Key Stage 4 Mathematics

How to prepare for your GCSE Maths
Linear Maths GCSE Edexcel
2 final papers
Each paper counts for 50% of the
final mark
One non calculator and one
calculator paper
Be Prepared!
Make sure they are fully equipped;
scientific calculators are available to
buy from the finance office
Make sure they have a protractor,
compasses etc.
How do you revise Maths?
By doing it!
Work through past papers
(Past paper App For Apple devices For Android devices)
Download the revision cards. You could turn them into
flashcards on paper or view them in Word.
Work through the activities – we are updating them all the
How do you revise Maths?
Use revision guides to go through tricky topics
Use websites such as bbc bitesize, mymaths
Use Mathswatch:
‘school computer log in’ e.g. einsteina11
date of birth e.g. 12/04/1999
Make your own flashcards with important facts
such as the area of a circle or the volume of a
pyramid. Keep testing yourself.
Good Luck and
Thank you for
your support!
Dear parent/carer,
Please take note how important it is for the students to demonstrate
their true potential in the mock exams. As well as relying heavily on
the results for predicted grades, which will be sent to sixth form
centres and used to decide whether offers will be made, we also
need to rely on them in school to help us inform our GCSE entries. It
is essential that the students are entered into the correct tier in
their GCSE. Unless they are a solid C (i.e. half way to a B) they will
normally be entered for Foundation tier in their GCSE exam next
summer. Students wanting to achieve grade B, or Higher, would
need to be entered for Higher tier exams but there is only any point
in us doing this if we are confident they will succeed in them.
Clare Hargraves
Assistant Head Teacher - Maths and Computing Faculty