Donation Form

Taco Bell Foundation For Teens
Mail-In Donation Form
Enclosed is my gift of:
_____Other $______
Donor Name: _________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Unit #: _________________
City: ________________________________ State: __________
Zip Code: _______________
Phone: (______) ______ - _______
Charge my credit card: _____MasterCard _____Visa _____American Express _____Discover
Is this a company credit card? _____ yes
If yes, company name: ___________________________________________________________
Name as shown on card: _________________________________________________________
Card Number: ____________________________________________ Exp Date: _____________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
If paying by check, please make your check payable to Taco Bell Foundation for Teens.
Please fill out this form and mail, with donation, to:
Taco Bell Foundation for Teens
Attn: Coordinator
1 Glen Bell Way
Irvine, CA 92618
Taco Bell Foundation, Inc., also known as the Taco Bell Foundation For Teens, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
public benefit corporation. Federal Tax ID 33.0523542. Contributions to the Taco Bell Foundation are tax
deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Questions? Please email us at