Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son John 4:45-54 January 11, 2015 The children will understand: The story of Jesus healing the official’s son. That distance has no barrier with the power of God. That our prayers for people who are far away have great power. Bible Account Supplies: large clock set at 7:00 costumes for official, Jesus, and servant Hang a large clock that is set for 7:00 in the front of the lesson area. It will show the time in which Jesus said to the official, “You may go. Your son will live.” Three actors will tell the story: the official, Jesus, and the official’s servant. The story will start with the official pushing his way through the crowd of children to approach Jesus. His voice sounds desperate. Official: Jesus! Jesus! It is true! I heard you were in our town, Cana. My son is very sick! All the doctors have seen him, and they don’t know how to help him. Please, please come with me! (reaches out as if he’s going to tug at Jesus) Jesus: Yes, I know, official. Official: Will you come with me and heal my son? (drops to his knees) I BEG you, Jesus, come now! Jesus: (waves arm towards kids to show that He is talking to everyone in the room) Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe. Official: (still on his knees, he clings to Jesus’ robe) Sir, come down to my town of Capernaum before my child dies! I know that if you touch my boy, he will be well. I know you can heal him, Jesus, if you’ll only come with me. Jesus: Royal official, you may go. Your son will live. (At this point, the official turns and stares at the clock. The children will notice the time on the clock as well. Jesus will leave the area while the official stares at the clock.) Official: (stands up) I believe! I believe Jesus’ words! (starts to walk away) Servant: (runs to the official and is out of breath) Official! Sir! Your boy! Official: Calm down my servant, and tell me what’s happened to him! Servant: He’s going to live! The fever left him yesterday! Official: Tell me, servant … what time exactly did the fever leave him? Tell me! Servant: It was at 7:00, sir. Why do you want to know the time? Official: That was the exact time that Jesus said to me, “Your son will live.” Servant: I believe, too, sir! I believe in Jesus! And so will your entire family! Official: Let’s go see my son, and tell the others what has taken place! (official and servant exit together, celebrating!) Game Supplies: plastic grocery sacks ping-pong balls masking tape Put down 3 masking tape lines. One line will be across one end of the room. The second line will be parallel to that first line about 6 feet away. The third line will be behind the second line another 6 feet back. Create as many pairs as you have space for. One person in each pair will hold a plastic grocery sack and stand behind the line across the end of the room. The other person in the pair will have a supply of ping-pong balls and stand behind the second line (which is 6 feet away). At the signal, the kids with the ping-pong balls will toss until their partner catches one ball. When that happens, the tossing player will move back to the third line (another 6 feet away) and toss until the partner catches another ball. When a pair gets both a “close” ball and a “far” away ball in their bag, they will yell, “Jesus healed!” Together that pair will answer one of the questions below. OR>>>> you can play the game without asking questions and hand out sncak for correct answers……. Depending on how many kids you have and who got to play, you’ll need to figure out if players will rotate or you simply play another round. Continue until all the questions are answered. Who approached Jesus in the town of Cana? (a royal official) What was the official’s problem? (His son was sick.) What did the official ask Jesus to do? (come and heal his son) At seven o’clock, what did Jesus say? (You may go. Your son will live.) Did the official immediately believe Jesus? (Yes) What news did the official’s servant bring him? (The fever left the son, and he is going to live.) What did the official ask the servant about his son’s healing? (what time it happened) Because the son was healed at the exact time Jesus said that he would live, what decision did the official’s entire family and household make? (They became believers.) Message – Part 1 Supplies: Monopoly board Go to Jail card (from Monopoly game) Go to Jesus card Prepare the Monopoly cards in a stack so the top card is a “Go to Jail” card. Then, make a similar card that says, “Go to Jesus.” The description on this card should read, “Go directly to Jesus. Do not stop for coffee. Do not call a friend. Go directly to Jesus.” Place this card second in the stack. (show slide #2) No Detour! Go Straight to Him! Read John 4:46b-47. “And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him!” Hold up a Monopoly board and choose a volunteer. How many of you have ever played Monopoly? There is a card that no player wants to draw. The volunteer will draw the card and read what it. “Go to Jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.00” In the game of Monopoly, you’re told to go directly to jail. You’re not to make a pit stop anywhere … not at Go … not at the bank … not anywhere! In our Bible story today, the royal official went directly to Jesus! He didn’t stop at a friend’s house first. He didn’t stop for a coffee. He didn’t stop anywhere. He went directly to Jesus! The royal official drew this card. It was an EMERGENCY and the official wasn’t distracted! The volunteer will draw another card that reads: “Go to Jesus. Go directly to Jesus. Do not stop for coffee. Do not call a friend. Go directly to Jesus!” When you’re going through a difficult situation, you need to draw your “Go directly to Jesus” card, fall to your knees, and pray to Him about your situation! First stop … JESUS! Puppets ----- I think each of you dressed up is better--- do you have football jerseys--- I have one Supplies: 2 puppets in football jerseys small plastic football Two siblings are playing a game of football in their front yard. Football jerseys on the puppets would be a great addition to the script. #1 Hey, hey! Pass me the ball! I’m open! #2 Alright, little hotshot brother. Here comes my zinger! (passes a football that hits #1 in the nose) #1 Aaahhh! My nose! Man down! Man down! Quick, go get mom! #2 Get mom? Are you serious? #1 Yes, I’m serious! Can’t you see I’m hurt? #2 (irritated) Come on … it’s only a small plastic football. #1 I can see what kind of football it is. #2 (mumbling under his breath) Yeah, well you didn’t see it too clearly when I just passed it to you. #1 I heard that, Tommy. Now, would ya just go get Mom, please? #2 Are you so much a baby that you need Mom? #1 I’m not a baby. I’m just smart! #2 What do you mean, smart? #1 Whenever I get hurt, or I’m in trouble, I go straight to Mom ‘cause she always makes me feel better. #2 This is starting to sound real familiar. #1 Mom always knows just what to do! #2 That reminds me of what I learned at church last Sunday. #1 That moms are the best? #2 No. That whenever we have a problem, or a difficult situation, we should go straight to Jesus! Something about Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200.00. #1 Your church teacher let you play Monopoly in church? Not fair! Man, I can’t wait to get older! #2 No, we didn’t play Monopoly in church. My teacher said that the first thing we should do when we need help is talk to Jesus. #1 How come? #2 Well, for the same reason you cry out for Mom every time something happens to you. #1 Jesus gets you a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows in it? #2 Not quite, silly. But Jesus always makes you feel better. He gives peace and comfort in any situation. The smart thing to do is to call on Him immediately, because He always knows just what to do! #1 I’ll remember that next time you throw one of your zingers directly at my nose! Now … how about we slow down a bit, go inside and play an easy game of Monopoly? Something where my nose won’t get injured! #2 Sounds good, lil hotshot. #1 Maybe Mom will even make us some hot chocolate with extra marshmallows! Message – Part 2 Supplies: PowerPoint slides #3 & #4 YouTube clip (show slide #3) Never Give Up Beforehand, download the following YouTube video clip called “Begging Dog“, submitted by hockeym25. Show the YouTube clip about a dog begging for a treat. We may think that the dog begging in the video is adorable, but John 4:47 tells us that the royal official “begged Jesus to come and heal his son, who was close to death.” Jesus is not holding a treat over our heads, willing to give us anything we ask for if we stand on our tippy toes and beg. However, Jesus knows our concerns and knows every single struggle in our lives, and He wants you to bring them all to Him! The dog in the video was very persistent. That dog never gave up begging for the treat. If we have a need, we can be persistent on our knees, asking for God’s help. Luke 18:1 says that Jesus told His disciples to always pray and never give up. The royal official never gave up. He sought out Jesus and begged Him to heal his son. (show slide #4) Take Jesus at His Word The royal official was given a word from Jesus, and the Bible tells us that the official “took Jesus at His word!” The royal official didn’t wonder if Jesus really did heal his son. He knew it, because Jesus said it! He had faith in what Jesus said! We can also take Jesus at His word. If Jesus says it … it’s so! When the Bible tells us that God is always with us, we can take Him at His word. When the Bible tells us that we are wonderfully made, we can take Him at His word. When the Bible tells us that “whosoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have eternal life”, we can take Him at His word! The Lord is so faithful! He does what He says He is going to do! Message – Part 3 Supplies PowerPoint slide #5 (show slide #5) His Timing is Perfect! Read John 4:51-53 “While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, ‘The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour.’ Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, ‘Your son will live.’ So he and all his household believed.” God’s timing is always perfect. He never under bakes or over bakes a situation like I did the brownies! We may want our prayers answered sooner than later, but we must trust God that He wants what is best for us and that His timing is perfect in every situation! The royal official traveled many miles from Capernaum to Cana to see Jesus and to beg Him for help. I bet the official wanted his son healed before he ever made the long trip to see Jesus in Cana, but what great thing happened to the official’s family due to God’s perfect timing? The Bible tells us that the official’s entire family believed in Jesus Christ because the boy’s healing took place at the exact time that Jesus told the official his son would live! Now that is perfect timing! If the royal official had never made the trek to find Jesus, his household may not have ever believed in Jesus Christ! Object Lesson Supplies: bowl of candy ( I have leftover candy canes) Place a bowl of candy on the floor against the back wall of the room. The leader will stand and touch the wall at the front of the room, stretching towards the bowl of candy. I brought a piece of candy to share with all of you today, but I can’t seem to reach it! No matter how hard I try to stretch, I don’t have the power to reach the bowl of candy that’s on the floor in the back of the room! I need some help! Do any of you want to help me? Call one child up at a time, linking hands, and stretching towards the bowl of candy. Continue doing this until the child at the end of the line reaches the candy and passes the bowl to the leader, who can now share the candy! The kids who were stretching in the line were my connection to the bowl of candy. Well, Jesus Christ is our connection to God! The Bible tells us that Jesus is the only One who can help us reach God. We can take our prayers and needs to God through Jesus Christ! No matter where you’re at, and no matter where the person is that you’re praying for, Jesus will hear your prayer! Distance has no barrier with the power of God. The official didn’t know this, because he kept begging Jesus to come to his son’s side before his son died. Jesus healed the official’s son without being physically near him. Whether you are 5 miles away, or 5,000 miles away, from the person you’re praying for, your prayers have power! Prayer Supplies: copy paper pencils Paper airplanes go the distance! Some will fly a short distance and others will go really far. And you can make them out of just about any kind of paper. Give each child a piece of copy paper. They will make a paper airplane with it. Demonstrate step-by-step so the kids can follow along with each step (below). Instructions for making a paper airplane. 1. Fold a sheet of paper exactly in half long-ways. Reopen it so you have a crease down the middle. 2. On one end of the paper, fold each corner in towards the center, so the inside edges are even with the centerline crease. 3. Starting at the very tip of the point, fold the paper down on each side so the inside edges line up with the center crease. 4. Turn the paper airplane over. Now fold it in half along the centerline. 5. Fold the first wing with the line of the fold running nearly parallel to the centerline of the plane. Make this fold from ½” – 1” from the center. 6. Fold the second wing exactly as you did the first. What did we learn about distance today? Distance isn’t an obstacle for God. He hears our prayers when we pray about things that are closeby, and He hears our prayers when we pray for people who are far, far away. The children will use the paper airplane they have made. They will write a prayer on their airplane for someone else who is far away. The prayer could be for hungry children in Africa. It could be for a relative in a different state. It could be for our national leaders. When each child has written his/her prayer, they will fly them to the front of the lesson area. Our prayers covered the distance in a unique way. God hears our prayers, even without a paper airplane, because He’s not limited by distance! Blessing May you trust God’s power, no matter the distance. . Science Experiment Supplies: yard stick large paper clip string packing tape Cut a piece of string about 5-feet long. Tie one end of the string to a large paper clip. Tape the other end of the string to the ceiling. Adjust the paper clip so that it’s about chest level for the children. The children will take turns standing 4-5 feet away from the paper clip. They should close one eye. Then, they will hold out a yardstick and try to touch the tip of the yardstick to the hanging paper clip. With only one eye open, it is difficult to make the connection. Try it with both eyes open, and easier to judge the distance. This experiment is all about distance and being able to figure out how far away something is. Is distance something that Jesus was concerned about in this story? Why did the nobleman change from being concerned about the distance between his sick son and Jesus and then not being concerned about the distance? How is it that Jesus was able to heal the nobleman’s son, even though He wasn’t with the son to touch him?