Chapter 12: Data Structures
Presentation slides for
Java Software Solutions
Foundations of Program Design
Third Edition
by John Lewis and William Loftus
Java Software Solutions is published by Addison-Wesley
Presentation slides are copyright 2002 by John Lewis and William Loftus. All rights reserved.
Instructors using the textbook may use and modify these slides for pedagogical purposes.
 PA4 Due tonight – with the lecture by the former White
House CIO scheduled for tonight, I will push the deadline
back to midnight to encourage all to attend this special
ACM meeting. You do not need to be a member. Room
 PA5 will be found on page 606 in your book. Deals with
recursion. Programming project 11.7 and 11.8. More
details will follow as far as class names, methods, and
specific deliverable requirements but this is the basic
programming project. Tentative due date: April 19.
Data Structures
 Now we can now explore some convenient techniques
for organizing and managing information
 Chapter 12 focuses on:
Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
dynamic structures and linked lists
queues and stacks
non-linear data structures
predefined collection classes
Data Storage Properties
 When we need to store “stuff”, we need to match the
storage “container” to the kind of “stuff” that we are
working with.
 Sometimes the “stuff” is static meaning it will not change.
 Sometimes the “stuff” is dynamic, meaning we may need
to add more “stuff” or “take” stuff away.
 Sometimes the “stuff” is all of the same type –
 Sometimes the “stuff” is different – heterogeneous.
 An “array” of eggs. Specific static storage for a group of
eggs. When you get a dozen eggs, there are a dozen
“bins” for identically sized and shaped eggs and that will
not change even if the eggs themselves are taken out or
put back.
 Stackable storage cubes are more like an Array List. You
can add storage modules or take them away. Also, the
contents are not fixed…we can put lots of small things in
a bin or one big thing and those things can be varied.
 A collection is an object that serves as a repository for
other objects
 A collection usually provides services such as adding,
removing, and otherwise managing the elements it
 Sometimes the elements in a collection are ordered,
sometimes they are not
 Sometimes collections are homogeneous, sometimes the
are heterogeneous
There are some common storage
 for storing data within a program.
 Array - static, homogeneous, random access
 ArrayList – dynamic, heterogeneous (or homogeneous
depending on the type), random access
 All of these tools provide dynamic allocation
Vector – random access
Stack – sequential access
Queue – sequential access
Linked List – sequential access
Hash table – random access
Abstract Data Types
 Collections can be implemented in many different ways
 An abstract data type (ADT) is an organized collection of
information and a set of operations used to manage that
 The set of operations defines the interface to the ADT
 As long as the ADT fulfills the promises of the interface, it
doesn't really matter how the ADT is implemented
 Objects are a perfect programming mechanism to create
ADTs because their internal details are encapsulated
 Our data structures should be abstractions
 That is, they should hide unneeded details
 We want to separate the interface of the structure from its
underlying implementation
 This helps manage complexity and makes it possible to
change the implementation without changing the
 Dynamic structures may be implemented by using a
Linked List structure.
Object References
 Recall that an object reference is a variable that stores
the address of an object
 A reference also can be called a pointer
 References often are depicted graphically:
John Smith
References as Links
 Object references can be used to create links between
 Suppose a Student class contains a reference to
another Student object
John Smith
Jane Jones
References as Links
 References can be used to create a variety of linked
structures, such as a linked list:
Intermediate Nodes
 The objects being stored should not be concerned with
the details of the data structure in which they may be
 For example, the Student class should not have to store
a link to the next Student object in the list
 Instead, we can use a separate node class with two
parts: 1) a reference to an independent object and 2) a
link to the next node in the list
 The internal representation becomes a linked list of
Magazine Collection
 Let’s explore an example of a collection of Magazine
 The collection is managed by the MagazineList class,
which has an private inner class called MagazineNode
 Because the MagazineNode is private to
MagazineList, the MagazineList methods can
directly access MagazineNode data without violating
 See (page 615)
 See (page 616)
 See (page 617)
Magazine Collection
 A method called insert could be defined to add a node
anywhere in the list, to keep it sorted, for example
 (Figure 12.2 here)
Magazine Collection
 A method called delete could be defined to remove a
node from the list
 (Figure 12.3 here)
Other Dynamic List
 It may be convenient to implement as list as a doubly
linked list, with next and previous references
Other Dynamic List
 It may be convenient to use a separate header node, with
a count and references to both the front and rear of the
count: 4
Other Dynamic List
 A linked list can be circularly linked in which case the last
node in the list points to the first node in the list
 If the linked list is doubly linked, the first node in the list
also points to the last node in the list
 The representation should facilitate the intended
operations and should make them easy to implement
Classic Data Structures
 Classic linear data structures include queues and stacks
 Classic nonlinear data structures include trees, binary
trees, graphs, and digraphs
 A queue is similar to a list but adds items only to the rear
of the list and removes them only from the front
 It is called a FIFO data structure: First-In, First-Out
 Analogy: a line of people at a bank teller’s window
 We can define the operations for a queue
• enqueue - add an item to the rear of the queue
• dequeue (or serve) - remove an item from the front of the queue
• empty - returns true if the queue is empty
 As with our linked list example, by storing generic
Object references, any object can be stored in the
 Queues often are helpful in simulations or any situation in
which items get “backed up” while awaiting processing
 A queue can be represented by a singly-linked list; it is
most efficient if the references point from the front toward
the rear of the queue
 A queue can be represented by an array, using the mod
operator (%) to “wrap around” when the end of the array
is reached and space is available at the front of the array
 A stack ADT is also linear, like a list or a queue
 Items are added and removed from only one end of a
 It is therefore LIFO: Last-In, First-Out
 Analogies: a stack of plates in a cupboard, a stack of
bills to be paid, or a stack of hay bales in a barn
 Stacks often are drawn vertically:
 Some stack operations:
push - add an item to the top of the stack
pop - remove an item from the top of the stack
peek (or top) - retrieves the top item without removing it
empty - returns true if the stack is empty
 A stack can be represented by a singly-linked list; it
doesn’t matter whether the references point from the top
toward the bottom or vice versa
 A stack can be represented by an array, but the new item
should be placed in the next available place in the array
rather than at the end of the array
 The java.util package contains a Stack class
 Like ArrayList operations, the Stack operations
operate on Object references
 See (page 623)
Non-linear structures
Trees and Binary Trees
 A tree is a non-linear data structure that consists of a root
node and potentially many levels of additional nodes that
form a hierarchy
 Nodes that have no children are called leaf nodes
 Nodes except for the root and leaf nodes are called
internal nodes
 (Figure 12.8 here)
Trees and Binary Trees
 A binary tree is defined recursively. Either it is empty (the
base case) or it consists of a root and two subtrees, each
of which is a binary tree
 Binary trees and trees typically are represented using
references as dynamic links, though it is possible to use
fixed representations like arrays
Graphs and Digraphs
 A graph is a non-linear structure
 Unlike a tree or binary tree, a graph does not have a root
 Any node in a graph can be connected to any other node
by an edge
 Analogy: the highway system connecting cities on a map
 (Figure 12.9 here)
Graphs and Digraphs
 In a directed graph or digraph, each edges has a specific
 Edges with direction sometimes are called arcs
 Analogy: airline flights between airports
 (Figure 12.10 here)
Graphs and Digraphs
 Both graphs and digraphs can be represented using
dynamic links or using arrays.
 As always, the representation should facilitate the
intended operations and make them convenient to
Collection Classes
 The Java standard library contains several classes that
represent collections, often referred to as the Java
Collections API
 Their underlying implementation is implied in the class
names such as ArrayList and LinkedList
 Several interfaces are used to define operations on the
collections, such as List, Set, SortedSet, Map, and
 Chapter 12 has focused on:
Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
dynamic structures and linked lists
queues and stacks
non-linear data structures
predefined collection classes