eg We were shocked by the announcement that he went bankrupt. It

Saving and Investment
Everyone can afford to invest.You just
need to know your options. Set reasonable
goals. And not panic. Invest according to
your options and abilities
Useful vocabulary
 Assets: the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts. e.g. A
corporation with $9 billion in assets.
Announcement: an important or official statement (to make …)
e.g.We were shocked by the announcement that he went bankrupt. It came as great
Bankrupt: without enough money to pay what you owe.
e.g. In 2010 he was declared bankrupt by a court.
Discount marketer: someone who sells goods cheaply.
Epic proportion: a very large and impressive size or importance of
e.g. He produced a meal of epic proportions.
Fire: to force someone to leave their job/to sack.
Failing: not working properly. e.g. failing economy.
Term: a fixed period of time. (fixed/long/short). e.g.The lease runs for a term of
99 years.
Saving money is easy if you have a clear goal in
sight. A nicely growing
deposit takes you closer to your dream
Savings deposit
 Flexible and convenient.
Suitable if there is no large amount to deposit. For
people who wish to save some money every month and
earn income from it. Up to 90% of the money can be
used if necessary.
 Deposit term: 6,9,12 months.You can start with 100 kroons!
 Interest paid out monthly (rate fixed when contract entered into).
 Options to add and use the money.Your spare money is secured!
Savings deposit
A small drop a day makes your future safe: start
regular savings in small sums for bigger
Term deposit
 Safe and secure.
 Good option to keep your free money in the bank with no
risk. The money earns certain income during the deposit
period. Clients can choose whether earned income is paid
out monthly or at the end of the period.
 Deposit term: 1 month – 5 years.
 Interest paid out monthly with interest rate fixed when contract entered into.
 No option to add or use the money.
Term deposit
 Term deposits allow you to deposit your free money
in total safety. The bank pays you a set amount of
interest for the deposit period.
Investment deposit
 Safe and attractive.
It is a term deposit that helps you make your money
grow on the financial markets alongside with the money
of other depositors. Possible income is earned from price
increases of the asset of the deposit and is considerably
bigger than the interest earned on the term deposit.
 Deposit term: 1,5 – 3 years.
 Interest paid out at the end of the period with the rate seen at the end of the
deposit period.
 No options either to add or use the money.
Investment deposit
 Profitable! No income tax. Higher interest than
that of a term deposit.
 However, under unfavourable market conditions
it may happen that the investment deposit will
earn NO interest.
Investment Fund
 An investment fund is a pool of assets of several
investments sharing the same goals, which is managed by
a fund manager with relevant qualification and
 The world of fund is very varied and assets can be placed
into different funds all over the world, whatever is
thought the most profitable choice of the time.
Make your money grow!
 Investment funds invest in shares of companies and have
the highest risk levels. Stock markets are sensitive to
economic recessions and other negative news concerning
companies. They are suitable for investors who wish to
grow their capital as much as possible and who are
prepared to keep their fund units even when the markets
Fluctuations in stock markets have always
been the largest but they offer a better
return in the long term.
By Nancy A. Cavanaugh
NORTH POLE - The failing economy has reached epic proportions with an
announcement earlier today from Santa Claus: "I'm broke.“
"I was told to sell the stocks, but I was stubborn," Claus said in a press
With no money left, Claus has been forced to fire hundreds of elves and close
all his toy factories.
"All the elves are gone and the toys have been sold to discount marketers.The
North Pole, the reindeer, the sleigh and famous red suit have been
purchased by Disney Corporation. It's all gone," said a tearful Claus.
"Christmas is cancelled."
T0: 12b@
From: santa@northpole
 Mrs. Claus and I want the whole world to know
how much we love you all, and we hope that as
every day brings us closer to the Holiest day of the
year, you will find room for the Magic of
Christmas in your heart. Also, we want to express
our thanks to the thousands of friends that
dropped a line of support. It went far beyond
what we expected.You can count on it that we're
looking forward to economic recovery and doing
here our best, and that we'll have many more
wonderful things related to Christmas to share
with you.
T0: 12b@
From: santa@northpole
 But a gentle reminder here, I keep a list,
and I check it TWICE. And I know which
little girls and boys have been naughty or
nice. So do your best to be as good as you
possibly can for the rest of the year, and I
will see you, although you won't see me,
Christmas Eve!
T0: 12b@
From: santa@northpole
Merry Christmas and God Bless
Santa Claus