Study Smart Junior School

Study Skills for
2 Years
 Effective
study skills
 Personal study style
 Manage your time
 Prepare for exams
Definition of Study
“To apply one’s mind to
the acquisition of
“ It is our attitude at the beginning
of a difficult task which, more
than anything else, will affect it’s
successful outcome”
William James
of what
we learn within
Spice girls
 Green
 Active
 Black
 Kilkenny
 Britney spears
 Circle
 Minute
 Active
 Dr who
Time Management
30 minutes for 1st year
 No more than 2 hours 30 minutes for 2nd
 Breaks every 30 minutes
 Use your time wisely
 Focus is key
 1hour
Why Plan?
 Avoid
putting things off
 Break the big task into smaller tasks
 Identify weak spots
Study Difficulties
 Poor
time management
 Poor organisation
 Unclear goals/aims/objectives
 Poor concentration
 Tiredness
 Lack of understanding
 Anxiety
 Personal difficulties
My Study Place
Available to me whenever I need it ?
Free from interruptions ?
Free from distractions ?
Containing all the study materials that I need ?
Enough storage space ?
Comfortable chair ?
Enough light ?
Comfortable temperature ?
Record your Work
Record deadlines on a calendar
 School diary
Use SQ3R!
 Devised
by F.P Robinson
 Survey what you have to do
 Go back over your material and question
 Read over again more slowly
 Recite to yourself
 Revise making notes on cards
Strategies for Memorising
Crazy phrases.
“My very eager mother just served us nine pizza’s.”
Mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
 Reproductive
 Excretory
 Digestive
 Circulatory
– No system place
 Nervous Endocrine
 Skeletal
Good Listening in Class
 Be
a good listener in class
 Be emotionally ready
 Listen with a purpose
 Listen with an open mind
 Be attentive
 Be an active listener
 Meet the challenge
 Triumph over the environment
What Can I Do About
Test Anxiety
Good study techniques
A positive attitude
Well rested and well fed
Get enough sleep the night before
Follow a plan
Focus on your own paper
Finish the test and move on
Learn from your mistakes
Who Are the Achievers
 Motivated
 Have
a goal/sense of purpose
 Work in an organised manner
 Consistent in their application to work
 Take responsibility for their own learning
“Genius is
Cartoons or Pictures
 Small
pictures can trigger memory
 Mind mapping
 Word
Examination Day
The night before
 Adequate sleep
 Equipment packed
 Be familiar with time table
The big day
 Arrive early
 Do not interact with other students
 Calmly check flash cards
During the Exam
 Read
the paper
 Note instructions/obligatory questions
 Stay within time limits
 Leave space so that you can return to
questions later
 If you run out time, use points instead of
 Answer the question you are asked
 Do not leave early
A Healthy Student
Breakfast is essential
Healthy diet
No fizzy drinks
“ Success is simply a
matter of luck. Ask any
failure” Earl Nightingale
Need help?
If you need any additional support contact
the school. Do not suffer in silence. We are
here to help.