.
d. On the results of hypothesis testing ANOVA for pulse measurement, moments
before work and after work obtained value F (sig)> of the value of α, namely
0144> 0.05 and 0172> 0.05. This value indicates that there is no significant
difference between the morning shift pulse to pulse when the night shift before
work and after work. While at work obtained value F (sig) <of the value of α, ie
0.001 <0.05. This value indicates that there are significant differences between the
morning shift pulse with the pulse of the night shift. But the pulse of the workers
still belong to the mild to moderate level of work that is between 60-100 beats /
min. It shows that the type of work that is still to be accepted by both physical
labor on the morning shift and the night shift.
2. Strategy repair workings physical segment to reduce the impact on physical
complaints. To reduce the impact of physical complaints, there are some things
that can be done by workers, as follows:
a. using comfortable footwear.
b. If you must use high-heeled shoes should choose shoes that are small or below
5 cm.
c. Try to sit on the sidelines of working time or at least when there is a break to
stretch regularly for example at least 30 minutes or 1 hour, stretching is done to
reduce the pressure on the legs, shoulders, neck and head.
As for suggestions that can author to convey to the improvement or
development of future research and also to PT. Flambindo Cortama as a company
where this study. Advice is to be conveyed is as follows:
1. Suggestions for the company.
a. The company should pay more attention to the condition of the workers,
especially workers who uses work shift system so that health conditions in the
social and personal needs can still be met.
b. Need more research underway to improve the way employees work in PT.
Flambindo Cortama
c. The company should give full permission for each student who will do the
research, because research
those who do may help repair and development for the company.
2. Suggestions for further research.
a. Less optimal realizing research on shift work is that due to limitations of the
research permission from the company, it is expected that in future studies can
conduct research optimally, such as distributing questionnaires with respondents
wider, so that the complaints - complaints felt by workers and comparison pulse
workers can be seen more clearly.
b. To determine the success of a strategy designed, it is necessary to
implementation of the strategy. After that compares the impact is felt among
workers before repair and after repair.
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