“I came across this idea in a session and I’ll be taking it back to my department” “Phantom Graphs” “Question stems – what’s same/different?” “Ideas for displays, talks, and information for parents to help promote girls taking maths and ‘Suffolk Maths’ website with parents’ papers.” “Students drawing chords and measuring angles. Their results, which are instantly plotted, can be used to self-check their accuracy and produce the chord function.” “Fantastic resources on the Cambridge Mathematics Education Project website – the tangent/normal activity was excellent.” “20 maths problems for GCSE to use in class and extension material on the website.” “Develop trigonometry from the chord function.” “Using photographs of roads, bridges, etc. to introduce gradient.” “Introducing correlation and hypothesis tests” “Assessment for learning – setting up situations where talk can happen.” “Use QR codes to point students to resources/solutions etc.” “Explore the use of Gnumeric for stats analysis – It looks very powerful and easy to transition from excel.” “Introducing trigonometry ratios by cutting out triangles and measuring them.” “Lift a 2kg bottle of water with a tennis ball.” “Dynamic graphics feature on Casio CG20 really shows effect of changing variables in, for example, graphs of polynomials.” “Solving equations using a number line, showing a visual representation of inverse operations.” “Talk about something not on the curriculum, just because.” “Who cares if it’s not on the syllabus? Do it anyway because it’s fun!” “Find the lengths of the squares.” “Use bungee cord to connect two tables and pull them along with a second cord – illustrates tension in connected participle problems.” “Cambridge Mathematics Education Project resources – I didn’t know it was free for the school and the resources are brilliant!” “Walking the number line.” Teaching Fermi estimates using the number of people that could fit on the Isle of Wight scenario.” “Some interesting resources linked to the world of work on the Mascil website – Good for Core Maths!” “Questioning techniques… eg Stem – ‘Change one aspect’” “Collect favourite problems – get the students to set them; easy to state problem, easy to understand solution.” “Use the chord function to introduce trigonometry (also handy check that students are using protractor correctly).” “Introducing pupils to problem solving strategies and reflective working.” “Creating a ‘lesson planning mat’ to provoke discussion about creating excellent lessons.” “Phantom graphs to show the complex roots of equation.” “Using sine and secant tables in trigonometry teaching and great mnemonic for trigonometry role utilities.” “The chord function: an alternative, more accessible way into trigonometry for all abilities (especially since trig is coming back to foundation tier at GCSE).” “SMILE cards and other resources for introducing some of the new GCSE foundation content.” “Teaching ‘completing the square’ using blocks as an intuitive way to ½ the middle term!” “Amazing resources and ideas to set up a STEM club” “Ideas to support transition from GCSE to A level and extend higher GCSE” “Each student gets an A6 notebook. Cut the edges from pages to create an index file and make your own maths dictionary of words/terms that are used in a specific way in mathematics” “Gnumeric – Great tool! Definitely got to be used!” “Toolbox for contextualising maths” “3D Geometry – Will use cubeoctahedron activity at maths challenge event next week.” “Discussion to introduce new topics, such as probability” “Cambridge Maths Education Project resource looked like a great addition.” “Ideas for how to address misconceptions in mechanics and activities that help to identify them and follow on to deepen understanding.” “The order in which to teach trigonometry functions and why sine then sec etc.” “Multiple representations on display to show links across topics from GCSE through to A level.” “Showing students results from tests so they can ask the ‘best’ students in the class for help.” “Writeable white board walls – excellent idea for pupils!” “Gnumeric freeware = Excel + + +” “I will look to integrate the 12 wallpaper patterns into a sequence of work I am currently creating on Islamic designs.” “What’s the closest approximation of the world’s population as a factorial?” “A stats unit based around Florence Nightingale for KS3?” “New Geogebra tricks: complex roots, integral function, and play the sine wave.” “Boot camp before term starts for incoming AS students who got a B at GCSE – focus on algebra.” “Will definitely ask students to work out what x is, if sin(x) is their phone number.” “Approximate the world’s population as a factorial Erdos.” “Teaching chain rule through graphs rather than algebra.” “Mechanics misconceptions, tricky trigonometry and awesome advice for setting up A level!”