Annual Planning Sessions August 16-17, 2007 Chicago, Illinois NADL Mission The NADL is the unified voice for the dental laboratory industry supporting dentistry and serving the public interest by promoting high standards. NADL accomplishes this by providing programs, services and networking opportunities responsive to the evolving technical, educational, professional and business needs of dental laboratories. NADL Vision The NADL shall be the voice for the dental laboratory industry to ensure professionalism through strategic leadership, partnering and cohesive representation before regulatory and educational entities. NADL shall guide the industry by setting standards and providing a venue for members to advance in the field of dental technology. Are we moving at the speed of light? U.S. Workforce Demographics Source: Dental Industry Growth – The Upside for Labs is Good Total Dental Products and Services Spending ($ in billions) $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $167 Projected Growth: 7%, $80 $60 $40 $125 $ in billions $50 $54 $57 $62 $68 $73 $77 $82 $87 $20 $0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005P 2010P 2015P Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Number and Type of U.S. Allied Dental Programs: 1970 - 2006 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1970 1975 Dental Hygiene 1980 1985 Dental Assisting 1990 1995 Dental Laboratory Technology 2006 Dental Laboratory Establishments Approximately 12,089 businesses classified as dental laboratories 5,000 of those are single technician labs. (many of which are nearing retirement age) Dental Technician Workforce Statistics 48,000 full and part-time technicians. (U.S. Census) By 2014, 11,000 technician employees will leave the profession due to retirement or leaving the industry for other reasons (U.S. Dept. of Labor) Top Issues Impacting the Dental Technology Profession and Dental Laboratories (reaffirmed since 2005) Shortage of qualified technicians and Managers Existing and potential state and federal regulation of technicians and facilities Cost and proliferation of technology Globalization of dental device production Dental insurance (reimbursement rates) What Has Changed Since Last August? Media Coverage of Chinese and foreign product safety Food and Drug Administration officials now contacting NADL rather than the other way around Modest growth in dental laboratory sales 2,000 dental laboratories have closed since 2005 based on U.S. Dept. of Labor information Continued closure of ADA accredited educational institutions 2006 saw a marked increase in % of imports NADL Member Demographics Majority are white male, average age is 50 and they have the position of laboratory owner or non owner manager 78% of NADL members have 10-25 employees Regardless of size of lab, NADL members have been in business on average between 17-30 years 63% of NADL members lease their facility 47% of small labs have no exit plan; 53% of medium labs have no exit plan; 33% of large labs have no exit plan 70% of small labs do not plan to purchase or lease a CAD/CAM system; for medium its 28%; 20% for large lab members Small labs spend $2.5 K a year on CE or training; medium size labs spend $4.5K; large size labs spend $10.5K Small labs average 13.5% net profit; medium labs average 11.8%, large labs average 13.5% net profit 2005 NADL Member Survey Top 3 NADL member benefits in terms of perceived value 85% of respondents said Journal of Dental Technology 68% of respondents said representation in regulatory and legislative affairs 68% of respondents said NADL website 2005 NADL Member Survey Top 3 statements that characterize NADL 77% of respondents said NADL keeps its members informed about legislative/regulatory affairs 71% of respondents said NADL is responsive to industry issues 69% of respondents said NADL represents the interests of all dental laboratories regardless of whether they are members or not 2005 NADL Member Survey Top 3 NADL activities in terms of importance: 90% of respondents said dental technology education 90% of respondents said representation in legislative, legal and regulatory affairs 83% of respondents said dental technology/promotion/awareness 81% of respondents said Business management education How Is NADL Meeting its Mission? voice – categories of membership include laboratories; suppliers, state and regional dental laboratory associations, educational programs; and individual technicians Promoting high standards – CDL, CDT, DAMAS, Competency Standards Unified How Is NADL Meeting its Mission? needs of the industry – WOK, JDT, study products from dental manufacturers and suppliers, National Lab Network Business needs of the industry – Vision 21, NADL University, Industry reports, JDT, JDT Unbound, DAMAS, HR Hotline, Insurance Programs Technical How is NADL Meeting Its Vision? Voice for the dental laboratory industry – officially recognized spokesperson with over fifteen allied dental organizations and state/federal governmental agencies Strategic Leadership – annual planning session/consistent analysis of programs/services How is NADL Meeting Its Vision? Representation – participation at allied organization meetings, (both on the laboratory side and the clinician side); with allied educational associations Standard setting –competency standards, administrator of DAMAS quality assurance process; promotion of compliance with QS/GMP Member Programs and Services Tangible Business insurance HR/Labor Law Consulting Credit Card Processing Discounted Shipping Payroll Processing Industry Data and Report JDT JDT Unbound Fulfillment House (product inventory for training) Vision 21 NADL University Intangible Representation before government agencies Representation before allied dental organizations Leadership training to state and regional dental lab associations Tradeshow Attendance and speaking engagements at 1215 dental lab meetings a year Representation with dental laboratory associations in other countries NADL Moving Forward – Areas of FOCUS for next 12 -18 months Road Map for Education (traditional, adult learning, cross training among dental team members, alternative methods of delivery) FDA Regulations (lobbying and/or legal representation before Congress and other appropriate public officials) Public Relations/Marketing of the Dental Technician Profession and Dental Laboratory Industry Education Concept: an educational system that will facilitate the continual upgrade of the educational level of domestic incumbent worker to allow for and maintain a competitive edge in a global market, to mitigate knowledge erosion and meet the future needs of changing workforce models and emerging technologies and that will result in a formal institutional awarded degree Creative linkages Identify barriers: CODA restrictions Institutional restrictions ADA Identify facilitators ADEA Lab Summit NBC/NADL Prosthodontic Forum Occupational Map Identified Core Competencies All Disciplines Dental Technology Clinical Dental Technology Dental Assisting Dental Hygiene Dental Therapist Dentist ADA Community Dental Health Coordinator Skills Audit gap analysis to place you on the ladder ADEA Roadmap (matrix) for Allied Dental Education Dental Laboratory Technology Dental Dental Laboratory Laboratory Technician I Technician II Dental Dental Laboratory Laboratory Technician III Technician IV Direct Patient Position Overview Recommended Degree Length of Program (Academic Years) Entry Lab Tech Contact Skills Lab Tech Practice Management Advanced Research Education Administration Certificate A.S. B.S. M.S. 1 year 2 years 4 years + 1 year Categories Knowing What We Know – What should change? JDT and JDT Unbound are highly valued by members (47% of total NADL expenses budgeted for this purpose) Regulatory representation is important to NADL members – 1% of expenses are budgeted for this purpose 81% of members said business management education is important – NADL allocates 20% of its expenses for this purpose (not counting business mgmt training in JDT) 83% of NADL members said promotion of the profession and industry are important – NADL only budgets 1% of its expenses for this purpose NBC Mission Statement The National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology provides professional certification to dental technicians and dental laboratories for the health and safety of the dental patient. NBC Vision Statement The NBC is dedicated to administering a globally-recognized certification program to verify the knowledge, skills and abilities of dental technicians through examinations and continuing education. NBC is also dedicated to the certification of dental laboratories for the purpose of ensuring employee safety and quality assurance practices that meet or exceed government requirements. Credibility of Programs “The (ADA) Council on Dental Education and Licensure believes that the examination and certification of dental laboratory technicians is necessary to provide the dental profession with an indication of those persons who have demonstrated their ability to fulfill the dental laboratory work authorization.” 1998:92, 713 passed by the ADA House of Delegates Certification of Technicians Conventional CDT Master CDT Technologist Recognized Graduate CDT Demographics (2006 NBC Survey) Only 25% of CDTs work in a CDL 52.7% of CDTs believe they are more likely to be hired than a non CDT 55.5% of CDTs believe CDTs receive higher compensation 60.6% of CDTs believe CDTs are given more responsibility at work 40% have been CDT’s for 30+ years CDT Educational Levels (2006 NBC Survey) High School/GED Some college (no degree) 2-yr DT degree 2-yr "other" degree 4-yr college degree Masters degree or higher 14% 27.7% 29.5% 8% 15% 5.4% Why Do People Become CDTs? 79% pride of being a recognized professional 63% respect of co workers 55.5% to be tested against a national standard 53.3% respect of dental clients 37% marketing advantage over other labs 37% to get higher pay Barriers to Becoming a CDT (2006 NBC Survey) Not Required Few benefits Lack of value to dentists Lack of interest Costs too much Exam location convenience Exams are too difficult 76.4% 73.4% 75.4% 63% 44% 37.2% 20% The next Generation of CDTs (from 2006 NBC Survey – non CDT respondents) 50/50 Male to Female Ratio Minority Representation of Those Aspiring to Be CDTs: 11.6% Asian; 14.5% African American; 13% Hispanic; 7.2% American Indian 58% are non owner, non manager technicians 17% of aspiring CDTs are from Florida (the highest percentage of all 50 states), 10% are from California and 12% from Texas CDL Facility Standards NBC has officially launched the new criteria and standards for the Certified Dental Laboratory program which raises the bar for employee safety and business operations of the facility Certified Dental Laboratory Facility requirements Equipment requirements Managerial requirements Personnel requirements Regulatory Frameworks Requirement for a CDT as part of state dental practice acts FDA GMP requirement for training records FDA requirement for “competent to place on the market” – CDT should be considered to meet that requirement Increased acceptance of clinical technicians (denturists in state practice acts) Globalization Mobile workforce with legitimate credentials from other countries Need for independent verification for non- U.S. lab workers working in the U.S. and for those technicians supplying products into the U.S. Standardization: NBC is working with ANSI through endorsement process to ensure commonality of baseline education, testing methods and CE Modularization Testing technicians through task achievement for finite areas of skill competency Provides clearer career path for development and production value for life long learning NBC Areas of FOCUS Public Relations Budget Reallocation based on matters of importance (based on constituent desires) Public Policy Advocacy Thank you for your participation in this important process! NBC Priorities Existing: CDT RG CDL Testing: CDT/RG Marketing (to the dentists, for recognition to the CDT) Future: Globalization (endorsement and foreign testing) Advocacy Modularization Education