Headquarters U.S. Air Force Integrity - Service - Excellence Air Force EVM Update Robert Loop SAF/AQXRR 04FEB 10 1 Agenda AF EVM Roles and Responsibilities Air Force Use of EVM Data AF EVM Challenges to Industry Integrity - Service - Excellence 2 SAF/AQ Organization Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) Mr Hamilton, SES Mr Van Buren Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) Scientific Adv. Board. (AF/SB) Lt Col Lucia Lt Gen Shackelford Military Deputy (Acquisition) Executive Action Group (AQE) Lt Col Hildebrandt As of June 09 Program Mgt & Acquisition Excellence (AF PM&AE) Ms Davies, SES Capabilities Directors SAF/AQQ Global Reach SAF/AQP Global Power SAF/AQI Information Dominance Maj Gen Fullhart Maj Gen Lindell Mrs Evans, SES Program Executive Officers AFPEO/AC Aircraft Systems WPAFB Lt Gen Hudson AFPEO/JSF Joint Strike Fighter Crystal City AFPEO/WP Weapons Programs Eglin Maj Gen (S) Heinz Maj Gen Eidsaune AFPEO/C2 & CS Command and Control & Combat Support Hanscom AFPEO/CM Combat & Mission Support Rosslyn Lt Gen Bowlds Brig Gen Masiello Functional Directors SAF/AQC Contracting SAF/AQL Special Programs Mr Correll, SES Col Vincent SAF/AQR Science, Tech & Engineering SAF/AQX Acquisition Integration Mr Jaggers, SES Mr Durante, SES Integrity - Service - Excellence Acquisition Chief Process Office (ACPO) Mr Pollock, NH-IV 3 SAF/FM Organization SAF/FM Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management & Comptroller (Dr. Jamie Morin) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS) Financial Management & Comptroller Mrs. Pat Zarodkiewicz SAF/FMB SAF/FMC SAF/FMP Deputy Assistant Secretary (Budget) Major General Alfred Flowers Deputy Assistant Secretary (Cost & Economics) Executive Director Air Force Cost Analysis Agency Mr. Richard Hartley* Deputy Assistant Secretary (Financial Operations) Ms. Joan Causey Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (Budget) Mrs. Marilyn Thomas Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (Cost & Economics) (vacant) Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (Financial Operations) Mr. Douglas Bennett Integrity - Service - Excellence 4 Reviews & Reports Branch (SAF/AQXRR) Responsibilities Acquisition Policy Earned Value Management (EVM) MAIS/MDAP Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) Policy/Breach Nunn-McCurdy (N-M)/Unit Cost Report MAIS Significant/Critical Change Reviews (DAES, PEO Portfolio, etc.) Reports (MAR, DAES Quarterly/5-Chart, SAR, MAIS Annual/Quarterly, selected AF Strategic Plan Metrics, etc.) Databases (SMART, DAMIR, EVM-CR, etc.) Indirect Cost, Program Control Studies Clean Audit Military Equipment Valuation (MEV) Integrity - Service - Excellence 5 SAF/FM Fiduciary Responsibilities with EVM Data SAF/FMC Establish Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) via CCDRs and CPRs in dollars and hours Create cost models and update with current EVM data Interface with CAPE, CAIG, Center FMCs and program offices for cost estimates (Service Cost Positions) SAF/FMB Report obligation and liquidation rates by FY Incorporate EACs into budgetary FYDP requirements via 1537s, P-Doc’s, R-Doc’s and POMs inputs with justifying explanations Facilitate budget transfers Program Offices Analyses of CPRs and synthesis for PMs and PEOs Prepare 1537s, P-Doc’s, R-Doc’s and POM inputs Use CFSRs for obligation and expenditure rates reports Write-up Section 15 (Contract Performance) of the SAR and DAES for selected programs Integrity - Service - Excellence 6 Reviews & Reports Branch (SAF/AQXRR) Mr. Robert Loop AF EVM Focal Point/Lead (SAF/AQXRR) 571-256-0365 Dr. Deb Peeler Branch Chief (SAF/AQXRR) 571-256-0408 Mr. John Peterson FM EVM Analysis, Training, Certification (AFCAA) 571-432-1333 Integrity - Service - Excellence 7 AF EVM Roles and Responsibilities Primary Roles Primary Interface(s) EVM IPT AQX PM&AE FMC Policy/Overall Mentor and Facilitate Center Policy Centers/AT&L/ Services/Industry Programs Programs Co-Lead: OPR Support Co-Lead: OCR Centers/CAPE/ CAIG/FM-Services - As of January 2010. Charter and responsibilities are reviewed. Integrity - Service - Excellence 8 Contractor EVM Data MDAP ACAT I Programs Congress annual SMART – System Metric and Reporting Tool DAES – Defense Acquisition Executive Summary SAR CR – Central Repository quarterly OSD DAES Analysis of DAES and EACs CR PEO/Wing/ SPOs monthly SAF/AQ & SAF/FM Contractor 9 monthly DAMIR wInsight SMART Analysis and Range of Independent EACs MAR Ctr EAC Variances Analysis and Range of Independent EACs (min, most likely, max) EVM Data Integrity - Service - Excellence Contractor EVM Data MDAP ACAT II, III Programs Congress SMART – System Metric and Reporting Tool OSD SAF/AQ SMART monthly MAR PEO/Wing/ SPOs Ctr EAC Variances Analysis and Range of Independent EACs (min, most likely, max) Contractor EVM Data 10 Integrity - Service - Excellence Central Repository Report Airforce CPR, CFSR, IMS SUBMISSION Program Contract Task IMS CFSR CPR (Compliance) IMS Oct '09 CPR (on time) CFSR IMS CPR (Compliance) CFSR Sept '09 CPR (on time) CPR (Compliance) IMS August '09 CPR (on time) CFSR CPR (on time) CPR (Compliance) EDI Applied on CDRL July '09 SUBMITTED ON TIME SUBMITTED LATE SUBMISSION IN SUBMITTING STATUS REJECTED - NOT RESUBMITTED NO SUBMISSION RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED NO DATA CPR COMPLIANCE PROCESSES WITHOUT ERRORS PROCESSES WITH MINOR ERRORS MULTIPLE EDI FILES IN 1 SUBMISSION REQUIRES DCARC STAFF INTERACTION NO EDI FILE RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED NO DATA EDI APPLIED ON CDRL CORRECTLY APPLIED UNCLEAR NOT CORRECTLY APPLIED NO DATA Integrity - Service - Excellence 11 AF USE OF EVM Headquarters Perspective “SAE Monthly” review with SAE Independent analysis and evaluation of current portfolio Monthly MAR Book development “Watch List” – identifies programs that have issues worth of senior leadership attention (yellow/red) Quarterly DAES Trip Wire analysis Extensive use of EVM information for independent review of MDAP/MAIS breaches or management queries Integrity - Service - Excellence 12 Contract EVM Data - SMART From contractor EVM submission One line of information per month Insight into Trends Changes in EAC Use of Management Reserve Calculation of SPI/CPI/TCPI Integrity - Service - Excellence 13 Contract EVM Data - SMART Integrity - Service - Excellence 14 Contract EVM Data - SMART Integrity - Service - Excellence 15 AF EVM Revitalization 2010 Restart Air Force EVM IPT Issue desired qualifications of center EVM Focal Points ID EVM Focal Points for every Product, Logistic, or Test Center Conduct IPT Initiatives to address through IPT Revise Air Force EVM Policy Institutionalize and standardize use of DCMA Trip wires on every MDAP program Improve data quality and review of contractor submissions Evaluate training Evaluate career path/certification program for EVM Improve EVM analysis and CDRL reviews Integrity - Service - Excellence 16 AF EVM Challenges to Industry EACs not routinely updated Reconciliation of data needs to be performed CPR EAC to CCDR and CFSR Billings to actuals Anomalies in data Schedules not linked LOE with a scheduled variance Your data is used throughout the service at all levels of leadership Integrity - Service - Excellence 17