IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준 제안서 2008. 3.1 한국 IBM 시스템 & 테크놀러지 그룹 (STG) (TSS, Techline) Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 목차 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 (특장점 포함) 2. IBM UNIX 서버 제품 군 3. Blade Center JS22 Express 참조 자료 4. IBM Power 6 Architecture 5. JS21 .vs. JS22 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Express 5.3 & 5.4 가 주목 받는 주요 특징 보다 향상된 성능과 효율성 ,신뢰를 바탕으로 업계에게 입증된 6세대 IBM POWER™ 기술의 혁신 실현 혁신적인 EnergyScale ™ 기술을 사용하여 에너지 비용 절감을 통한 친환경적 구성 구현 IBM Blade Center 설계의 유연성을 통해 확장을 포함한 위험도 및 복잡성 증대에 따른 관리 기능 강화 비용절감을 위해 시장에서 워크로드의 통합 및위해서, 분산의 가상화 오늘날의 까다로운 성공하기 기업은실현을 IT 위한 투자 기능(PowerVM™ 수익률을 최대화하고 시스템 및 직원의 Edition)향상시켜야 포함 대응력을 합니다. IBM은 최고의 기술 및 성능 대비 저렴한 가격의 시스템을 제공하여, 기업의 수익을 투자 및 혁신 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 현대의 해야 합니다. 치열한 시장에서 경쟁하여 생존하기 위해서는 당연히 Linux 기술 IBM BladeCenter JS22 Express는 에너지 효율적인 솔루션에 탁월한 가상화 기능을 갖추어 비용을 절감하므로, 모든 규모의 기업이 원하는 블레이드 서버입니다. 이 블레이드 서버를 사용하여 기업은 에너지 비용을 절감하면서도 확장, 복잡성, 위험 등을 관리할 수 있으므로, 기업을 혁신하여 경쟁에서 앞서갈 수 있습니다. BladeCenter JS22 Express는 가상화된 환경에서 최고의 성능/합리적 가격, 다양한 애플리케이션 사용 폭, 안정성, 가용성, 서비스성(RAS)특징, 에너지 효율성, 유연성, 최고의 가상화 기능을 지원하므로, 모든 규모의 조직에 적합한 탁월한 블레이드 서버입니다. IBM ER 프로세서 코어로 구동되는 JS22 Express는 여러 애플리케이션 및 서버를 단일 BladeCenter에 통합하고, 기존 랙 서버에서 효율적인 블레이드로 전환하며, Jaa 및 웹 서비스 애플리케이션을 배포하고, 고성능 컴퓨팅(HC) 애플리케이션을 실행하며, 상용 애플리케이션을 실행하기 위한 내구력 있는 서버 솔루션을 원하는 고객 분들에게 적합합니다. 첨단 AI(IBM의업계 최강 I), /S 및 nx 운영 시스템(S)을 사용할 있는(원한다면 동시에)유연성으로 인해, 사용 가능한 애플리케이션 오퍼링의 범위는 더욱 넓어지고 클라이언트가 성능을 작동하는 방식이 향상됩니다. 수 BladeCenter JS22 Express 서버는 풍부한 기능의 사전 구성된 블레이드로써, 저렴한 가격에 기술을 소규모 부서나 기업의 까다로운 요구 사항을 충족시켜 줍니다. JS22 Express의 © Copyright고급 IBM Corporation 2007 원하는 2 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Unix #1위 와 블레이드#1위의 만 남 혁신 실현 (Realize Innovation) – 고성능 컴퓨팅(HPC) 업계에서의 계속되는 우위 확인 – 통합화된 가속화 칩-Integrated accelerators (Decimal Floating Point and AltiVec™ SIMD for highly parallel applications) 통합화를 통한 비용 절감 및 친(Green)환경 구성 가능 (Go Green and Save… ) – Built-in Advanced POWER™ Virtualization – EnergyScale™ technology to manage energy consumption • 4GHz POWER6 • Up to 32 GB of high speed memory 확장, 복잡성 및 위험도 관리 기능 강화 (Manage growth, complexity and risk) – 최신의 IBM BladeCenter chassis 와 기술과의 접목 – 다양한 O/S 의 선택 : AIX and Linux applications (and i5/OS in 2008) – POWER6, AIX 6 and System p 가상화를 통한 월등한 가용성, 이식성 Availability, Reliability and Security . 고객의 다양한 요구사항 에 대한 해결책 제시 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Web 계층의 통합 (Web Tier Consolidation) 고성능 컴퓨팅 (High Performance Computing) 업계에서 증명된 IBM BladeCenter 기술을 통한 Rack-Based 서버로의 전환 방안 제시 가상화를 통한 비용 절감 및 시스템 관리의 혁신 방안 제시….ETC 3 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Express 서버 소개 IBM Power6 Wafer & Module 제품 특징 Form factor : BladeCenter H (BladeCenter S ,BladeCenter HT 블레이드 서버 차후 지원 예정 IBM System 사양 구매 필요) 프로세스 코아 ER :4개의 eel2 Cache 4웨이 세트 연관 4비트 : 4.0 프로세서 GHz 코어당 4 BladeCenter H Chassis MB, 메모리 : 기본 오퍼링: 2 GB(2 x GB); Express 오퍼링: 4 GB(2 x 2 GB), 블레이드당 최대 32 GB, 4개의 DIMM 슬롯, ECC Chpkll DDR2 SDRAM(7 MHz(, 2, 4 GB DIMM), 33 MHz(8 GB DIMM)에서 실행) 냬장 디스크 스토리지 : 개의 73 또는 4 GB 2." SAS(Seral Attached SCSI)0,000 rpm 비 핫 스왑 형 디스크 드라이브가 Express 오퍼링에 기본으로 제공, 기본 오퍼링에는 디스크 드라이브가 필요 없음 네트워킹 : 통합 가상 이더넷 어댑터(IVE)듀얼 기가비트 및 듀얼 기가비트 이더넷 daghter 카드 옵션 지원 I/ pgrade : 고속 daghter 카드용으로 내장된 CI-Express 커넥터, © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 레거시4 BladeCenter JS22 Express Server IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Exp ress 기능 및 장점 기능 64-bit IBM POWER6 프로세서 장점 True IBM Power Architecture™ blade server capable of running 32-bit and 64-bit AIX and Linux applications Integrated AltiVec co-processor delivering leadership SIMD performance for compute-intensive floating-point and data-intensive applications Advanced POWER Virtualization Standard Edition (APV) Advanced POWER Standard support for APV, including Micro-Partitioning, Integrated Virtualization Manager and Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)—the same advanced virtualization technology supported by enterprise-class IBM System p™ servers Support for up to 10 partitions per core Support for all the features of APV Standard Edition plus Live Partition Mobility Virtualization Enterprise Edition (Optional) BladeCenter 가용에 대한 효율성 (Deployment flexibility) Concurrent interoperability in the same chassis with other BladeCenter HS and LS blades for spacesavings and efficient use of your investment Compatibility with selected BladeCenter family chassis including BladeCenter H and BladeCenter HT Straight-forward management and efficiency in business-critical, heterogeneous environments Up to 14 blade servers per chassis delivering outstanding price and performance per watt for thermalsensitive IT environments Designed to help lower your acquisition cost and power consumption versus 1U and 2U traditional rack servers without sacrificing performance Integrate your networking switch infrastructure for improved cabling and data center maintenance 최대 사용 가능 메모리: Support for ECC and Chipkill standard for enterprise-class fault protection at no additional expense 32 GB of DDR2 memory Double the memory capacity of the previous generation JS21 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 5 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Exp ress 기능 및 장점 기능 장점 Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Up to 146 GB 2.5" 10K rpm SAS disk drive internal storage SCSI-based enterprise reliability combined with increased performance Integrated Virtual Ethernet (IVE) Enables easy sharing of Ethernet connections among multiple partitions adapter Built into the system to enhance reliability and performance 판명된 신뢰성 과 시스템 운영관리 Integrated systems management processor delivers true hardware-based monitoring and alerting (reliability and systems management) IBM Director software marries hardware-based monitoring with comprehensive systems analysis Light path diagnostics provides a lighted path to failed or failing components to expedite hardware repairs and reduce service time Predictive Failure Analysis provides proactive monitoring of critical system components enabling scheduled maintenance versus an unplanned failure Better performance and data center management with IBM Active Energy Manager software, which details the exact power consumption of BladeCenter blade servers Support for HACMP high availability as well as Cluster Systems Management (CSM) for the AIX and Linux operating systems to simplify management and help reduce cost and complexity of distributed and clustered blades in technical and commercial computing environments through single point-of-control Dual mid-plane connections to the chassis from the blade for redundancy and performance 다양한 operating system 지원 AIX V5.3 or above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux V4.6 or above and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 or above 3-year onsite limited warranty Flexible 3-year limited warranty for parts and labor with 9 hours per day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), next-business-day response; upgradeable to 24x7, same-business-day, and 2- or 4-hour response (varies by country) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 6 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 Express 사양 구분 Form factor 프로세서 코아 Level 2 (L2) cache BladeCenter S(1), BladeCenter H 또는 BladeCenter HT 섀시를 위한 전체 폭 블레이드 서버 4개의 64비트 4.0 GHz POWER6 프로세서 코어당 4 MB, 4 웨이 세트 연관 Processor-to-memory bandwidth (peak) 21.3 GBps Internal I/O bandwidth (peak) 5.8 GBps 메모리 (표준/최대) 기본 오퍼링: 2 GB(2 x 1 GB); Express 오퍼링: 4 GB(2 x 2 GB), 블레이드당 최대 32 GB, 4개의 DIMM 슬롯, ECC Chipkill DDR2 SDRAM(667 MHz(1, 2, 4 GB DIMM), 533 MHz(8 GB DIMM)에서 실행) 내장형 disk storage 1개의 73 또는 146 GB 2.5" SAS(Serial Attached SCSI)10,000 rpm 비 핫스왑형 디스크 드라이브가 Express 오퍼링에 기본으로 제공, 기본 오퍼링에는 디스크 드라이브가 필요 없음 Networking 통합 가상 이더넷 어댑터(IVE)듀얼 기가비트 및 듀얼 기가비트 이더넷 daughter 카드 옵션 지원 I/O upgrade 고속 daughter 카드용으로 내장된 PCI-Express 커넥터, 레거시 부속 카드용으로 내장된 커넥터 Optional connectivity 사양 및 최대 구성 4 Gbps 광 채널, 10기가비트 이더넷, 4x InfiniBand, iSCSI 확장 카드 ().The IBM BladeCenter S chasss s planned to spport ER processor-based blades for AI, nx on ER and /S applcatons. All statements regardng IBM ftre drectons and ntent are sbject to change or wthdrawal wthot notce and represent goals and objectes only. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 7 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS 22 Express 사양 구분 사양 및 최대 구성 Advanced POWER Virtualization Standard Edition 가상 LAN, POWER Hypervisor™, 마이크로 파티셔닝, 가상 I/O 서버(통합 가상화 관리자 포함), 공유 전용 용량, PowerVM Lx86(이전의 System p™ Application Virtual Environment) Systems 관리 통합 시스템 관리 프로세서, IBM Director, 광 경로 진단, 예측 오류 분석(Predictive Failure Analysis), CSM(Cluster Systems Management),SOL(Serial Over LAN), IPMI-호환 운영 체제 AIX Edition: AIX V5.3 이상, i5/OS Edition: i5/OS1 V6R1 이상 OpenPower Edition: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for POWER SLES10 SP1)이상, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for POWER Version 4.6 RHEL4.6)이상 High availability System dimensions IBM High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP™) for AIX/Linux V5.4.1(2) JS22 Express 블레이드: 9.65 in (245 mm) H x 1.14 in (29 mm) W x 17.55 in (445 mm) D; 무게: 9.6 lb (4.35 kg)(3) BladeCenter H 섀시: 15.75 in (400 mm) H x 17.5 in (444 mm) W x 28.0 in (711 mm) D; 무게: 350 lb (159 kg) (3) BladeCenter S 섀시: 12.0인치306 mm)H x 17.5 in444 mm)W x 28.3 in(733 mm)D; 무게: 240 lb(108.9 kg)(3) Warranty 3년 서비스(다음 영업일 9시간/일, 휴일 제외, 추가 비용 없음), 특정 구성품의 경우 현장 서비스, 기타 모든 유닛의 경우 고객 교체 가능 유닛(CRU),국가에 따라 다름. 보증 서비스 업그레이드 및 유지보수 사용 가능. (2) Ths capablty has been annonced as an IBM Statement of General Drecton. All statements regardng IBM ftre drectons and ntent are sbject to change or wthdrawal wthot notce and represent goals and objectes only. (3) eght wll ary when dsks, adapters and perpherals are added. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 8 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 E xpress 공인 성능 수치 Multiuser performance - AIX V5.3* SPEC (CPU2006) Processor GHz L2 cache (MB) rPerf** int_ rate int_ rate_ base fp_ rate fp_ rate_ base 4-core POWER6 4.0 4.0 30.26 84.7 77.8 75.6 67.8 Multiuser performance (RHEL5.1)* © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 - Linux SPEC (CPU2006) Processor GHz L2 cache (MB) int_ rate int_ rate_ base fp_ rate fp_ rate_ base 4-core POWER6 4.0 4.0 84.7 77.2 75.0 67.7 9 IBM Power Systems IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 제 품 상 세 JS22 내부 구조 One 2.5” SFF SAS HDD up to 146GB total storage on Blade IBM Power6 Processor IBM Power6 Processor Redundant connections to BladeCenter chassis JS22 POWER Blade POWER6-based Technology Optional I/O connector Two 64-bit POWER6 Processors dual core @ 4.0GHZ © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Four DIMM slots for up to 32GB DDR2 667 MHz memory 10 High-speed PCIExpress connector IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 JS22 제품 상세 OS Support Core Electronics •SUSE Linux SLES10 SP1 • Red Hat RHEL 4.6 (11/07) • Red Hat RHEL 5.1 (11/07) •AIX 5.3L, 6.1 •I5/OS V6R1 (GA2) 64-bit POWER6 processor (11S0) - 4-way SW Blade - 2 socket x 2 core @ 4.0 GHz SCM 32GB total memory (4 angled DIMM slots) - DDR2 667 DIMMs - 1GB, 2GB, 4GB - DDR2 533 DIMMs - 8GB (32GB max) - ECC & Chipkill, Redundant bit steering Systems Management •Integrated into BladeCenter (Mgmt Module) •Front Panel & FRU/CRU LEDs •IBM Director & CSM •EnergyScale power management •Power Executive Integrated features FSP1 Service Processor - IPMI, SOL 2 GIG E ports (HEA) SAS controller ATI Graphics USB 1 Serial over LAN (SOL) Console via FSP Local Storage Clusters •CSM and HPC Stack •e1350 support JS22 POWER6-based Technology (MT 7998-61X) 0-1 SAS drives (2.5”, 73GB/146GB) •IVM/VIOS RAS •BC redundant / hot plug Power & Cooling •Boot time processor deallocation •Blade hot plug •Dual AC Power Supply •Customer setup and expansion •Auto reboot on power loss •Internal and ambient temperature monitors •ECC, chipkill memory •System mgmt alerts •BCHT NEBS compliance (2Q08) Daughter Card I/O Options 1 PCI-X Daughter Card - Small Form Factor (SFFx) -CFFx 1 High speed DC (PCIe) – LFF, SFFe, CFFe Chassis Shared Features •Virtualization Supported within BCH, BCHT BC-S will be supported in 1Q 08 KVM support Optical Media Last Update: 9/25/07 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 11 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 E xpress Accessores Clients want … –Simplified management –Hardware compatibility –Lower cost –Fast set-up and configuration InfiniBand™ Ethernet Fibre Channel InfiniBand Fibre Channel Storage & I/O Expansion PCI Expansion Memory & I/O Expansion © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Fibre Channel InfiniBand 1Gb Ethernet iSCSI SAS BladeCenter Direct-Attach Disk System 12 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center JS22 E xpress Accessores 구분 Memory 종류 System memory 상세 7998-8232 2GB (2 x 1 GB) DDR2 667MHz DIMMs 7998-8233 4GB (2 x 2 GB) DDR2 667MHz DIMMs 7998-8234 8GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR2 667MHz DIMMs 7998-8235 16GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR2 533MHz DIMMs Internal storage devices SAS disk drives 7998-8236 IBM 146GB SAS 10K SFF HDD 7998-8237 IBM 73GB SAS 10K SFF HDD Storage adapters iSCSI adapters 7998-8238 QLogic iSCSI Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter Fibre Channel 7998-8248 BladeCenter QLogic 4Gb 2 Port Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM 7998-8252 QLogic Ethernet and 4 Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFh) 7998-8251 Emulex 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter Networking & connectivity SAS adapters 7998-8250 SAS Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM Ethernet adapters 7998-8249 Ethernet Expansion Card (CFFv) InfiniBand adapters 7998-8297 Cisco 4x InfiniBand DDR Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM BladeCenter (H 샤시 only) 7998-8298 Voltaire 4x InfiniBand DDR Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM B 7998-8258 4X InfiniBand DDR Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM BladeCenter 7998-8256 Cisco Systems 4x InfiniBand HCA Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 13 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center Chasss 소개 ( JS22 Express 장착 가능) Type Description Cooling system Power Hot-swap bays Power supply type Blade Center H Chassis Blade Center HT Chassis Blade Center S Chassis IBM BladeCenter® H delivers increased performance and many new capabilities to the BladeCenter family while maintaining compatibility with the BladeCenter family of products. Simply smarter management can empower IT professionals to take control of the entire solution IBM BladeCenter® HT delivers the ultimate combination of high performance and durability. Its ruggedized design withstands harsh conditions, and the chassis is built tough for industrial, telecommunications and extreme environment deployment. IBM BladeCenter® S extends the benefits of BladeCenter outside of the data center. BladeCenter S combines the power of blade servers with integrated storage, all in an easy to use package. Designed specifically for the office and distributed enterprise environment, BladeCenter S uses standard office power to run your IT without having to invest in a data center Hot-swap blowers and fans Hot-swap fan modules Four blowers Up to four 2900W AC power modules Up to four hot-swap DC or AC power modules Auto-sensing 950W/1450W Standard: 14 Standard: 12 Standard: 6 Hot-swap, redundant, 200-240V AC, two standard Hot-swap, redundant, -48V to -60V DC or 200- Hot-swap redundant auto-sensing 2 standard 240V AC, two standard Picture Type © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Blade Center H Chassis Blade Center HT Chassis 14 Blade Center S Chassis IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center H Chasss Specfcatons Blade Center H Chassis Form factor Rack/9U, high-availability midplane Blade bays Up to 14 2-processor, and up to 7 4-processor Standard media DVD-ROM and 2 external USB connections Switch modules Up to four traditional, up to four high-speed, and up to four bridge module bays Power supply module Cooling modules Systems management hardware I/O ports Systems management software Predictive Failure Analysis Light path diagnostics Limited warranty(2) External storage Up to 4 hot-swap and redundant 2900W AC with load-balancing and failover capabilities. Operating at 200240V AC 2 hot-swap and redundant blowers standard, additional fan packs on power supplies Advanced Management Module standard, add an optional Advanced Management Module for redundancy USB-based keyboard, video, mouse (KVM), Ethernet, USB Systems management and trial deployment tools Hard disk drives, processors, blowers, memory Blade server, processor, memory, power supplies, blowers, switch module, management module, hard disk drives and expansion card 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited warranty Support for IBM System Storage solutions (including DS and NAS family of products) and many widely adopted non-IBM storage offerings (2)- IBM hardware prodcts are made from new parts, or new and serceable sed parts. Regardless, or warranty terms apply. For a copy of applcable prodct warrantes, wrte to: arranty Informaton, .. Box 29, RT, C 27709, Attn: Dept. JDJA/B203. IBM makes no representaton or warranty regardng thrd-party prodcts or serces ncldng those desgnated as Sererroen or Clsterroen. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 15 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center HT Chasss Specfcatons Blade Center HT Chassis Form factor Rack/12U, high-availability midplane Blade bays Up to 12 2-socket, and up to 6 4-socket Standard media One media tray standard, 2 external USB connections, redundant media tray optional, optional 1 GB or 4 GB compact flash (no DVD/CD) Switch modules Up to four traditional, up to four high-speed and up to two bridge module bays shared with two traditional bays Power supply module Up to 4 hot-swap and redundant DC or AC with load-balancing and failover capabilities. Operating at -48V to -60V DC or 200-240V AC Cooling modules Systems management hardware I/O ports Systems management software Predictive Failure Analysis 4 hot-swap and redundant chassis fan modules standard, additional triple fan packs on each power module Advanced Management Module standard, add an optional Advanced Module for redundancy USB-based keyboard, mouse (KVM), Ethernet, DB15 Analog Video Systems management and trial deployment tools Hard disk drives, processors, fans, memory Alarm Management Blade server, processor, memory, power modules, fans, switch module, management module, hard disk drives and expansion card Limited warranty(2) 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited warranty External storage Support for IBM System Storage™ solutions (including DS and NAS family of products) and many widely adopted non-IBM storage offerings System standards Certified testing by UL of the BladeCenter HT chassis is in progress, and when complete the BladeCenter HT chassis will be covered under a UL-certified NEBS Level 3/ETSI test report, which will be available for review with customers (2) - IBM hardware prodcts are made from new parts, or new and serceable sed parts. Regardless, or warranty terms apply. For a copy of applcable prodct warrantes, wrte to: arranty Informaton, .. Box 29, RT, C 27709, Attn: Dept. JDJA/B203. IBM makes no representaton warranty regardng thrd-party prodcts or serces ncldng those desgnated as Sererroen © Copyrightor IBM Corporation 2007 16 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 1. Blade Center JS22 Express 소개 Blade Center S Chasss Specfcatons Blade Center S Chassis Form factor Rack/7U, high-availability midplane Blade Bays Up to six 2-processor and up to three 4-processor Disk Bays Up to 12 SAS or 12 SATA, or an intermix of the two Standard media CD-RW/DVD-ROM accessible from each blade server Switch modules SAS, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel switch modules available Power supply module Cooling modules Systems management hardware I/O ports Systems management software Predictive Failure Analysis Light path diagnostics Up to four (hot-swap, auto-sensing, and redundant 950W/1450W with load-balancing and failover capabilities) 4 hot-swap and redundant blowers standard Advanced Management Module standard, add an optional Advanced Module for redundancy USB-based keyboard, mouse (KVM), Ethernet, DB15 Analog Video 1 management module standard Hard disk drives, processors, fans, memory Blade server, processor, memory, power supplies, blowers, switch module, management module, hard disk drives and expansion card Limited warranty(3) 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited warranty System standards Support for IBM System Storage solutions (including DS and NAS family of products) and many widely adopted non-IBM storage offerings (3)- IBM hardware prodcts are made from new parts, or new and serceable sed parts. Regardless, or warranty terms apply. For a copy of applcable prodct warrantes, wrte to: arranty Informaton, .. Box 29, RT, C 27709, Attn: Dept. JDJA/B203. IBM makes no representaton or warranty regardng thrd-party prodcts or serces ncldng those desgnated as Sererroen or Clsterroen. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 17 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 2. IBM UNIX 서버 제품 군 IBM I 서버 ne-p IBM 의 새 로 운 C 아 키 텍 쳐 인 개방적이며 안정성이 뛰어난 I 및 ower+ 를 포 함 하 여 , ower chp nx 운영체제 서버에 최적화된 제품입니다. 은 강력하고 IBM I 서버는 현존하는 프로세서 중 가장 뛰어난 성능을 발휘하는 최상의 ower+ 또는 ER Chp을 탑재하고 있으며 기존의 ER Chp 상에서 구현되던 기능 외에 C 의 성 능 을 대 폭 향 상 시 키 는 SMT 기 능 , ower VM 을 통 한 서 버 가 상 화 , 파 티 션 유동화(Moblty) 기능이 새롭게 추가가 되었으며 다양한 Capacty n-Demand 기능 및 보다 진보된 파티셔닝 기능과 가상화의 더욱 새로운 개념을 제공하고 있습니다. 기존의 ER에서 진화되어 약 .배 가까이 C당 성능 향상 (ower ower chp 을rerf 기준) 진화된 장착한 JS22,20, rocessor 0, 70 의 기존 대비 0% p 되어진 기술 괄목할 만한 성능 입증 ER+를 장착한 p9의 공인 tpmC 성능 에서 향상 입증된 성능 IBM p+, p 서버 가상화 기술 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Vrtal A, Vrtal Dsk, Integrated Vrtal Ethernet 기능 강화된 RAS 아키텍 쳐 한층 강화된 SMT (Enhanced Smltaneos Mlt Threadng) Mcro arttonng artton Moblty 각종 새로운 기술 적용 진화 된 AR 개의 C에서 최대 개까지 AR 가능 Dynamc C Deallocaton/Sparng 기능을 제공하며 시스템의 이상을 미리 감지하고 Check 하는 Serce rocessor, Chpkll memory를 제공 18 0 , IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 2. IBM UNIX 서버 제품 군 p5-590 & 595 IBM I 서버 ne-p p5-575 개에서 최대 4개까지의 core를 제공하는 중소형 서버에서 대형 서버까지의 Fll ne p System p 570 p5-570 3.5 , 4.2, 4.7 GHz IBM ower+, ower chp 테크놀러지를 기반으로 하는 최신 듀얼코어 및 쿼드코어 chp 을 장착한 제품 AI ,이상의 . 00개 업계 과 최고 nx 최적화하여 제공 보유 !!! 벤치마크 성능 * NEW! System p 550 Express S 를p5-560Q NEW! p5-550 & 550Q System p 520 Express p5-520 & 520Q 4.2 GHz p5-510 & 510Q NEW! BladeCenter with BladeCenter H, HT, S JS22 p5-505 & 505Q 제품 라인업 : 2008년 2월 3. Uses PowerPC 970 processor © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 19 기준 4.0 GHz 3.5 , 4.2 GHz IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 타사 제품 비교 : / 시스템 점유 공간 전력, 관리 비용 SUN 사양 상세 사양 및 상태 IBM Sun Fire V490 systems 180대 BladeCenter JS22 blade서버 56대 (23개 Rack) BladeCenter H 샤시 x 4대 (1 Rack, 42U) 1440 total cores @ 2.1 GHz 224 total cores @ 4.0 GHz 315 KWatts (1,750 Maximum WATTS per server)** 22 KWatts (396 Maximum WATTS per BladeServer)** Average utilization of 20% Average utilization of 60% 5u per server for a maximum of 8 servers per 42u 9u per BladeCenter H Chassis with up to 14 blades per Rack*** chassis 효과 전력소비 최대 92% 절감 Floor space최대 95% 절감 3년간 cost절감으로 BladeCenter HW cost를 회수 가능*** © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 20 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 타사 제품 비교 : S 유지 비용 사양 Applications 현황 / 시스템 점유 공간 Dell IBM Dell PowerEdge 860 * 8대 Blade Center JS22 1 대 Dual Core (16 Core) 4-Core eZ Publish from eZ Systems Web content management eZ Publish default website 효과 8 대의 LAMP 애플리케이션을 1 대의 JS22 blade로 통합 * This calculation is based on a comparison between a non-virtualized system configuration and an alternative which uses virtualization to help clients consolidate servers, a trend with many clients. IBM demonstrated running two LAMP environments, each consisting of an eZ Publish ( ) application running on an independent Dell PowerEdge 860 server, can be consolidated on each JS22 processor core in a test documented in the IBM white paper “Consolidation Test of LAMP applications on an IBM BladeCenter JS22 Express server,” dated November 6, 2007. Under this configuration, 8 LAMP applications can be run on a single 4-core JS22 server using optional Advanced Power Virtualization. The JS22 blade server is configured with four (4) POWER6 4.0GHz processors, 16GB memory, 4Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter and one 73.4GB 15K RPM SCSI drive, optional Advanced Power Virtualization and OS. IBM DS3400 System Storage configured with 6, 146GB SAS 15KRPM disk drives. The BladeCenter chassis is configured with one Brocade 20 port 4Gb SAN switch module. The Dell PowerEdge 860 server is configured with a Dual Core Intel® Xeon® 3070 processor, 2.66GHz, 4MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB, 2GB memory and two (2) 73GB 15K RPM Serial-Attach SCSI 3Gbps 3.5-in Cabled Hard Drives configured in a RAID 10, OS. Both the IBM and Dell configurations include one SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with 3 year standard subscription and support license per server. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 21 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 타사 제품 비교 : S 유지 비용 / 시스템 점유 공간 Dell Vendor IBM Dell PowerEdge 860**** 모델 IBM JS22 Blades servers Dual Core Intel® Xeon™ 2.66 GHz Core IBM POWER6™ processor 4.0GHz 8 대수 1 112 core 56 3-Rack 형태 1-Chassis 126 Unit 9 절가 효과 floor space by an estimated 67%** power consumption by an estimated 55%** total cost of acquisition by up to 32%*** $53,918 / 3년 Energy $24,151 / 3년 $0.1017 / kWhr $11,250 / 3년 Space $3,750 / 3년 $62.50 sq ft Built-in Power VM option and innovative EnergyScale™ technology * This calculation is based on a comparison between a non-virtualized system configuration and an alternative which uses virtualization to help clients consolidate servers, a trend with many clients. The virtualized system count and energy savings were derived from several factors: 1) IBM demonstrated running two LAMP environments, each consisting of an eZ Publish ( ) application running on an independent Dell PowerEdge 860 server, can be consolidated on each JS22 processor core in a test documented in the IBM white paper “Consolidation Test of LAMP applications on an IBM BladeCenter JS22 Express server,” dated November 6, 2007. Under this configuration, 8 LAMP applications can be run on a single 4-core JS22 server using optional Advanced Power Virtualization, allowing 112 LAMP applications to be run on fourteen IBM BladeCenter JS22 servers. 2) A virtualization factor of 3X was applied to the virtualization scenario using utilizations derived from studies conducted by Alinean available at: http://www ** Power consumption figures of 430 W for the IBM BladeCenter JS22 (IBM Facts and Features at ) and 109.9 W for the Dell PowerEdge 860 (Dell Datacenter Capacity Planner as of October 2, 2007 at were based on the configured rates published by IBM and HP, respectively. Air conditioning power requirement estimated at 50% of system power requirement. Energy cost of $.0943 per kWh is based on 2007 YTD US Average Retail price to commercial customers per US DOE at as of 10/2/200. Datacenter floor space cost was estimated as of 10/2/2007 based on Alinean, Inc.’s ROI Analyst software. The reduction, if any, in floor space, power, cooling and software costs depends on the specific customer, environment, application requirements, and the consolidation potential. *** As of November 6, 2007, the US List price of the fourteen BladeCenter servers each configured with four (4) POWER6 4.0GHz processors, 16GB memory, 4Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter and one 73.4GB 15K RPM SCSI drive, IBM DS3400 System Storage configured with XX 73.4GB 15KRPM disk drives, optional Advanced Power Virtualization, OS, rack, and Ethernet switches was $229,635 (source: ) and the US List price of the 112 Dell PowerEdge 860 servers with a Dual Core Intel® Xeon® 3070 processor, 2.66GHz, 4MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB, 2GB memory and one (1) 73GB 15K RPM Serial-Attach SCSI 3Gbps 3.5-in Cabled Hard Drive, OS, 1 CPU, 3 YR Subscription, racks, and switches was $330,005 (source: ). Prices are subject to change. Both the IBM and Dell configurations include one SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with 3 year standard subscription and support license per server **** Image is a Dell rack, but may not include PowerEdge 860. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 22 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 타사 제품 비교 : 성 능 STAR-CD V3.26 Standard Benchmark Small model: Engine Block 15 WRF V2.1.1 Standard Benchmark 12km CONUS Seconds per step averaged over 149 time steps 250 경 과 시 간 ( 초 200 1.8배 150 ) 1.4배 IBM JS22 Express 4.0 GHz POWER6 SUN X2100 2.6 GHz Opteron 10 경 과 시 간 IBM JS22 Express 4.0 GHz 2.1배 ( 100 초 SGI Altix 4700 1.6 GHz Itanium2 ) HP RX1620, 1.6 GHz Itanium2 5 50 0 0 4/4 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Core수 / 슬롯 4 23 Core 수 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 Blade Center의 고도화 되어 있는 Business 운영 자산의 보호 Enterprise 급의 가용성을 위한 Redundant I/O 예시 Product Policy Philosophy Dual power connections Thermal/cooling redundancy Dual blade connections for all I/O Reliability Dual switch modules Dual paths through backplane Dual Management Modules Dual N+N power topologies True N+N thermal solutions Automated failover capability via Management Module Management Module monitors health of all chassis components Availability Comprehensive Predictive Failure Analysis® proactively identifies potential issues before they cause failures First Failure Data Capture ensures integrity of error reporting Light Path Diagnostics for easy trouble shooting No single point of failure © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 24 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 비용 , 운영 , Cabling ,Power 에 대한 Simplification 고객의 Simplification 목표 -. 효율적인, 체계적인 IT 자산운영 보장 -. 현재의 호환성 유지 보장 -. 혼란 없는 미래지향적 친환경 구성 보장 Per -. 42빠르고 Servers 실질적인 ROI 1U (IDE, dual SAN, dual enet, Servers KVM, redun pwr) 지향 Blades Reduction / Addition Rack Space 42U 21U -50% Ethernet Cabling 84 6 / 24 -71% Fibre Channel Cabling 84 12 -86% KVM Cabling 42 0/3 -93% Systems Mgmt Cabling 42 6 -86% Power Cords 84 12 -86% PDU’s 8 4 -50% KVM Switches 6 0/1 -83% Additional Notes: Networking, SAN and KVM Switching takes 10+ Power Cords and 2U to 8U in Rack Power Cord and PDU figures assume equivalent function of redundant power in 1U server © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 25 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 BladeCenter에 대한 고객 의 평가 와 찬사 세계적으로 유명한 평가 와 찬사. 고객들의 IBM Blade Center JS22 시스템에 대한 높은 IBM blade JS22 대한 평가 와 찬사 고객 "CD-adapco is excited about the introduction of the POWER6 processors in a blade for the BladeCenter product family. We have supported IBM AIX systems and the POWER processors for many years. We have seen excellent performance in these systems and we anticipate that our customers will see demonstrable value in this new IBM BladeCenter JS22 Express product.” Steve Feldman, Vice President, Software Development/IT CD-adapco "We are pleased to see IBM driving industry leadership around the BladeCenter family with the introduction of the first POWER6 based Blade offering. The BladeCenter JS22 introduces a new and compelling platform for our mutual customers while providing the advantages of POWER6 based blades to the portfolio of IBM BladeCenter infrastructure solutions." Mike Thompson, Vice President, Enterprise Application Architecture Oracle Corporation © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 26 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 JS22 Storage Solton Examples n BladeCenter H Chasss SAS SAS Switch SAS Switch SAS Storage Solutions DS3200 •Most economical storage Solution •Limited scalability and management capabilities •Requires SAS expansion card, up to two SAS switches (for independent failover paths to DS3200 and separate path to tape device) SAS Tape EN/SAS/FC Fibre Channel Storage Solutions FC FC Switch FC Switch DS8000, DS4000, NSeries (FC), or DS3400 •Widest range of product offerings •Best scalability and management options •Path failover support, Raid level 0 - 6 FC Tape © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 27 NSeries (iSCSI) SAS or FC Switch •More expensive solution than SAS, but more scalable •Supported with both Linux and AIX •Path failover support, Raid level 0 - 6 EN SwitchEN Switch iSCSI Storage Solutions SAS/FC Tape IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 고객의 다양한 요구를 접목 시킬 수 있는 IBM Blades Customer Need Seismic Processing EAP File/Print Xen Windows® Store Processing Linux AIX® General Purpose HS21 Extended Memory HS21 XM Workstation HC10 High Performance LS21 Scalable Enterprise LS41 Performance with built-in Virtualization JS22 Processor Technology CRM Medical Imaging Web Mashups Analytics BIW Messaging Web Apps Collaboration Terminal Services Database BPM Gaming Hosted Clients IPTV Rendering OLTP … © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 IBM Blades UNIX and Linux Support Specialized Performance 28 High JS21 QS21 Cell B.E. IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 3. BladeCenter JS22 Express 참조 사항 IBM Blade center JS22 의 Focus Areas CAE Server Consolidation Workload Migration Petroleum Web Serving Retail and Manufacturing © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 Photorealistic Rendering Life/Earth Sciences HPC Clusters 29 Grid IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture 계속 되어지는 IBM Power 프로세서 Road Map 과 Leadership n 업계와의 collaboration으로 Innovation을 일으키는 IBM Power 아키텍쳐 n 20년 전부터의 메인프레임의 기술과 영감을 바탕 으로한 『POWER』프로세서의 개발 진행 상황 n 과거로 부터 현재, 미래의 Power 프로세스 Roadmap을 정확하고 착실한 진행 및 발전 1998 - 2000 2001 - 2003 2004 - 2006 2007 - 2009 2010 - POWER3 / 3+ POWER4 / 4+ POWER5 / 5+ POWER6 /6+ POWER7 Performance 1x 1.3x 2x 4x 10x Relative to POWER5 450 MHz 200 MHz Core Core L2 Cache L2 Cache 1.5+ GHz 1.5+ GHz Core 1+ GHz Core 1+ GHz Core Core Shared L2 Distributed Switch Shared L2 > 1.5 GHz Core 2.3GHz 2.3GHz 1.5+ Core Core GHz Core Shared L2 Distributed Switch Shared L2 Distributed Switch Distributed Switch High Freq V > 3.5 GHz Multi-Core M 2 Cores X L2 Cache L2 Cache Advanced Alti vec Advanced hybrid Core Design Cache Advanced System Features AdvancedSystem Features System Features 초고속 clock 10진수부동소수점연산대응 Instruction Retry Partition Mobility Dynamic energy관리 POWER의 성장을 지원하는 AIX & Linux 이들은 현시점에서의 IBM의 비즈니스 목표를 나타낸 것이며, 구체적인 제품화의 최종 결정은 IBM의 기술적, 영업적 판단에 따라 행해지므로 사전에 예고 없이 계획을 변경 또는 중지할 수 있습니다 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 30 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture IBM ower 프로세서 의 어제 와 오늘 발표 시기 Size POWER5 POWER5+ POWER6 2004 2006 2007.06 389 mm2 245 mm2 341 mm2 Transistors 276 M 276 M >750 M Cores 2 2 2 Frequencies 1.65 GHz 1.9 ~ 2.3 GHz 3.5 - 4.7 GHz L2 Cache 1.9MB Shared 1.9MB Shared 4MB / Core L3 Cache 36MB 36MB 32MB Memory Cntrl 1 1 2/1 LPAR 10 / Core 10 / Core 10 / Core 30 nm 90 nm nm 구성 Processor 사진 새로운 특징들 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 기존 대비 %~30% 성능 향상 37%의 사이즈 축소 전력 사용량 감소 보다 큰 페이징 사이즈 지원 메모리 컨트롤러 기능향상 Qad-core (개의 칩에 4개 코어 장착) 모듈 지원 SMT 마이크로-파티셔닝 동적 펌웨어 업데이트 한층 개선된 확장성, 병렬성 뛰어난 처리 성능 개선된 캐시/메모리 서브시스템 31 한층 강화된 성능 및 높아진 생산성 DIMM에서의 버퍼 (속도향상) 성능 대비 전력 사용량 동등 보다 많고 큰 메모리 량과 사이즈 지원 IEEE74R 최초 적용 rocessor( 회계 연산의 탁월한 성능) 가상화의 새로운 개념 도입 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture ower 프로세서 Archtectre ER desgn ER+ ER Chp 내부 desgn 특징 FreencTransstors 간격 es 3.5, 4.2 and 4.7 GHz >750 M .065 Micron 1.5, 1.9 and 2.2 GHz 276 M .090 Micron Ultra-high frequency dual-core chip: > 3.5 GHz -.7-way superscalar, 2-way SMT core -.8 execution units 2LS, 2FP, 2FX, 1VMX, 1DP -.790M transistors, 341 mm2 die -.2x4MB on-chip L2 – point of coherency -.On-chip L3 directory and controller Technology -.CMOS 65nm lithography, SOI Cu High-speed elastic bus interface at 2:1 freq Full error checking and recovery Dynamic power saving -.Advanced Clock gating 나노 기술의 특징 30% performance improvement over 90nm at constant power 65nm SOI technology with 10 levels of metal (low-k dielectric on first 8 levels) Pitches: 180nm M1, 200nm M2 to M4, 400nm M5-M6, 800nm M7-M8, and 1600nm M9-M10 250nm contacted gate pitch 35nm gate length, 1.05nm gate dielectric thickness dual stress liners 0.65um2 high-performance SRAM cell © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 32 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture ower 프로세서 Archtectre ER desgn ER+ desgn ER Chp 주요 특징 POWER5™와 동일한 에너지 사용 하 에 서 업 계 최 초 로 4GHz 이 상 의 프로세서 속도 구현 이전 시스템과의 바이너리 호환성 유지 8MB의 On-Chip L2 Cache와 2개의 On-Chip 메모리 컨트롤러 더 향 상 된 쓰레드(SMT) – – 2 Fixed Point, 2 Load/Store, 2 Binary Floating Point, 1 Decimal Floating Point, 1 Branch, 1 SIMD (VMX) 동 시 다 중 실 행 한 쓰레드에서 싸이클당 최대 5 개의 인스트럭션 실행 동일 싸이클의 다른 쓰레드에서 최대 2개의 추가 인스트럭션 실 행 POWER4/POWER5 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 아 키 텍 쳐 에 3.5, 4.2 and 4.7 GHz >750 M .065 Micron 1.5, 1.9 and 2.2 GHz 276 M .090 Micron POWER6 Chip ~ 4-5 GHz POWER6 SMT2 Core ~ 4-5 GHz POWER6 SMT2 Core 4 MB L2 4 MB L2 POWER5/+ Chip 1.5-2.3 GHz 1.5-2.3 GHz POWER5 POWER5 SMT2 Core SMT2 Core ~2 MB L2 32 MB L3 Chip(s) 32 MB L3 Controller 9개의 실행 단위 – FreencTransstors 간격 es SMP Interconnect Fabric 36 MB L3 Controller SMP Interconnect Fabric Memory Memory Memory ControllerController Controller Buffer Chips Buffer Chips 33 Memory Controller Buffer Chips 36 MB L3 Chip IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture ower 프로세서 Archtectre Power6 프로세서는 한층 강화된 동시간 처리 멀티쓰레딩(Simultaneous Multithreading) 기술을 통해 보다 향상된 시스템의 효율화를 제공한다. POWER6 Enhanced Simultaneous Multithreading FX0 Thread0 active No thread active Thread1 active FX1 LSO LS1 Appears as four CPUs per chip to the operating system (AIX 5L™ V5.3 and Linux®) FP0 FP1 VMX DP System throughput POWER5 Simultaneous Multithreading ST POWER5 POWER6 SMT SMT 사용함 사용하지 않던 실행 단위 사이클(nsed execton nt cycles) 기 존재 트랜지스터의 재사용 . s. 새로 추가된 트랜지스터의 성능 (Rese of exstng transstors s. erformance from addtonal transstors) 소프트웨어적인 symmetrc mltprocessng (SM) programmng 모델 제시 프로세서 당 두개의 쓰레드 처리(Dspatch two threads per processor) : Its lke doblng the nmber of processors. et reslt: - .보다 향상된 성능(Better performance) 34 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 4. IBM Power6 Architecture 제 품 상 세 내부: ER rocessor Dual-core chip 2-way SMT core On-Chip L3 directory & controller Ultra High Frequency 3.5 – 5 GHz Memory Controllers on-chip > 750M Transistors AltiVecTM / SIMD Instructions Superscalar Hardware Decimal floating Point Large On-chip L2 cache 2 * 4 MB Power-Management capabilities POWER6 3.5-5.0 GHz AltiVec 3.5-5.0 GHz AltiVec Cache Cache Advanced System Features Very High Frequencies 4-5GHz Enhanced Virtualization Advanced Memory Subsystem AltiVec / SIMD instructions Instruction Retry Hardware Decimal Floating Point Dynamic Energy Management Partition Mobility Memory Protection Keys AltiVec is a trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 35 Technology -. CMOS 65nm lithography, SOI Error checking and recovery POWER5 / 5+ 1.65+ GHz Core 1.9GHz 1.9GHz 1.5+ Core Core GHz Core Shared L2 Distributed Shared L2 Switch Distributed Switch 2.3 GHz POWER5+ Enhanced Scaling Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT) Enhanced Distributed Switch Enhanced Core Parallelism Improved FP Performance Increased memory bandwidth Reduced memory latencies Virtualization IBM Blade Center JS22 Express 표준제안서 5. Blade Center JS22 Express .VS. JS21 JS2 .s. JS22 Express 차이점 JS21 Architecture Memory DASD / Bays Daughter Cards JS22 Express 2.5 GHz PowerPC® 970 4.0 GHz POWER6 SCM 4 core (2 Socket x 2 Core) 4 core (2 Socket x 2 Core) Single Wide Single Wide 1 GB to 16 GB DDR2 (Chip kill) 533 MHZ 2 GB to 32 GB DDR2 (Chip kill) 667 MHz 0-2 SAS disk (73 or 146 GB) 0-1 SAS disk (73 or 146 GB) Legacy, SFF, or High speed DC Legacy, SFF, or High speed DC Keyboard, Video and Mouse Dual Port 1Gb Ethernet Integrated Features Dual Port 1Gb Ethernet SAS Controller SAS Controller USB Fiber Support Redundant Power Redundant Cooling Service Processor USB Yes (via BladeCenter) Yes (via BladeCenter) Yes (via BladeCenter) FSP1 (IPMI, SOL) AIX V5.3, AIX 6 & Linux Yes (via BladeCenter) Yes (via BladeCenter) Yes (via BladeCenter) BMC AIX V5.3 & Linux Virtualization Advanced POWER Virtualization (Built-in) Integrated Virtualization Manager Systems Management IBM Director and CSM OS Support rPerf AIX 5.3, 6.1 and Linux 8 Advanced POWER Virtualization (Built-in) Integrated Virtualization Manager IBM Director and CSM IBM EnergyScale™ Technology AIX 5.3, 6.1 and Linux 30 In certain conditions, the JS22 automatically temporarily reduces processor frequency to maintain acceptable thermal levels. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2007 36 JS22 Advantages •POWER6 @ 4.0 GHZ •Huge Performance Advantages •Over 3X the rPerf of JS21 •2X Total Memory Capacity at 667 MHz speed •Integrated KVM Support •IBM EnergyScale Technology